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~The room goes dead silent with awkwardness and tension. The barbarians look upon OIberyn ready to tear his head off. Albert keeps the same, apathetic look on his face at Oberyn, not even microscopically moved or influenced by Oberyn's antics. The wench looks on in angst, as even the Nature Guard begin to grasp their weapons at Oberyn's defiance.~

Albert: ".......Insanity. I figured as much. Sorry boy, the gods aren't coming back. Tie your logic, why would they damn us all and destroy Orbis only to return? It seems the Abandonment has pained you a great deal, and I'm sorry, I truly am, but we ALL suffered. Perhaps this is your way of dealing with the loss?"

Me: *looks at Albert, understanding his words, looks back at Oberyn shocked at his snappiness*

Albert: "Your disrespect isn't from a evil heart, it's from a cold, pained one...I understand that.."

Me: *thinking about the saying of how Mediumians are as cold as their ice.*

Albert: "The Abandonment is over Winterman. Over. Do you convey my words? O. V. E. R. That spells over. Tis already done. The sooner you realize that the better, maybe Regnum is the place for you if you want to express your ideas and old ways there? Alistair, bring me his weapon."

Alistair Calin: "Sir." *approaches the throne with the Icewood staff and hands it to Albert*

Albert: *stands up and weighs staff* "Hmm....bladed, Icewood....red orb used to harness...I know the rule of parting a Winterman from his weapon...I want you to understand how powerless you are right now. I could take your weapon and send you off and you'd have no say, you could rot for as long as I please, there's nothing you can do. BUT....I am one of nobility. I want you to see that you'd better reconsider your next few words and antics. Very seriously I may add." *throws staff on the floor like nothing near me*

Me: *my heart drops at Albert's power and ruling, once the staff hits the floor I stare into the orb on the end*

Lork: *smirks*

Latvitz: *looks at Oberyn with a look of caution*

Conqueror Albert: "Now, explain your encounter in Leaf's pass from the 'bandits' up until you met my army." *standing looking at Oberyn, still with a face of little concern*

"How mighty you must feel." Oberyn said, not even giving Albert the satisfaction of acknowledging what happened with his weapon. If they tried to take it from him, he would kill as many of them as possible with his bare hands, and then be killed. A fine end.

"How mighty is the conqueror on his throne, with the Abandonment far beneath him. If that is truly how you feel, then you are not the one who should be sorry. You speak of my pained heart, when you have clearly hardened your own."

He paused and closed his eyes.

"I was traveling alone through the jungle to reach your city, in the hopes that I could...well hopes that wouldn't have worked anyway, it appears...but I was traveling here alone when I was ambushed by 4 elves, who had been following me all morning. I had known they were there but did nothing to attack them, until they attacked me.

"And since it appears you are familiar with Winterman, I need not explain what happened next. Your barbarians found their bodies, and I gave myself over to them shortly after. There is no grand tale. I was attacked, I killed the men who would have slit my throat.

"Just send me on my way, it is abundantly clear that Mundus has already given up hope. In essence, it is already lost to the shadows."

Albert: "On your way?" *smiles* "Whoever told you that you were free? You're the property of Mundus now, boy. You'll go where I say. Oh, and beneath the Abandonment? No, I have embraced the fact it's happened, and that it is over. Over. Again I say, over." *repeating to irritate Oberyn* "And the Winterman aren't all they're ....oops, WERE stacked out to be. Clearly."

Me: *feels the tension in the room and just stands there*

Albert: "Latvitz, if you were conqueror, what would you do with him?"

Latvitz: "He's an arrogant nuisance, I'd fine him and ban him from Mundus. Either that or lock him away for a few weeks, maybe a month's time."

Albert: "Hmm....and what of you, lady Miracle?"

Me: *shock hits me at the question of being put on the spot. I look at Oberyn surprisingly then back to Albert* "I...well I think I would at the very least fine him for his bad luck" *giggles*

~The mood of the room lightens up a little as the company releases slight laughs and smiles~

Me: "Seeing as how he's new to the jungle, probably issue a citation of warning upon his person. And considering his chivalry for saving the bartender, reduce the fine but give him provisions on his time in Mundus.."

Albert: "I see....so Winterman, anything else you would like to add?" *turns head slightly to the side in curiousity*

Oberyn shakes his head solemnly and looks with sadness around the room. "Yes, a word of advice."

His eyes bore into every person who made eye contact with him while he spoke. This was a message to each and every person in the room, and he wanted them to know it.

"To embrace oblivion, like your conqueror has done, is to give up what little light remains shining on Orbis. Do not think you have no part to play, no purpose now that the Gods are gone. I am of the belief they did not leave by choice...but were forced out. I am on a journey to help heal the world I love.

"You must help heal it too. And that is my piece, fine me, do what you will. There is nothing left here."

Me: *I look at the sincerity of Oberyn as he speaks*

Albert: *slightly smiles* "Touching. And commendable, but you sir need to include logic in your aspiration. Gods were forced out? Ha, by who Pegasus?"

~The room laughs at the comment of the Conqueror.~

Albert: "Gods do not bend to the will of anything, that's why they're gods boy....I'd think your father teach you better understanding. And these people definitely have purpose, not to serve me, but Mundus. Your inspiring words ring no resonance here. Try Umbra, perhaps Obscurus?" *chuckles*

~the barbarians all laugh with their raunchy, rugged voices.~

Albert: "As for your penance, you are fined 100 gold and banned from Mundus. Be thankful of my fondness Mediumian. You have the right to deny your fine, but will result in jail time, you will not leave until the fine has been paid."

Lork: *looks into Oberyn's eyes with bloodlust and rage*

Rargus: *mumbles* "Lucky..."

Dahna: "Wouldn't count on it..."

Albert: "You will be escorted back to the dungeons briefly where you will be released, but are not to leave Nature City until your fine is paid. This trial is over." *shoos Oberyn off*

~The Arch-Guard begin to carry Oberyn off~

Me: *looks at a more serious, sad looking Oberyn, I then look back at his staff, and I grab it and rush to give it to a transporting guard, not aware that the orb is glowing more intense than usual.* "Here you are sir."

Arch Guard: "Obliged." *takes Icewood staff*

Me: *gives Oberyn a look of slight sympathy as I walk back to the throne podium*

Oberyn had the gold, it was the last of his gold, but he had it. What an awful place Mundus had turned out to be. There had been hope within him that Albert was different....but he was not. The only person who had displayed any sense at all had been Lady Miracle, who Oberyn was fairly certain he would never see again.

And that made some part of him sad. Those violet eyes he saw in his sleep last night would remain the things of dreams, it seemed. When he got back to his sell, Alistair set the staff back to the corner before locking him in.

"I agree with you, you know." He said, pulling up the chair.

Oberyn slid down the wall in the back and came to rest on the straw mat. "I am afraid it matters not...no ruler will listen- all too gleeful that they are safe from even Gods now, they believe themselves above all." Oberyn shook his head and saw the orb on his staff was still a shade brighter than normal, only now beginning to fade.


"A storm is coming, Alistair. Something I fear to be worse than any Orbis has seen. I hope that when it comes you are safe, and your life in no way depends on these barbarians.'

Alistair handed Oberyn some water and looked at him quizzically. "You know you turned rather morbid and serious in there...here I thought you were all charm and wit- but you got cold as ice in there."

"Tis a trait I am afraid most Winterman have. There is little purpose to my life, Alistair, save this journey. Comedy keeps my bed full of women and a vain sense of normality to my life. I can not always keep up that facade."

Alistair nodded gravely and stood up, scooting his chair back.

"I think I know what you mean, Oberyn. Can you pay the fine?"

Oberyn nodded, "Aye, though it is every gold piece I have."

Alistair pulled out a small pouch, laying it next to Oberyn. "There are 25 gold pieces in that bag, don't go broke because of what happened here. You have to keep going."

"Alistair, this is a weeks wages, you must have a family, yes?"

"No, I don't... I have nothing." Alistair turned to leave, stopping at the exit to the dungeon.

"Good luck out there, Winterman."

"You're a good man, Alistair, may the gods smile on you."

~The Nature Guard escorts the wench away as the barbarians stay behind for the briefing.~

Albert: "Ahhhh, now that that's settled, lady Miracle let's begin the briefing." *sitting back down*

Me: "Okay."

Albert: "...of course by now you know this more of just bandits."

Me: "Yes sir, I pretty much grasped that."

Albert: "First of all, these human bandits are dangerous. They separate themselves from the barbarians, as some members were once barbarians themselves. They turned because they believe Mundus cannot be served anymore, but they're wrong. I am a rational one, not with delusions such as that Mediumian. I don't care about gods anymore, only my people of Mundus."

Me: *nods slowly*

Latvitz: "They're known as the savages. Recrtited from barbarians, citizens of Mundus, some even being old officials back in the old world."

Albert: "They are dangerous not because of their brawn, but their brains. They plan pre-emptively, strike with precision and force. Their number are spreading."

Me: "Okay...so what purpose do I serve in this matter?"

Albert: "All of Mundus have heard of your intelligence and resource & analytical skills. We need you to anticipate behavior and motives, so that we may ensure these rebels are stifled."

Me: "Okay, I mean...I'll do my best."

Albert: "....never sell yourself short lass, you are more capable than you think. I see beyond your violet eyes...I see you. You remind me so much of your mother..."

Me: !? "You knew my mother...!?"

Albert: "I probably should have told you our first encounter. Your parents and I were great friends, the most amazing people I've ever met. After they moved away to Leafslot, we lost touch."

Me: "How..? How did you know them??"

Albert: "We served together in the Orbis Army in the old world....did they not tell you they served?"

Me: "Yes, that's how they met. Dad was a specialist, mother was a healer..."

Albert: "They were magnificent. Truly extraordinary. After we retired from the army, we all went out separate ways...that's why you're here. Because they were like family, so I want to make sure you never do without ever again, beacuse had I kids they would do the same."

Me: *says nothing*

Albert: "All you have to do is say yes. No strings, no catch, you will house a permanent residence inside of Nature Castle. Full food, bed, royalty. You need not suffer anymore."

Latvitz: "We would even like to extend you a job as the Marshal of Mundus....sounds good does it not?"

Me: "Well...this is certainly a lot to intake."

Albert: "I know, but please Miracle, consider. You may answer me at your times' convenience. But for now, head with Latvitz to the Barracks, where he and the Nature Guard will inform you of the bandits. Lork, gather your men and follow"

Lork: *nods*

Albert: "Pleasure seeing you again lady Miracle." *places his right hand on his shoulder*

Me: *returns the same as I walk towards downstairs to the barracks*

The army of the world Orbis in the old world before Abandonment. Every province had their army and jurisdiction, but the army of Orbis enforced all mandatory laws of the world and were experts in the ways and rulings of the gods.
There was only one back in the old world, but since those days are over, Albert decided that Miracle would be the perfect Marshal for the province. Responsible for inter-province peace, and the overall safety of the province.
A few hours and most of his gold later, Oberyn was left outside the castle gates, staring at the tavern he had been arrested at the day before. Alistair handed him his staff, handling it with all the respect that the Conqueror had lacked.

"You have a day to gather provisions, then it would probably be best if you weren't here. It would take on Hell of a pardon for them to let you in again, so make sure you gather everything you need before you go."

Oberyn smiled and relished in the sunlight, grateful that he was no longer trapped. Mediumians hated feeling trapped, they were frontiersman at heart. "Thank you, Alistair. I won't make any more trouble. Despite common belief I do actually prefer my head attached to my body."

"Do you have enough to get supplies?"

Oberyn pulled out his coinpurse and looked, it was meager- but it would do. "Aye, have gotten by with less." He turned to leave when Alistair put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to pause.

"Where will you go next?"

Oberyn sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking at the clouds above as he spoke. "I'm not sure, Obscuris probably. I've heard tales of a rather interesting experience during the Abandonment, and I wouldn't mind trying to gather some evidence."

Alistair nodded, and said nothing as Oberyn turned and headed back towards town, he thought maybe he should pay a visit to Tessa before he left. After all; she owed him at least a drink after he took on a murder charge in her place.

~Inside the barracks, the entire house of Nature Guard stand before me. 100 men, all with jade armor on and ready for anything to transpire. In the middle of the room is a large table used for tactical blueprints and planning. Latvitz passes me towards the table, as one guard member steps forth with drawings of savages.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/NCbarracks.jpg.e8c59d5fdb2b9f4349c8351c22ffb56a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/NCbarracks.jpg.e8c59d5fdb2b9f4349c8351c22ffb56a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Arch-Guard: "Here you are Commander." *hands drawings to Latvitz*

Latvitz: "Okay men, hark. This I'm sure you know is lady Miracle, she'll be helping us on this investigation of savages and their next moves. We need to keep Mundus safe am I right warriors?"

Nature Guard: "HAAAO!!"

Latvitz: "We don't know if they have a leader, or they simply run in castes, but they are deadly and lethal, and must be taken with extreme adversity. They were last spotted around Hollow Trail, spreading southbound towards Lily Town. My best guess is that they're recruiting in small cities and towns first, then traveling further as they spread."

Me: "Seems about fair, yes. Now these killings....just who are the victims?"

Latvitz: "Varies. So far we have 12 total casualties. 7 elven, 4 human, and 1 felinian..."

Me: "All in Mundus?"

Latvitz: "Aye."

Me: "Then it's more to it.....were they truly rebels for Mundus' cause they wouldn't dare slaughter it's people even upon refusal. Maybe the elves were trying to attack and it was self-defense but still remains....the humans and felinian. That narrows this down to an emotional motive, or they're searching for something....or even someone."

~Small chatters spread the room.~

Me: "We're north of them yes? Since they spread south, it's away from Nature City, which means they don't look to overthrow the Conqueror....hmm.." *thinks* "Perhaps....they simply wish to have numbers in their ranks.Where does the death trail lead to?"

Latvitz: "Well, the deaths all trail southwest, towards the middle of the province. That's where the dense jungles are and the felinians."

Me: "So they're looking for a place to set up a concealed base also...what better place than the wilderness with only primal civilization?"

Arch-Guard: "But why?"

Me: "Assuming they're scouting and moving for the central area to set up basing...then the most fair motive would be to have numbers to take with them in search for something. Or maybe even spread from Mundus to ALL provinces."

Latvitz: "Why lass?"

Me: "It's the end of the world. Orbis is lost, and maybe these savages think that they can restore order, perhaps a new Orbis Army..."

Arch-Gurad: "They don't get to decide that....!"

Me: "Then we stop them. IF that's the reason. So the trail leads southwest, meaning that after Lily Town is Pine Pass. Send a detachment of Arch-Guard and barbarians past Pine Pass to Oak City. Intercept them and...the rest is for you to write Commander."

Latvitz: "What did I tell you men, is she not talented beyond her young years?"

Nature Guard: "HAAAO!!!"

Me: *thinks on the Winterman, and his "passionate" speech*

Felinians are cat/lion like beings only seen in Mundus. They are secluded in their own ways, and are among the most savage beings in all of Orbis, making even Sabre's flee from their sight. Most live in central Mundus and only in the deepest, darkest, jungles.​


Latvitz: "You should seriously consider that Marshal job..."

~Swarms of Arch-Guard agree in "aye" and nods across the room~

Me: *smiling* "Thank you, but I will consider it. One more thing...is there any known members or any indications of the savages?"

Latvitz: "Usually in groups, most of them wear leather armor. That's all we have."

Me: "Very well."

Latvitz: "Alright Guard!!! You have all been briefed, so keep a keen eye! Dismissed."

~The Nature Guard disbands and the silent barbarians wait for the guard to leave before approaching me as I walk towards the large exit door.~

Lork: *stops me*

Me: *stares at Lork*

Lork: "You? A Marshal? Hmph, you're too fragile for the job...."

Me: *inches closer to Lork* "You know nothing of me brute, so I'll say this...underestimate me, you lose. Cross me, you fall. Ever disrespect or invade my personal being again....it'll be the last." *bumps Lork in the shoulder as I walk out.*

Dahna: "Well what of it, she does have some brass...."

Rargus: "Hmm."

Lork: *turns and watches me leave* "I hope it's enough...."

~The castle doors open wide as the sun gleams on the gold with royalty and distinction. The morning sky is bright upon my face as the golden light intertwines with my violet eyes. The Guard watches me with protection and respect as I walk down towards the Ground District of the city.~

Me: "Ughh, this dress is actually TOO soft, I feel as if I'll float away...." *walking down the large stone road*

Citizen: *whistles at me* "Lass, if I were the sun today I'd still not shine as thee....."

Me: *holds back a laugh* "Thanks..."

~The citizens of the Green District look upon me with curiousity and interest, the simply stare in a smiling, refined attitude as they look at my apparel and looks.~

Me: *mumbles* "Well this has a face of awkward...." *keeps walking*

~I reach the Ground District through the border fencing and continue to dwell down into the common area. Where I belong, where I should be. Albert knew, no, served with my parents.....why would they never tell me? He wasn't conqueror before Abandonment but I would've liked to think my parents had friends and not were just the lonley outcasts Leafslot made them to be.~

Me: *spots the Gilded Tree* "There it is.." *I walk up the steps and enter*



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Oberyn was well into his third mug of mead (compliments of Tessa for going to trial), and pondering morosely about his encounter with Albert when he heard the tone of the room shift dramatically. Those who were at tables had quieted and shifted to look, and then regular chat had started up again. The pause told Oberyn that someone interesting had just entered, and that everyone was clearly to intimidated to speak to them. He spun in his chair, turning over his shoulder; only to find Miracle in the doorway.

"Oh by all the Gods, woman!" Oberyn said, feigning frustration, "Did you bring anymore of your lovely barbarians with you?"

He tapped the counter next to him and threw some gold on the table, Tessa placed a mug of mead next to Oberyn and gave Miracle a look of judgmental envy.

"Don't let your dress get caught on the floorboards." Tessa said sarcastically.

"Tessa, shes not as dainty and pretentious as the dress implies, I assure you- she is actually quite the fighter. Come, Lady Miracle, have one last drink with me before I part."

~I stop and look at all the faces upon me. I've always been an outcast, but now I felt more isolated than ever. I felt like for the first time since I lost my parents that I wasn't getting looks of pity or indifference anymore, which was good....and bad~

Oberyn: "Oh by all the Gods, woman! Did you bring anymore of your lovely barbarians with you?" *frustrated*

Tessa: "Don't let your dress get caught on the floorboards." *glaring at me*

~Oberyn had notified her that I'm not what I seem, but I still felt that isolation, like I was the one that didn't have the right to be there. Emotion, something I haven't felt since....~

Me: *says nothing and sits at the back of the bar, turns my back towards the lot of the tavern*​
Oberyn saw Miracle's discomfort, and made a sort of exasperated look at Tessa. "Don't mind her, Tess, she's had a long day dealing with your lovely conqueror." He picked the mug he had got for her off the bar, and walked over to her, setting the mug down in front of her and sitting across from her, shivering a little as he saw those violet eyes.

"I was just giving you a hard time, lass. Are you alright? What are you doint out here in the common folks part of town?"

Me: *stares at Oberyn for the first time with a bit of contempt* "I am common folk Winterman, the stars just so happen to align us at a time of my summoning to the castle." *looks to a glaring Tessa* "Your lady friend there looks a bit jealous. Maybe you should steer clear of this 'royal lady'. Wouldn't want you to give me one of those speeches of yours...."

~I just wanted to leave. Marshal of Mundus sounds fair, but if it was like THIS day 1, I didn't want to be around stuck in these barbaric politics forever. I just wanted to go home, and never be seen again. Yet, I couldn't shake this greater sense of destiny nagging in my ear. The 'criminal' was now sitting across from me, and I had to choose for myself if he was as noble as he let on.~

Me: "Should you not be leaving soon? Lest your bad luck halter you once more...strange how a Mediumian gets more love and respect in here than a mere lady from down the grove."

~For some reason I felt something building inside of me, it felt a lot like turmoil.~​
"Lady Miracle, with all due respect, I did murder a barbarian to protect the barkeep. That goes a long way towards creating endearing feelings."

He watched the panic building in her eyes, and could only assume it had something to do regarding her meeting with Albert.

"What did he offer you, Miracle? You are visibly torn, I can sense it on you." Oberyn leaned over the table, a genuine look of concern on his face, he had only known Miracle for a short time- but she was different. He knew that her destiny was woven out of greater thread than others.

"Whatever it is, something tells me that you are the spearhead of the coming change. Be careful to stay safe- there is something about you that is too precious for Orbis to lose right now."

Oberyn looked into her eyes and was suddenly assaulted by a barrage of strange thoughts, and he realized that many times in his life, this had been what destiny sounded like.

"I'm coming with you- whatever you're doing, wherever you're going. Fate threw us together, with two extremely rare weapons, in extremely rare circumstances, and you being from the very place I had heard so much about...I am coming with you, whatever it is you are doing."

Me:"And you think it wise to trail me back to the castle? That's what I've been offered. A stay in Nature Castle as a high member, maybe even a job. Conqueror Albert isn't the apathetic dictator you make him to be Oberyn."

~Oberyn leans closer to me, but not once did I feel a sense of being threatned or any hostility. It was more of concern on his face, lest that be part of his deception also.~

Me: "And me? Spearhead of change? I'm just a rural lass, Winterman. Nothing special about me but these damn eyes that everyone wants to either.....never mind." *straightens up face* "what do you mean fate threw us together? Maybe it was chance that bounded our paths....after all no one uo there is looking at us anymore."

~I feel the inner animosity slowly dissipating inside of me, but yet I look upon the Winterman and all I see is trouble and bad luck. I had just met him a day's time....and now he wants to join me?~

Me: "You're trying to get back at the Conqueror are you not? Take my allianceand rub it in his face? Or is this truly about something else." *I stoutly raise from the table and lean inches from Oberyn's face, my eyes bearing into his soul* "Now's the time you come clean, Oberyn. No more games."

~the tavern looks in curiosity at the actions before them. Tessa even stops pouring drinks and shows a display of a shock to the system.~

Me: "Why. Are. You. Here?"
Oberyn leveled his pale blues eyes and stared straight into Miracle's soul. Guess it was time she knew.

"Something is coming, up from the very ground beneath our feet. Shadows, left unchecked, growing like weeds until they cover the planet. Its not just Medium anymore, they're all over. Darkness is swallowing existence, Miracle. People think the Abandonment was the end, but I don't believe that. I think it was the opening battle, the start of a battle for creation. I also had a dream before I left Medium- a vision. I spent days on the top of the Maw, the tallest mountain in Orbis, after I had spent two weeks below ground killing the creatures that came pouring out of the earth like blood from a wound. While I was up there, I had a vision.

"There was a man and a woman, a girl with violet eyes screaming for them, fire raining from the sky as all of the cosmos rained down on their heads. That is why I knew of Leafslot. That is why I came. In the vision, the man and woman keeping the sky at bay looked at me and said, find her."

Oberyn leaned back, a tired look on his face. "And now I have found you and I know not what to make of it. You're extraordinary, aye....but you don't seem to have any more idea of what to do than I do. I was hoping you would contain answers...though I suppose I should be happy you are even real, and I wasn't losing my mind at the top of the Maw."

~My heart drops at the words of the Winterman. Never had I felt pure fear since the Abandonment.....until now. His 'vision' matches exactly what happened a year and a half ago. That was more than enough to set off my senses.~

Me: *jumps back slightly* "You....? How...." *glares at Oberyn* "Right, what are you some sort of sorcerer? You used black magic to infiltrate my mind is that it?"

~I stand looking at the Winterman, frustrated that he'd almost gotten to me, for all I know he could be an agent of chaos sent to destroy us, he could very well be "the shadows".~

Me: "My mother always told me....faces that come as smiles carry nothing but a monster's mask in the end." *stealthily searching for my sword, but remembered I left it at the castle* "You stay away from me, I don't know if you're mad, obsessed, or just bad.....but you pull a stunt like this again, you'll be sorry." *I quickly rush from the table and heads to leave the Gilded Tree*

~My heart was through my stomach...no way...just no way he could've known that without black magic. I felt so foolish for being gullible. These things just don't happen. Never. It would take a stroke from the gods to pull this off.....and they were gone.~​
Oberyn got up and grabbed his staff, quickly running after Miracle. You might have wanted to present that information differently, he scolded himself.

"Miracle! Damnit, woman- stop!" He was walking right beside her now trying to keep pace. "If I knew black magic don't you think I'd have escaped the dungeon? And I would have killed those bandits with magic, not my blade!"

He was frustrated with her reaction, and had hoped that it would have gone better. Then he remembered something, something that he hadn't put together until he had been sitting in the dungeon and put together before he fell asleep.

He grabbed Miracles hand and thrust the Winterman Staff into her grip. The orb at the end began to glow faintly, slowly increasing its brightness.

"It doesn't do that when I touch it, lass. So try to tell me now that this is coincidence."

Me: "You could have been stalling with your magic. You don't strike me as a stupid type you could have been harboring your magic until the right moment. Hmph...just go away!!!"

~Oberyn with a frustrated face cuts off my path~

Me: "What are you--"

~The Winterman stuffs his weapon into my hands as the orb on the end begins to glow a dim red...getting more and more intense as I hold it.~

Me: *stares into the light* "What is this?? What are you doing!? Stop that at once!"

~the population of the bar begins to peer through the windows as commonfolk from around the city begin to stare at this uncommon anomaly in the middle of the Ground District.~

Me: "This...." *stops and gazes into the swelling deep red light inside the orb. My heart races faster and faster* "Oberyn...why is it doing this? This is YOUR weapon, tell me!"

~I return a look to Oberyn. One that's the first that he's seen on me.....and one that's the first I've ever given. Primal rage.~​
"How in Juno's tits am I supposed to know?!" He yelled back at her, the pulsing from the orb growing more intense. "That staff has been passed down through my bloodline for generations! I've never even seen it do that- I thought that orb was just decoration! Do you see me uttering a spell? I know enough magic to light a pipe, and thats about it!"

He moved to grab his weapon back, the pulsing was making him uncomfortable and he didn't want whatever was happening with it (if it was bad) to happen in the middle of the street.

Me: *jerks away, backs up* "Just....just wait a minute!! Hark!"

~This feeling I had....it was spiritual....like a spiritual pulsation. I feel so....powered yet....so grounded. There was no pain, no strain, only the feeling of being connected. With what I had no idea.~

Me: "You did this to me!!! OBER.....RYYYYNNNNN!!!!!" *voice gets increasingly violent*

~The city looks in astonishment, sheer shock. They begin to chatter and even some call for guards.....some even call for barbarians. With the orb glowing a deeper red than blood....I did what no other has dared to do.~

Me: *stops, screams out laughing* "Hahahahahah!!!! Just tugging your nerves Winterman.....I feel nothing but tingling in my core hahah!!" *I bend over from laughter, handing Oberyn his weapon back* "I will admit, tis quite strange the glowing....but-- bahahahaha!!!" *I stumble through words from laughter.*

~The entire district looks amongst one another in curiosity and befuddlement.scratching heads and gaped faces fill the area.~

Me: *sees that the orbs stops glowing, loses laughter. I look at Oberyn with a look of a sympathetic sorry* "Oberyn.....seriously....how are you doing it?"​
Oberyn starts to panic as Miracle appeared to be overcome by some force from the weapon, but then she burst out laughing. He pushed her lightly, his look of panic giving way to a reluctant grin.

"You sly little minx, I almost thought you were about to burn down the city."

He turned the staff over and tapped the orb, holding it close to his face and looking deep into it. "Miracle, I'm not making it do that- I swear. Up until this point I thought that orb was just there to balance the weapon. But I meant what I said earlier...I want to work with you, I traveled all this way because of that vision...it just...feels right..."

Me: "I believe you, Oberyn.....but I might take this Marshal job. If that's the case I'm sure Albert won't allow you around. Left a pretty good scare in the throne room you know..." *looks at the orb* "And if you never seen that happen before, we need to ask the Conqueror about this. I know how it sounds, but he may know something."

~The district returns to normal as citizens carry on with their day as usual.~

Me: "Speaking of." *motions Oberyn to look at the oncoming Nature Guard*

Arch-Guard: "What is this of a disturbance?" *sees Oberyn* "You again...."

Me: "No disturbance, Arch guard. This doing was mine, I thought it humorous to fool with him of his weapon, he really is no harm, at least not at this moment." *chuckles*

Arch-Guard: *wary* "Hmm....it's time you left, Winterman. Now."

Me: "He still has a day provision. Relax."

Arch-Guard: "May I suggest you head back to the castle upon convenience madam Miracle, you need not conspire with common punks."

Me: *looks at gurad, then Oberyn* "Noted."

~The Guardsmen trot off on horseback and continue to patrol the city.~

Me: *stares blankly into the air*​
"You know, I did some reading on Albert and Mundus before I came here." Oberyn said, rolling his eyes as the Nature Guard walked away. "As Marshall, if you accept the job, you have the Rite of Conscription. You can designate a companion. I think it was up to 4, but I may be mistaken. They can be anyone, even prisoners, and you are justified through your position to not only annul them, but give them authority. It was designed to prevent the Conqueror from directly controlling the entire Marshall position- they have the freedom to build their own team...

"Do you get what I'm hinting at here or do I need to act it out in dance as well?" Oberyn jested, leaning on his staff.

Me: *smiles* "Well that's because in the old world the Conquerors WERE the Marshalls of Orbis if you think on it. There was onlt the rule of the Emperor in the old world, and upon his death the provinces began to take rule for themselves. Like I said before Winterman, there may be the world's end, but there are still politics. But here? In the jungle? There's no outside authority....I'm afraid, not even sure conscription holds in the end time..." *turns my head sideways with a kinky smile* "But if you want you could still dance on it...."

~Then something hits me, something inside that felt unfamiliar....it was like forgetting a thought...but rather spiritual than mental.. I pause and place my hand to my heart.~

Me: *looks down at the ground, trying to figure the reason of this unrelatable feeling.*​

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