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Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

Sid let out another scream as she turned to the side, the other gems blade just grazing her back and hitting the cliff face with a loud clang.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!"
((Please don't control other peoples characters))

"Fuck! How in the hell-?!"

Tigers eye, in the distraction, threw her knife towards the black gem barely missing her.
Victor narrowed his eye,"hitting her from the back is underhanded, eve if it is still valid, but I can't let her kill the other gem" victor ran in front of his opponent, " it's rude not to finish a duel he grinned" he paused waiting for his opponent to get her weapon back before attacking.

Tigers eye shouted, disorientated by the confusion. She took her knife from her gem again, now back to its original size, as the knife stuck in the cliff face rocks fizzled away.


Anger bubbled up inside of Sid's stomach. Her pupils almost seemed to be replaced by small balls of fire, the gem on her forehead began to glow

"I said," she reached her hand towards her gem, blinded by anger. "Leave me alone!" Her Chakram appeared in her hand. Throwing it in the direction of gems.

Tigers eye gasped as the weapon was flung into the back of her head, knocking her into the other gem and falling to the ground on top of him. The force was enough to form a crack into her gem. Her knife flew out of her hands, skidding along the sand before it was sucked back into her gem, sparking against the crack.
Sid's eyes grew wide. Her firery expression disappeared along with her weapon.

"Oh God," she repeated the phrase over and over getting louder each time until she was screaming the words. "Oh God, Oh God."
Victor stood up and looked at the crack in her gem, he went to crack his but couldn't bring himself to do it, he looked to the gem he was trying to protect, "what... What did you do? He asked exasperated,
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Tigers eye lay on the sand struggling to make any comprehensible movements or words.


She stuttered. Her figure started to deform, as she struggled to keep herself together.
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Victor sighed and looked down, "alright, as long as it can be fixed," he said hopefully, he looked at his opponent, " please don't mind me picking you up, it's for your own good after all" he smiled
Tigers eye now stood up with one swift movement, her eye turning bleak as tears started to fall down her face rapidly, her expression remaining straight as she stared at the ground. She ignored the other gems, as her mouth closed and open rapidly breathing.
((Yea I also gtg for 8 hours, I'm goin on a road trip ))

Victor smiled at his opponent's attempt to curse at him, he shrugged, "very well if you are going to be so un lady like i might reconsider trying to help you, I only wanted a fair fight after all" he began, "and the only way it can be fair is if both opponents are willing to play that way" he looked back with a sly smile.
Nephilite was just strolling along the beach, minding their own business, when they heard fighting. They spun around, looking for the source of the conflict, finding three gems battling on the clifftop. Nephilite ran toward the cliff, activating her plasma cannon just in case. "Hey! What's going on?!" they yelled.
Victor looked away from his opponent to the new gem, "oh, why hello there sir..." He greeted formally, he then turned to the other gems, "friend of yours?" he asked in a more quite tone.
Tigers eye began to hunch over, grasping her head tightly as more tears streamed. Following the crack in her gem, her figure began to crack. Her forehead around her gem cracked, to around her eyes, then to her neck. Her hoodie tore off, her arms revealed to now be covered in cracks. Soon enough, Tigers eye began to scream incoherently.

((@FandomDork We're on the beach, btw))
Victor shrugged, "so not a friend of yours" he said, "well I know a place where you can be fixed," he turned to the new comer, "and you can help, we need to pick her up, the less energy and stress she is under the more likely we can save her in time" he explained to the two

"but it might require you to cooperate" he turned to his opponent,
((Please use they/them pronouns...do not use 'sir'...))

"What happened? Is she gonna be okay?" Nephilite asked as they helped to carry the injured gem. They were so confused; why were they fighting, what happened to this gem, who are these gems?
(well he doesnt know anyone's name =/ )

victor looked back to the new comer, "all you need to know is there was a fight... no one won." he said not looking back at the new comer, "oh, where are my manners," he gasped remembering something, "I am tourmaline, you may call me Victor" he smiled

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