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  • Okay, I was totally about to do replies to everyone I had missed ( @Desert Rose  mainly you :'( ) but I just realised I have to go out tonight for crappy personal reasons. :/  Replies may come later tonight or perhaps the next day. Sorry. :(  
    MY content count has 666 in it! :0 

    And my rep is all 1's! 

    I missed my 666 count ages ago ;-; .

    Also, let me ruin your 1111 community reputation :D .
    Daaamn  you!!! :P  
    Oh hey, look at that. My rep is 1066. You know, with the battles between the french, English and vikings. Pretty cool. :3
    How's fallout 4? :D
    Fucking brilliant. xD  Although I'm not gonna lie, I did regret everything and more when I jumped off a roof to find a deathclaw right next to me in the beginning commonwealth thing. :P  
    Yeah. At least that power armor is cool!
    Alright, just downloaded Fallout 4. No one can speak to me for like, ever, now. :D  
    Thanks, person! :P  

    I'm assuming the oops is because you accidentally commented on some random person's feed? xD  S'alright. A new friend is the best kind of friend! Except for a best friend. :P  
    Rock And Roll Boy
    I thought you were going to murder me for posting on this status update. 

    But, since that isn't so... 


    *Hugs you tightly*.
    Yaaay!! *cuddles back*
    Gracias por el follow, señor Kloud. °.,,,,,,,.-
    Strange statement to make, seeing as there's only two of us, meaning the other person who doesn't not like you will know who it is. Unless it is simply a statement to confuse the two of us, thus possibly resulting in your amusement.
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    I mean it is 50/50 shot of being right or wrong... :D  the amusement is the fact that you responded to the statement implying it really isn't nice at all.... then again i'm sure we all can guess who I am referring to. 
    Is it me? I'm not entirely good at second guessing. ;-; :D  
    Nothing has happened in ages. ;-;

    /monthly_2016_10/feels.gif.ae981be6b8cb9b8d75e7122030f7fbed.gif AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    (That moment when you don't actually watch Tokyo Ghoul and don't understand the feels)
    Well go watch it, but prepare to feel exactly as I do right now when- AAAAAHHHH MY HEEEAAARRTTTTTTT!!!!
    Just saw a Kuroko no Basuke AMV.


    Time to binge watch the whole thing. Again... *le sigh*
    Prove it! >:3
    I have too much work to do. No time even for games. 

    That makes me sad, hence I shall cry LOL. 

    And that onion is adorable. 
    Amazing. :D  Oh how I wish I could draw. Stuff like that would occupy about 78% of my life.
    Need more people! Need more immortals! Need more demons! Superpowers! Explosions! Tasty mortals! Bants! What more could you possibly need?!?! SIGNN UUP RIHT FUOCKEN NAOOWWW!!!!

    P.S. I'm a demon, join me my allies...

    [SIZE= 14px]@SolistheSun @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Desert Rose :D  [/SIZE]
    Dante Verren
    Dante Verren
    Sorry Kloud I am going to pass on this one. Though thanks for the mention :)
    I'M IN! 

    ....as soon as I can make the time to consistently post....... :/
    Yaaaaaaay, the sexy succubus and the thunder God are joining! xD  well the thunder God joined despite saying he won't anyways. ;)  
    (feel free to rap, sing or speak this however you want. I generally rap stuff that has a lot of words/syllables on one line)

    Psychopaths Feel Too

    I... Am... Bro... Ken...

    They... Have... Spo... Ken...

    I am a maverick, a tainted stone brick,

    I'm a piece of the

    wall, standing tall,

    from what I can recall I stall at every call,

    with every box that I tick. 

    Oh excuse me, I'm not accustomed to emotion, 

    for each and every thought of your devotion,

    Is lost on me like an employee has lost his promotion,

    although it's not so tragic to lose the thing I never had, feel the commotion:

    This is not a feeling that I'm used to,

    Is it something that you can feel too?

    Am I alone in this maze of solitude?

    Or am I stuck in here with you?

    I... Am... Bro... Ken...

    They... Have... Spo... Ken...

    I... Will... Not, Feel them...

    So, Why... Don't.. We just end it, then?

    I'm sure that if I were to ever be unsure,

    I would just lay out on the sand of some faraway beach or shore, 

    And feel, no- Touch the sand some more. 

    They remind me of our sweet memories from before...

    Hey, where are we going?

    There's someone I'd like you to meet!

    Hey, what are you doing?

    You know blood tastes so sweet?

    This is not a feeling that I'm used to,

    Is it something that you can feel too?

    Am I alone in this maze of solitude?

    Or am I stuck in here with you?

    I... Am... Bro... Ken...

    They... Have... Spo... Ken...

    I... Will... Not, Feel them...

    So, Why... Don't.. We just end it, then?

    I think I'm going insane my brain aflame it's just the same a game made for pain made by a hate chain- please refrain from harming your dame, that damsel in distress I cannot stress enough that even under duress if you press into her dress, a heart of hearts; a crest that does not impress but instead there as a mere test. For no true villain is ever at his best, for that is their worst. 

    Please be careful, me. 

    I'm not entirely sure why you can't see. 

    That clearly her body and mind is too delicate. 

    Maybe you should become emotionally celibate. 


    This is not a feeling that I'm used to,

    Is it something that you can feel too?

    Am I alone in this maze of solitude?

    Or am I stuck in here with you?

    I... Am... Bro... Ken...

    They... Have... Spo... Ken...

    I... Will... Not, Feel them...

    So, Why... Don't.. We just end it, then...

    (yeah, I threw that curveball of a darker theme at you! Hah! If you don't like that, the tell me what to do. >:3 Also, I just made that up, there is no underlying message)
    Oh how the time goes by. Oh time, you malleable, indifferent construct of our imaginations. Why wont you just stay still for a moment and let me enjoy the here and now in peace? Well, I suppose that would mean there wouldn't be time going by to spend enjoying this moment, but you know what I mean. Oh, why can't I just stay here forever?

    "Because you were supposed to have gotten out an hour ago!"

    "But it's so warm here, so relaxing. Just a few more minutes?"

    "NO! You have a minute before I come in there and drag you out myself, you hear?!"

    I sigh. That was Sister Clarathine, one of the other nuns that lived in this part of the building and supposedly her best friend, and yet here she was threatening her with assault on the grounds of bathing for too long. I sighed again, "Listen, some of us care about our skin here. Just because you skipped bathing time yesterday and now your skin is all-"

    "Ahhhhhhhhggghhhh!!!" There was a crash as the door flew in and a woman in her early twenties with long blonde hair, freckles and rimmed glasses barged in wearing nun clothing. She seemed very angry and was running at her whilst yelling something or other, but that was shortly stopped as she skidded on a wet patch on the floor and slipped over. Her voice turned slightly more high pitched as she squealed in fright, landing butt-first in bath, alongside me. I gave her the edgiest of glares as my face squished against the side of the bath, "If you don't get off my right now, I will laser you-"

    "Oh whatever, Miss I can't bathe without a swimsuit McGee!" She laughed as she got out, and took her outer clothing off, ringing it out, "This is totally your fault. If you had just gotten out..."

    My reaction was apparently priceless, or so she told me in that fake-snarky 'oh-I'm-so-posh' voice she liked to put in to annoy me. Anymore of that and she'd be telling me from the nearest infirmary!

    "At least I have enough modesty to go for us both. Your hardly being virtuous when you skulk about with that under your cloak." I eyed the small bikini she wore underneath that I suspect intentionally came a size too small anyway, "Hardly fitting clothing when doing the work of God, huh?" 

    She grinned at me mischeviously and it sent a shiver up my spine; since when had Clara become so... Rebellious? 

    "Because I have a beach party tonight to go to. Don't tell me you're coming in that?" She eyed my swimsuit in return, a look of doubt and suppressed laughter. 

    "I guess not, then." I huffed, sinking back into the bathtub and closing my eyes. 

    "Err, what do you think you're doing? I need to scrub as well." 

    "'Err', no, go away in trying to enjoy my time and blot out your pungent presence, peasant." Clara puffed her cheeks out and went a little red in the face. I smirked, oh the irony...


    (Eh, that's the best I could do. @Whale Now onto the poetry stuff!)
    xD  Oh I love it! So elegant and descriptive. 
    Thanks!  :D  
    Hmm, idk. Should I become one of those people that posts random stuff on my status every few minutes for likes? :3 I could like, give you guys poetry, or something? But you could read it like a song? Or I could just write lyrics. Oh, or maybe you want a story? I can write you a story, just gimme a theme and other stuff you want in it! :D  
    You should be one of those people.  

    And write a story. Promt?

    Prompt: Enraged by a conflict with a former friend, a sassy nun refuses to leave the bathtub.
    I did write a story. :D  It's on fiction press under the same name. But I'll do that as well here. :P  
    Err, I mean it's not exactly any hardship on me, plus life will be soooo much easier for you in that game if I did.

    I wish someone gave me free stuff when I started out. ;-;

    Also, what happened to the No Mortals rp? You didn't die did you?
    If you're sure then here's my username: CrystalDragon

    Just make sure you don't give me too much stuff, I want to try and gain stuff on my own ^^' .

    And I left No Mortals since well, it had a bit too much fighting in it for me.
    It's cool, I already sent ya a message. :D  

    Well, I just realised that I'm on a flight to china ingame so i guess i cant now anyway. :P  Tomorrow!

    That's a shame/sham but ah well. There will always be other RPs!
    Internet box thingamajig is still broken, but I fixed my phone so at least I can rp still. :D  IIIIII'mm baaaaaack!!! xD xD  
    Tyyyy~!! :D  
    I'm gonna call you Slim now because you said I'm back in such a manner it reminded me of him. Any objections? <.< >.> <.> >.< Good.
    *is cool with that* xD  
    [SIZE= 16px]Just letting you guys know that my internet router is broken and I'm ordering a new one, which shall arrive in 3-5 days if not sooner. This means I can only post the school computers at school, sorry sorry if my replies are very scarce over the next week. [/SIZE] :( [SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]
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