Search results for query: *

  1. RingSlinger

    Fandom Wish Upon: A Dragon Ball Super RP [Characters] [Open]

    I don't super care about formatting so long as you include the following information. There's no minimum length on the backstory, but I'd definitely prefer to have more than a couple of sentences. Name: Race: Age: Gender: Orientation: Goals (Grand and Small): Physical Description (+optional...
  2. RingSlinger

    Fandom Wish Upon : A Dragon Ball Super RP [OOC] [Open]

    Here's the OOC thread for Wish Upon: A Dragon Ball Super RP. @Dragon Slayer Arcos @Foxy-Miles
  3. RingSlinger

    Fandom Wish Upon: A Dragon Ball Super RP [Open]

    The harsh bleeting of an onboard ship alarm pulled Zukai unceremoniously from his otherwise fairly peaceless slumber. He had been having that dream again. The dream about rocketing over a city, razing it to the ground. The skies orange and red, filled with plumes of black smoke. This version...
  4. RingSlinger

    Fandom Fairly detailed Dragon Ball Super RP?

    Hi, interested in some players (and perhaps a Co-GM?) for a Dragon Ball Super Rp. Some logistics: you don't have to write a novel every time, but a two to three paragraph minimum is what I'm looking for, along with a decent handle on grammar. Although this is set in the multiverse world of...
  5. RingSlinger

    Fandom [Closed] Pokémon: New Beginning in Sinnoh

    @LifeNovel @norway @The Hero The Jubilife Pokemon Academy loomed over two of our four heroes from Twinleaf Town. Whether or not the academy was filled with trainers, and how skilled those trainers might be remained a mystery to Minoru Nai and Ivy Lynae. Minoru himself wondered how Ivy's...
  6. RingSlinger

    Fandom (Closed) Pokemon [One on One]

    Amongst the thousands of people filling Ever Grande Stadium to capacity, not a single one of them dared say a word. The silence, as well as the natural acoustic design of the stadium would have amplified the sound of a pin dropping to be heard by each and every person in attendance, even in the...
  7. RingSlinger

    Fandom Anybody down to run a Buffy/Angel RP?

    I could run it if nobody else wants to, but ideally I'd love to find someone down to DM a Buffy/Angel RP. I have a reformed Vampire character in mind, and am pretty open to any cast of characters/story setting.
  8. RingSlinger

    Fandom Would anyone join an Onimusha RP?

    I'd set it vaguely outside of the (somewhat nebulous) canon of the games. If you're unfamiliar, but open to the idea of a magical Samurai x Demons here's a primer on the series: Onimusha - Wikipedia I'd be open to people playing Genma, Oni, or humans with Oni-bestowed Gauntlets, working...
  9. RingSlinger

    Fandom While We're Young: Young Justice RP [Open]

    [OOC: While We're Young: A Young Justice RP (Open) Character Database: While We're Young: Young Justice RP Character Database. ] Realistically, he should have taken a zeta-beam. He had never seen Central City before, and he usually found long flights to be calming. Flying over the city...
  10. RingSlinger

    Fandom While We're Young: A Young Justice RP (Open)

    Official OOC Thread for the Young Justice RP, located HERE: While We're Young: Young Justice RP [Open] The original Young Justice team has spawned several smaller squads operating out of their own smaller bases around the globe. Our team would be operating out of a small hidden headquarters in...
  11. RingSlinger

    Fandom While We're Young: Young Justice RP Character Database.

    No real format desired here, just a paragraph or two about your character. If you'd like to include a physical description go for it, or write it into the characters actual introduction in character. Here's the IC thread: While We're Young: Young Justice RP [Open] And the OOC: While We're...
  12. RingSlinger

    Fandom Any interest in a Young Justice rp?

    Any interest in a Young Justice RP? I'd want player-created characters, although I'd be open to people playing characters from the show. The basic idea would be that the original team had spawned several smaller squads operating out of their own smaller bases around the globe. Our team would...
  13. RingSlinger

    Fandom With Feeling... A Buffy The Vampire Slayer RP

    This RP is set after the collapse of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Every potential slayer has been activated, and the world has become a very different place. This would be set in a small town in the middle of the America. The townspeople, in spite of the recent ramp of supernatural activity...
  14. RingSlinger

    Fandom With Feeling... A Buffy The Vampire Slayer RP

    @RingSlinger, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  15. RingSlinger

    Fandom With Feeling... A Buffy The Vampire Slayer RP

    Character: Daron King. Bio: Daron is a vampire. Not the most ancient, nor the oldest. His actual age was unknown to all but his maker, though his maker was killed in the 80s by a talented Slayer. His style of dress does not reflect his historical origin, it's simply the fashion that spoke...
  16. RingSlinger

    Fandom With Feeling... A Buffy The Vampire Slayer RP

    The sun set slowly over Garverton. For the past several months, businesses had been closing earlier and earlier in the day, until finally the general consensus for local business owners was that if the sun wasn't up, it wasn't worth being open. This decision was two-part. The first was simply...
  17. RingSlinger

    Fandom Any interest in a Buffy The Vampire Slayer RP?

    I'd really love to do a Buffyverse RP. Set after the collapse of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Every potential slayer has been activated, and the world has become a very different place. This would be set in a small town in the middle of the America. The townspeople, in spite of the recent...
  18. RingSlinger

    Fandom Interest in a Firefly/Serenity RP?

    Hey all. Any interest in a Firefly/Serenity RP? It would be about a small crew running jobs in a short, older model Firefly after the events of the show/film. This would be a homebrew story about Captain Orion Zhang, and his ship The Calliope. We need an engineer, a pilot, and a security...
  19. RingSlinger

    Fandom Lost in the Black - A Firefly/Serenity RP

    I'd like to set this in the Firefly/Serenity Universe after the events of the film. The Alliance's hold on the 'Verse is shaken, but not destroyed, and most people consider the Miranda Broadcast to be a hoax perpetrated by Browncoat loyalists. I have a large, over-arching plot in mind for the...
  20. RingSlinger

    Fandom Lost in the Black - A Firefly/Serenity RP

    Hey guys! I wanted to do a Firefly RP. I'd like to keep the group somewhat small. We need: A Pilot An Engineer Muscle We'd also like: A Doctor And I'm open to one or two other crew-members if you can come up with fun things. Please post interest here before posting a character...