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Fandom 100th Hunger Games OOC

Quick question ~ do all of the previous characters from the series (ex., Katniss, Peeta) still exist? Obviously not available to play, but are we assuming that the entire past of the HG remains intact, except for the fact that the Capitol won the war?
do you have a character sheet you want me to fill out? And when do you think were going to start and how much to have to write?
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Ok i have like one question because im new here.. is this going to be were all the replies are going?
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Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I edited Cedar (my first character), and made his history a little more clear. I also created my third and final character, Dean, and I'm pretty okay with how he turned out (:
Let me know if there are any adjustments that need to be made !
I apologize to all that were interested but I'm stopping the roleplay before it even begins. I am dealing with some in real life stuff and I cannot lead a roleplay of any kind right now.
I apologize to all that were interested but I'm stopping the roleplay before it even begins. I am dealing with some in real life stuff and I cannot lead a roleplay of any kind right now.
I hope everything is okay, thank you for letting us know ! Best of luck

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