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  1. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid, who had been staring dufounded at the giant blue gem, spoke up. "Well I, uh acidently uh, cracked her gem." She motioned to Tiger, "and we were going to find some magic teleporter to find a magic fountain so we can fix it." She paused, "magically."
  2. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "Oh," Sid looked up a smile on her face. "Like a teleporter? Cool. And there's one near here?"
  3. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "Um, I don't wanna sound dumb but uh, what's a warp pad?" Sid looked at the ground as she spoke.
  4. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "You keep mentioning that." Sid quicken her pace to keep up with the others, "how will a fountain help?"
  5. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid broke out of her shocked state for a moment. "I'm uh Obsidian, just call me um Sid it's easier."Her face flushed red out of both surprise and embassiment, "and you?"
  6. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid turned to the new gem before quickly turning to face the other two gems. "What are we going to do?"
  7. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid turned to the cracked gem, her mouth dry. "I'm so sorry, oh God" ((Gtg school tomorrow))
  8. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid looked over at the male gem and then back down at the other. "I- I-" she stammered. I didn't mean to.." Her voice trailed off.
  9. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid's eyes grew wide. Her firery expression disappeared along with her weapon. "Oh God," she repeated the phrase over and over getting louder each time until she was screaming the words. "Oh God, Oh God."
  10. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    ((Sorry)) Anger bubbled up inside of Sid's stomach. Her pupils almost seemed to be replaced by small balls of fire, the gem on her forehead began to glow "I said," she reached her hand towards her gem, blinded by anger. "Leave me alone!" Her Chakram appeared in her hand. Throwing it in the...
  11. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid let out another scream as she turned to the side, the other gems blade just grazing her back and hitting the cliff face with a loud clang. "Why can't you just leave me alone!"
  12. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fantasy The Monsters in The Dark

    Are you afraid of the dark? Don't be, it's the light you should be scared of. No one knows how long these... Things have been living among us. The one thing we do know is the one place they can't hide, The Dark. Rules 1. Romance is allowed 2. Fade to black if nessary 3. Gore is...
  13. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid took this opotuntity to flip over onto her stomach and crawl towards the cliff face away from the wearing gems. This was always what happened, this is what gems do all they do is fight and hurt each other. Her fingers brushed against the rocky wall as she scrambled up to lean against it...
  14. ThanksForTheFallout

    Realistic or Modern Doors [ Insane Asylum ]

    Maya stared up at the large stone archway at the front of the asylum, glaring at nothing. This wasn't fair, she didn't belong here, she wasn't crazy, but she knew that wasn't what mattered, what mattered was the fact everyone else though she was insane. She laughed to herself at the thought...
  15. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid felt a rush of relief as she set eyes on this new stranger. "Please help me!" She cried, still trying to free herself from underneath Tiger's weight whilst trying to summon the flame again to no avail.
  16. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid raised her arm trying to block the swing a small burst of flame erupting from her palm, barely the size of an apple. "Someone help me!" (Kk g'night :D )
  17. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "M-my na- I'm Sid- Obsidian." She stuttered, shuffling back, trying her best to move away from the knife wielding gem. "Who-? Please don't hurt me."
  18. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    Sid let out a loud scream and fell backward onto the sand, her eyes wide as dinner plates, the small sparks she had managed to conjure up famished as she fell.
  19. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "Onion, if that's you you'll be in big trouble ya hear!" She edged closer to the cliff face trying to summon a flame in her palm to give off some light but getting noting more than faint spark.
  20. ThanksForTheFallout

    Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

    "Arg!" Sid threw her hands into the air falling back into the sand with a loud thump looking up and the night sky, small Rays of pink forming just on the horizon. She'd been up all night again. She sighed and push herself up off the ground turning to face the cliff she stared up at the lights...