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~A multitude of arrows pierce the Greymane bear as it wails in agony. It slumps over in pain as three amazonians energe from the depths of the trees and slice the beast open with force and precision, looking at Oberyn claiming their kill. They were marked with tattoos and other blood-ink etchings. They smelled the ogre blood and held their spears to Oberyn, but from a distance. The amazon with the bow had another arrow ready in case Oberyn made a move.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/nativeMundus2.jpg.7956935fa6c9ac6c17e50d83823c5538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/nativeMundus2.jpg.7956935fa6c9ac6c17e50d83823c5538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


~The horses were gaining ground fast, following the tracks of the Winterman.~

Arch Guard: "HOLD!" *stops horse*

Fleet: *slows to a stop*

Arch Guard: "The trail goes cold here....splits off in three directions."

Jade: "A clever tactic, but futile."

Me: "The only way that's reasonable is this path here, it goes to a more richer and tactically advantable ground..." *smells something faint* "What is that...?"

Jade: "Smells like blood....we're close. Winterman thinks these tactics will save him...he's only making it worse. This is OUR JUNGLE!!!!"

Fleet: "Huuuaaahhh!!"

Jade: "Split up, six men to a path."

Me: "Where are the barbarians?"

Jade: *looks back at me and smirks*


~The amazons never take their eye off of Oberyn while dragging their food back into the woods.~

Amazon1: "You die out here.....you no safe...." *hysterically laughs*

Amazon2: *makes animal noises*

Amazon3: *smiles*

~Their noise causes a calamity of roars and wails all throughout the vast, endless jungle. Trees begin to shake, and ground begins to vibrate as the Amazons vanish from Oberyn's sight.~

The Amazons are a private group of warrior women who mainly and heavily reside in Mundus. They range from 6'0 to 6'6 and are usually undisruptive of humans. They mostly hunt any and all kinds of animals they can find for food, but resort to plants and fruits if need be. They have developed an immunity to almost all poisons and toxins because of their lengthy time in the jungle. Even before the Abandonment, they stuck to these ways and have survived.​



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The death of the bear infuriated Oberyn, but the Amazons disappeared as soon as they arrived, and the ground began to shake. The Winterman felt like screaming, like running himself through with his blade and ending it. Never had he hated anywhere as much as the hell that was Mundus. It was the arm pit of Orbis wrapped in everything he hated about people's post Abandonment society.

But something was coming, and so he continued running, not sure what else to do, and knowing he didn't have the luxury to stop.

He had been wrong about it reminding him of Medium. Even the tribes in Medium had honor, the creatures and people of Mundus killed first and cared later (if they even cared at all). People often thought the Winterman were savage, but Oberyn was beginning to think that Orbis had no idea just how savage its regular citizen had become.

~The entire fleet speeds pace as the roars and cries of the jungle begin to invade the air all aroud them. Horses buckle and jump at the fearful noises.~

Jade: "Hyaghh!" *kicks horse*

Arch Guard: "We're gaining! The Winterman must have tripped the beasts' to his location. Follow the sounds! Keep your wits about you!" *rides off*

Fleet: *follows*

~The group pushes on in the jungle as the lush trees and diverse plants aren't so beautiful anymore, they smell of death and gore. I thought about how Oberyn would die out here. By them, by the beasts, by the people of the jungle. The law of the jungle was a ruthless one, but a part of me believed he didn't deserve to savage fate he'd get. He wanted to do right, wanted to save everyone, but he was a year and a half too late. All the provinces were fending for themselves, there was no more common cause, only survival.The moment I seen he wouldn't uncling from the old world, was the moment I'd knew he'd die.~


~A group of figures watch Oberyn as he runs with haste through the vicious jungle. They move in the shadows of the trees and plants, swiftly, ominously. They run across and along Oberyn's path from behind him, lurking. Waiting. They knew he knew they were there, and that's just how they wanted it.~​
Oberyn could feel their presence, but he did not slow. Whomever they were, they would show themselves before too long. He had ground to cover, and he wasn't going to stop until he had covered it. If he could just break from the damn horses chasing him he would be fine. The Winterman found it hard to believe that they had followed him this far out into the jungle, for a false lead no less, a mistake.


And he was sure Miracle was with them, leading the charge with whatever vain sense of reserved hopelessness she kept inside herself. A pity really, that they all believed so easily the world was lost. All it took was collective belief to make it so, which meant they were the architects of their own downfall.

But that was a little too much philosophy to think about while running for his life, so he shook the thoughts from his head and gave a mighty, magic infused leap to the right, heading towards a small cave system he had spotted in the side of a small outcropping of hilly land. Foliage covered his descent, and he hoped that he had broken line of sight with whomever was lurking around him.

He retreated into the cave, past the darkness and just out of sight, sitting to catch his breath. It was damp and cool in the cave, it felt much better than the muggy heat outside.

Got him.

~The figures watched as Oberyn entered a small cave that was home to the Greymane bear that was killed unbeknown to them. The figures emerge from the shadows as a multitude of them draws bows at the cave. It was the only way in, and out. More of a hollow than a cave really. The figures step yards away from the entrance with their brooding armor and war paint.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/barbarians.jpg.cfbefa817b319692fac751db0f3a0688.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/barbarians.jpg.cfbefa817b319692fac751db0f3a0688.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Lork: "OHHHHH WINTERMAAAANNNNNN!!!!" *calling out*

~The rest of the barbarians soon drop from hills, cliffs, and ravines as they converge on Lork & Rargus' location.~

Rargus: "Got you bastard. COME. Face your death like a man!"


~The fleet group catches wind of Lork's voice as they begin to trot in the direction of the voices. In moments the fleet group of our personnel join in with the barbarians, every last one of them with their weapons drawn at the entrance of a vine infested hollow. Jade stops as we get off of the horse.~


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Jade.png.89c247c7c9019f0d87eaf8234929851d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Jade.png.89c247c7c9019f0d87eaf8234929851d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Jade releases a war call notifying the other guard he's found his target, they'd be here soon enough. Then there was me....someone who doesn't belong in this militant style of savagery...or did I? Is this what Albert wanted? For me to follow in my parents footsteps and become a soldier for my people?~

Me: *gets off horse, looks at dozens and dozens of armed warriors*

Dahna: "Hmm, looks like we beat you to our mark huh?"

Jade: "Only because we use tactic, not primal instinct."

Dahna: "Call it what you will, we've caught him."

Lork: "Come on out boy....we have unfinished business."

Jade: "No." *moves Lork aside* "This is Miracle's take, she's the one that was quick on her feet, she should have this added to her accomplishments."

Me: "Me...??"

Lork: "Goblin's Foul!!! You think I'm letting him die by other means than me after he killed Rexxor?? You're mistaken..."

Jade: *approaches Lork* "You want to repeat that, barbarian?"

Me: "Hey! Quell your egos....The Winterman is clever. Probably planning his way out, either talking of some more of his fancy tricks."

Lork: "Not this time, he's cornered with over 40 men with weapons. He's dead."

Me: *looks down, thinks about all of this*

Jade: "Go ahead, Miracle. Kill him."

Me: "Kill him??? This isn't what I signed up for--"

Jade: "For the service of Mundus and provinces everywhere. Imagine this lunatic spreading his causes in the other provinces, causing false hope, a rebellion. You can end that right now."

Me: *looks into the dark hole, reluctant* "Winterman.......co....come on out.....slowly, hands up."



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Oberyn walked out of the cave with a tired expression on his face. Winter's breath, these people are persistent.

"First off, who said anything about a rebellion? I was head home you twit, which isn't even your territory. Second, do I really warrant this massive chase? Don't you have, oh I don't know, men who just climbed through Miracle's window to worry about?! You people are just, thick. I've never seen anything like it. Do you Mudusians ever think things through or do you just jump at the first spark that comes from every fire?

"Anyway, if you're gonna kill me, can you just get it over with? I can't listen to the mud fall from your mouths anymore, or I might run myself through."

He leaned against the mouth of the gave and slid down it until he was sitting, closed his eyes and began to hum.

Jade: "You need not worry about those men....they're being treated let's say....passionately. And you are as naive as they say Winterman, no wonder your men fell during the Abandonment. And you were headed home, but as a criminal for fleeing and trespassing you're not going anywhere....ever again. Don't you see lad? We are the way. Obviously the old ways have gotten your Winterman all wiped out.....whereas we've survived. Because we adapt, we do what is necessary."

Rargus: "YEAH! And not sully about like some child with ambitions of adventure looking to restore what's already lost!"

Barbarians: "KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!"

Jade: "Do it, Miracle" *does a leading gesture to Oberyn*

Me: *draws Icewood sword* ".........."

Arch Guard: "STOP!" *gets off horse and removes helmet*

~The Arch Guard reveals himself as a blonde haired man with a stubbled goatee. He walks forward in front of the army.~

Arch Guard2: "Alistair, what are you doing??"

Alistair: "Sir Jade, Mundusians harken me......but I believe that the WInterman's cause may ring well. If I may....no matter how radical we see his views, he's only done what is best all this time for the service of Orbis. Now I admit, he's been disvisioned of some of our ways but.....every act he's done has as much chivalry as it does nuisance. The barbarian attacked him, and died for it....we service Mundus, but guys....he strives to service Orbis again. I see nothing wrong with that." *looks at Oberyn, remembering the talk they had in the dungeon, gives a slight nod*

Jade: *walks up to Alistair* ".....brother soldier, do you really think this man as sane in concept? He clings to the old world like a mother's breast...he's violated several rules and even ran from his responsibility."

Alistair: "I believe he did that because he knew that his cause was too important to give in, sir. If he wanted to harm us, he would have. He gave up that second cloaked man....he defended Tessa Bark's honor....just let him be. He disrupted Mundus, but also serviced it."

~The barbarians didn't want to hear it, they still had weapons at the ready, lusting to take Oberyn out, but the Nature Guard lower their weapons in respect of Alistair's side of things.~


Jade: "Enough!" *raises hand* "Alistair.....do you really believe in this Winterman fellow? Of his antics and wild theories?" *puts hand on Alistair's shoulder*

Alistair: "....I do."

Me: *thought about speaking up, to agree with Alistair* "I--"

Jade: "Very well then Alistair. Everyone, lower your weapons."

Barbarians: *grunt at Jade*


Jade: "That's an order!" *at Lork*

Lork: *trembles with rage, but finally lowers weapons*

Barbarians: *lowers weapons*

Jade: *takes two steps away from Alistair* "There is hope sir Alistair...." *draws giant blade and slices Alistair's head clean off*

Me: *heart drops along with my mouth, jumps*

~Alistair's head flies clean through the air, blood trailing from it's path. It lands in the soft mud feet away from Oberyn, his dead eyes locked into the Winterman's. The barbarians look amongst the horde of people in confusion, and slight nervousness. The Nature Guard jumps back and looks at Jade like he was Mars himself.~

Jade: "...but that hope is for those who will see it clearly for what it is."

Me: "You.....why would you do that???"

Jade: "Because that man is poisoning you all, the gods are never returning. They would have never left if they still believed in us. So now we are our own gods, our own pavers of destiny." *points to Oberyn* "Now kill him."

Me: ".....no, no I'm not going to...I don't take orders from you, or anyone of you...the only person that I take voice from is Albert."

~Oberyn was trapped, and his voice of reason just got sliced down before him by the head knight of the Nature Guard....I was used to the ruthlessness and danger of the jungle, but to see it up close....this close...it was terrible. Frightening. I was reminded just then that the world truly is over, that every province is indeed like this.....we were all lost.~​
Oberyn went into a blind rage...first the bear, now the only good man he had met since Mundus. The man lay dead, for no good reason except the fact that he spoke his mind.

"Is this the world you seek to protect?! Executing whomever's views you disagree with?! I may be naive but at least I am no savage!" Oberyn was shouting through his teeth, red was creeping into his vision. He pointed angrily at Miracle too, "Oh now you come around, huh? All it took was a godsdamned innocent man getting his head chopped off by a psychopath in armor!"

He turned back to Jade, "You want a real fight, you walking bucket of piss, you got one. I was going to run, to leave and never bother you or your fairy looking conqueror again, but you had to murder your own man in cold blood."

Me: *jumps slightly at Oberyn's anger at me*

Jade: *looks slightly sad at Alistair's corpse* "....it's about loyalty, not speaking one's mind. If he can easily be swayed by poison then he's a weak link....I'm sorry men, I'm sorry to all of you, but the world we know is done. It's about survival of the fittest." *glares at Oberyn* "You're amusing you know that Winterman? I actually almost believed you were a tough guy..."

Me: *heart races, distraught by all of this*

Jade: "Barbarians....I guess he's yours."

Lork: *smirks and draws his sword and approaches Oberyn*


~Everyone immediately stops at the pending peril surrounding them. The growls and snarls of beasts were literally just outside the bushes and forest where we all stood. Nobody moved an inch. Jade & I watched Oberyn in case he tried anything, but we were still nonetheless. Suddenly, like mist creeping into a field, two Sabres enter in low to the ground, creeping slowly at us. Even low they heightened to about four feet high, only complimenting their enormous anatomy.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Sabre.jpg.62cda8b4de2e77948e449f737f94682d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Sabre.jpg.62cda8b4de2e77948e449f737f94682d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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