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  1. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    @Sunbather Help us fuel the hype train! Post your character so that the train may become even more unstoppable!
  2. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    Wooooooo, been working on this all day and safe to say I'm incredibly proud of her. Writing up those eight paragraphs for her history was mentally exhausting.
  3. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    @AllHailDago I've been experimenting with different characters so far in my Private workshop and I might be leaning towards making use of my incredibly bloodthirsty kunoichi character originating from Wano. She's a "dishonored" figure and was banished from Wano after slaughtering her entire...
  4. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    @eheu Oh thank you very much! <3 Yep Signups are still entirely open, they haven't even fully started out yet as the thread isn't 100% complete. So feel free to head on over to the Main thread!
  5. M0N0

    Fandom Star Wars: The Great Hunt

    I really wouldn't mind, though that statement doesn't help my hype at all. *Hype train is unstoppable*
  6. M0N0

    Fandom Star Wars: The Great Hunt

    *All the hype*
  7. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    As RedIncubus has alluded to, a main thread does exist. It's not a 100% complete but I've begun work in my little workshop for all the other tabs. Feel free to talk to each other in the OOC tab about characters. @RedIncubus @SpectroVector @Rissa @Elephantom @Lima @TheRebelAngel @Illusive...
  8. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    @Rissa All forms of weaponry can be used if the person wielding it can be just as deadly as anyone else on the Island. Be It your standard Machine gun, Rifle, Sniper to more unconventional things such as a Flamethrower, Chainsaw or even a bloody sword If your character is agile enough to not...
  9. M0N0

    Fandom Star Wars: The Great Hunt

    Hella interested in this~ Especially the Cade Skywalker one. I'm hoping one would be able to play as a rogue, IG-100 MagnaGuard? With a personality similar to the ever loving HK-47.
  10. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    Characters can come from a large range of backgrounds, be it Criminal, Military, Contractor or Ex-cop. Anyone who's come across as "notable" to the founder of the group is up for grabs, as long as they find you interesting and useful you can have any sort of background. Also just as a note...
  11. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    @Elephantom The majority of the "native" populace would mostly be Asian, but there's definitely a large amount of diversity in terms of racial identity. So no need to worry about it! I hope for the team itself to be quite diverse, so It really shouldn't focus on any group in particular.
  12. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    Currently looking for some cool kids to join in on my violent little adventure. If interested, please say so. The sooner I get interest, the sooner the decimation starts! All lore and everything will be fully made and revealed once the thread itself is actually made, but If you have any...
  13. M0N0

    Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠

    S.T.I.N.G This Rp will contain heavy themes of and consistent use of Immoral topics staying within the jurisdiction of RPN Rules. This includes depictions of extreme violence, drugs, torture and harsh language. Reader discretion is advised. OVERVIEW Life on the...
  14. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    [CENTER] Mila "Lightning Jack" Enko SNIPER
  15. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    Oh and this shizzle. Space Pirates
  16. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    So now being hyped on possible plot Idea's I demand we involve the Moon into this RP. A one time trip there and back, loot the hell out of Birka and have an epic battle against all the stashed up Automata. How would this be implemented, god knows but It would be fuckin great! Moon
  17. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    The part about "Blech, I did this drivel" Is my reaction every time I read one of my RP posts. Don't even know why, but I always cringe at the thought of reading my own story writing, even If it's good. Though on occasion, I have been immensly proud of myself; especially when playing a character...
  18. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    ...Giants, a great plot arc would be the Marines getting so annoyed at our Pirates shenanigans that they just deploy the bloody Giant Squad to sort them out. Would make for quite the eventful battle.... *Cut to scene of Giants curb stomping our ships with all our supplies and leaving us...
  19. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    Nooiiccee, two midget pirates already planned. Now we just need someone to play as a Giant and we're all set for height diversity...
  20. M0N0

    Fandom One Piece Preliminary Interest Thread

    @Mitchs98 Mink Tribe