Other What resources do you use for finding character faceclaims?


This is a random person generator, basically. It generates abominations occasionally but I’ve rolled the dice on it a few times and saved some potential faceclaims. Now I’ll feel less weird about RPs with real person faceclaims!

Oh my god I love that! As someone who takes hours to find the perfect faceclaim, trying to find one that’s not too famous but still looks like how I imagine my OC, this is perfect! Thank you, I’m probably going to use this all the time now

This is a random person generator, basically. It generates abominations occasionally but I’ve rolled the dice on it a few times and saved some potential faceclaims. Now I’ll feel less weird about RPs with real person faceclaims!
Holy shit. Also it seems many have used styleGAN for anime faces. I want a site for that. @_@

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