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  • Users: Sarky
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Sarky

    Cold Blood (Ex3) Game thread

    ...the walking dead, packs of Wyld-touched tribes, or dreams that walk on two legs frozen into solid form. And underneath it all, a yearning, a *need* to find... something. A ship, a floating tomb, perhaps a world unto itself, ancient and powerful and impregnable to everyone, except for one...
  2. Sarky

    Dice Cold Blood (Ex3) OOC chat

    Here's the OOC thread, for all your clarification/meta/shite-talking needs. Links to other threads: Character sheets - Interest check thread:
  3. Sarky

    Dice Cold Blood (Ex3)- Characters

    Pop your character sheets here. Character backstory will net you 10 BP for character creation, giving you 25 in total. If you're looking for something from a 2nd ed book, or a custom artifact, message me and we'll work something out. If taking martial arts, you can have some Face for free. If...
  4. Sarky

    Exalted 3rd ed- "Cold Blood" interest check

    Ahoy. Mostly because @Cthulhu_Wakes kept bugging me, I've decided to try out a short Ex3 campaign. I know @Skrakes and @Chaka have registered an interest, but I would like a perfect circle of 5 players so here's me putting some feelers out for interested folks to maybe throw out a character...
  5. Sarky

    Oh god what year is it

    Well, I guess I'm back. Hello. I remember, through the beer and the whiskey and the sleep patterns that would have made any nocturnal creature look like an industrious 9-to-5 go-getter, when this place was PatternSpider, or RPDom. As such, I am suffering culture shock. Or possibly a hangover...
  6. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (Info) Mission Briefing 1 - Larry Kenton

    Mission code: NQ374012-EI-502-A Department: Acquisitions Mission pay: Standard Allocated resources: Armoured limousine (small) Subject name: Larry Kenton Sex: M Age: 58 Occupation: Bar owner, gang leader, UIG informant Height: 5' 9"...
  7. Sarky

    [Lords of Creation] Chapter 2: Arrival in Silver Mountain

    Chao, Kana, Azure Sky: It's been a busy month. Following your exploits and discovery on the isle of Nalon, you got involved with one Captain Takeo, a rogueish ex-Lookshyan Dragon-Blood working freelance across the West. He'd had a run-in with Skullstone pirates, and his ship barely made it to...
  8. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (Current IC) Chapter 1: "It's My First Day!"

    [/media] The old Corporate Wars were not kind to any of the old cities, and Old London is no exception. Most of the famous landmarks mentioned in the history books were destroyed by some horrendous weapon or another, to such a degree that rebuilding them would have made them completely different...
  9. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (Info) Cybernetics and Biotech lists

    Coming soon.
  10. Sarky

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] [Interlude] Ayo and Pillar - A simple discussion

    The Lusty Maiden arrived in Chiaroscuro an hour ago, and Ayo sorted out the payment details. The first voyage has netted the crew a little over one talent of real jade, and a couple of promised favours from Ragara Palan. The rest of the crew have dispersed for the day to attend to errands, or...
  11. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (Info) XP costs, Level/Rank and Downtime options

    Coming soon: A list of options for spending XP. An outline of rank vs. level, and the rewards of both. Various downtime options, what Agents get up to in-between assignments. Will include various ways of making extra cash, R&R, research and engineering options for improving equipment etc.
  12. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (Info) Equipment price lists

    A selection of available equipment and its cost will be going here. It won't be exhaustive, but should cover more or less everything easily available to starting EI agents. Initially, I'll be listing stuff from the core book, but I'll add in some more stuff after I've got all the basic lists...
  13. Sarky

    [A Fistful of Credits] (OOC) The Fu Bar- OOC stuff here.

    Hello. Feel free to chat here while I sort out a few things. We're nearly ready.
  14. Sarky

    Where have my notifications gone?

    I'm not getting email notifications any more. I used to. Then the merge happened and I had to go edit them all again, and that was ok until I just stopped getting them again. Has something happened? Am I going to have to go and recheck all the threads I was following?
  15. Sarky

    A Fistful of Credits

    Corporation - A Fistful Of Credits It is 2500AD. The United International Government manages a fragile peace between the five Corporations which rule most of the world, a peace in name only; The Five conduct endless proxy wars in the shadows between each other, utilising cybernetically and...
  16. Sarky

    Lords of Creation

    I've resurrected a game I used to run on Patternspider called Lords of Creation. Not having a submission thread that isn't in the archive from 2010, I guess I have to make this one here in the hopes that someone moves it to the right place. It's about Solar Exalted punching things, throwing...
  17. Sarky

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 4: A Wyld Hunt appears!

    Everyone who went to the bar: Ow. What is this horrible painful thing in your head? Oh, it appears to be your brain. Oh. Oh dear. You're in rather a lot of distress. Quick, check limbs: One, two, three... four. Nope, all still attached. Wave a hand in front of your face... Yes, you definitely...
  18. Sarky

    [interest check] Corporation, aka "Syndicate Wars the RPG"

    So, there's an RPG I really quite enjoy, called Corporation. Website here: It's a really simple system, using 2D10 for everything except damage. Players have skills and attributes, and you try to roll less than a [attribute+skill] total on 2D10. The more you pass by...
  19. Sarky

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] [Interlude] Amaya and Elegy - What dreams may come

    Amaya: You collapse into your bunk, and drift off to some well-earned shuteye. Back when you first became... whatever you are now, your sleep was constantly disturbed by that strange whispering gibberish in the back of your mind. These days, it's oddly soothing, and more often than not leads...
  20. Sarky

    Something that's probably not very important

    Hi. I've noticed recently that some posts that were edited, and get the little "edited by such-and-such on [date]" have a wee little issue: When the last line of an edited post is long enough, it strays into the territory of the "edited by" text and it's quite hard to make out the text of...