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"Mediumian dances are not pleasing to the eye, Lady Miracle." Oberyn jested. He saw her emotional reaction to something, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you ok, lass? Did I say something?"

Me: "I'm.....fine..." *trying to figure out this sensation* "Yes I'm good." *shakes head* "Now what where you saying?"

~I look at the Winterman's orb with unfamiliarity. That faint glow still within my sight. After a moment I straighten up, and look at Oberyn with a regained confidence, bouncing back from...whaterver it was that just occured to me.~​
"I was belligerently insisting that you find a way for me to work with you in Mundus." Oberyn smiled, "Otherwise you'll leave me no choice but to follow you around until Albert has my head anyway."

Me: *Looks at Oberyn with skepticism* "Why? Why do you want to follow ME around lad? Hadn't you said that you had a duty to Orbis of some sort?"

~Just then I hear the trample of horse steps as I turn to see the Nature Guard along with Commander Latvitz this time, in what I sense can be of nothing good. They approach us as Latvitz steps off of his horse and stands right in front of me.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/NatureGuard.jpg.80915f6bf1302ab125673b58d96fdca1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/NatureGuard.jpg.80915f6bf1302ab125673b58d96fdca1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Latvitz: "Conqueror Albert has requested you for something milady."

Me: "What about? Briefing and trial is over, I'm simply trying to enjoy my day."

Latvitz: "I understand, but this is a pressing matter" *looks at Oberyn* "Besides, I'm sure we can give you a grand tour of the city in all it's entirety....even show you the mansion."

Me: *sighs* "Listen, I never accepted the Marshal job yet if that's what this is about...."

Latvitz: "All that I was told was to come and retrieve you Miracle, the rest is between you and Sir Albert."

Me: *says nothing, looks upon Oberyn* "...Well I guess I'll be off then, it's been nice Winterman." *stands straight and places right fist to my forehead, and then begins to walk*

Latvitz: "A fine Marshal you'd make indeed, the first step to restoring this new world..."​



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Oberyn sighed and made an exasperated gesture. "Well, you best be off then...Gods be with you I suppose." He shot Latvitz a glare and turned to the market, heading to buy some supplies. In all honesty he wasn't very sure just what to do with himself, it seemed that this journey had been pointless, and he was no where closer to answers.

Maybe it is just too warm here for your liking, maybe you should head home.

He looked at this staff and groaned. Never answers, only mysteries.


~A group of cloaked figures look upon the Ground district from afar. They were inside the city walls, but remained at the outer reaches unseen by anyone. They had no weapons, no items, only a fully concealed body as they remained stealthy scanning up to the Green district. One of the two arose, standing about 6'4 upright.~

Man1: "I have eye on a brunette lass....I cannot see her face."

Man2: "I have eyes on many lasses....and their backside are just as beautiful..."

Man1: *slaps Man2* "Stay focused! Red said that we find this girl, we can have our own land in the province..."

Man2: "Think he's good for it?" *looks at Man1*

Man1: "He's impressed us so far, I would say aye" *looking at the Nature Guard escort me up the hill* "....we need a better view."

~The men disappear into the back reaches of the city~​
Oberyn had used the few coins Alistair had given him to replenish his supplies, and went about seeing the rest of Nature City before he left the next morning. He would sleep at the Gilded Tree tonight, Tessa had offered to put him up free of charge for saving her life (and her dignity). It was a beautiful city, but it still looked as though its walls would collapse in on themselves, like a wave. It was too suffocating for the Mediumian, too cramped, too crowded.

But for now it was where he would be, and as he strolled its streets he found his mind drifting back to Miracle.

~The cloaked men lay prone on top of a produce building in the Ground district. They continue to scan the city for search of what they came here for. They spot one odd looking being in the center of the Ground district leaving the market. His staff bladed with a red orb on the end.~

Man1: "Hey look at that weapon.."

Man2: "We did not trek for a weapon..."

Man1: "But it's peculiar...he's a thumb sticking out around here."

Man2: "Whoaaa....look at them." *sees barbarians coming down from the castle, headed to Green District.* "Rugged...perhaps they could join us."

Man1: "Remember what Red said unto us....no recruitment in large venues."

Man2: *looks at me* "I cannot see that woman's face...."

Man1: "Then we get to where we can..." *slides back from the roof and jumps from roof to roof crouched down, undetected*

Man2: "Showoff." *barrel rolls off building to a back alley way and walks towards the castle while hidden*

------------------------------------------NEAR CASTLE---------------------------------------------

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Me: "Why must I go now?"

Latvitz: "Albert has requested you go now milady."

Me: "Because of him right? The Winterman? Do you not understand you're already trying to manage my ways?" *folds arms*

Latvitz: "Conqueror's orders, Sorry lass"

~The barbarians pass us in a swarm as they all eye me with curiosity.~

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Lork: *eyes me*

Dahna: *eyes me*

Arch Guard: "Keep it moving, warriors..."

~As we cross into the castle gates, the patrol guides me back up the stairs to the main doors where the main rooms are. I look back over my shoulder at the legion of Nature Guard and in the sunlight...I swear I seen a shadow figure. I shield my eyes and look to get a better view, but nothing is there.~​



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Oberyn was back at the bar in the Gilded Tree, celebrating his "hero status", and singing loudly with the tavern. Tessa kept giving him bedroom eyes, and the Winterman thought that maybe this visit wouldn't be so bad after all.

The song stopped, and a man in the back stood on his chair yelling above the crowd, "Tell us about Medium!"

Oberyn stood on the bar, his mead in his hand, "You wish to hear about Medium?" he asked.

"AYE!" the whole tavern called in unison.

Oberyn smiled, speaking loudly, "The mountains pierce the clouds, and I have sat on the peak, the ground no longer visible....just a sea of clouds in every direction. There are more mountains than you can count, and it is colder than you can imagine all year round. Of course the women...oh the women...with extra padding in all the right places!" He joked, the tavern crowd laughing and cheering.

"Deep in our mountains, goblins and hideous creatures pour out like blood from a festering wound. My people, the Winterman, live our lives without a home, killing them where ever we find them. We die in battle, or we keep on fighting. Our ways are ancient and our numbers are few. But we protect the realm!" he shouted.

another cheer went up, and the band started playing again as Oberyn was pulled off the bar by Tessa, who handed him more mead and smiled, "I haven't seen the Gilded Tree this crowded since after the Abandonment. You'll have to visit more often."

"Hell, if it was like this everytime I came, I probably wouldn't leave. But Albert has demanded I leave, gave me one day to prepare."

A sad look crossed Tessa's face, but she quickly hid it away, "Then we better make tonight count, aye?"

Oberyn gave her a seductive grin and nodded, "Aye!"

~Inside the castle throne room, Conqueror Albert sits with ease and comfortability. He looks on at me as I approach.~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ConquerorAlbertMundus.jpg.7dc1fe86950218fd7a64f44a4b907590.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ConquerorAlbertMundus.jpg.7dc1fe86950218fd7a64f44a4b907590.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Albert: "Hello, Miracle."

Me: "Conqueror....what's the meaning of all this?"

Albert: *shifts in chair* "I have requested you leave at once, these bandits aren't going to catch themselves and I need to protect the integrity of Mundus. I'm sure 5000 gold will ease your worry?"

Me: *shocked* "5000 Gold!? .....that's ....an ample amount of currency. Why so much just for bandits?"

Albert: "Because Latvitz has given me the report, and their spreading makes me...'curious'...so they must be stopped, at least thwarted in their plans. I knew your parents well, so I know that they have taught you things." *chuckles* "So let me ask....bow...or sword?"

~How did he know?? My mother was way too skilled with a bow and arrow, and my father....his swordsmanship was uncanny, yet they were just two normal working people. Had the Orbis Army really taught them THAT much? Were they really THAT skilled? They never given me, or anyone for that matter the impression that they were...so Albert must be adept himself...~

Me: "Both." *staring at Albert*

Albert: "Ahh, of course..my offer still stands for you here"

Me: "Why....why wait a year and a slice's time?"

Albert: "Because I had to find you, not for once did I think you'd return back to the place of your world's destruction...you are more courageous even than the noblest warriors."

Latvitz: Aye" *standing by Albert*

Me: *thinks about that day, the Abandonment*

Albert: "I'm sorry, lass."

Me: "Don't be, not like you caused it or anything..."

Albert: "In any event, you will have the barbarians to lead, and a few of my Nature Guard."

Me: "Barbarians?? If I may--"

Albert: *interrupts* "do not fret..they may be savage, but they are capable, and will have your back. My Arch Guard will assist also, so you won't have to worry. I wish you the best my dear...now return to your quarters and prepare. You will have three hours time to fully construct."

Me: *nods, walks out towards my guest room*

Albert: "Jade. Come."

~A Nature Guardsmen approaches and kneels at the Conqueror's feet.~

Jade: "Sir."

Albert: "Watch Miracle. Her performance, her skill, her intellect. Report everything to me."

Jade: "Absolutely."

Albert: "And if she acts strange...past the point of primal rage....kill her." *looking ahead*

~The entire room looks at Albert with sheer shock and detestment, but no one says a word.~

Me: *I walk up the stairs and over into the throne hallway and straight towards my room, the guards all look at me in lust and temptation, I can feel it through their helmets. I enter my room to everything exactly as it was when I left. I immediately grab my Icewood sword, and my small bag of coins. I stash some apples, carrots, and sweet rolls into the bag and place it around my waist.*

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~All of this elegance. It was so nice, I could live here forever, but what about my people back at Leafslot? They were just getting by, just suffering....I couldn't leave that, could I? My people....Julius....all of them. Maybe I could give this 5000 to them and start over here? Would that be right? Be just?~

Me: *walks to balcony and looks upon the sun beginning to set. A golden skyline over the ivory city. I look among the houses, the people, all so worn...but still beautiful. I even look at one man on the roof of his house, dressed in fully concealed gear. Wait.*

Man1: *looks up at the enormous castle, gold and ivory reflecting from his eyes. Finally he catches eyes of a brunette, one looking at him from a balcony. One looking at him with what appears to be strange eyes.* "Is that....??"

Me: *looks at Man1* "Who is that??"

Man1: *bolts towards the castle walls for a closer and better approach*

Me: *sees man running in the castle's direction, surprise hits my face* "What in the Underworld??"​



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Oberyn was gazing out the window of the Gilded Tree, catching some fresh air, when he saw a man running towards the castle. He was dressed in strange gear, clearly made for stealth, and a sudden flash of Miracle's eyes shot across Oberyn's vision.

What in the gods... He thought, clutching his brow, as the vision almost seemed to have force behind it. He gazed at the man running towards the castle again, and once more had a sudden flash of Miracle's violet eyes. He groaned, frustrated by whatever strange fate bound him to continuously run after this strange woman.

He ran to the bar, grabbed his staff, and kissed Tessa's surprised face lightly on the cheek. "Hold my tab, I will be back soon."

"You know, I've known you for two days and I already know thats not guaranteed."

Oberyn turned at the door and smiled at her, "Well thats what makes me interesting, lass!" He winked, and in a flash was sprinting after the man. There was no way he would catch up to him, but he could tail him. How many times had Oberyn hunted game in the mountains in this same way?

He ran towards a small building, muttering what little magic he knew as he approached. He used his staff like a pole vault as his lips finished the lengthy incantation. He felt his body grow momentarily lighter, and he was propelled onto the roof, landing with a quiet hiss as his body regained its normal weight.

It was a beautiful night, and Oberyn couldn't help but feel a rush at running across the rooftops in the night air. He shook himself to stay focused however, as he began to focus on following the man.
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~The man full sprints from roof to roof undetected by anyone. He was agile, he was crafty. The sun descends into the void as he looks a hundred feet up at the balcony housing the strange woman.Was it truly her? That's what the Man was thinking. As he ran, he knew he couldn't climb a one hundred foot wall, but he was trained in the ways of stealth.~

~The second man walks about the dusk streets of Nature City, clung to the farthest reaches of the citizens and commonplaces in order to remain hidden. He looks upon the roofs waiting for his partner to show, instead he gets a more peculiar sight. The man with the bladed staff running on the roofs, not to discreetly. The second man crouches and treks around to an alleyway as he watches the man run from behind.~

~In the royal room, I intinctively grab my Icewood sword and belongings. I run out to the balcony so see he was gone, but I caught a vision of something else: the Winterman. As he ran along the rooftops, the bulging body and armor, I thought that either he was with those men, and they were staging something, or he's gotten into trouble again. Either way, I was starting to get annoyed...which is something one shouldn't do.~

Me: *opens door and yells at guards* "We have runners on the balcony!!! It appears as if they are trying to get into the castle! The Winterman is there I'm not sure if he's with them or trying to stop them! Tell Latvitz!"

Arch-Guard: "Right Away!" *sprints off*

Me: *I close the door back and hear muffled voices*

???: *whispers* "Con..."

Me: *I snap my head around at the familiar horrifying whisper* "Ugah!! Who's there!?"

Man1: *sprints up to wall* "Truncus!"

~Man1 casts a spell in which roots spout from his hands and begin to climb towards the balcony of my room.~

Me: *I look at the balcony as I see tree roots ascend and wrap around the balcony stone rail. I prep my weapon at the coming situation, a look of intense concentration on my face.*

Man1: *rappels up the ivory wall using roots as a pulley, roots vanishing as he climbs*

Me: *waits in anticipation* "........"

Man1: *climbs up and spots me* "It IS you....!"

Me: *steps around the room, eyes and sword focused on Man1*

Man1: "We've been searching for you Miracle..."

Me: "I don't know you, stay away from me."

Man1: *slowly approaches me*

~The Nature Guard knocks on the door with extreme impact and force. The sound of a small garrison behind them.~

Arch Guard: "Lady Miracle!! Open up!" *knocks*

Man1: "Truncus!" *shoots spell at the door as roots and vines cover the doorway*

Me: "How did you? You're a spellcaster..."

Man1: "I don't wish to harm you Miracle."

Me: "Yeah I'll call Goblin's Foul on that..." *grips Icewood sword*

Arch Guard: "LADY MIRACLE OPEN UP!!!" *pounds on door*

Man1: "I'm sorry milady...Truncus!!" *shoots at me*

Me: "Nagh!" *slices through roots and barrel rolls towards Man1*

Man1: *braces for attack*

Me: *comes out of roll and rotates on sword to kick Man1 in the knee*

Man1: *stumbles* "Aghh!!"

Me: *brings the sword up while still low and slices upward on Man1*

Man1: "Ahhhh!!" *falls back out of reaction, checks himself and sees he's not cut, quickly gets back up*

Me: *hides my smirk to stay focused*

Man1: "I have to take you, I swear I don't want to hurt you..."

Me: "This coming from someone who casts black spells on me??" *swordplays around my body and over my head, brings sword to Man1's face*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/MiracleF1.jpg.4d86b02d847b91f166e9f984e9646680.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/MiracleF1.jpg.4d86b02d847b91f166e9f984e9646680.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Man1: *sighs* "I can't fail, I was ordered to capture the one with the eyes from Venus..."

Me: "Notice you said capture..." *bolts for vine covered door*

Man1: *chases on my tail*

Me: *climbs the vines and somersaults off of the wall behind Man1, slicing mid-air on him as I land*

Man1: *checks himself again* "......? That's the second time you've missed Miracle....perhaps you should get better training..."

~My dad trained me....he'd know soon enough...~

Me: "I don't miss." *flicks sword down by my side*

~The two areas where I sliced the spontaneously rip open, shredding his cloaking and causing his robes to fall off revealing his face and build. A average build, average height man, the fear and shock in his blue eyes give me a light satisfaction.~

Me: *mildly smiles* "Ignis!" *shoots flame spell at Man1 as he blasts back through the vive covered door, knocking it off its hinges*

Man1: "AHHHHHH!!" *screams from burns*

~The Nature Guard falls and ducks at the sudden impact and draw their spears and swords. They all converge on Man1 in milliseconds and topple him.~

Arch Guard: "Miracle!! Are you okay!?"

Me: "Oh yes, wonderful."

~I felt so invigorated, so empowered, so bold.~

Arch Guard: "Could be more....sound the siren."

The spells of Orbis are divided into three categories: White, Black, and Grey spells. White spells are healing and support casting spells. The 7 elements of white are: Barrier, Shell, Heal, Motion, Emotion, Mental, and Wall. Wall is the sacred 7th element, and is unattainable by regular means. Black spells are destruction and badgering spells. The 7 elements of black are: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, Light, and Force. Force is the sacred 7th element, and can't be attained by common means. Grey spells are altering and manipulative spells. The 7 elements of grey are: Mind, Body, Spirit, Physical, Time, Illusion, and Warping. All grey spells are incredibly hard to learn and attain, but the sacred 7th element is Warping, and is rarely ever seen in history. Each element has four levels of intensity in each spell (ex. Fire element has - Flame, Blaze, Scorch, and Inferno{Rare}. Generally sorcerers and casters of Orbis stick with one side of magic, as mixing can be damaging to one's psyche.​


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Oberyn heard combat from Miracle's room and pushed himself even harder, using every bit of the shoddy magic he knew to get himself up to her window.

"Aeros!" He screamed, again using his staff to pole vault his way onto her balcony, only to see that she had defeated the man, and the Nature Guard were already in. He landed on the balcony in a ready position, but quickly lowered his weapon as he realized she was safe.

"I saw them approaching the castle from the Gilded Tree and was afraid they were coming for you, I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner...Are you ok, Lady Miracle?" He asked, "Who the hell was that gent? His black magic was not without skill."

~The entire guard draw weapons on Oberyn at his sneaking onto the balcony. That was a crime to impede on royal territory, but they didn't care of that for the moment.~

Arch Guard: "Them??"

Latvitz: *walks through, sees downed man, then Oberyn* "I AM SICK OF SEEING YOU!" *draws spear to Oberyn*

Me: "Wait! How'd you even get up here?? Oberyn I have seen you one too many times revolved around trouble here....you're a spy aren't you..?"

~With that the Nature Guard raise their swords and spears at Oberyn, ready to stike down.~

Me: *raises Icewood blade as the guard protects me*

Man2: *silently looks in on us from outer rail of balcony clung onto roots and vines*

Latvitz: "You're a dead man, Oberyn. The Conqueror won't show mercy this time.

~The garrison stomps on Man1 and beat him to a pulp as they interrogate him right on the spot. His cries and the impacts of their fists invade the air.~

Me: "Oberyn just tell them where the rest of them are....we can make this easy..."

~I couldn't trust him...he'd been too close to everything. I wanted to believe in him, but any smart one would react this way, even him.~​
Oberyn rolled his eyes, "Are you serious? I just ran across the rooftops, making enough noise to wake the whole district, shouted an incantation so loud I probably woke two other districts, and clearly landed up here after the fight...yet you still consider me to be in league with the men who snuck around so quiet your guards didn't even know they were there? You Mundusians disgust me, I had heard your people to be different, but I suppose I was wrong. And for the record, I am sick of seeing you too."

"And of course its a them, I passed one of them as I came up, and this guy-" Oberyn reached over the balcony, hoisting the second man he saw up and into the room, his arms pinned behind his back. "-This guy, does he look the lovely people I try to hang around? Honestly Latvitz, I have standards, you know."

Oberyn pulled the man's arm far behind his back, causing the man's shoulder to make a sickening pulling noise.

"So how about you trust me on this, and be grateful that someone could have gotten in here to help Lady Miracle had you been unable, even after all the animosity between us."

The son of Latvitz and Arch-Knight of the Nature Guard. Extremely Loyal to his father, and just as precise and capable as his size suggests.

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~A thunderous, deep voice had jolted through us all. A large, ridiculously built and armored man walks in with a huge sword. He wasn't a barbarian, but he looked as if he ate a few of them. He towers above the rest of us. The Nature Guard scurry out of his way as he brushes past my shoulder.~

Latvitz: "Son, the situation is handled."

Lat's Son: "No....this cur would do well to never speak at you that way again. I guess Mediumians are ill mannered indeed, ingnorant of following custom. That's why they're so secluded. Even in the end times, they still venture about like mindless cattle. I bet the people died just as cold also." *smirks at Oberyn*

Latvitz: "Ease, Jade. Your old man can handle a mental case"

Jade: *looks at Man2* "You....why are you here."

Man2: *in pain* "Arghh....all....all I want is the right to counsel."

Jade: *approaches Oberyn and Man2, and takes Man2 right from Oberyn and raises him up by his neck* "Then why not ask at the front like a nice young lad?" *slams Man2 down and knocks him unconscious*

Latvitz: "Take those two down to the interrogation torture chambers....and Winterman, you are charged with royal trespassing. A fine of 500 gold is required, if you do not have it, jail time it is."

Jade: *looks down at Oberyn* "Don't look at me I can't answer for you...."

Me: "How about this, Winterman agrees to leave indefinitely, no charge done. He trespassed, but MAYBE he was doing it for the right reasons. I don't know what to think, he's been close to all incidents..."

Latvitz: "Nay, not this time. Fine or jail Winterman?"

Me: *lowers sword*

~Poor Winterman, I know he was getting fed up. If he really was doing this all out of good reason, then I'm sure he's pissed at the lack of appreciation. But on the other hand, every province has their customs and I can tell he wasn't raised with refinery. It would help if he knew and respected these ways but to him it was either about valor or cunning....depending on if he was really good or not. Has he gotten close to me for deception?~

Arch Guard: "First you claim to seek concil about Abandonment, now you're stalking Miracle...the jig is up boy..." *to Oberyn*

Jade: "Well then...." *walks behind Oberyn, blocking the balcony* "I guess you better make your choice..."

~One of the Nature Guard slowly shifts to the front of the group, waiting for a moment in case things got sour.~


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Oberyn laughed. He laughed in the way that only a man who cannot believe his situation would life. He laughed the way he did when he killed the monsters that spewed out of the mountains. He didn't care about these people's ignorant customs anymore, and he was done with their politics. He bent over with his hands on his knees, enjoying the moment of irony. He came to help and he gets arrested...only in Mundus.

He may have looked like a madman, standing there and laughing, but his hand on his chest as he laughed covered up the motion of retrieving a small vial on the inside of his hauberk. It was a grey, vile fluid, and he smashed the vial on the ground. Almost immediately, the entire room was filled with a thick, cloying smoke. Sight was restricted to less than an arms length, and he used it to his advantage.

One spear grazed him as the Nature Guard panicked, stabbing into the smoke, he'd need stitches, but he'd live.

It was the half giant he was worried about, looked like Latvitz had fathered his son with an ogre. Oberyn clanged the metal of his blade against the wall to the right of the boy before quickly withdrawing his blade. The noise caused the giant lad to lunge in that direction, while Oberyn slid underneath the giant's legs and came up on the edge of the balcony, smoke pouring out in droves. They'd have fun in that room, the smoke would stay for almost ten minutes, courtesy of basilisk blood. Nasty creatures to fight, but their blood was so valuable for this very reason.

He turned at the edge of the balcony, shouting as he jumped, "NOTHING PERSONAL, MIRACLE- JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE ANY MORE JAIIIiiillllll!" his words faded as he fell, using the only incantation he knew to lighten his descent and roll. Even then, it still hurt badly.

He broke into a sprint, leaping from building to building, eyeing the Gilded Tree as he jumped past it. You could have had a good night, Oberyn. This is what you get for trying to be the good guy.

And then he was over the city wall, landing in the forest, high in the trees, turning to see the figures on the balcony.

Latvitz: "RUNNER!" *runs into thick cloud of smoke*

Jade: *lunges for Oberyn but misses*

Arch Guard: *chucks spear into smoke*

~The Winterman used a diversion, but he made one mistake: running into the forest of which Nature Guard and barbarians knew inside and out, as I did. The entire garrison bolted from the room in pursuit as a few guard goes to the balcony to get a better view.~

Jade: "NAAAAGH!" *punches a hole in a table out of anger*

~This could be my first job as Marshal. To find and capture Oberyn. If he was innocent, he wouldn't have ran, my mind was made up.~

Me: *bolts towards balcony and jumps over it, grabbing the vine Man2 used and created as I swing down to a far rooftop. I spot Oberyn running from the rooftops.*

~The city wide siren goes off as citizens run into their homes and the scouring of guards and horses begin to thrive in noise. Bowmen and torched knights begin to mount up and arm to chase the Winterman down. The horde of Barbarians run from the mansion with weapons in tow, sprawling out into the streets, they could smell the bloodlust in the air.~

Me: *Sees Oberyn running for the city wall high side, where the edge of the forest just touched the walls, the dangerous side where all primal beasts lurk, I jump over the city wall before I get high side and land in the soft, lush grass. I sprint towards the tree line as I project Oberyn's path.*

'Not this time Winterman.....to think I actually was flattered by you....deceptor...' I thought.

~I run around a large corner of the city wall into the bottom of the tree line, where I look up and see Oberyn looking back towards Nature Castle high in the trees, he didn't see me~

Me: "Ignis!" *I shoot a small ball of flame at his chest, setting some branches on fire and knocking him from the high tree. Looks like he landed hard, I approach with the blazing fire red energy on the inside of my palm, ready for another go.* "Just don't move Winterman! You're now a fugitive of Orbis, hands up...."

~Got him. I knew it'd be about a few minutes before I even had backup since I reacted so quickly. My adreanaline was pumping so hard right now. He's killed before, I haven't. I had to be ready.~​
"Oh by the gods woman, let me be." Oberyn said, coughing from the fall and shaking the stars from his vision. "I came here seeking answers, seeking help- and all of you treated me like a stinking pile of shit, from the moment I arrived here." He stood, looking at her up and down.

"You've never killed a man before have you? Hmph, I had thought for sure you had up until this moment. I'm sick of this place, of its petty politics, of your mistrust. Its no wonder Mundus is run by asses like Albert, all of your people distrust one another. You no doubt, in your strange customs, have jumped to the conclusion that I was with those men. Nevermind that there is no evidence to support that, but that is what you think...

"If I wanted you dead, you would already be dead. I was at the Gilded Tree all night, never plotted with your would be kidnappers. I'm leaving this land, which has single handedly convinced me that the gods did abandon Orbis, and now we are left with leaders the likes of Albert...and law which operates like you." Oberyn spit on the ground. "You were supposed to be different. But you are not the woman I thought you would be. Now I'm leaving, returning to Medium, where I can die in the mountains, where I belong, run through by some demon.

"Just let me go, Miracle- I have no desire to hurt you, and I am not returning to that xenophobic piss pot of a city."

~I sit there and listen to Oberyn's words. I see his actions. Damn, we were all wrong.~

Me: "Hey! You have no right to judge me! You don't know me nor I know you! I just got into this mess you think I wanted this? To be summoned and tossed into this fray? This squaller of a new life? The world is over Winterman. The gods. ARE. GONE. I'm sorry if I don't embrace you as if it were my brother. These are the end times, and must understand...."

~I was too prideful to apologize, too prideful to help him, to prideful to admit to myself I was scared.~

Me: *lowers sword* "Go then, since you know Mundus so well...." *shakes head*

~I knew right then I probably wasn't taking that Marshal job~​
Oberyn shook his head, staring at the ground. "All of you were so quick to lose faith. Its no wonder the gods left, when all their believers were fair weather friends."

"You are more than you let yourself be, Miracle. Stop letting rules define who you are...And what you are isn't the instrument of some throne. For some reason, I still want you to be something special. Because I'm an idealist, I suppose. I'm going to the eastern edge of Mundus, a small town called Aethin, I'll be there for a week. You can bring Albert's men with you and arrest me, but I'll kill as many as I can until they kill me...or you can come find me if something crosses your mind. This city though," he said, gesturing towards Nature City, "Is as good as dead already."

~I was never one to get angry, don't even recall the last time I was, but Oberyn speaking of my people like that...it was driving me over the edge.~

Me: *walks up to Oberyn* "Stop! Stop speaking of us like you know us, don't you see you blind man it's not just Mundus it's EVERYWHERE. I don't know how you guys are in Medium okay? But I know in all other provinces maybe excluding Regnum we have actually decided to move past the denial stage and deal with our life as is! So stop acting like you're better than us, like you know all as Jupiter did."

~I was in his face now. I couldn't take all this. He didn't know how much I've seen for a young lass...things I'm sure even him as Winterman wouldn't dare to vision.~

Me: "We are trying, Oberyn. We have faith in EACH OTHER, not those damned gods. So how does that make us any lesser than you, you self righteous..." *stops*

~I take the Icewood blade and toss it at Oberyn's feet.~

Me: "Take your blade back, when you get to Aethin you'll finally see. Now go, before they come and end you."

~Oberyn may have meant well, but he'd come to Mundus void of it's ways, despite his nobility. He needed to learn that resolve is nothing without respect.~​
He snatched his staff up and turned to walk away, heading deep into the jungle before Albert's men arrived.

"You have no more faith in each other than you did in the gods. Trusting Albert makes you a fool, he has the countenance of a liar. But we are clearly worlds apart. Good luck, Lady Miracle- may the throne's blade never turn on you."

And with that he was gone, running into the jungle and avoiding the sounds of beast that may be out. He was angry, angrier than he had ever been.

All of it had been a waste.

~The trampling of horses come around the great corner and approach me as they see me just staring into the jungle, looking lost.~

Jade: "Where is he??"

Me: "I almost had him...I shot a spell at him in the trees and he got away..."

Arch Guard: "He can't be too far! Let's move! Hyahh!!" *steers horse*

~The fleet rides off into the woods, Oberyn would never make it to Aethin. The jungles of Mundus were too dangerous, the beasts, the tribals, the cannibals.....then with the Guard on his trail, they'd cut him off at every point. He was a mad man to me, Albert may have been right. Going on about gods and how this place can be saved, maybe he was so pitiful he couldn't process it any other way.~

Jade: "Get on, we'll catch the cur." *extends hand*

Me: *grabs hand and jumps on horse*

~Jade's horse begins to dart through the jungle at heightned speeds, an all black horse for an all black heart....this giant man was solid, I could feel his muscles bulging through the armor. No way anyone had ever bested him. I just wanted to go home, to my private cottage and lay down, looking at the keepsakes of my parents.~​
The jungle reminded Oberyn of the forest, beasts and chaos and blood and nature...it was not too different from his home. But he moved swiftly, and diligently, another vial of basilisk blood at the ready in his hauberk's hidden pocket. He had painted lines on his face and arms with ogre blood, a scent so powerful that any creature would avoid him for fear that he was indeed one of the most powerful predators on Orbis.

His fast pace was aided by his anger, he was too infuriated to pause, though he was smart enough to confuse his tracks. More than once, he would suddenly leap into the air, magic propelling his jump, until he landed somewhere else, completely separate from his original trail, he would use the same tactic and suddenly change his direction, making it appear that his paths branched off in multiple directions.

He had been running for quite some time when he came across a wounded Greymane Bear. Their original breed came from the mountains of Medium, but over time some had made their way down to the surrounding areas. They could run as fast as a horse, and were massive beasts. This one was resting on its side, foam forming at the corners of its mouth. Oberyn was just about to pass it by when his heart got the better of him, and he stopped.

The bear was sick, that much was clear- its mouth was foaming, it had been dehydrated, and its eyes were sunken and red. It grunted at his approach, probably smelling the ogre blood on him, but was too weak to move.

"You poor creature..." Oberyn said, listening to its struggled breathing. Nearby was half eaten shoots of a plant with purple berries on it, shaped like little hearts.

"You ate poison, friend. Those are Void berries. If you were my size, you'd be dead already."

The bear observed him with a worried look, but Oberyn stroked its head and poured some water from his waterskin into the animal's mouth. It drank greedily, and seemed to relax a bit at the gesture.

"You're lucky I found you, those berries are common around here, and I learned not to eat them pretty quickly." Oberyn had watched a young elf mistake them for something else, and nearly die after eating them. Their other companion had taught them an antidote, and Oberyn still had some of the doses in his bag.

The bear drank them all, due to its size it would need them all to survive. Almost immediately some of the swelling receded, and the bear stood up- eyeing Oberyn warily. The Winterman rubbed the bear's head one last time, and continued his sprint in the jungle.

He noticed a short while later that the bear was following him, gaining speed as it got its strength back, stopping to drink water from streams, but otherwise staying near him...

Seems I've made a new friend.

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