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  1. Elaraal

    Other How tall are you?

    5'2''. I'm also 22, so there's no chance for me to grow taller. Oh well, I've gotten used to not being able to reach for things.
  2. Elaraal

    Unspoken Tale of Hermit Island

    Síofra Cathasaigh finally opened her eyes after a night of restful slumber. Aside from the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the ship's body and some seagulls crying in the distance, only silence could be heard. And since any seasoned pirate's ears blocked out noise of this kind...
  3. Elaraal

    One x One The Ruins Of Our World

    Aoife Raghallaigh The Mercenary [tab general] Age : 24 Weight : 70 kg Height : 1m 80 Hair colour : Copper Eye colour : Blue Birthday : 23th of May [/tab] [tab Personality] Not the kindest person in the universe. Don't get me wrong, Aoife...
  4. Elaraal

    Wild Magic

    She's nervous around me. Not the oh-my-god-there's-a-psycho-call-the-police type of nervousness, more like slight confusion. A small part of her probably remembers me, Delilah realized with a tinge of flattery. When you lived for so long, you naturally learned how to pick up on those little cues...
  5. Elaraal

    Other What are the coolest laws in your country

    Here, have a pronunciation guide: Vocaroo | Voice message @AlbaGuBrath Haha, that's not actually true, I was just poking fun at the fact that my language is notoriously ridiculous, which is one of reasons why nobody wants to live there. Aside from many words being nigh-unpronounceable, it...
  6. Elaraal

    Other What are the coolest laws in your country

    Good luck, it's our immigration policy that only those who can say: "Blb vlk pln žbrnd zdrhl hrd z mlh Brd skrz vrh Smrk v čtvrť srn Krč" without stuttering can move here. Yes, that's an actual sentence, not random gibberish. It means something like "A stupid wolf which had eaten a lot of mash...
  7. Elaraal

    Other What are the coolest laws in your country

    Alright, so this isn't a law - rather it's a lack of a law - but we have no legislation against cold weapons. You can walk around with a freaking claymore right under a policeman's nose and he can't say anything to you. I've actually seen some people do it and I'm considering buying a fine sword...
  8. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    "Really?" Lillian raised her eyebrow in what could only be described as mistrust when Satan actually began defending human educational system. Unlike the vast majority of her classmates, she didn't necessarily hate school. There were individual subjects which occasionally became targets of her...
  9. Elaraal

    Dying Light

    "Good, I'm glad I haven't ruined my first impression by committing a grave sin against etiquette," Catriona smiled brightly at the two guys. In reality, she didn't particularly care whether her actions offended them or not, but pretending it concerned her couldn't hurt. Just like food and...
  10. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    Absurdity of the whole situation finally set in as she watched her new friend make himself comfortable on the sofa matter-of-factly, so confident in his movements as if he'd known this place for years. Lillian pinched herself discretely in order to see that this wasn't just an especially...
  11. Elaraal

    Chitchat Tell me something good that happened to you today!

    Only one good thing? There are too many to choose! 1. I have a new job which I have zero practical experience in. It's simultaneous interpreting, basically now I'm one of those chicks who do voice-overs in real time for important conferences and similar events. It's really difficult because...
  12. Elaraal

    Wild Magic

    ...some perks, like having all the time in the world to find reliable friends. "Where are you and where do you need to go? I'll arrange everything." *** Delilah was sitting at a table in a local café, occasionally sipping her latte and letting her fingers run across the keyboard like those...
  13. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    "Yeah, definitely, I see why some individuals might have a problem with your identity." 'Devil' was theoretically just a word composed of five letters, however it held a staggering power over people, especially when it came to the residents of this city. A mere utterance of those two syllables...
  14. Elaraal

    Dying Light

    ...mean it. The boy rose from the ground, dusted his hopelessly dirty pants off and grabbed his sword again. "So, care to show me how it's done?" *** Two hours later, the two were finally done with their training for today. Catriona had just finished her bath, so she wore a simple tunic...
  15. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    "I'm not upset," muttered the clearly upset girl, "I was just trying to shed some light on my motivations. That's a phenomenon which typically occurs when you laugh in someone's face for their beliefs." The insistence on justifying her might be a bit childish, especially in the context of her...
  16. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    "Is this how you treat potential customers? Lovely. I'd recommend you to all my friends if I had any," Lillian remarked as she put her hands on her hips, attempting to conceal her embarrassment in sarcasm. It didn't work out that well, mainly because her porcelain-like complexion highlighted...
  17. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    I'm going to regret this very soon, aren't I? flashed through her mind as the man who had introduced himself as Mr. Lucien stretched his hand, smiling like a shark sensing blood in the water. Okay, sharks obviously didn't smile because their facial structure didn't allow it, but Lillian figured...
  18. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    "Yeah, right. It was silly of me to expect anything else, but I guess it's nice of you to value your customers' privacy." One thing was absolutely certain. No matter how you looked it, the best course of action would be to say something along the lines of "I'm not interested," hang up the...
  19. Elaraal

    Best Friend from Hell

    Lila didn't know what she had expected to see from behind the curtain, but certainly not... well, this. Her jaw almost dropped. Saying that the man standing in the street and waving at her shamelessly couldn't pass for a local would have been an understatement. People came in many flavors here...
  20. Elaraal

    Music That one song you can't stop listening to.

    At the moment? This one, Napisten Hava. It means Month of the Sun-God in Hungarian and it's freaking awesome.