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  1. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    Amoura X The molten beam struck the forest behind her sending the woods up in flames. And as the fire burned away at the shrubbery she lay on the ground, her body writhing in pain. What a strange way to go out on the world... Her thoughts drifted meaninglessly, as the pain was so fataly...
  2. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    Yeah. But I wish this Rp the best :) Amoura X The turn of events was among the oddest she'd ever experienced. As the male approached the clearing another wolf, a female, burst out of the bushes to stand at his flank. She was a dark wolf with patches of white on her chest and tail...
  3. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    (@SnowFeather @Aqua @SnowFeather in the next few posts I just wanted to fare-warn everyone that I'm probably going to find a way to kill my character off. Now this is not me raining on anyone's Rping but this just isn't for me.
  4. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    @Jinx (Nah it's fine.) Amoura X The air, suddenly restless, filled with sounds of a bird. A hawk. The creature landed silently on the branch of a nearby pine. She gazed at it for a moment with her single amber eye, watching its movements very carefully. It took merely a second for her to...
  5. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    Amoura X Her call wavered in the air lingering but left without a response. She felt the wolves' presence disappear. Then moments later an icy gust ripped through the forest. A wind followed almost immediately by the blocking of the sun. Suddenly the forest went dark. It was unmistakably magic...
  6. Pride&Perfection

    Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

    (Starting Post: @SnowFeather @Aqua ) Amoura X Wolves... She could feel them. Like tiny vibrations beneath the pads of her feet. They were close by, withing a half a mile at least. It was a miracle they hadn't scented her yet. Amoura lifted her nose into the breeze inhaling the fresh...
  7. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ Exquisite. She doubted his words were anything other than his usual banter. She was no rarity. No once in a life time girl. However instead of ceasing to continue the conversation she nodded, as if what he said had truly affected her. Flattery was not something she was fond of, nor...
  8. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ She followed his movements with her eye, observing his momentary contemplation of his next actions. He was kind enough, but from his words earlier it was clear he didn't take crap from others. Amoura turned so that her rear was facing the river, but also so that only her right side...
  9. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ "Would you like help with those wounds?" By the looks of it, he must be a healer. She opened her mouth to refuse, to claim she was fine and did not need any tending to. But she would not be ignorant to the fact that her head was pounding excruciatingly. Amoura allowed a thankful...
  10. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ "Everyone has a past." She said, refusing to be baited by her pity story. This pup knew nothing of pain, misery, sorrow. Amoura turned away from the winged wolf, done with her. Angel would learn fast that if attention is what she sought, then the last place she should seek it from...
  11. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ An external pressure could be felt at her temples. This pup was a telepathe. It stared at her expectantly, awaiting her response. Her lip curled up in a snarl, the sound resonating around them. "Manners must be one thing you were never taught. Poking around in someone's head...
  12. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    (No, I mean, no powers, unless physical, affect her. At all. She doesn't have to counter anything. It's just like a shield she was born with. Some call it a gift, other's a curse, because it also prevents her true powers from escaping.)
  13. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    (Amoura's powers are shielding and uneffection. Angel can't get in her head.)
  14. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ As soon as it had come, the peace vanished. The wind carried with it two distinct scents, one of a male, the other of a pup. "Hi. I'm Angel." It seemed her bath would not be long lived. Amoura growled, the water around her rippling at the sound. She stepped out of the pool and onto...
  15. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ The injured wolf gazed at the brute steadily through her one crimson stained eye. "I have a right to an opinion. Your subordinates don't seem to think so." Blood seeped from her wounds and rolled down her face, dropping to the ground in a puddle. Amoura lifted her head in a nod...
  16. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ Ignoring his question she stepped forward, suddenly intrigued by his scent. Somehow it seemed. . . familiar. Like someone of her past. Someone that she never thought she'd see again. Suddenly the Alpha appeared, bounding into the clearing with a thunderous tone. Amoura pushed the...
  17. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ Wind licked at her fur, pulling at its silky white gray strands. Her one good eye gleamed red beneath the layer of blood that ran over it, shimmering like that of a mad wolf. It took her a moment to realize that he didn't even recognize her. Then a second later it struck her that he...
  18. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    (@WolfOfProphecys : I've been thinking the same thing the whole time =-0.) ~ Amoura ~ Her head pounded under the pressure but not a sound of pain escaped her muzzle. Blood began to seep out of the puncture wounds left where her teeth had gripped her head. Shaking the dirt from her face...
  19. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the dark figure stalking towards her. Instead of giving away her advantage, she waited until he was upon her to take on defensive tactics. Amoura ducked down as he sailed over her, and then bucked upwards with enough force to knock the breath...
  20. Pride&Perfection

    Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds (OPEN)

    ~ Amoura ~ With a head held high and strength in her eyes Amoura followed the two males back to their camp. Her greeting, however, was not one of rejoice. Many foul gazes were cast her way, whispers shared, and plain up stark comments. The female beta seemed to have a few words of her own. Her...