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Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

Victor opened his mouth and thought then closed his mouth and looked over to the one he was trying to protect, "I was just trying to protect her, may I have the privilege of knowing your name ma'am?" he asked curiously.
Sid broke out of her shocked state for a moment.

"I'm uh Obsidian, just call me um Sid it's easier."Her face flushed red out of both surprise and embassiment, "and you?"
Victor smiled turning back to the new comer, then back to sid, "you may call me victor," he said after making sure he knew where he was going, "right then, and what might your name be new comer?" He asked beginning to walk down the hill.

(g'night all)

Tigers eye began to get disgruntled with her state, being carried in the gems arms, but made no effort to get out. She hugged herself, still sobbing into her arms.
Sphalerite watched the group from a far, poping her gum. Grinning from ear to ear. She'd finally found some Gems. Not just one, but a whole group of them!

"Hey!" She waved wildly.
Victor walked down the hill and looked to the person who was waving, "oh, hello there ma'am, unfortunately I cannot stay and chat, we must bring a broken gem to the fountain" he called, " and unless you wish to aid us we really must be going, my apologies" he called up again.
Seph's eyes widened as she hurried to the new Gem's side.

"Whoah! Her Gems broken?! No way!"
Victor raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to question why she joined him any way, he closed his mouth and motioned for the gang to keep walking, he turned to the gem next to him, " yes her gem broke" he said but quickly smiled and said, " but when we get her to the fountain she will be fixed," he said with optimism"
Victor smiled, "an excellent question my dear, I have only heard legends... But I am sure it is still here, a healer gem lived here, she just wanted gems to live In peace here on earth, when she left... She left her healing power on earth, in the form of a fountain... It has the ability to heal gems" he said continuing to wAlk.
Turquoise squinted up at the sky as she made her way towards the group of Gems, the sun's blinding light dimmed and tinted blue by her visor. A loud yawn, followed by a muttered obscenity, heralded her arrival. Her horrible sense of direction was what had landed her here (she was just trying to go to the supermarket!), and she was just about ready to give up and call her friend Spinel to come give her a lift to the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot with at least one available couch when she spotted the others in the distance.

When her rather obtrusive display of fatigue went unnoticed, she walked over to Victor and tapped him on the shoulder with the claw on her index finger, being careful not to injure him. "Hey," she said, a bit louder than was necessary. "Other gem guy. What's this place, and where do I go from here to get groceries?"
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Victor stopped dead in his tracks and quickly grabbed the rapier when he felt the claw, he paused for a second,"by the stars!" he thought exasperated, "how many bloody gems are on this planet," he turned to the clawed gem still with weapon drawn, "my dearest appologies ma'am, it would seem I have become rather stressed, dont take it personally" he quickly apologized, "to answer your question... this is a beach, on earth, I know not where to purchase 'groceries' and my name is Victor, and unless you want to help with our crisis, I wish you the best of luck on your quest for this item, and I bid you good day" he smiled with a salute from the rapier, he turned and made sure the rest were following.

(sorry guys gtg to bed cause sleeping is good)
"Ooo! never knew there were so many Gems!" Seph clapped her hands happily before turning to Victor.. "Can I come? Can I come?"
Victor laughed nervously , " of course the more the merrier" he said checking back on his opponent to see if she was not a pile of gem shards yet. " but we need to get there quick... Do you know where any warp pads are?' He asked desperaitly.
Seph's head cocked to the side. "Warp pad?...is that the big circle thingy?"
The small gem rolled her eyes, her face starting to flush brown from embarrassment at her own awkwardness. It was times like these that she was glad her whole face was hidden. "If I knew where to find a warp pad, I wouldn't be here right now," she huffed, as if the question had been directed at her. "But I guess I can help you. Do you have any food? I'm kinda hungry, so... yeah."
Victor thought for a second calming down "you offended her you ruffian" victor sighed, "my apologies Madam. I meant no offense In asking, I might know where one is... " he said after a bit and began walking down the hill faster.
"There should be a warp pad nearby; I just used it the other day," Nephilite offered with a grunt. They strained with helping to hold the injured gem.
"excellent" Victor said walking by and helping holding her up, "lead the way"
(( ik ik, you will be fixed one way or another ))

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