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Introduce Yourself!

Hey there! The name is Simen, and I'm pretty new around these parts. I'm pretty new to roleplaying, only doing it in small parts over Discord or other backwater hovels, but never on a page such as this. I tend to give most things a try, but I do have my preferences.

Hope you find this to your liking. Enjoy our nation!
hi! i'm natalia (which is p ironic when you consider my obsession with black widow) and i'm a tired college student! being a writing major is torture, but i love it. my roleplay experience culminates into my earlier years of using the worst of mary sues (the dark ages) and joining other forums (the renaissance). other than marvel, i'm p damn into musicals like hamilton and heathers, and one of my faves is bmc!! i also really like doctor who & the good place. i usually roleplay modern/realistic stuff, since it matches my preference for chill slice of life things. don't be fooled, tho, i love cartoons (then again, that's mostly bojack horseman). anyway, hmm...as a closing shot, why don't i offer a picture of my doggy, grace?

Ahoy there, I go by Bugs! Mm, about me- I've been roleplaying a little over 3 years, and I enjoy roleplays with a bit of plot, and structure, though I'm definitely not limited to that! It's good to try new things, and sometimes fun to just go with the flow. I don't find myself sticking to a single genre either- I enjoy most, actually. Besides roleplay, I'm really into art, I draw quite often, and writing really interests me, although I can never commit to a single idea, pfft.(Im working on it!) Character creation is another thing that fascinates me, probably the reason I have so many characters, I just love giving them their own little backstory, and working on their designs, flaws and strengths. I've never really joined a site quite like this before, though I've always wanted to. I'm exited, and I hope I can have a lot of fun here, and be engaged, and connect with some other roleplayers! I think That'd be awesome. :)
Hello, My name is Alice. I used to roleplay a lot on Gaiaonline and ran many roleplays that lasted a good 5 years or so. Unfortunately I had a falling out with my partner and it's been really hard to find others to roleplay with on that site. I'm hoping to find a good partner or a group of others to write with here.
I am 24, I work at a factory with rotating shifts so I'm mainly active on weekends. Saying that, if I get really hooked on writing I'm active every day.
I spent 3 years roleplaying Warrior cat scenario and 5 years after that roleplaying a fallout based roleplay and even finished the plot of the fallout one.

I am interested in Rping for the following :
Naruto , Bleach, Fate series, Full metal alchemist , any slice of life anime settings, Avatar last air bender
Fallout, skyrim, metal gear, Jak and daxter,
Warrior cats , Harry Potter

I love plotting , giving depth to worlds and working on twists to give my partners something to think about.
Time for my early morning site welcomings!

I idkwhatimdoing GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Just A Guy Just A Guy Bounder627 Bounder627 Jastes Jastes Maxie_the_wolfie Maxie_the_wolfie P Piercing Light SaltySimen SaltySimen V videogamesandregret rootbeer133 rootbeer133 luminesce luminesce S scoopsahoy M Moonsliver S sifsand Bugsss Bugsss Velociraptor96 Velociraptor96 Zeon Epiales Zeon Epiales kaneshi kaneshi Yellowfang Yellowfang

Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask! ;)

Also, if you’d like, feel free to check out my beginner’s guide!

Hi, I'm fairly new to role playing but I have had a little experience, such as playing around with my friends here and there. I joined because it does seem like a really nice place to role play.

I always like role playing in general. Having multiple people on one story line is really interesting. So many twists and turns.

I'm really into undertale right now, even though I'm kinda late. I also enjoy rping our own ocs, just to give people like me, who want to work on there characters personality, a chance to test them out. And that's only one reason.

My name is Renz, I'm a very awkward person so I won't say much. ^.^
You have error sans 404 as your username, I already like you.
Hello hello, I am Ahzul or Ahzy or just Ahz really, whatever you prefer.
I have no rp skills at all but want to join because I enjoy writing enough I suppose.
Hello, I honestly haven't had that much experience with but I have done some things here and there. Since thing I was doing died out and I searched for a new place to find people with the same interests as I (That being rp). I like to have some fantasy or sci fi in my personal experience it's pretty fun
I have no clue if this is how I write replies, anyway, let me introduce myself. I'm a reject at core. I also have social PTSD. I have lots of anxiety. I have hundreds and hundreds of social phobias. Here's a list: I have a fear of doing something i enjoy, sharing something, being social (duh, lmao), Being myself, rejection, fitting in, relationships, expectations, meaning something to someone, anything that reminds me of a friendship, I fear talking about myself, I fear my own opinions, I fear letting someone down, displeasing, being important, having someone change their opinions to be more like me etc. I'm mainly here to try and get past my fears. I don't want to be socially anxiec anymore. It's been such a long time and it's almost like I'm living a second life from the one I lived before. I'm also currently forcing myself, straining myself to act a certain way around everybody and it's a trap that I made and that everybody helps maintain. My hobbies include, Drawing, Writing, Creating, Dreaming.
Hi, I'm Liz (32 y.o.) and I started RPing about 15 years ago, I think. I have experience with group RPs but most of those weren't the best. I find group RPs really hard to coordinate especially as an adult. I prefer 1x1 RPs and am always looking for a longterm partner. Weirdly enough, even though I tend to dislike romance sub-/plots in media, I do focus on playing and exploring couples and romantic relationships but also sibling/family-dynamics or other platonic relationships. I like to play character-driven plots.

There have been a row of years where I haven't been able to RP and in that time I really missed it. I can dedicate myself to the same characters for years and I tend to have very old OTPs that I am always up to play. At the same time I might be a bit specific in what I play, since am not a prolific writer and tend to have difficulties writing characters I don't connect with on a certain level. There are fandoms and characters that I really love but could never RP for whatever reason. So I also tend to be drawn to similar kinds of character dynamics that I like and am probably more of a niche player.

I have tried a bigger project a couple years ago, a big fantasy plot with a group of friends that never got much further than character creation and world/plot planning unfortunately.
So I am not sure how I'd to in a big epic. I kinda want to try it one day, but my main reason for joining RP Nation was that I had a place to look for RP partners for specific fandoms/characters, since I have a hard time looking for partners. And it'll be fun to have a place to exchange myself with other RPers and read about their experiences.
Hello! ;3

Just looking for yet another place to find some fun stories to write. Maybe this will be the one! I seem to always be coming up with something! I like to do a bit of chit chatting as well. c:
My names Sophie. I’ve not roleplayed in a while however I’m looking to get back into it. Just hoping to not look like a idiot, and find a decent role play group.
Well, I am not sure how to start this.

You can call me C and I am new on this website. I have been rping for a while, almost 5 years probably. It’s been a while since I last rped though, so I might be a little rusty.

there isn’t much more to say about me except that I am book trash and fandom trash. I just hope to have a good time on here and find some RP partners!
Hello there, call me Blade. I was on this site about a year or two ago but sort of fell off the face of the earth and no longer have the email connected to my old account. That being said, I've decided to return to RPN after a lengthy hiatus. Overall I've been writing and RPing as a hobby for five years now and would consider myself literate. I enjoy mostly fantasy based plots and lots of world building and character development. I am pretty friendly and enjoy making new friends so I'm pretty thrilled to get back into an old hobby and meet some new folks along the way.

I will not give out my real age but I can tell you I am under eighteen. My state is in the mountains and in the PST time zone, it is really quiet here and there are not many people. I am a huge geek who loves art and RPGs. My pets consist of a dog, a kitten, and a chameleon. I am a bit secretive despite being pretty open to ooc chat but once I feel comfortable with my partner, I'm quite the chatterbox. I will cover other specifics in a partner search hopefully soon.

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