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  • in the medival period, what would you rather have to signify your wealth and power.

    A. A large crown of pheasant feathers (Mesoamerica)

    B. Golden ornaments on your crown and clothing (Europe)

    C. Red silken robes with jade jewelry (East Asia)
    all of my basic needs are fulfilled, but why am I still dissatisfied with life?
    Eh. Living is fine. Any day I can still continue to exist is a decent one.

    Not having anything of substance to enjoy is rough though. Surviving and feeling as if you're a fulfilled individual aren't exactly the same thing. S'hard sometimes.
    i want to know my grander purpose, i'm a college sophmore, but why? I have a youtube channel with 55 subs, but why? I have a sizable collection of videogames and old electronics, but why? Why would this be me if i don't know what to do in terms of a career
    Mm. I'm still trying to figure a lot of that out myself. I just started college courses after my life took a rather weird journey. Focusing on Accounting Technologies, but truth be told that isn't my dream. I'd much rather be a veterinarian or a teacher. It's just that I have a really strong "in" as far as jobs in that field go. Sacrificing passion for security.

    As far as having a "grander purpose", that used to really bother me. I figured it was taking care of specific people but they proved to be toxic. Reflecting on your current circumstances is hard but it's important to know that letting go of things can be beneficial too, albeit much more difficult. I can't claim to be entirely past it but in the last year I feel I've developed much more of a sense of self.

    Not that I'm wise or an expert in any way. I just like to think aloud, so take the previous for what it's worth. I can say with confidence that it'll get better, even if it does take a bit more time.
    What's the best thing that you can do for the human collective?
    what's the best that you can do for everone else in your home country that doesn't just help you, but helps everyone else? (just entertaining collectivism here even though humans aren't bees)
    Rock And Roll Boy
    Protest marches for lower tax rates.
    Quick! Tell me your blood type and personality type
    The reason I put this up here is that it is common belief (though wildly debunked) in Japan that your blood type matches your personality type.
    Ohhh, and here I was just thinking you were being silly. That's pretty neat.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    So, does my blood type match my personality?
    Say, what does it mean to be a man?
    You must be swift as a coursing river.

    With all the force of a great typhoon.

    With all the strength of a raging fire.

    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    You're also resonsible for making up the majority of the Armed Forces and the labour work force. Depends on how viewpoints if that's a good or bad thing.
    Interesting question: why is South Korea censored on google maps when it's supposed to be North Korea that's censored?
    I was just now doing an RP where i was a metallic dragon and I have to wonder, do metal shelled (not keratin) wildlife exist outside of fantasy?
    Yes, they're called coconuts.
    What metal's are coconut shells made of?
     My evil plan for coconut world domination has failed!

    i should really go to bed, I've got impaired judgment when I'm tired.
    The heart of all these weird status updates is this: I'm anxious about moving out of my grandparrants house into a place of my own by March.
    You can do it! ^33^   Getting a place of your own is scary, but also cool.
    What are some active outdoor things to do during harsh rain? (I just want to grow through adversity!)
    Computers make the least amount of noise in cold environments, when is it good for humans to work in cold places?
    This is why you build a cold-environment inside of the computer.
    But what about a cold environment outside the computer? I'm feeling down on myself right now and I'm using these questions as an excuse to purposefully make things hard for myself.
    The sads are hard to combat.  Fight them off with projection, and illusioned reality.   

    You can do it with a fridge, but it's been done a few times.  It's not very effective.  :L
    I have a mental fascination with strength being used for practical purposes in the modern world, so I wonder: what are some examples of skilled labor, that's also physically strenuous?
    I would say firefighting can be physically strenuous.
    Construction/carpentry jobs are a good example of that, and some kinds of engineering.
    In the 1980's would you rather: 

    A. have a tv with knob tuning

    B. Have a tv with keypad tuning (and remote)

    C. Have a tv with push button tuning (and remote control)
    A crash course in contemporary spellcasting

    everything you need to know about casting spells derives from the Etherelectric power that you are capable of generating. 

    spells: 5-150 watts

    Summoning: 10-500 watts (depends on what you are summoning)

    Enchanting: 50-1000 watts (why an enchanting table exists)

    control technology: 100-500 watts (they are already plugged into power or battery so not a lot of energy needs to come from the caster)

    crystal balls and other electronics: 30-200 watts (the higher end for tvs and computers that are already blogged into the wall)

    communicate with the dead: 10-50  watt

    telepathy: 20-150 watts (depending on your mental range)

    telekinesis/levitation: 15-300 watts (depending on the object you are moving or the weight of yourself)

    any questions?
    High Moon
    High Moon
    What do you pay electricity bill's with?
    if it's physical technology, you pay whoever provides the mains on your regular electricity bills. As far as etherelectric spells, it's allocated by the laws of the supernatural and it's free on the lower end, but mancy providers (god, allah, ganesh etc.) want to see communion money on the middle and high end. If you are non-religious, it's still free on the low end, but instead of paying communion, you end up paying fees for a secular witching liscence.
    my profile actually from a tutorial i did for school where i had to make colored squares around an abstract piece of Artwork called "the poet" By Schile
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