• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᔕ ᑌ ᗰ ᗰ E ᖇ • ᒍ O ᗷ // CS


ᔕ ᑌ ᗰ ᗰ E ᖇ • ᒍ O ᗷ


The summer after your junior year of high school, you and your group of friends all get hired to work in the kitchen of a fancy spa resort. You try to abide by the (very strict) rules, but with massive pools and golf courses and romance, how are you supposed to stay 100% focused?


  • Multiple applications for different OCs are fine!
  • BB Code really doesn't matter. Your content (especially writing sample) are most important.
  • If I don't accept your character right away, I may still keep you in mind for future RPs and if someone leaves this one, so don't despair!
  • If you aren't accepted for one role but I liked your application, I may ask if you'd like to apply for a different one.
  • Please tag people you think would be interested.

The Leader • Ravenclaw Ravenclaw
This gal is assertive, confident, and the one who landed everyone this gig in the first place through a cousin who works in the resort business. She's a little intense and a little bossy, but has a heart of gold.
The Troublemaker (open, male)
This guy is well meaning, but he gets his friends in trouble a time too many by constantly coercing them into swimming after hours, playing pranks, and goofing around the kitchen. He's best friends (or twins; not sure yet) with The Leader.
The Cheerleader (open, female)
Down to earth despite her reputation, the cheerleader is a nice girl humbled by a secret (up to you; maybe a family death or illness, or having to work two jobs to pay for college, etc)
The Love Interest (open, female)
She is shy and a bit nerdy, unbeknownst to her the troublemaker ultimately has his eye on her, and half his jokes and attempts to get the group together are to try and get her attention.
The Geek (open, male)
He's a friend of The Leader, and doesn't quite know what he's doing. His compsci internship didn't come through, which is unfortunate because his customer service skills are somewhat lacking. He and The Cheerleader eventually strike up an unlikely friendship (maybe they bond over their secrets, or she simply likes how humble and kind and genuine he is) and potential budding romance.
The Wildcard (open, either)
I don't have a specific role in mind,
so you can submit any OC for this role.

Character Sheet
Full name:

Relationship status:
Sexual orientation:

Appearance description (optional if you gave a FC):

Likes/dislikes (2-4 each):
Positive/negative traits (2-4 each):
Personality description (1-2 paragraphs):

Life background (1 paragraph):
Family history (1 paragraph):
Writing sample (1 paragraph):

Anything else?
Last edited:
Full name: Grant Stix Kingson
Nickname(s): Kings
Age: 18
Birthday: 09/08/1998
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Grad Student
Relationship status: Single But Looking
One sentence to describe them (optional): He is the type of geek that knows a lot about the game world and some bit of the tech world but still is not a weakling

Positive traits (3+): Active, Funny, Brave
Negative traits (3+): Lone Wolf, Distant, Paranoid
Strengths (2+): Tech Savy, Works Out
Weaknesses (2+): Emotionally Unstable, Touchy

Long answer
Appearance: Me With Cat Hoodie.jpg IF NOT fddfc805d2295e9b1f81e6cecbe174d3.jpg
Personality description (1 paragraph): He is a active boy not really in the way of friends and other things. But more in the way of self improvement and feeling good about himself and how to treat others. (if the need arises) Thus Kings knows the reason why he feels so happy when alone he feels like he is a social outcast and he thinks he loves being that. Yet in the end of things, Kings is always looking for that one girl that will help him when times are tough and knows what to say at the right time to make him feel better and happy again.

Background (1+ paragraphs): Kings is more of the family's black sheep. Instead of being someone who was active and on the football team, he was the type to be programming and practicing his body sure. But in the way of making his parent's happy about what he is doing even if it is a extreme little amount compared to his brother's achievements. One of his brothers all ready has a college enrollment and he is in middle school. Thus the reason why he wanted to get out and actually see what the world is without his parent's behind him all the time.

(Optional) Why I should choose your character: This character is not a ordinary nerd or geek as you call it he is a person who fits in if the needs arise as stated before but he feels like if he found a group that made him happy he would fit in very easily.

"How bad can I possibly be?" ~The Once-ler
Sylvester Domino Raymond aka Domino
Role: The Bad Boy

"Bad choices make good stories." ~Anonymous
Mateo Zorro/Ollerton
Role: Troublemaker

The love Interest
On April 22, Sunshine was born from her mom Catherine, and in the room was her dad Bernardo. She was brought to a loving, yet interesting household. Her mom was always loud and talking being a stay at home mom, her dad was always out on work, he was in the Army which made him strict on her. .Sunshine grew up to always trying her best, but with her mom’s personality. Loud, Funny, Joyful yet straight-forward, Tough and Ignorant. She always achieves her dreams, if they are miles away. Unlike her dad who was straight forward. She took up on both of her parents trait, but wont let them show unless she knows the person well. Her home life was always fun and full of excitement which she thrived in for years. She didn't home jump as much as other but it soon changed, when she was a Junior her dad finally came back and is now a recruiter for the Army in her hometown
Sunshine Love

  • Role: The Love interest
  • Full name: Sunshine Marie Love
  • Nickname(s): Sonny.
  • Age: 17 1/2
  • Birthday: April 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 122
  • Height: 5'6
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Sexual orientation: Pan
  • Faceclaim: Ashley Moore
W. Sample

Sunshine was not the morning person at that was proof when her father came by her room door and banged on it for her to get up. She groaned and reached over grabbing her phone to look at the time other then looking at the alarm clock, she saw it was 8 in the morning and in the middle of winter break. She finally turned over from her side to her back locked up towards the ceiling, she let out a deep sigh before flinging back the blankets. She stood and bend backwards to pop her back, she soon turned back around towards her bed and fixed it. A couple minutes of digging through her closest she finally figured out something to wear, but also her dad was banging on her door to hurry up she only had 15 minutes. Which didn't give Sunshine enough time to put on any makeup, so she simply got dressed in a long sleeve Christmas sweater with black skinny jeans and all black vans she went over to her vanity and tossed her hair up into a messy bun, and opened the door up to see her dad about to knock again she smiled and told him she was ready and stop yelling.
More Insight

  1. ♥Likes: ~Candy ~Road Trips ~Money ~Hanging out with friends ~Taking Pictures
  2. ♥Dislikes: ~Loud/Annoying People ~Not getting enough Sleep ~People putting the on her
  3. ♥Positive Traits: ~Loyal ~Funny ~Open-minded
  4. ♥Negative traits: ~Stubborn ~Jealous ~Childish


Kliffton & Clarrissa Beid


Role: The Cheerleader
Full name: Clarrissa Beid
Nickname(s): Clay
Age: 17, She's the older twin
Gender: Female

Relationship status: Single, but willing to mingle ;D
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual


Clay is extremely extroverted. She is usually very cheerful, charismatic, and friendly. She loves helping other people out and putting smiles on the faces of her peers. She is also extremely responsible and organized, the type of girl who does her homework as soon as she gets it and color codes everything. She believes that everyone is inherently good and that everyone deserves a friend. However, she is usually always busy doing something, so there are only a few people who she actually considers herself close to. Despite this, she is extremely overprotective of the people she is close to, especially her family. She is always busy either doing homework, working, or taking care of her younger siblings so she rarely has free time, but when she does she loves hanging out with friends. However, despite her many accomplishments, she has a tendency to worry a lot and be hard on herself whenever things go south.


  • Cheerleading
  • Studying
  • Helping Others

  • Failing
  • Her Father
  • Procrastinating

  • Responsible
  • Charismatic
  • Altruistic
  • Friendly

  • Always Busy/Working
  • Overthinks some things
  • Hard on Herself

Life background :

Her entire life, Clay always looked up to her mother. Even before her father left, she was the sole provider for the family. Even though she knew that she had to work 12 hours 6 days a week, she'd still make sure everyone in her house had everything they needed. On Saturdays, she'd spend the day playing with them, watching TV with them, and most importantly, to Clay, cooking with them in the kitchen, as Clay's happiest memories were getting the family together to cook dinner.

Wanting to be like her mother, Clay decided that she wanted to start a restaurant. After getting Kliff to decide he wanted to help her out, Clay decided that they'd start working towards it. After asking her mother about it, Clay's mom revealed that she went to the CIA (Culinary Institute of America). Intrigued by her mothers stories about it, Clay did research and decided that the best way to follow their dream was to go there as well. However, she quickly realized that there was a major problem : Money. It would take a lot of money (as you'd expect) for both of them to go there. Money that they just didn't have.

Wondering about money, while young, naive, and 8 years old, she went to her dad and asked him why he didn't have a job. However, Clay didn't know that this was the same question her mother asked him every night. That day, Clay's father left out of the house and stayed gone all night and then when he came back he smelled terrible, was drunk, and looked terrible. Of course, Clay's mother was furious and before leaving from work, they got into a huge argument. After this argument, Clay's dad began drinking more, her parents began arguing more, and Clay and her siblings were staying over at their friends' house more as the parents didn't want them to witness their fights.

Then a few months after Clay had turned 11, Clay's mother and father started arguing more and more, as her mother pressured him that he needed to get a job extremely soon. About a month later, Clay's father left out one night and never came back. After missing an entire week of work, wondering where he husband ran off to, Clay's mother finally gave up looking for him and told her children that he ran off because he didn't want to raise another child.

Although she was only 11 at the time, Clay understood, as she was smart and observant enough to understand what they argued about. everytime it boiled down to the same thing : Money.

After realizing that she couldn't depend on her father to help her mother out, Clay turned to herself and her brother. Kliff, despite being hearing impaired, was an amazing musician so she convinced him to start going to competitions and busking to raise some money. Meanwhile, she herself worked on making sure everyone ate, slept, did their homework, brushed their teeth, etc, etc.

Then once she entered eighth grade, a friend got her interested in cheerleading. Although she shrugged it off at first, she agreed to try it out once her mother convinced her to. That's when she realized that she actually like doing it. Being the person she was, she had no problems working hard at it and becoming good at it.

Once she entered high school, she finally thought her life was getting easier. Both herself and her brother found steady-ish part time jobs (only during school year) working at the restaurant their mother worked at : Clay as a waitress and Kliff as a performer, she became the Cheerleading Team captain, she and her brother found a group of friends that were pretty awesome, and most importantly, to her anyway, she and her brother were offered full scholarships to the CIA after their mother was able to set up an audition.

When her friend told her about the summer job, Clay immediately accepted. She saw this as a chance to do two things most important to her : Help her mother out and hang out with her best friends.

Family history (1 paragraph):
Clay is the oldest child out of 7 kids, with one of them being her twin brother, Kliff. Her mother works as an executive chef in a restaurant, timing at more than 120 hours a week. Although she gets paid well, she rarely has time to spend with her family. Because of this, Clay had taken it upon herself to make sure everything that needs to get done, gets done. Where's her father? After her 5 year old brother was born "accidentally", as the father called it, Clay's dad left and never came back. Despite all the good memories she has of her dad, she has come to hate him, and she completely resents him, to where she even refuses to talk about him.


Role: The Wildcard - The Talent
Full name: Kliffton Beid Jr.
Nickname(s): Kliff (He completely loathes his full name)
Age: 17, Younger Twin
Gender: Male

Relationship status: Single but open to mingling
Sexual orientation: Homosexual


Kliff is an extremely energetic, friendly, enthusiastic, and observant individual. He literally cannot keep still and loves to explore and find new thing. Once he does find something interesting, he has a habit of talking the ear off of anyone who'll listen to him as he talks about. As you'd expect, his curiousity does sometime get out of hand as he has a habit of losing focus and interest in things relatively quickly, even zoning completely out of reality if everything seems boring to him. Kliff also loves making friends and tries to do so whenever given the chance. Besides singing, performing, painting, etc, his favorite thing to do is just have a conversation and some of his conversations actually turn out to be quite deep and meaningful. He loves making other people happy and brightening their days and as such has a tendency to just go with whatever avoids confrontation. However, he gets stressed out very easily whenever he does not meet someone's expectations. To make it worse, he is a very emotional person so sometimes the smallest things can get to him. He is especially very touchy-feely about people who bring up his hearing aids as he does not feel like they matter. Whenever he has free time, you'd most likely find him writing a song or sketching a picture. Despite his *cough* addiction *cough* to the things he loves, he also loves to just relax, playing video games and such. Although he is known to also use his free time to stir up some fun, despite knowing that it usually does not end well for those involved. Kliff is also extremely creative and imaginative. He always has ideas running through his brain, as such he always carries a notebook or something with him so he can jot down whatever he likes. However, Kliff also has a dark side of him that appears whenever he gets angry. He becomes obsessed with hating someone to the point where it causes him to lose self control of his relationships with others and lose focus to what's important to him. Although he doesn't strike immediately and physically, do know that he will have his revenge at some point in time if you wrong him.


  • Sweets / Food
  • Having Fun
  • Music

  • Dissapointing Others
  • His Father
  • Sitting Still

  • Creative
  • A bit Immature
  • Talented
  • Friendly

  • Too Competitive sometimes
  • Literally Insane at times

Life background :

His entire life, Kliff had a major interest in the arts. As a baby, the way to calm him down would be by playing literally any song they could find. At age 3, he didn't play with toys but instead would only spend his time drawing with crayons and markers, although sometimes it ended up on the wall rather than a piece of paper. And at age 6, Kliff began taking voice lessons and piano lessons at his school, as well as started trying to help his mother in the kitchen more and more. Kliff's father, however, did not sit well with his son having his interest in the artsand believed that he should like sports like "normal boys" did.

It was at age 7 when Kliff's life hit another roadblock. For his birthday, he recieved a new pair of earbuds that were said to be so powerful that you could feel the beat of the music in your feet. However, after putting them on and, despite the warnings on his phone and the earbuds themself, blasting them up to eleven, Kliff felt something alright, but it wasn't the beat. Instead it was pain and then a numbness in his ears. After complaining to his mother that his ears hurt and then the mother trying to talk to him, which he couldn't hear without her speaking into a microhone, he was rushed to the ER, where the doctors revealed that he damaged the innerworkings of his ear, drastically impairing his hearing. Fortunately for Kliff, he was able to mostly live a normal life through the use of hearing aids.

However, Kliff's father took this as a chance to massively screw up his relationship with his son. While he was at school, and his mother was at work, the father took the oppurtunity to sell all of Kliff's musical instruments and arts supplies. When Kliff arrived home and found out, he was completely livid. Kliff confronted the man which led to shouting that could be heard around the neighborhood. However Kliff decided that the best thing to do was get even.

Knowing how much of a sports fanatic his father was, Kliff waited until his father left the house and proceeded to either bury, paint all over, burn, or sale any and everything in his house that was related to sports. Then he put up an original painting that gave a clear message : "The only person who can stop me is the one who paid for everything." Then, as a final act of defiance, he left the house and used the money from selling his father's sports memorabilia to replace all of the instruments and supplies he lost. Once Kliff returned to the house, he was met by his fuming father being held back by his mother.

Once again they started arguing until Kliff's mother put a stop to it. The father tried to continue but the mother shut him up by telling him that Kliff was right : That he had no business selling stuff that he didn't even work for. What Kliff didn't know was that his actions were what started the arguments between his parents.'

As you'd expect, Kliff's relationship with his father just went downhill from there. Whenever he had a concert, his father would purposely pretend to be sick or busy just to get out of going. Whenever Kliff had to practice, his father would send Kliff outside to do it, no matter the weather or time of day. Although his father was a jerk, Kliff definitely didn't help it at all. Whenever he knew that his father was watching the game, he would purposely cause a power surge in the house, which always took at least 30 minutes to fix and whenever Kliff fixed dinner he would make something spectacular for everyone except his father, with the excuse that "normal boys don't cook", quoting his father. In a final act of defiance, Kliff started telling everyone to call him "Kliff" instead of "Kliffton" as "that wasn't his name", basically disowning his father's name, if that's even possible.

Unfortunately, this period of time began affecting him. Kliff started becoming more and more pessimistic. At school, he would basically ignore not only his friends, but his teachers and schoolwork as well. He'd constantly zone out of reality as he tried to imagine a better dad. In his art class and club, he did more depressing pieces, many of them ending up bloody and gory as he tried to imagine who'd he like to see in that position. At concerts, he turned from peppy and inspiring pieces to more dark and depressing tunes. Overall, his grades suffered, his friends and teachers worried about him, and Kliff overall had a complete 180 personality wise. At home, it wasn't any better. He would snap at his younger siblings without meaning to, he'd lock himself in his room whenever he was home, and he would ignore the cries of concern from his mother and twin sister, Clay.

Then once he turned 11, the best thing to ever happen in his life occured : his father left and never came back. Once he realized that his father was never coming back, Kliff felt like a huge burden was lifted off of his shoulders. The old Kliff that everyone knew and loved began coming back. Although it basically confused everyone who didn't live at his home, Kliff returned to his upbeat and optimistic self and with a new and improved gusto. He was even better than before.

Most importantly, to him at least, Kliff felt like he was able to make up for how he treated his family although they obviously cared about him. At the request of Clay, he began doing competitions and going around the city busking on corners to help bring in some money. He would perform and play for and with his younger siblings, like he always used to, whenever they were feeling bored, sad, angry, etc.

Kliff felt that the high point of his life was starting high school. His mother got him and his sister during school part time jobs at the restaurant she worked at, he became popular throughout the school due to the many concerts, musicals, plays, etc he's been in, he and his sister found a group of friends that were pretty awesome, and he and his sister were offered full scholarships to the CIA after their mother was able to set up an audition.

Kliff wasn't told directly about the summer job due to working, but once he heard about it from Clay, he was excited to spend his last summer in his hometown with the people he came to love.

Family history (1 paragraph):

Kliff is the second oldest child of seven, with his older twin sister being one of them. His mother works as an executive chef in a restaurant, timing at more than 120 hours a week. Although she gets paid well, she rarely has time to spend with her family. Because of this, when Clay asked him to go out and try and make some money, he agreed and took to it happily. Where's her father? After her 5 year old brother was born "accidentally", as the father called it, Clay's dad left and never came back. However, Kliff sees this as the best day of his life as he absolutely HATED his father. Kliff has actually stated that if he ever saw the man again, the man would coincidentally wind up dead.

Writing Sample 1

"And the same favor would be ask of the both of you as well."

Jack grinned, amusedly. He had not expected that. Nevertheless he plucked a hair from his head, "As long as you don't use it to create an evil clone."

As Natalie and Sartorious continued to talk, Jack listened, amused by their conversation. Then the girl had asked if they believed in predictions. Before Jack could answer, someone he recognized immediately as Charley, told them that they had to change into their robes. Jack looked out the window, "Wow! It seemed like time just flew by!"

As he started digging through his bag for his robe, he noticed that both Gwen and Natalie left the compartment.

Sighing in relief, smiled at Sartorious, "Fortunately, it seems we won't have to get caught in the mad rush of students to the bathroom or wait in line. You should hurry and change before the girls get back, though."

Jack began to change from his clothes into his robes, finishing a few minutes after.

Arriving at Hogsmeade
Fortunately, Jack was one of the first ones off the train, having figured out a way to avoid all the students tryiong to exit. Once off, he waited for the rest of the members of his compartment to get off. While doing so, he looked over at the carriages. It being his 6th year, he knew that they were pulled by Thestrals and as such they drew his focus from reality to thinking about how his younger brother and sister were faring, causing him to noticeably zone out from reality.
Writing Sample 2

When Elodie complimented their names, Kliff became flushed and Clay smiled, "Thanks! Those are just our nicknames but most people say they fit us better."

Clay laughed when Elodie mentioned that she was like a fairy friend mother, "Sharing does make the world go 'round, especially when you live with as many people as I do!"

So far, Clay was enjoying herself. She had always been outgoing but she just felt so at ease with Susanna, Elodie, and her brother. She started wondering about how their school year would turn out when Susanna asked which houses they'd belong in.

Clay grinned widely, " I don't know about myself but Kliff would definitely be a Ravenclaw!"

Kliff Became even redder, saying, "W-Why would you s-say that?

Clay patted his leg reassuringly, re
plying," Because your like super smart, love to learn, and hardworking. You'd fit right in!"

Kliff continued to blush, but a smile came unto his face, "If you say so ..."

Clay laughed, "I know so!"

Then she rubbed her chin as she went into thought. She hadn't really thought about what house she'd probably be placed in. From what her parents and older siblings told her about the houses, she most definitely wouldn't be a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. She was not very resourceful, at all and was more of a straight to the point kind of girl than she was cunning.

"I think I'd be either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. Either way, I also hope we all get to keep in touch with each other!"

At least, that's what Clay would have said if she wasn't distracted by the arrival of a new person.

"Uh, hey! I'm Leo Hong! Does there happen to be room for one more? I, uh, kinda fell asleep, and I don't exactly know what's going on. I guess you can say I'm a newbie to this magic stuff, haha?"
Naturally, after Elodie introduced herself, Klay took the chance to introduce herself as well. If there was one thing she loved, it was making friends.

"Heyllo! I'm Clay!"

When Elodie mentioned how much room they had, Clay looked around and noticed that it would make for tight accommodations. Then when Leo said he was alright with standing, Clay laughed, "Well if you change your mind, we could scoot in a little to make some room. We wouldn't mind, I think."

Before she could say something else about it, Clay saw the older boy with fiery red hair pass by. He said something about changing into robes. As soon as Elodie started her rant of excitement, Clay started becoming more and more excited as well.

If there's one thing Clay could count on, it was the fact that it was going to be a fun year.

Kliff was pretty much zoned out. He heard bits and pieces of the conversation between Clay, Elodie, and the new guy, but besides giving his name after Clay and Elodie introduced themselves, he didn't say anything.

However, once the red haired boy mentioned that they were getting closer to the school and had to change, Kliff perked up. He glanced outside the window. Despite it being dark outside, Kliff could see the scenery outside of the train and was mesmerized. He was broken out of his trance, however, by Elodie and Clay, who were both full of excitement. Kliff couldn't help but grin as he was also pretty antsy to get to the school.

Kliff reached down and opened his bag. He pulled out his robe and held it up, "Guys ... I'm p-pretty s-sure the boy said we had t-to p-put these on."

Clay, breaking out of her thoughts, grinned, "Oh yeah!"

She quickly pulled her own robe out and jumped up. Then Clay pulled Kliff to his feet and pulled him through the compartment door. A few seconds later, she stook her head back through the door, "We're going to go change! We'll be back in a bit! Unless you guys need help putting yours own. We'll be happy to help!"

Arriving at Hogsmeade
Clay comically fell out the door of the train and laid on the ground. She had been one of the last ones to get off, and was consumed by the mob trying to get off the train. Despite this, she was still in a good mood.

"We're finally here!" Clay exclaimed as she began to stand up, with help from her brother.

Kliff smiled, "Uhm ... N-not yt sis ..."

Clay looked genuinely confused as she dusted herself off, " What do you me- Oh."

When CLay looked up she finally saw the throng of students heading in a direction, a giant of a person holding a lamp telling first years to gather near, and the silhouette of a castle in the distance. Clay smiled, "Well. I guess we have more to our journey."

Kliff nodded as he turned towards the others from their compartment, "Shall we make our way to the giant?"

Although he asked the question, Kliff's attention was actually drawn to the carriages. He was sure that he looked a bit weird to everyone else, as they most likely didn't see what he did. Nevertheless, Kliff stared at the Thestrals as they waited for the upperclassmen to enter the carriages.

Ravenclaw Ravenclaw I'm not going to lie. Kliff is extremely edgy >v<

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