
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Raise the roof and show you the skies
It turns out I want happy tears in your eyes
Or at least a red face and you to say
"H-H-How dare you write all that cheesy stuff on my page!!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
It's not like... I'm totally in love with you now or anything..."
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Oh how I adore!!My heart wants more!
I’m sure we will be best friends for sure!
Your not in love, don’t believe my own hype
For a tsundere protagonist I’m the funny goof type
You’d have at least five people to choose to give that heart
I just want you struggling a smile at my art
shakespeare v2
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Actually Shakespeare is Flowiest without the noun after.
I used to be known as the man “Shakespear” as I would run and throw sharp sticks at the peasants who knew little of the bards work.
I also spoke in third person.
im proud
Flowiest D Flowiest D well, no matter who you are, i'll gladly welcome you into this tsundere's harem tyvm (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Your adorable blushed face is all I need
To see your embarrassment is what makes me fiend
Line up four brothers or potential lovers
And I’ll prove with sweet rhymes I’m like no other
n - not that i really care or anything, but...

(^་།^) . . .

what kind of tropes fill up the rest of my harem?
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Oh I’m sure you could find them, choose and approve
As for me..
I’m the funny handsome cutie pie with a groove

There’s probably a RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan who can provide a laugh

A Idea Idea whose kind and clean, he spends most days in a bath

The Mechanist The Mechanist as he is your smart trope
And Noble Scion Noble Scion but she’s lewd and may grope.
Let's not forget, I'm a trap. My gender has been confused multiple times even just here.

If I died and was reencarnated in anime though, I'd probably become a loli, as punishment for the sheer amount of my characters that are little girls
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Has anyone made a rp and the characters are their online personas Ahahah
I’ve sort of hyped myself up for it
I don't think it exists, you could try. The issue though would be that being perceived as an army of self-inserts
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
It would literally be as you are perceived with your title, name, display picture aha
I would be the flowiest Fire, literally a person who spits rhymes and fire
Ohtsundere would be a tsundere,
As you said you’d be a loli..