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Fandom (OPEN)Steven U. RP- Gemsonas

Victor checked on his opponent who was still broken and crying, he looked up at Sid, " not at all," he smiled(though in his brain he was wondering how she got here in the first place) "warp pads are crystal pedistals dsigned yo move a gem from one pad to another." He explained.
Victor nodded, " with luck there should be" he looked up ahead to the leader " how much farther nephilite ?"
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"Not much; it should be up on top of this hill," Neph replied, jutting their chin up toward the hill in front of them. "Where is this fountain?"
Victor thought for a moment, "I remember it being east from here... if you know where all the warp pads lead to, the area has lots of roses, and thorns," he said thinking about the legends, "I hope that helps" he said desperately.
"Yeah, I think I know that place. I haven't been there in forever, though," Nephilite replied thoughtfully. They noticed the warp pad ahead, pointing it out to the group.
Victor smiled looking at his crying opponent, "good, cause she needs this asap" he reported
Charoite was boosting herself up with water when she saw human-shape figures. "Hm," she thought and was now moving as fast as she could. She was now close enough that she was almost touching them. She went down and said in a cold voice "Hi," a fake smile on her face.
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Victor jumped and looked her way, then cleared his throat, "oh, you scared me, my name is tourmaline, you may call me victor." He said proudly then said nothing for a bit in awkward silence , " so ummm... I don't suppose you wish to join us..?" He said pointing back to the small army of gems following them.
Sid, who had been staring dufounded at the giant blue gem, spoke up. "Well I, uh acidently uh, cracked her gem." She motioned to Tiger, "and we were going to find some magic teleporter to find a magic fountain so we can fix it." She paused, "magically."
Victor nodded, "indeed" he smiled and motioned them onto the pad, "nephilite, get us there if you please" he said politely


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