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Realistic or Modern Great Ganbatte ROUND 1 Fighter Dossiers



"Ah, so you wanna know if you got what it takes to contend with the best?! Wanna test your mettle against the gods of fighting and bet on yourself amongst a gathering of the strongest martial artists on the planet? Well...step right up, kid! We'll accept all who register, 18 'n up! But be warned, once you step into this world...ain't no way to get out but to fight! But don't worry! Registering for the tournament's easy as pie..."

Country of Origin:
Fighting Style
Blood Type:

Edmund Kipsang
Great Ganbatte.jpg

Biography: Edmund Kipsang was once renowned as a world-traveling martial artist. He left his hometown in Uganda at an early age to pursue a study of martial arts. Aside from the Dambe he'd learned at his local gym, he wanted to spread his wings across the martial world, sampling various fighting styles in order to find the ultimate one. Not the strongest fighting style period but one that perfectly suited him and his philosophy on fighting and in life. To accomplish this, he entered many a Great Ganbatte and for the first few years, was an esteemed competitor...and then with each successive entry, he has ranked lower and lower until he was considered something of a joke. At the very least, after two bouts in Hong Kong, he seems to have finally settled on a style that fits him in Drunken Boxing given how he was driven to drink after his abysmal loss record. Despite his decline, he's still seen as a staple of the tournaments.
Country of Origin: Uganda
Fighting Style: Drunken Boxing, Dambe
Age: 63
Height: 5'8 (6'3 when standing straight up but his back will hurt)
Weight: 250
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Layabout
Hobby: Drinking, sleeping, watching tv
Likes: Alcohol, "loose" women
Dislikes: Wine Tasting, downbeat music

Kojiro Chuuya

Biography: World renowned hip-hop artist and Sumo wrestler "Fat Chu" has conquered the world of Sumo, following that he reigned supreme over the world of music, topping the sales charts for the past five years or so. Arrogantly, he has stated publicly, much to the ire of his peers that he thought neither was a challenge. Born to a construction working family in Fukui, Chuuya claims to be the descendant of the legendary samurai Sasaki Kojiro, the most well known rival to Miyamoto Musashi. While there is no way to prove this for sure, his ferocity in the ring certainly begets the mentality of a warrior of old. When the most recent Great Ganbatte was announced, Chuuya took it in stride. Finally he may meet someone worthy of taking on his strength from which he has had no equal so far
Country of Origin: Japan
Fighting Style:
Sumo Wrestling
370 lbs
Blood Type:
Rapping, Skateboarding
All music, heavy foods, his fans
Dislikes: Picky people, too much silence


Biography: Sobek or Bek for short, is a crocodile named after the Egyptian god of the same name. With an odd aptitude for martial arts. Raised from a young age by a down-on-his-luck fight promoter named, Daoud, the two were approached by a master of Pankration who felt that no one on Earth could hope to properly master his style... no human on Earth to be more specific. So with no one amongst humanity worthy to challenge him, he sought out a pupil amongst the realm of beasts. Bek boasted a mighty number of victories in the tournament with Daoud making it appear that he was Bek while keeping the crocodile's identity a secret. The ruse was unveiled when Bek was challenged and defeated by Trent in the preliminaries, though the crocodile remained conscious enough to retreat, preventing his elimination.
Country of Origin: Egypt
Fighting Style:
Pankration,Crocodilian wrestling
25 ft (length-wise)
3,000 lbs
Blood Type:
Watching tv
Daoud, fighting, meat
Dislikes: The cold, mobsters, places without water
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Mergo Brennan

Biography: Mergo works at one of many "bathhouses" operated by the Heavenly KIngs. Ostensibly the manager operating the front desk, she knows people in her business have to do a little of everything to help the house get by. She's the bouncer, the cleaner, the first aid nurse... if there's a job that needs doing, chances are she does it at least once a week. She's joined the Great Ganbatte with her eyes on that fat cash prize, intent on using it to buy her bathhouse out from the Magna Mafia and turn it into something respectable, instead of just another money siphon for the bald pricks at the top.
Country of Origin: California
Fighting Style Street Fighter
Age: 31
Height: 180cm | 5'9"
Weight: 58kg | 130lbs
Blood Type: B-
Occupation: Bathhouse Attendant
Hobby: Brawling, Gambling
Likes: Girls
Dislikes: Cops, Outside Authority

Biography: From humble beginnings, he rose from street to top with the help of his trusted mentor, Bischoul, who inducted him into his upstart martial arts school called "The Black Lotus". Having fought since a young age due to being an orphan, Mohamed has the moves and toughness of a true fighter. Often to be found in his hometown of Jakarta, Mohamed trains in karate and growing crops to help feed his starving neighbors. When he isn't in town, he regularly attends “martial arts only” gyms across the country to get a better understanding of other styles outside of his own. He also enjoys a range of ancient fighting styles such as Bushido, Karate, and Taekwondo for the training that would otherwise go to waste, Mohamed remains a crude yet loyal friend to friends and family. Although he enjoys the martial arts for its challenge and what it has to offer, he is by no means satisfied. In life, there is always room for improvement. He has eyes for the future and hopes to one day have an impressive skill set to back his imposing physique. For this, he trains as best he can and strives to become as formidable as his idol while giving back to his declining community. With the announcement of the Great Ganbatte, he opts to put his skills to use and earn the money to bring his hometown out of poverty.
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Fighting Style: Black Lotus Kung Fu (Shotokan combined with Dragon-style kung fu)
Age: 30
Height: 6'2" ft
Weight: 175 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Occupation: Martial Artist, Farmer, Fisherman
Hobby: Agriculture, Training, Reading
Likes: Self-improvement, Music, History, Fishing
Dislikes: Apathy, Greed, Corruption, Starvation
Yin Shengkai
Biography: head of technology and research for the crime syndicate. She makes all their weapons and answers only to the 4 heads. But secretly she has her own plans for the organization. She plans to make a mechanical fighter that uses data collected from fighters all over the world to overpower the 4 heads and take over, she just needs data.
Country of Origin: China
Fighting Style: Mechanized Drunken Fist
Age: 29
Height: 5’7
Weight: 237lbs (with arms equipped) 179lbs normally.
Blood Type: AB+
Occupation: head of technology and research for the crime syndicate
Hobby: creating weapons for personal use, drinking, and painting.
Likes: saki, machines, the color white.
Dislikes: her bosses, stupid people, birds, and the color green.


Richard Lawrence
Biography: street thug from London who’s a natural wrestler. He got pretty pissed off when the Magna Mafia started pushing into their turf, so he entered their stupid tournament to beat some respect into their bosses.
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Fighting Style: street brawling and pro wrestling
Age: 23
Height: 6’4
Weight: 235lbs (all muscle)
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: street thug
Hobby: motorcycle racing
Likes: his bike, working out, breaking kneecaps
Dislikes: assholes who don’t know when to shut up, cops.


Sanji Minoshi
Biography: his family used to be rich, the Minoshis’ were a name to be respected, until they were ruined by the magna mafia, their names dragged through the mud. So he traveled in search of a way to end them, which is how he found his master Chen. Chen taught him the art of Tae-Do. A martial art that focuses entirely on kicking rather than punching. After years of training, he enters the tournament to hopefully find the men responsible for his familys’ state.
Country of Origin: Japan
Fighting Style Tae-Do
Age: 19
Height: 5’9
Weight: 179lbs
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: traveler
Hobby: fishing
Likes: His family, women
Dislikes: the magna, men
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Nabi Bergkvist


Country of Origin: Swedish-Korean

Fighting Style:
Primarily boxing, with additional Muay Thai and wrestling training. Due to her mysterious physical gift, she favors an outboxing style with lunging, sweeping attacks as well as jumps to control the distance.



Blood Type:

Professional boxer


Since her childhood, Nabi Bergkvist was distinguished among her peers by her athleticism. She could always run a little faster and longer, jump a little higher, and when she needed to, hit a little harder than second place. As she grew into her teens, "a little" soon turned into "much, much". By the time she was in her last year of high school, several universities were more than ready to take her on a sports scholarship. But that wasn't for her.

Already having distinguished herself as an amateur, she soon had her professional boxing license at the age of 18. She quickly rose through the ranks, defeating fresh young contenders and veterans alike. Apparently, there was a part of her that thirsted for fame and fortune as much as the thrill of the fight, as she soon began to style herself as something like an idol or professional wrestler, adopting flamboyant entrances and livestreaming regular parts of her life like her (apparent) cosmetic routine, shopping, or training. Her impressive rise and candid nature led to speculation on her mysterious talent. Could a human being really punch hard enough unprotected to send sandbags flying and dent steel? Could they attain a vertical leap of two meters? Was she the result of genetic experimentation? Cybernetic augmentation? No one could tell. But for every detractor she seemed to have ten fans, and soon she was dubbed the "Princess of the Ring".

But that was not a title all her own. Seemingly at the peak of her accomplishment, there was only one mountain left to conquer. Leila Zahawi, the "Queen of the Ring" who had reigned as undisputed champion since the start of Nabi's professional career. But before Nabi could issue the challenge...the Queen disappeared. Shocked but undeterred, Nabi did not remain still. Rather than searching for adversaries in the boxing circuit, Nabi began her involvement with other competitions, challenging MMA and even underground fights, bringing new brawls to her audience every other week.

It was then that the Magna Mafia redoubled their efforts to recruit her. Have her fight in their establishments, help them manipulate outcomes of fights in their favor...but she refused. The retaliation some might fear did not come, not yet.

But when the Great Ganbatte was announced once again, her suspicions arose. What if the retaliation had already happened? What if they were behind the Queen's disappearance because she refused to play ball with them, just like Nabi did? Now this was a fight she couldn't back down from. With that, she chose to attend the tournament, to find out the truth, and to show everyone that the Magna and their lackeys could be beaten on their own turf.

Shopping, karaoke, roadwork

Quiet times, electronic music, coffee with lots of milk, the praise of her fans

Dislikes: Gambling, alcohol, people who pick fights unnecessarily
Johnny Giovanni, "The tiger shark"
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Biography:A right power hungry bastard and self proclaimed "Man of Culture" or "Man of wealth and taste" named after a fictional Prohibition era gangster. Johnny Giovanni's brutality when dealing with opposition has horrified and impressed his fellow mobsters, having earned his name from feeding underlings who had failed him to them, The Tiger Shark's appetite for power has led him to join the Great ganbette so that he can become "Emperor of Heaven"
Country of Origin:Italy.
Fighting Style:Street fighter. Willing to cheat to win which is to say, Fighting Dirty. Some Wrestling moves due to watching the sport.
Weight:210 pounds
Blood Type:A-
Hobby:Gangster stuff. Also something of a manga geek, (Figuring this out is a good way to get fed to the shark)
Likes:Feeding his failed underlings and enemies to a Tiger shark as a punishment for failure, the fine women, insulting his opponents.
Dislikes:Mohammed, (Moreso what he stands for) his enemies. Fools with an overgrown sense of honor, failed henchmen, people killing his pet. "Well intentioned Extremists" which to him means anyone who thinks they're morally justified to do something horrible. He's been quoted as saying "I'm willing to have someone killed for crossing me but I won't use morals to excuse it."

Jack da Rippa

Biography:Your archetypal Football Hooligan, Jack Da Rippa was picked by da Boys to Represent English Football in the Great Ganbette and give da boys of the rival clubs a Proppa 'Krumpin if he saw 'em there. Also to tell the magna Mafia to piss off and don't fuck with Football. Why? Because they think he's too violent by their standards.



Weight:220 pounds

Occupation:Football lout. Works at a brewery.

Likes:Manchester United. The British World cup soccer team. Beer.

Dislikes:Rival football clubs, The other World cup soccer teams and their fans.

Fighting style:Hit it Hard? Dat don't wurk? Hit it harder!

Blood type:B+

(Yes the 40k Orkspeak is on Purpose.)

"Shotgun" Kevin
Biography:One of The Tiger sharks many Rivals, "Shotgun" Kevin is a ruthless gangster in his own right, he talks like a Prohibition era gangster who earned his nickname from if you hear him tell the story his tendency to carry a shotgun around. The real story however is more embarrassing, You know the "Anime Nosebleed" Trope? Yeah. That happened to him at a strip club much to his humiliation. and yes it was like a shotgun Hence "Shotgun Kevin" he joined the Tournament in the name of busting up the magna Mafia when they started muscling in on his turf
. He also got a Metal plate inserted into his head following his Skull getting shattered after a Hit gone wrong.

Country of Origin: america (Straight up Chicago)


Weight:180 pounds


Blood type: O-

fighting style:Boxing, Street fighting, Wrestling.

likes:Bulletproof Vests, Shotguns, Fine women, (Despite being unable to talk to them) Beer

dislikes:Wine, The Magna Mafia, Johnny Giovanni, Fat Tony (The guy from the phone call Johnny mentioned.) Drug dealers
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Rivera "Vivi" Guerrero

Biography: Rivera loved dancing from a young age and aimed to learn every type of dance she saw. Her neighborhood wasn't great though. It was riddled with crime and drugs which made attending local classes at the community center difficult. Her parents tried their best but they were also gone often, working long hours so they could save up to move out. On one of her walks home, 16 year old Rivera was held up at gunpoint. She escaped unscathed but the experience had rattled her to her core. She swore to help her community and keep others safe.
Country of Origin: Mexico
Fighting Style: Capoeira
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 205 lbs
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Dance Instructor
Hobby: Dancing, beatboxing, cooking.
Likes: Animals, sweets, dancing, the beach, working out, girls and guys.
Dislikes: Bland food, unnecessarily aggressive people, bullies, losing.
Musashi Saisei

Biography: Claiming himself to be Miyamoto Musashi reborn, "Saisei" has traveled the world in the shadows. This is his first entry into the Great Ganbatte, and his reasons for joining aren't clear. Is he vying to get close to the Heavenly Kings? Is he looking to test his strength against other opponents? Is he just bored?

Country of Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Samurai (a combination of judo, bare-handed kendo and karate)
Age: 38
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 215 lbs
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: Ronin
Hobby: Carving
Likes: Strength, honor, loyalty
Dislikes: Cowardice
Taku Saito
Biography: A young teacher with a secret, Taku is the last surviving member of the Saito Shinobi Clan. He seeks justice for his clan and answers to the mystery surrounding his family's disappearance and the world's influence on his students. He seeks justice through change.
Country of Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Ninjutsu
Age: 33
Height: 180cm
Weight: 74.8kg
Blood Type: O-
Occupation: Teacher/Shinobi
Hobby: Training his body and mind, video games
Likes: Pastries, coffee, history, karaoke
Dislikes: Bullies, tardiness, cilantro
IMG_9518.jpeg Biography: Was found in a dumpster as a baby on the streets of Kyoto, near the red light district operated by the dds Magna Mafia. The prostitutes in the red light district acted as mothers to him despite his foreign heritage. As he grew up, it was becoming harder and harder to hide from guests and the mafia. At the age of 12 he was soon found out by the mafia. At first, they were going to abandon him and leave him for dead as they thought he would be bad for business, but a certain individual saw potential within him. What followed was 10 years of training that pushed him to his limits and drew out his potential. The mafia nicknamed him “Yasuke”, based off the legendary African samurai. Once he came back to the brothel he was raised in, he acted as a bodyguard/bouncer for when the customers were getting rough with the ladies or if someone from the outside stepped into the mafia’s territory.
Country of Origin: Unknown (Possibly from Africa) - raised in Kyoto, Japan
Fighting Style Kyokushin Karate, Jeet Kune Do
Age: 26
Height: 5’11
Weight: 169 lbs
Blood Type: O+
Occupation: Bodyguard/Bouncer
Hobby: Knitting, caring for stray cats
Likes: Cats, self-improvement, his “mothers”
Dislikes: self-deprication, rowdy customers, laziness.

Biography: Baron von Dracheswas fascianted by dinosaurs ever since boyhood. He uses his family fortune to create Grendel Corporation so he could use science to bring them back to life. While digging for fossils, Baron von Draches discovers some cave paintings showing a prehistoric fighting style based on dinosaurs but the paitings are imcomplete so he uses his knowledge of ninjitsu to fill in the gaps then mixes his DNA with dinosaurs DNA so he can unlock its ful popwer. Baron von Draches joins the competition to prove the strenght of his Kyoryuken and collect the DNA of the world's best fighters so he can create his own dinosaur human hybrid army.
Country of Origin: Austria
Fighting Style Kyoryuken
Age: 45
Height: 6.3
Weight: 280
Blood Type: B negative
Occupation: Chariman of Grendel Corporation
Hobby: Fossil collecting
Likes: Dinosaurs.the smell of violets. breath mints

Dislikes: personal relationships. failure. dishonorable people


Biography: Billy Dondermann is 8 times Mr Olympian winner and 5 times Mr Worlds Strongest Man. He entres the contest to prove wrong the haters who say he has show muscles and that he could never win a real fiht.
Fighting Style bruet strength
Age: 33
Height: 6.8
Weight: 350
Blood Type: 0 postive
Occupation: Bodybuilder.powerlifter
Hobby: Acting classes
Likes: the gym.baby oil. striking poses
Dislikes: condsending people. fat people. vegiterians 🤮


Biography:mR wHELAN was a hitman for the irish mafia but lost his eys in a explosion set by a rival gang. He joins the compeition to get revenge and uses his two seeing eye attack dogs called Marshmallow and Cupcake to fight.
Country of Origin: Irish
Fighting Style dog fighting
Age: 54
Height: 6.5
Weight: 200
Blood Type: A negative
Occupation: Hitman
Hobby: dog training
Likes: dogs. sacring people. the dark
Dislikes: rabbits. cops. children
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𝓜𝓲𝓷-𝓙𝓲 𝓒𝓱𝓪

seilo-art-img-3156.jpgBiography: Min-Ji Cha is rumored to have been involved with one of the big four crime syndicates until she was kicked out 2 years ago and thrown into the streets. Since then she has been working as a personal trainer at a local gym and participating in Korean wrestling tournaments, making a name for herself in the scene of Ssireum, and training her body up for this moment. The Great Ganbatte. Still sour over her treatment, Min-Ji wishes to prove her worth to the crime syndicates that kicked her to the curb and climb her way to the top of the ladder. She will stop at nothing to become the first Heavenly Queen.
Country of Origin: Korea
Fighting Style: Ssireum, mixed martial arts
Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Weight: 68kg
Blood Type: O+
Occupation: Personal Trainer
Hobby: Dancing, drinking, hiking, dog walking
Likes: Animals, music, tattoos, alcohol, plotting her revenge
Dislikes: Assholes, the Heavenly Kings, party poopers
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Margeret Midnight
Biography: grew up on the streets of New York, the rough street life made her a force to be reckoned with, as she did whatever she liked with reckless abandon, not caring if she died. She soon got the attention of the Banking King of the crime syndicate when he watched her decimate 5 thugs single handedly. He taught her the ways of the criminal underworld, and she soon found that her cuthroat nature fit perfectly in the world of money laundering, making her the Fraud King.
Country of Origin: U.S.
Fighting style: street fighting aided by a set of gloves with blades on the fingers similar to Freddy Krueger.
Age: 21
Height: 5’7
Weight: 135lbs
Blood type: B+
Occupation: Fraud King
Hobby: hosting underground cage fights.
Likes: dominating opponents, the Banking King.
Dislikes: people born into wealth, cops.

Gunnar "The Stunner" Hart


Biography: A professional by trade, as well as a scholar of the art of keeping "kayfabe", nothing is known of the man who took up the name of Gunnar Hart before his wrestling career. All that is known, however, is his love of the sport. Some rumors persist that Gunnar trained for twenty years with the undead spirit of the Macho Man Randy Savage. Other stories insist that he was the last pupil of the  real Ultimate Warrior. The fact of the matter is, Gunnar's the epitome of "the next big thing". His offense is impeccable. His defense is impregnable. His mic skills are incredible. He's got nothing to prove other than that he's the best in the world. And if you've got a title belt, he's gonna strip it from you.
Country of Origin: Australia
Fighting Style: Strong-Style Pro Wrestling
Age: 31
Height: 6'10
Weight: 275 lbs.
Blood Type: AB+
Occupation: Professional Wrestler
  • Intensive work-outs
  • Watching old pay-per-view matches
  • Riding motorcycles
  • Playing video games
  • Trading wrestling tapes
  • Signing autographs
  • Meat
  • Nu-Metal
  • No-Sellers
  • Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu
  • People who call wrestling "fake"
  • Steroids
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