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Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone!

I'm no stranger to the world of roleplay, boasting over a decade of writing experience under my belt. Writing has always been my passion, particularly in the realm of creative writing.

When it comes to roleplay, my heart truly belongs to the fantasy genre. Magic, dragons, and fantastical races have always captured my imagination. After all, we live in the real world, where the extraordinary is often elusive. That being said, I do find enjoyment in other genres like sci-fi and, depending on the day, dystopian settings.

Outside of the roleplay realm, you'll likely find me taking care of myself or diving into my studies. If I'm not at home, you can bet I'm at the gym or out for a refreshing jog. Health and well-being are incredibly important to me, and I believe in maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Now, let me tell you why I've joined RpNation. It's not the most interesting story sadly. The other day, while venting to my dear friend (whom I affectionately call my "Smol Friend"), about my struggles to find dedicated roleplayers, they recommended this site to me. So here I am!

I should also mention that I exclusively roleplay on Discord. It's my go-to platform, so I'll be figuring out the ins and outs of posting off-site ads as soon as I can.

That's about it for my introduction. I hope it was a worthwhile read. :)
Hey all (:

I was here a few years ago, and am finally back after graduating with my English Degree!

I'm Wren, 22, and I enjoy a variety of settings with advanced literacy / novella writing.

I'm also always happy to brag about and show photos of my lil foster pets (:
Well, I guess I'm new here, and to roleplaying in this manner as well. I guess I'll use the prompts for my introduction.
  • I've only really roleplayed while playing games, but I've certainly been doing it for a while. Not actively, though.
  • There's a lot to write about in worlds and backgrounds people have already made, but I, personally, think it's most enjoyable when you create your own setting to muck around in.
  • I like writing, reading, videogames, and doing stuff with friends. I can do two things from this list at the same time here so that's cool.
  • In my search for a site that actually specializes in roleplaying, I stumbled upon this one in happenstance.
  • I have a dog who is old and sour, and I have a cat who is a little brat.
  • I really like sandwiches.
Well, that's me.
I am new to the site but not new to roleplay!
I've been roleplaying for 10+ years.
I am currently looking for more RP partners to help me stay creative!
I look forward to meeting new people!
I'm Expelliarmash. 27 year old mostly literate they/them frog person interested in all categories of RP. 18+ only friends!
Hello! I used to love roleplaying many, many years ago when I was a young adult with too much time on my hands. For whatever reason I had stopped roleplaying and had even stopped fiction writing for my own enjoyment at all. This cessation has caused my writing ability to atrophy and as a result has allowed and my self-consciousness/self-criticism to grow and fester for years. In an attempt to overcome that self-criticism and get back to doing what I used to enjoy, I have joined this forum.

Just browsing the forum before joining, I saw a RP ad that interested me, as I have a good character in mind that I have been wanting to use somewhere. So I am excited, if a bit nervous to jump back in to writing!
Hello you all amazing people :kissopeneyes:

I'm a 23 year old dude from the UK. My main passion is video games and of course, roleplaying! I'm always looking for friends to talk to so never feel scared to message me! Make sure to check out my own ad posts for more about me in the rp sense!

I forgot I had this account, and probably made it when I was looking for places to RP. Anyway, I'm looking at this as a fresh start into role-playing. Here's to improving my writing skills the fun way!
i came into this not realising i already had an account made a little while ago

but hihi, i'm guar but i also go by dyce. i have not roleplayed in years but i am eager to get back into it :]
Hello! I haven't touched writing or roleplay in any form since I was 16 (A long time ago....) And I'm eager to dip my toes back in!
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying. (I have been rping for 13 years, since the times of msn to the modern discord dominated times)
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings. (Im interested in developing lore, in heavy story centred plots and fandom rps though i am able to create something on the spot of needed)
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby. (I sew and like to make plushies, play videogames, and draw)
  • Why you decided to join RpNation. (I was searching for roleplay and didnt have much luck on other platforms for the kind of rp i want)
  • Write about your pet (if you have one). (I have a cat named Solovina, shes adorable)
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie. (Two truths and one lie: im a red head, i love reading supernatural romance and im a sucker for angels and demons)
Hello! I'm Prince and I've been roleplaying for about 8 years now!

It's been a while since I've touched roleplay forums so I am INCREDIBLY excited to get back into it!!! I tend to do fantasy and multifandom RPs, as well as write for medias that I'm fixated on! I am a big fan of group threads especially :>. I write a lot outside of roleplay as it's my main hobby and something I dream of getting into professionally! I'm happy to have the possibility to meet new people while I'm here <3

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