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Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

Nazathewolf said:
Meaaanwhillle Abner continued to just sit there pinned to a tree with a looming and angry looking Stirk glaring down at him.
As time crept by he just stared back at the other male. "SOOOOO...... Aside from you contemplating killing me or not, what do you think of this weather? Sure would be nice to have a friend to snuggle with and maybe go on a hunt with.... HEY i have an idea, lets forget this whole incident and start things over" He offered with an awkward half smile on his maw.
Jinx said:
Strik closes his eyes as he wonders the woods he thought about that wolf and dawn running off but he didn't care much, more like the borders but you get the idea. He sighed and he walked, his black and Snow White fur blow in the breeze. He got an idea, he should try out his powers to see if he could turn into a hawk. He sniffed the air to make sure no one was around before he took a deep breath before his eyes shown and his tail twitched. (Ima skip that part of him transforming >.<)
He opened his eyes and he was closer to the ground, he went to talk and he saw a beak. He looked to his sides and saw wings, he smiled to him self and spread them. He flatbed them up and dawn and the dust on the ground moved, he flawed his wings hard and fast and he was soon in the air.

After a while of trying he finally got the hand of it, he flew through the trees at an incredible speed. He sqwacked a little, he flew straight up into the air and when he was high enough he could see almost everything, the camp, the mountains, he could even see where his old pack had once been.

He dove, his wings so close to his body he looked like a pin one falling from the sky. He was soon going fast enough to wear he almost broke the sound barrier, sending a small shock wave through the air. When he was close to the ground he pulled his wings out and he flew upward again spinning as he went up.

"This is awesome!" He crowed and he went up.

Abner stared up with a very perplexed expression as the male wolf Strik continued to just stare through him like he wasn't even there. Before he closed his eyes and began to simply walk away.

"Uhhhh Hello...?" Abner said with a bewildered expression. As the wolf continued to ignore him he huffed and blinked, utterly confused.

"IM STILL HERE ASSHOLE!" He yelled. Though he continued to be ignored as the wolf casually walked away like he was totally invisible.

"Come on man.... At least.... WHAT THE FUCK!?" He yelped as he saw the wolf suddenly begin to turn into a bird. Within minutes he had transformed and flew away.


Abner just stared with his jaw hanging open. "Okaaaaaaayyyy.... Moving on" He said to himself before he began to trot away in the OPPOSITE direction.

(( Not one but two of my posts got totally ignored lol so i am just going to play it through like this.... Lol.... ))
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Dawn's eyes widened as she looked over his beautiful red pelt. she blushed when she realized she was staring, and then heard Storm's voice.

She jumped slightly, and as he raced past her she yowled in surprise. She staggered back and ran out of the cave, her eyes wide and her tail tip twitching.

She decided to go back down the mountain, maybe looked for Strik. She soon found herself sprinting, and she let out a satisfied and beautiful howl.

She caught the scent of Strik and sprinted even faster. She soon reached him, and padded silently. He was obviously engaging on something. She dropped into a crouch and flanked him, her eyes glowing brightly and her grey scale colored fur blew with the breeze.

@Aqua @Jinx @blood wolf
Karrot Cake let out a howl so strong it made a woman pregnant somewhere in new york. With his awesome powers he turned into an airplane and flew across the sky, landing next to Strik and somehow instantly being a wolf again he swings back his gorgeous blond hair.

"GREETINGS Mr Strik" Karrot Cake said. Somehow knowing his name because of unmentioned psychic powers.

"And by Greetings i mean i am going to kick your ass for being rude to my little buddy Abner!" He added before screaming bloody murder and gathering his energy, he ended up accidentally farting and creating a blast wave of air force so powerful it could knock over the great wall of china.
Nazathewolf said:
Karrot Cake let out a howl so strong it made a woman pregnant somewhere in new york. With his awesome powers he turned into an airplane and flew across the sky, landing next to Strik and somehow instantly being a wolf again he swings back his gorgeous blond hair.
"GREETINGS Mr Strik" Karrot Cake said. Somehow knowing his name because of unmentioned psychic powers.

"And by Greetings i mean i am going to kick your ass for being rude to my little buddy Abner!" He added before screaming bloody murder and gathering his energy, he ended up accidentally farting and creating a blast wave of air force so powerful it could knock over the great wall of china.
(Dawn is with him.)
SnowFeather said:
(Dawn is with him.)
(( I did not ignore your post i simply did not have Karrot Cake see her, Therefore it wouldn't work for me to mention her if she was not seen. Abner was with him too but i did not mention Abner being around either because he was not seen either.

I Did not think you wanted to be farted to china ))
(@SnowFeather @Aqua @SnowFeather in the next few posts I just wanted to fare-warn everyone that I'm probably going to find a way to kill my character off. Now this is not me raining on anyone's Rping but this just isn't for me.
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[QUOTE="Pride&Perfection](@SnowFeather in the next few posts I just wanted to fare-warn everyone that I'm probably going to find a way to kill my character off. Now this is not me raining on anyone's Rping but this just isn't for me.

(( Alrighty then i just figured if one wolf could turn into a bird and another could control the elements and kill with a glance a super sayian wolf wasn't going to tip the balance much worse off than it already was ( :D ) ))
[QUOTE="Pride&Perfection](@SnowFeather in the next few posts I just wanted to fare-warn everyone that I'm probably going to find a way to kill my character off. Now this is not me raining on anyone's Rping but this just isn't for me.

(Oh yeah, well his powers were shapeshifting, so it'd make sense. But I won't argue with you. It's sad that you're leaving so soon.)
Reaver fell to the ground wimpering loudly as his head felt like it was being crushed while his mind worked to try to remember causing him to buckle and lay there curled up in pain as he wimpered

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Dawn broke off from Strik. He'd handle it. Instead, she started running towards moon falls, hurrying as she saw a blonde wolf. Very intimidating, but she couldn't help but blush. He was handsome.

She ran through the woods, leaping over dead tree trunks and ducking under branches. She soon reached the falls and heard whimpering. She continued running and soon came to find a snow white wolf.

Her eyes widened as they shone, and she rushed over. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly as she instantly crouched beside him and started checking his body for wounds.

@Daniel reaver
Nazathewolf said:
(( Alrighty then i just figured if one wolf could turn into a bird and another could control the elements and kill with a glance a super sayian wolf wasn't going to tip the balance much worse off than it already was ( :D ) ))
SnowFeather said:
(Oh yeah, well his powers were shapeshifting, so it'd make sense. But I won't argue with you. It's sad that you're leaving so soon.)
Yeah. But I wish this Rp the best :)

Amoura X

The turn of events was among the oddest she'd ever experienced. As the male approached the clearing another wolf, a female, burst out of the bushes to stand at his flank. She was a dark wolf with patches of white on her chest and tail. Shimmering blue eyes stared at her from the darkness of the wolf's pelt. Then suddenly a massive bird like machine came crashing into the forest, landing and almost immediately transforming into a wolf. He was a bright golden colored male with a sort of aurora glowing around his persona. Amoura lowered into a dominant stance snarling at the trio before her. Her lip curled upward revealing icy fangs tipped and stained with the life of her prey.

The bright yellow male roared at the first comer, throwing insults that seemed to cause him to release some of his power in the most unpleasant ways. "What is this freak show?!" Her words came out pinched. The power radiating off of the two of them seemed to sear into her body like a flame. What was happening!? Each breath burned like acid. Whatever it was, this quantity of magic that this territory contained was nearly unbearable. The female (Dawn) suddenly dashed off into the forest, nearly a quickly as she had come. Amoura's one good eye followed her into the bushes. It was the last thing she saw before crashing to the ground in a wave of searing pain...
[QUOTE="Pride&Perfection]Yeah. But I wish this Rp the best :)
Amoura X

The turn of events was among the oddest she'd ever experienced. As the male approached the clearing another wolf, a female, burst out of the bushes to stand at his flank. She was a dark wolf with patches of white on her chest and tail. Shimmering blue eyes stared at her from the darkness of the wolf's pelt. Then suddenly a massive bird like machine came crashing into the forest, landing and almost immediately transforming into a wolf. He was a bright golden colored male with a sort of aurora glowing around his persona. Amoura lowered into a dominant stance snarling at the trio before her. Her lip curled upward revealing icy fangs tipped and stained with the life of her prey.

The bright yellow male roared at the first comer, throwing insults that seemed to cause him to release some of his power in the most unpleasant ways. "What is this freak show?!" Her words came out pinched. The power radiating off of the two of them seemed to sear into her body like a flame. What was happening!? Each breath burned like acid. Whatever it was, this quantity of magic that this territory contained was nearly unbearable. The female (Dawn) suddenly dashed off into the forest, nearly a quickly as she had come. Amoura's one good eye followed her into the bushes. It was the last thing she saw before crashing to the ground in a wave of searing pain...

Karrot Cake being the almighty super sayian alpha wolf God he was, heard the female wolf insult him and turned his head in a epic slow motion way, his hair glowing brighter along with his powers of stupid shit.

"That is not a very nice thing to say..." He said in a slightly saddened tone before his tears became laser beams that shot forth and incinerated half the forest nearby where Amoura was at.... Not killing her but somehow magically attacking her fur so it MIGHT fall off... Leaving her naked and fur-less if exposed to the ray too long. The trees were burning in blue flames that only attacked the leafs hanging from the branches for some weird reason.

"On the OTHER hand instead of murdering people i think i am going to save my friend from starving to death!" Karrot Cake announced to himself before flying away and landing by Abner, somehow making a lush thanks giving dinner appear just by blinking.

"There you go friend!"
Reaver continued to wimper as he tryed to stand but fell back down as the head ache increased as he couldn't reply to the wolf because of the pain as flashes of random wolves flashed through his mind causing him more pain

Amoura X

The molten beam struck the forest behind her sending the woods up in flames. And as the fire burned away at the shrubbery she lay on the ground, her body writhing in pain. What a strange way to go out on the world... Her thoughts drifted meaninglessly, as the pain was so fataly unbearable that the fae had gone numb from it. This, she thought, was her one weakness. Amoura was born powerful, fast, agile; the perfect predator. But magic would be the end of her as her body was devoid of it and had not the abilit to harness or withstand its presence.

All her life she had run from her past, from her mistakes, from herself. And now all the wrong she had doe would never be righted, as she had secretely hoped it would be. And all the good amazing things she'd done would never be remembered with her name and face. The great Amoura of far away lands would just that. None of the land she was in now would remember the great things she stood for in lands afar. Here she was simply a rogue. Nothing more. Nothing less. Red liquid slowly seeped from her muzzle to the ground forming a small red pool that glimmerrd in the flames light. Her heart beat slowed, slower and slower. Thump...thump...thump. The gray wolf closed her one golden eye and whispered..."Bonum nocte sol mea." And then she was gone...
Reaver just winsed as the water turned to steam once it touched him as he wimpered more and more "p-please" he managed through the pain

"H-head" he said through a wimper as he shook from the pain wimpering loudly the pain only increasing because she had draged him closer to the falls

The pain dimed as she moved him away from the falls giving him some releif from the mass headache he was having as he stared back at her

December leaped up in the air, her huge wings flapping as she watched another Winged One flap his wings, heating up the area around him.

She looked around again and saw at the falls, a shewolf was helping out a male wolf that was obviously in pain.

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