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  • Today's theme is Krampus! An evil version of a Santa Claus I believe! So, let me explain why all I has is a kitty cat with horns:
    So I took my time to find something that wasn't too horrifying or scary because I reserve those things for Halloween. Then I finally found him, this little feline of not-so-scary appearance but threatening purpose, and decided he would hold today's place.
    Oh, and don't be afraid to pet him, he's only around for today and well... Be careful of who you are, he doesn't like the wicked.
    The movie of that legend had ONE scene that stuck with me: The jack in the box eating the people...omfg
    I really need to hit something, fight something... I have this unexplained anger rising, kinda bad when it feels like it gonna go "BOOM".
    "I honestly think that dreams are possibly the memories of our past lives..." I have, the most interesting friends.
    So today's theme is Angel, and today I brought out one that was Fallen... For I have a true story involving yours truly:
    Finally I began to change, no-one around me had any true influence on who I was becoming, but I had grown closer to having my understanding of a certain life. So I began to change slowly, becoming better and better as I began to slowly trade my "Devil's" parts for those of an Angel with minor faults.
    So here I am now, a long story and a lot of changes, now something that started as a monster and became a sort of hero. At least in a few eyes.
    *applauds loudly and sips hot cocoa* great story, even better that it's true
    Ya know, the story I have for today will be fun to tell, true stories always are.
    "Go and find your way, and leave me in your wake. Always push through the pain, and don't run away from change. "
    Today's theme is Lights/Candles, so have a little story:
    Now, I was originally just walking around to find a good picture and story to tell for today's theme and what I found was her.
    This girl standing and staring up at the sky with candles and objects around her on the floor, a strange sight to see at night but she seemed to be outfitted for the cold at least. I didn't think much of it, people do things ya know?
    The sight was a bit strange but looked nice at the same time, so I got a picture of it from the walkway she was near. The next day I didn't see a single sign she'd been there, but people move so I thought nothing of it... Maybe someone knows who she is, but I didn't want to start asking random people. And that's my story, not much...
    -Wrapped in blanket with a blank stare- I can't sleep... Guess it proper reply and typing time... -Giggles- "Time"
    I don't have the right hairstyle for to wear animal ear things... ;-;
    They're dark-red, black-tipped and white inside Fox ears... Either they don't go with curly dark brown hair cuz the color, or it's just cuz they're fox ears and not for me to begin with... -Shrug-
    Yeah, in my head, the colors aren't matching that well, but I may be wrong. Gotta see it to judge it.
    Well I could send you a picture in a conversation sometime, but yeah I don't think they match well either... Kinda sucks cuz the other colors I can think of I'd want wouldn't either less I dyed my hair.
    Today's theme is Hot Chocolate, let's see if I can come up with a story:
    Now I had been watching a bit of Supernatural in season 11 whilst all comfy as could be with a hot cocoa for my enjoyment, then I saw these two little tiny-cats roaming around on the table, seemingly playing with one another whilst possibly talking. But the eventually made their way over towards my cocoa where one bumped into it, and seemed a little freaked out as they looked up at it.
    Then, the plotting began, or so I believe. They kept looking up at it and pawing it before they took their paws away, and began to mewl at one another repeatedly before they began to try and lift one another up to the rim, now I don't understand why the failed the first time the both of them on top of one another are the size of my cup.
    But, next thing I know the brown-furred one had managed to hop in and after a bit of swimming now hung on the edge, wet-furred and with a blank look on themself. The one thing I caught him saying was "Dis ish wawm." And a moment after the little sock-cat began to purr with a happy look on his face... I wouldn't be surprised if he was laughing.
    "All that I have left inside is a soul that filled with pride, I tell you NEVER AGAIN! OoOh!"
    Allow me to break character... The present I ordered for my cousin got here and I'm so jealous cuz they're SHO FLUFFY!! I gots to buy me one
    For today's theme of Winter Wonderland our story takes us to the realm of Skyrim, home of the Nords:
    Most of those within the realm of Skyrim had thought these beasts of legend to be just that, legend. But with the attack on Helgen and the battle near Whiterun, they all knew it was true.
    Dragons had returned to Skyrim, not many knew why they were returning now but simply that they were a threat once again. Popping up everywhere within the realm of Skyrim, it was nearly impossible to kill these beasts without the help of one fellow Nord gifted by the goddess Kynareth a weapon, known as the Voice. A power much like the ancient heroes known as the Tongues.
    But this story is simply about a stroll that this Nord had been taking to enjoy the scenery, but a Frost Dragon attacked him from no-where causing him to raise his shield in defense and glare at the dragon before uttering words as it took flight. "GET BACK HERE!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WITH MY FISTS!"
    I think I might start doing more than mere stories for the PFP Christmas Challenge, hmmm...
    For today's theme of Snow we have the story of... The Snow Punk:
    Whether it was someone stereotyping him because he had a punk look, or some old person telling him to get off their lawn (Though he thinks they meant that as a general message towards snow itself), Mr. Punk always got a bad rap just because of how he looked. It was a bit of a pain but nothing he wasn't used to in the least.
    Because of all that though he began sticking to the park areas, sure someone might come along and think ill of him but with a thumbs up and windy welcome, people began to figure out just how cool of a guy he was. Always willing to play with the children or anyone else in the snow, have a snowball fight, build forts, or let them give him a new hairstyle!
    But there was always one thing that he and everyone else regretted, he was only ever around for winter and the snowy months. That meant the a different place was his home rather frequently... Though in there are rumors, that you do could hear him rocking a snow-guitar out in the Arctic...
    So I have really curly and poofy hair and thus people want to touch it... And so I get pet cuz of it... Is it weird it feels nice? >~<
    At least you know that you have cute hair,
    Only reason I do know is cuz it is mentioned so frequently and related to the hair I had as an itty bitty kid, which is the same exact hair!
    Today's story goes along with our theme of Cozy:
    The weatherman had put in a forecast for rather cold temperatures throughout the week, not something uncommon for where he lived during the winter months but it was always a nice excuse to get cozy.
    But with the shifting capabilities of the young Neko, getting cozy in his favorite sweater was rather easy when it would look much like he was a feline stuck in a stocking. And so with the thoughts of the cold weather in mind Edan got comfy in front of the TV, all warm and prepared for the day's weather.
    So... I just had a deep moment, and now really appreciate having my sight. I keep starting to cry when I think about not having it ;-;
    I know a guy who's blind. He makes me appreciate my sight as well.
    To start off our Christmas Season, we have the story of the Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington. (Continued)
    The most influential Skeleton the beings of Halloween have yet known, given the title of "Pumpkin King" for his prowess with all things that go bump in the night.
    But this story is not of Halloween, but Jack Skellington's attempt to take the job of Christmas from one... "Sandy Claws", a mishearing of the story of Santa Claus.
    With the big white-bearded man captured and Jack already on his way to spreading his own version of Christmas Cheer, how will this story end?
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