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  • *Takes pain meds to get some sleep*

    *Pain stops, now not feeling like sleeping*

    Wait, what? :|  
    Welcome sleepless night. I don't know if it's even night there. But well, get well soon.
    No, that was like five hours ago.  It's late morning, and I'm just plagued by one of my regular headaches/migraines.  Thank you though :/  
    *Finishes Broforce.  Puts down controller*


    *Tackles the nearest non American thing on RPN*
    *Actually in a mood and position to get comfortable with a book.  Does so.*

    Face: hey you know what would be great right now?  I think it's time I just start randomly bleeding.

    Thanks face.  Thanks a lot.
    So... I think I like games with the bell curve difficulties.  A lot.
    y tho?
    There's a certain satisfaction in the moment when a final or a late game boss is all like "You're pathetic and weak and blah blah and I'm so awesome, now die!" but then they don't realized that I meticulously and stubbornly did every single side quest in the game thus maxing/close to maxing out all of my stats plus having some of the best gears ever, and then I like to imagine during the fight that there's a moment where they realized just how overpowering I am to them.  That moment where their confidence slips away and fear wells up into their hearts, and my character brushes them off like some grunt from tutorial before moving on.

    That's probably the best reward for side quests tbh :)  
    Good night everybody ^_^  

    "Recommended: Batman games, due to your recent playtime in other Batman Games."

    Batman games.



    That's it, if getting your own genre isn't power, I don't know what is.  Supes, you never had a chance. XD
    Wow, 321 DLCs for a single game.

    That's... nearly three times the total amount of DLCs I own on Steam for my entire library... :|  
    Probably not the same for this game, but I do know of some games that actually stop supporting the base game and only update the game (optimization and all) if you have the proper DLC for it.

    And 5 grand for all of that is ridiculous. The way one of the reviewers put it is hilarious, though probably exaggerated lol:

    "All the DLC combined can buy a real train..."
    Negative Zone
    Okay it's not the same train simulator game but I had to post this old favorite.
    Fair enough, I think I know of a few too now that I think about it, though I do believe general optimization tend to be free, technical updates that include no new contents.  Still, there are scums (*Cough* EA and Activision *cough*) that would abandon anyone that doesn't by their DLCs/Season's Pass/Ponzi schemes.  While I know that there's no legal way to prosecute that sort of mistreatment of their consumer base, I do hope that the day would come where a bunch of new and cool studios appear, make hits and tell the large AAA companies to "suck it" when they offer to buy them up (a fool's dream I know).

    That or a Mac.  Reminds me of that time when they did an actual experiment of taking all the money someone would spend on one of the high end macs, built a computer of the same caliber and then spent the rest of the money to buy a small used car.  Good time hehe

    @Negative Zone Noice :)  
    *Stands at the helm of the Last Laugh, holding a book in one hand.  A crew mate walks up*

    Crewmate: Captain, I still can't believe you found it!  I didn't even think it was real!

    Me (with a grin): Yeah, well you better believe it *tosses book into the air and catching it again*

    Crewmate: Where to now Captain?
    Me: *twirls the book around on finger* Oh, as the old fox say, "second star on the right, then straight until morning."

    *The Last Laugh shot forward, as the sounds of celebration and laughter ensues from it.*
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