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Fantasy Wolf's Howl: Live, Love, Die

Dawn took a step back, shocked and terrified. "Hey, hey, hey calm down!" She snapped as she dragged the deer inside. "I thought you'd might need this." She mumbled as she laid it just outside the cage.
Frost looked at the deer and grabbed it's neck with one paw and dragged it into the cage with ease and started to devour it without a breath in between. And came back to his senses saying "thanks dawn it was a little embarrassing letting someone see me like that" he said laughing as the cage vanished around him and he went back to his long wavy white haired self again saying "I owe you one"
Dawn watched. It was interesting, to say the least. As the cage vanished and he returned to his normal self she only dipped her head. "Anytime is a good time, to help a friend in need." She said, her eyes glowing.
Frost lowered his head and says "thank you dawn" and looks up at her and says "as gratitude for you I give you this" and as he said that he blew cold air on dawn and her wounds healed and a collar that looked like crystal appeared in front of her and frost said "take it as my gratitude dawn" and he smiled.
Dawn was slightly shocked and she shook her head. "I can't accept that, you've already done enough when you healed me.." She protested, blushing slightly as she glanced over at him.
Frost looked up and said "it's alright take it dawn it my thanks to you" he said blushing a little and then said "go on take it"
Meaaanwhillle Abner continued to just sit there pinned to a tree with a looming and angry looking Stirk glaring down at him.

As time crept by he just stared back at the other male. "SOOOOO...... Aside from you contemplating killing me or not, what do you think of this weather? Sure would be nice to have a friend to snuggle with and maybe go on a hunt with.... HEY i have an idea, lets forget this whole incident and start things over" He offered with an awkward half smile on his maw.
Dawn sighed but picked it up carefully. "Thank you Frost. It's beautiful." She said, smiling. She slipped it around her neck and shook her pelt.
Frost looked up and said "and another thing is I'm going to go on vacation from being the God of the moutain I'll just be a normal wolf for a while and transformed into a bright red wolf.

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(Did I miss much?)

Rose wakes up and sees that reaver is gone. She shakes her and wipes her muzzle with her paw. "It was just a dream." She said to herself and stood at the front of the den.
Storm charged up to the frost clones and dawn and used his abilities to destroy the clones and mental reach out to frost
[QUOTE="blood wolf]Storm charged up to the frost clones and dawn and used his abilities to destroy the clones and mental reach out to frost

We went through all this. xD
(( *Snorts* Over powerd much? Than again it was very very rude for two roleplayers to do like 2-3 pages worth of roleplaying between themselves without waiting for everyone else. Then again being over powered is expected to happen in a forum with its level of character monitoring ))

(( In fact i think i should make a super jesus death christ wolf that can do over 9000 damage to any other wolf that does not spoil rotten and love his chosen prophet, lil Abner :) ))
Nazathewolf said:
(( *Snorts* Over powerd much? Than again it was very very rude for two roleplayers to do like 2-3 pages worth of roleplaying between themselves without waiting for everyone else. Then again being over powered is expected to happen in a forum with its level of character monitoring ))
(( In fact i think i should make a super jesus death christ wolf that can do over 9000 damage to any other wolf that does not spoil rotten and love his chosen prophet, lil Abner :) ))
It's over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strik closes his eyes as he wonders the woods he thought about that wolf and dawn running off but he didn't care much, more like the borders but you get the idea. He sighed and he walked, his black and Snow White fur blow in the breeze. He got an idea, he should try out his powers to see if he could turn into a hawk. He sniffed the air to make sure no one was around before he took a deep breath before his eyes shown and his tail twitched. (Ima skip that part of him transforming >.<)

He opened his eyes and he was closer to the ground, he went to talk and he saw a beak. He looked to his sides and saw wings, he smiled to him self and spread them. He flatbed them up and dawn and the dust on the ground moved, he flawed his wings hard and fast and he was soon in the air.

After a while of trying he finally got the hand of it, he flew through the trees at an incredible speed. He sqwacked a little, he flew straight up into the air and when he was high enough he could see almost everything, the camp, the mountains, he could even see where his old pack had once been.

He dove, his wings so close to his body he looked like a pin one falling from the sky. He was soon going fast enough to wear he almost broke the sound barrier, sending a small shock wave through the air. When he was close to the ground he pulled his wings out and he flew upward again spinning as he went up.

"This is awesome!" He crowed and he went up.

(I got bored so I thought this would, do something. >.<)
She stopped her wings and dove in the water head first, and started to swim around.

She started to swim back to land when all of the sudden a cool breeze set over.

She paused and turned around to see what was behind her.

She noticed a big storm underway and started to fly back to the abanded cave she'd fount.
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Amoura X
Wolves... She could feel them. Like tiny vibrations beneath the pads of her feet. They were close by, withing a half a mile at least. It was a miracle they hadn't scented her yet. Amoura lifted her nose into the breeze inhaling the fresh forest air. She was down wind. Pine needles gave off a sharp minty aroma that made her want to shiver. But that mint was beginning to grow weaker as compared to the scent of the pack's border. If there were wolves this close to the border, in the numbers she felt in her paws then she must not be the only lone rogue wandering the area. Though she doubted that the other loner was here for the same intentions as she.

For weeks now Amoura had felt a presence... like something dark closing in on her. Only recently had she discovered what that darkness was. Loose ends. Things she'd forgotten to tie up as a younger, more ignorant wolf. Things that were coming back to haunt her. The only safety she had now was that of a pack. This was something she wouldn't be able to handle alone. So she would grow on the pack. She would get closer to them until the time came when she would need their help and they would willingly fight with her... But that wouldn't be for a while. The darkness she'd run from for moons wouldn't reach here for a long while. She had time. She had time.

Shaking off the uneasy feeling growing in her stomach the she-wolf quickened her pace through the forest coming up on the border. A quick, assertive and slightly dominant arrival would be best. Her good eye scanned the clearing. Nothing. Lifting her muzzle into the air Amoura let a howl ring through the forest. It wasn't challenging so much as announcing. But still hidden beneath its beautiful chord was something of power.

Amoura X

Her call wavered in the air lingering but left without a response. She felt the wolves' presence disappear. Then moments later an icy gust ripped through the forest. A wind followed almost immediately by the blocking of the sun. Suddenly the forest went dark. It was unmistakably magic at work. Curiosity got the better of the fae and she stepped uninvited into the pack's territory. Her light pelt stood out in the darkness, but Amoura wasn't concerned with being discovered. Obviously whatever power was at work within this land was out of control. The pack had other problems to deal with. A rogue wandering their lands and hunting their food was the least of their worries.

Almost as soon as it had begun the blizzard stopped. As the clouds cleared revealing the setting sun once more, Amoura set off in search of prey. Their vast territory was sure to be filled with some food or another. And so once she had caught a decent sized kill the she-wolf settled down in a warm open clearing to feast. It was an offense for sure, but nothing so severe that she would be murdered and mauled for it.

(@SnowFeather @Aqua @Angel Metting)
Strik was in the air, his wings flapping as he leveled him self, as he did he noticed dark clouds. (Same thing that almost everyone experienced just to lazy and sick to type it.)

His eyes shown like stars after the clouds went away and the beautiful sun set reappeared. He spotted a wolf in there territory, he sqwacked and swooped down. He weaved back and forth through the trees and sqwacked when he was near the wolf, he landed on a branch of a tree. He glared at the wolf and tried to growl but it a hawk form that wasn't possible.

He sighed and flapped his wings and flew off, he was at least 100 yards away from the wolf when he changed back. He let out a small howl of warning to the strange wolf as he pelted coloser to the wolf.

@Pride&Perfection (so sorry it's bad, I don't feel 100% good at the moment and my brain won't work right and help me be more creative!!!!)
@Jinx (Nah it's fine.)

Amoura X

The air, suddenly restless, filled with sounds of a bird. A hawk. The creature landed silently on the branch of a nearby pine. She gazed at it for a moment with her single amber eye, watching its movements very carefully. It took merely a second for her to realize that this bird was not really what it seemed. A shriek sounding almost wolfish erupted from its golden beak breaking the silence. Again with this magic. Here in this territory she'd come more in contact with it's power than anywhere else in her travels. Amoura stood from her prey, blood staining her white muzzle a dark crimson. Her eye narrowed into haunting golden slit and she growled at the bird. A dark, almost evil sound that resonated in the space around them.

In one swift movement it stretched its wings and took to the air soaring only a few hundred yards away. All the while her eye followed it into the darkness, her body shifting only slightly to turn. And then came the howl. It was a warning. The gray wolf turned to face the noise ears pricked at attention but her stance was neither subordinate nor dominant. Amoura gave another growl herself. One that told simply that she was not to be played with, but instead spoke to frankly. "Pack wolves..." She muttered under her breath. They were always so... reliant and cautious. Most of the time so afraid of something new and strange that they miss an opportunity for good.

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