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Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

"that's good, also is there something you're not telling me dawn?" storm asked feeling as if something was missing from that information, then he realised that he had probably been gone for a long time "wait where's rose!?" he satrted to panic a little
Reaver walked slowly through the woods with head down as he was deep in thought till he accidentally fell down a hill rolling to the bottom and landing in a creek "DAngit" he said as he stood up and got out of the creek then shaked before continuing on his walk till he came across the moon falls "Wh-where am I" he said as he slowly walked twoards the falls looking around before geting a massive head ache and wimpering loudly as he tried to remember

Dawn shrugged. "A few hours." She told him with a slight smile. She wondered if Strik was still dealing with the whiny rogue.
(Oh sorry guys thought you forgot me xD I'll start posting again)

Frost was laying in his cage bored because there was no one to talk to he wanted to come back down the mountain but could not because he couldn't control his powers when he was hungry and he hasn't ate in 3weeks so his power was unstable and it was like a blizzard near the top of the mountain blacking out a part of the forest from the sun.
Dawn nodded and looked up, seeing the sky darken. A blizzard? She got up and started walking. "I gotta go...and check something..." She mumbled.
Dawn nodded before she started running. She soon came to the foot of the mountain and hesitated. She could scent Frost far above. She decided to hunt real quick.
(Starting Post: @SnowFeather @Aqua )

Amoura X

Wolves... She could feel them. Like tiny vibrations beneath the pads of her feet. They were close by, withing a half a mile at least. It was a miracle they hadn't scented her yet. Amoura lifted her nose into the breeze inhaling the fresh forest air. She was down wind. Pine needles gave off a sharp minty aroma that made her want to shiver. But that mint was beginning to grow weaker as compared to the scent of the pack's border. If there were wolves this close to the border, in the numbers she felt in her paws then she must not be the only lone rogue wandering the area. Though she doubted that the other loner was here for the same intentions as she.

For weeks now Amoura had felt a presence... like something dark closing in on her. Only recently had she discovered what that darkness was. Loose ends. Things she'd forgotten to tie up as a younger, more ignorant wolf. Things that were coming back to haunt her. The only safety she had now was that of a pack. This was something she wouldn't be able to handle alone. So she would grow on the pack. She would get closer to them until the time came when she would need their help and they would willingly fight with her... But that wouldn't be for a while. The darkness she'd run from for moons wouldn't reach here for a long while. She had time. She had time.

Shaking off the uneasy feeling growing in her stomach the she-wolf quickened her pace through the forest coming up on the border. A quick, assertive and slightly dominant arrival would be best. Her good eye scanned the clearing. Nothing. Lifting her muzzle into the air Amoura let a howl ring through the forest. It wasn't challenging so much as announcing. But still hidden beneath its beautiful chord was something of power.
Frost was to hungry to think straight he went mad and he went into his rampage mode and growled and looked down the moutain and let out a deafening howl that could be heard by everyone that could see the moutain.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.85bcfc2d3734f357bdda0732ac5f1612.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.85bcfc2d3734f357bdda0732ac5f1612.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And let out another one that let some copies of him made out of ice come out of the snow and they started down the moutain at a terrifying pace to feed the alpha of the moutain.



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Dawn heard a roaring howl and gulped. She slowly continued up the mountain, her paws sinking into the snow as she set them down. Her blue eyes glowed brightly and her long, beautiful fur blew in the wind.

She picked up the pace as she heard Storm calling her name. She had to check. Dawn couldn't give up now. She soon came further up and froze. Before her stood one, two, three, four...more than she could count, wolves.

They were strikingly familiar, and she took half a step back. Her eyes, wide with fear, glowed, but she stood where she was. She lashed her tail and her ears twitched.

Frosts clones saw dawn and started growling and snapping at her to stay away from frost or they'll attack dawn and whoever tries to get up this moutain.
Dawn took a step back but growled. She lashed her tail and leaped at the one nearest to her. She raked her claws down his side to see they we're made from ice. She bit down on it's throat and it cracked.
The other wolves howled leading a whole pack to them and all there eyes were red and one ran toward dawn and scratched her side deeply and saying "this is you finall chance go down the moutain or die" it said with a stern face getting ready to attack again.
Dawn yowled amd bared her fangs. "What's going on here!?" She snapped. "Why can't I see Frost!?" She demanded an answer. She wasn't going to back down because some junks of ice told her to. She limped slightly from the scratch, but took no notice as her blood soaked her fur.
The clone of frost said "are creator is in a terrible state of hunger and we can't let anybody near him for a while until he recovers so again please go back down the moutain dawn" the clone said with a stern face and wasn't gonna back down while all the other clones left in the blizzard that was a couple meters behind of the clone.
Dawn narrowed her eyes. "I'll hunt for him, please I'll do anything if I can see him!" She insisted, taking half a step forward.
The clone of frost said "you may do as you wish I tried to warn you dawn" and he sat down and vanished letting her pass and into the raging blizzard.
Dawn gulped. She ran back into the woods and the came back after a few minutes, carrying an average deer in her jaws. She started trekking up the mountain, slowed by the deer, until she reached a cave. She dropped the deer. "Frost!" She called.
Frost was in his cage laying down sleeping from hunger and howled lightly as he slept and kept sleeping from hunger.
Dawn hesitated but walked further to find him in a...cage? She tilted her head. What was he doing. "F-Frost!" She called.
Frost was sleeping when he heard a voice when he was asleep he was in his normal form but as soon as he woke up he went into rampage form and jumped at dawn but was stopped by the cage and barley scratched her and kept snapping at her with a water like liquid coming from his fur.

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