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  1. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn went into a blind rage...first the bear, now the only good man he had met since Mundus. The man lay dead, for no good reason except the fact that he spoke his mind. "Is this the world you seek to protect?! Executing whomever's views you disagree with?! I may be naive but at least I am...
  2. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn walked out of the cave with a tired expression on his face. Winter's breath, these people are persistent. "First off, who said anything about a rebellion? I was head home you twit, which isn't even your territory. Second, do I really warrant this massive chase? Don't you have, oh I...
  3. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn could feel their presence, but he did not slow. Whomever they were, they would show themselves before too long. He had ground to cover, and he wasn't going to stop until he had covered it. If he could just break from the damn horses chasing him he would be fine. The Winterman found it...
  4. BarkWolfBacon


    The death of the bear infuriated Oberyn, but the Amazons disappeared as soon as they arrived, and the ground began to shake. The Winterman felt like screaming, like running himself through with his blade and ending it. Never had he hated anywhere as much as the hell that was Mundus. It was the...
  5. BarkWolfBacon


    The jungle reminded Oberyn of the forest, beasts and chaos and blood and was not too different from his home. But he moved swiftly, and diligently, another vial of basilisk blood at the ready in his hauberk's hidden pocket. He had painted lines on his face and arms with ogre blood, a...
  6. BarkWolfBacon


    He snatched his staff up and turned to walk away, heading deep into the jungle before Albert's men arrived. "You have no more faith in each other than you did in the gods. Trusting Albert makes you a fool, he has the countenance of a liar. But we are clearly worlds apart. Good luck, Lady...
  7. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn shook his head, staring at the ground. "All of you were so quick to lose faith. Its no wonder the gods left, when all their believers were fair weather friends." "You are more than you let yourself be, Miracle. Stop letting rules define who you are...And what you are isn't the...
  8. BarkWolfBacon


    "Oh by the gods woman, let me be." Oberyn said, coughing from the fall and shaking the stars from his vision. "I came here seeking answers, seeking help- and all of you treated me like a stinking pile of shit, from the moment I arrived here." He stood, looking at her up and down. "You've never...
  9. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn laughed. He laughed in the way that only a man who cannot believe his situation would life. He laughed the way he did when he killed the monsters that spewed out of the mountains. He didn't care about these people's ignorant customs anymore, and he was done with their politics. He bent...
  10. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn rolled his eyes, "Are you serious? I just ran across the rooftops, making enough noise to wake the whole district, shouted an incantation so loud I probably woke two other districts, and clearly landed up here after the fight...yet you still consider me to be in league with the men who...
  11. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn heard combat from Miracle's room and pushed himself even harder, using every bit of the shoddy magic he knew to get himself up to her window. "Aeros!" He screamed, again using his staff to pole vault his way onto her balcony, only to see that she had defeated the man, and the Nature...
  12. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn was gazing out the window of the Gilded Tree, catching some fresh air, when he saw a man running towards the castle. He was dressed in strange gear, clearly made for stealth, and a sudden flash of Miracle's eyes shot across Oberyn's vision. What in the gods... He thought, clutching his...
  13. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn was back at the bar in the Gilded Tree, celebrating his "hero status", and singing loudly with the tavern. Tessa kept giving him bedroom eyes, and the Winterman thought that maybe this visit wouldn't be so bad after all. The song stopped, and a man in the back stood on his chair yelling...
  14. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn had used the few coins Alistair had given him to replenish his supplies, and went about seeing the rest of Nature City before he left the next morning. He would sleep at the Gilded Tree tonight, Tessa had offered to put him up free of charge for saving her life (and her dignity). It was a...
  15. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn sighed and made an exasperated gesture. "Well, you best be off then...Gods be with you I suppose." He shot Latvitz a glare and turned to the market, heading to buy some supplies. In all honesty he wasn't very sure just what to do with himself, it seemed that this journey had been...
  16. BarkWolfBacon


    "I was belligerently insisting that you find a way for me to work with you in Mundus." Oberyn smiled, "Otherwise you'll leave me no choice but to follow you around until Albert has my head anyway."
  17. BarkWolfBacon


    "Mediumian dances are not pleasing to the eye, Lady Miracle." Oberyn jested. He saw her emotional reaction to something, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok, lass? Did I say something?"
  18. BarkWolfBacon


    "You know, I did some reading on Albert and Mundus before I came here." Oberyn said, rolling his eyes as the Nature Guard walked away. "As Marshall, if you accept the job, you have the Rite of Conscription. You can designate a companion. I think it was up to 4, but I may be mistaken. They can be...
  19. BarkWolfBacon


    Oberyn starts to panic as Miracle appeared to be overcome by some force from the weapon, but then she burst out laughing. He pushed her lightly, his look of panic giving way to a reluctant grin. "You sly little minx, I almost thought you were about to burn down the city." He turned the staff...
  20. BarkWolfBacon


    "How in Juno's tits am I supposed to know?!" He yelled back at her, the pulsing from the orb growing more intense. "That staff has been passed down through my bloodline for generations! I've never even seen it do that- I thought that orb was just decoration! Do you see me uttering a spell? I...