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  1. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Tired of these RP topics

    It's so true. Fun is a word people use when they mean to say things like just wanting to escape my actual life, wanting to play out my fantasies and desires, wanting to show off, wanting to blow off steam after a rough week at school or work; things of that nature. I write to create and...
  2. M.J. Saulnier

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    What if they've contributed to the plot already, served their purpose, and got a good death that added to the story and made the character memorable and ensured they left a powerful mark on the mythos of the story, and on the protagonist/antagonist cause as a whole? I suppose the utilitarian...
  3. M.J. Saulnier

    Advice/Help When is it Tasteful for One to Invoke Real World Tragedies/Events?

    It depends entirely on your approach, and by that I mean two things. If you're doing a biopic about the actual tragedy/event, take some time. Research your ass of, really think about what you want to do here so you can execute it at its very best. If you're using inspiration from the...
  4. M.J. Saulnier

    Other Your favorite type of RP?

    The very best project you'll ever be in? An original concept where everyone involved understands the genre and plot, communicates as a team of creators, and where the characters make sense, and have a planned (not to mention obvious and clear) purpose and objective within that plot. You know...
  5. M.J. Saulnier

    Character Theory Good-Bad Shifts In Character Arcs

    Yes. A face ( or 'babyface' spawned from how you package a wrestler based on their default aesthetic) is someone you'd classify as a protagonist for the sake of the story, but might be a dick, or be capable of bad stuff from time to time to save himself or those closest to him. Heels might be...
  6. M.J. Saulnier

    Character Theory Good-Bad Shifts In Character Arcs

    It comes from professional wrestling, which I was a huge fan of as a kid. I like it more than protagonist and antagonist. Role players tend to polarize those terms. So if you say a character is a antagonist, more people think the evil villain, someone out to do harm for the sake of chaos or...
  7. M.J. Saulnier

    Character Theory Good-Bad Shifts In Character Arcs

    Right now I'm doing a fairly complex solo story with very interesting character arc dynamics, with one in particular that is proving to be compelling, challenging, and rewarding. It involves two protagonists growing close, and then apart to a polarizing extreme. One will head up the new protag...
  8. Woman In White

    Woman In White

  9. M.J. Saulnier

    Story F A E [Volume 1]

    24 Cresthill Drive, White River Valley The Ross family vehicle crawled along Cresthill Drive; a sleepy little street on the south eastern outskirts of town. The curb met lawn in neat, uniform fashion along the curved stretch of pavement leaving no room for the suburban sidewalks Mel had grown...
  10. M.J. Saulnier

    Experiences Tricky RP ideas

    ...really, really good GM, who can dictate the facts in a way that narrate FOR you, telling you straight up exactly what you wanted to know. Player: *Examines the wounds* GM: "The wounds were consistent with deep, thrusting punctures from sharp, spiky objects. The wounds are clean, precise...
  11. M.J. Saulnier

    Character Theory Writing as Characters with Disabilities

    It's not something that should be done in a casual, "fun-oriented" setting where people readily and aggressively admit that this means nothing, and shouldn't be taken seriously. Leave this to professional projects and settings, where the proper amount of real research (google doesn't quite cut...
  12. M.J. Saulnier

    Multiple Settings MJ's Plot Compendium

    Plot ideas. So many plot ideas. This is a three tiered thread. Recruitment: If by chance a good group comes together on an idea Plot Exchange: If you want to try an idea without me involved, just link me to the IC so I can enjoy it with you Brainstorming: If an idea gets discussed and...
  13. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    @Fyuri The thread should be crumpled up in a ball and thrown into the fire. It was a metaphor for elitist staff members who behave more like archaic deities than moderators on creative writing boards. You don't want information on an issue? Don't be the one who acts on it. It's simple. Modding...
  14. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    You're not getting my point at all. Even though you write alongside other people every day, you say improving the language you RP in would be useless, as if how it makes their experience easier and more fluid, means nothing. That was my point. The statement, and mentality lacked any empathy or...
  15. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    As long as you're role playing, with other people, alongside their characters and in their stories from time to time, how can it ever be useless? The complete lack of anything resembling empathy or consideration for your fellow RPN user is I think what bothers me most here. We're not collecting...
  16. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    Funny because I don't feel like it backfired at all, and no, it's not about me being called elitist, lol. My points keep being proven. It's all a metaphor. Do you do creative writing at all, or? :P
  17. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    All I hear is "Me, me, me" on this subject, in any thread it attempts to surface in. "If it doesn't poke my bubble, who cares if it lives or dies?" "It doesn't reach my bubble, so it doesn't bother me." "If it doesn't pop your own bubble, why does it even matter?" The root problem couldn't be...
  18. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    Frankly? Because an RP community should be a bastion for literary standard and education, not literary ignorance. Because it does detract from fun. Because like any hobby, there should be standards. Because to you this is a fun, [ultimately] meaningless (I'm talking on the chart of your cosmic...
  19. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    Idea? I think you meant @BriiAngelic . But I guess they both have anime girls as their avatars, and Idea is a senior member. Negativity doesn't equate to elitist, if that's what you're suggesting, @The Dark Wizard .
  20. M.J. Saulnier

    Viewpoint Let's talk about Elitism, and what it actually is...

    You don't even have to be aggressive about it. Any time you make someone feel inferior about their behavior, they will lash out to try and make you look like the problem. It's human nature. But if someone is working with you, you probably can't call them elitist. Elitists won't work with subpar...