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Fantasy Trinity Crescent School For The Talented *Main* ( Closed )

Chelsea helped Bright to her room, helping hold her up. She opened the door to her bedroom and walked in, leading Bright to the edge of her bed, where she assumed she would lie down. Chelsea’s room was plain. It had a bed shoved into the corner, a desk, and a dresser. The photo albums and flowers carried over from the other room, but there were less of them. Chelsea sat in the desk chair, unsure of what to do. Her orginal mission had been accomplished, she just didn’t know what to do next.
Bright sat on the edge of the bed but was still feeling a bit hot. So she continued to proceed with taking off her shirt. "It's still so hot~" Bright exclaimed as Lunaria was pretty much begging her to not take off the shirt. Though due to Lunaria's drunken state, her voice could be heard by Chelsea and Bright only, though it's pretty faint for Chelsea since she was more directing her demands towards Bright.
Bright sat on the edge of the bed but was still feeling a bit hot. So she continued to proceed with taking off her shirt. "It's still so hot~" Bright exclaimed as Lunaria was pretty much begging her to not take off the shirt. Though due to Lunaria's drunken state, her voice could be heard by Chelsea and Bright only, though it's pretty faint for Chelsea since she was more directing her demands towards Bright.
Albright ignored the voice. He viewed it as Lunaria deserved to be whatever hole she had dug for herself. Chelsea decided not to help or stop Bright. Instead, she looked away. Despite being in the same room, she decided to kind of respect her privacy. She spun around in the chair for a few rotations, before she got sick, and she stopped until the world stopped spinning. “Can’t mew change your clothes into something cooler?” She asked, tilting her head.
Albright ignored the voice. He viewed it as Lunaria deserved to be whatever hole she had dug for herself. Chelsea decided not to help or stop Bright. Instead, she looked away. Despite being in the same room, she decided to kind of respect her privacy. She spun around in the chair for a few rotations, before she got sick, and she stopped until the world stopped spinning. “Can’t mew change your clothes into something cooler?” She asked, tilting her head.
"Mmm..." She then changed her shirt into a cropped tank top and laid down on the bed. She rolled around for a bit before she started to ask Chelsea some questions. "Hey... Chelsea... What's your ideal romantic partner~?" She asked as she was sitting herself up. Lunaria stayed silent about this, unsure of what to do. Bright was just running her mouth at this point, so why not let it.
"Mmm..." She then changed her shirt into a cropped tank top and laid down on the bed. She rolled around for a bit before she started to ask Chelsea some questions. "Hey... Chelsea... What's your ideal romantic partner~?" She asked as she was sitting herself up. Lunaria stayed silent about this, unsure of what to do. Bright was just running her mouth at this point, so why not let it.
Chelsea stared at Bright. She didn’t know where the question had come from, and she was almost afraid to ask. “I never thought about it.” She admitted, swinging her legs back and forth. “They’d probably have to be good at reading the mood. I’d also like if they could look past my permanent expression.” She murmured, making this up on the spot. It wasn’t fake, she wasn’t lying, she was just putting it into words on the spot. “Why do mew ask?”
Chelsea stared at Bright. She didn’t know where the question had come from, and she was almost afraid to ask. “I never thought about it.” She admitted, swinging her legs back and forth. “They’d probably have to be good at reading the mood. I’d also like if they could look past my permanent expression.” She murmured, making this up on the spot. It wasn’t fake, she wasn’t lying, she was just putting it into words on the spot. “Why do mew ask?”
"I'm only just curious. A lot of people like certain traits that feel are attractive to them." She said, pretty much just rambling. "For me, it's usually how this body feels. I dunno why, so I tend to get attracted to some odd balls here and there in my other lifetimes that I personally wouldn't date. Or maybe I would. I dunno, it's just a very interesting thought~" She said with almost minimal drunken slurs. She then tried to get up but ended up falling back onto the bed, giggling a bit. "Woohoo hoo~"
"I'm only just curious. A lot of people like certain traits that feel are attractive to them." She said, pretty much just rambling. "For me, it's usually how this body feels. I dunno why, so I tend to get attracted to some odd balls here and there in my other lifetimes that I personally wouldn't date. Or maybe I would. I dunno, it's just a very interesting thought~" She said with almost minimal drunken slurs. She then tried to get up but ended up falling back onto the bed, giggling a bit. "Woohoo hoo~"
Chelsea only responded with a blink. She couldn’t think of any other way to respond. “Have mew found anyone in this lifetime yet?” She asked, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. She tried not to be jealous, since Bright had multiple times to find the right person. She moved from the chair onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it. Her head was still angled in Bright’s direction. While her stoic expression suggested otherwise, she was genuinely curious, still swinging her legs back and forth.
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Chelsea only responded with a blink. She couldn’t think of any other way to respond. “Have mew found anyone in this lifetime yet?” She asked, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. She tried not to be jealous, since Bright had multiple times to find the right person. She moved from the chair onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it. Her head was still angled in Bright’s direction. While her stoic expression suggested otherwise, she was genuinely curious, still swinging her legs back and forth.
"No one yet~ But I feel like I'll be the one who will be found first~" Bright said before rolling to the middle of the bed. She then sat up and leaned against Chelsea, still drunk as ever. "What about you, Chelsea~ Have you found anyone yet~?" She said poking her cheek lightly, disregarding any personal space. She was totally hammered anyway, Lunaria is even proof of that. But she was smiling all goofy-like, and giggling.
"No one yet~ But I feel like I'll be the one who will be found first~" Bright said before rolling to the middle of the bed. She then sat up and leaned against Chelsea, still drunk as ever. "What about you, Chelsea~ Have you found anyone yet~?" She said poking her cheek lightly, disregarding any personal space. She was totally hammered anyway, Lunaria is even proof of that. But she was smiling all goofy-like, and giggling.
“Is that meow that works?” Chelsea muttered. She had never really been able to tell love apart from any other positive emotion she could feel. She didn’t move when she was poked in the cheek, shaking her head shortly after. “I haven’t.” She said. Unlike Albright, who had been kind of lying when he said he had never fallen in love, she was actually telling the truth. “It’s not like I see people outside of Dr. Albright and our patients.” That was another reason. She only saw most people once, and it wasn’t often when they were in the best condition. She crossed her legs, still hugging the pillow, letting Bright lean against her.
“Is that meow that works?” Chelsea muttered. She had never really been able to tell love apart from any other positive emotion she could feel. She didn’t move when she was poked in the cheek, shaking her head shortly after. “I haven’t.” She said. Unlike Albright, who had been kind of lying when he said he had never fallen in love, she was actually telling the truth. “It’s not like I see people outside of Dr. Albright and our patients.” That was another reason. She only saw most people once, and it wasn’t often when they were in the best condition. She crossed her legs, still hugging the pillow, letting Bright lean against her.
"Eh... that's just gut feeling~" Bright said, her voice trailing off as she was sliding off of Chelsea and falling asleep on the bed. Lunaria was silent too meaning she probably had gotten to sleep as well. Even though it might be weird how one can go to sleep within a mental state, perhaps there are somethings special about Lunaria's and Bright's powers combined that cannot be achieved with the other past lifetimes.
"Eh... that's just gut feeling~" Bright said, her voice trailing off as she was sliding off of Chelsea and falling asleep on the bed. Lunaria was silent too meaning she probably had gotten to sleep as well. Even though it might be weird how one can go to sleep within a mental state, perhaps there are somethings special about Lunaria's and Bright's powers combined that cannot be achieved with the other past lifetimes.
Chelsea didn’t understand, but by the time she had opened her mouth to ask, Bright was asleep. She watched the small white flowers that indicated someone was asleep start to pop up on Bright’s head. She saw the opportunity to get the flowers and she took it. They weren’t uncommon, it was just hard to get them, since people had to be asleep to get them, and they disappeared when the person woke up. She grabbed a few and placed them in a pile, brushing Bright’s hair to the side to grab one last one. She sat there in silence with her own thoughts afterwards. She tried not to think too hard, unable to move, since she was unsure if moving would wake Bright up or not.
Chelsea didn’t understand, but by the time she had opened her mouth to ask, Bright was asleep. She watched the small white flowers that indicated someone was asleep start to pop up on Bright’s head. She saw the opportunity to get the flowers and she took it. They weren’t uncommon, it was just hard to get them, since people had to be asleep to get them, and they disappeared when the person woke up. She grabbed a few and placed them in a pile, brushing Bright’s hair to the side to grab one last one. She sat there in silence with her own thoughts afterwards. She tried not to think too hard, unable to move, since she was unsure if moving would wake Bright up or not.
Bright was asleep like a log. With the alcohol, it'll keep her asleep until the morning. Then she'd just have a hangover. Not only that, be she will have some confusion as to why she woke up in Chelsea's bed. She won't remember all the things that happened while she was drunk. Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for certain, she isn't getting back up until the morning. Once she did, she'll suffer from a hangover and utter confusion. Lunaria is the same story, except the hangover part and confusion. She'll let Bright suffer all of that... (Time skip?)
Bright was asleep like a log. With the alcohol, it'll keep her asleep until the morning. Then she'd just have a hangover. Not only that, be she will have some confusion as to why she woke up in Chelsea's bed. She won't remember all the things that happened while she was drunk. Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for certain, she isn't getting back up until the morning. Once she did, she'll suffer from a hangover and utter confusion. Lunaria is the same story, except the hangover part and confusion. She'll let Bright suffer all of that... (Time skip?)
Chelsea realized that Bright wasn’t waking up, and she moved to make a makeshift bed on the floor. Her and Albright kept multiple blankets in a closet, so once she had moved the flowers to their little greenhouse, she grabbed a few blankets. She explained the situation to Albright, and the only action he took was going to bed. Chelsea put a blanket over Bright, before making her own little bed on the floor using a blanket both as a blanket and as a pillow. She was asleep before her head hit the “pillow”, the alcohol more or less knocking her out.
( yup, that works with me !! )
Chelsea realized that Bright wasn’t waking up, and she moved to make a makeshift bed on the floor. Her and Albright kept multiple blankets in a closet, so once she had moved the flowers to their little greenhouse, she grabbed a few blankets. She explained the situation to Albright, and the only action he took was going to bed. Chelsea put a blanket over Bright, before making her own little bed on the floor using a blanket both as a blanket and as a pillow. She was asleep before her head hit the “pillow”, the alcohol more or less knocking her out.
( yup, that works with me !! )
Bright woke up slowly because of the effects of the hangover. It took her awhile that she was waking up in someone else's room. Once she realized that, she began looking around wondering what had just happened. So far, all of her clothes were still on her and other than that, her headache was just killing her so she stayed in bed groaning. Why did she agreed to do a drinking game last night, why? "Fuck.." Was all that escaped her mouth, as she suffered from her throbbing headache.
Bright woke up slowly because of the effects of the hangover. It took her awhile that she was waking up in someone else's room. Once she realized that, she began looking around wondering what had just happened. So far, all of her clothes were still on her and other than that, her headache was just killing her so she stayed in bed groaning. Why did she agreed to do a drinking game last night, why? "Fuck.." Was all that escaped her mouth, as she suffered from her throbbing headache.
The cat ears on Chelsea’s head had disappeared somewhere in the night. It appeared the medicine/injection had worn off, and it took everything it did with it. She was still half asleep when Bright woke up. She cracked her eyes open, looking at the end of her bed and mumbling “Good morning...” She adjusted herself in her small blanket bed, curling up so she looked even smaller.
The cat ears on Chelsea’s head had disappeared somewhere in the night. It appeared the medicine/injection had worn off, and it took everything it did with it. She was still half asleep when Bright woke up. She cracked her eyes open, looking at the end of her bed and mumbling “Good morning...” She adjusted herself in her small blanket bed, curling up so she looked even smaller.
Bright crawled to the edge of the bed so she could see Chelsea. She was still having her hangover and pretty much just waking up so her filter isn't there yet... "Oh, morning Chelsea. Did you... Did you sleep well?" She said before she tried to hold her head up. She gave up. She just let her head lay on the bed. It was pretty tiring as it is.
Bright crawled to the edge of the bed so she could see Chelsea. She was still having her hangover and pretty much just waking up so her filter isn't there yet... "Oh, morning Chelsea. Did you... Did you sleep well?" She said before she tried to hold her head up. She gave up. She just let her head lay on the bed. It was pretty tiring as it is.
“Yes. I did that.” Chelsea nodded, though it only looked like she was shifting her head. “What about you? Other than the obvious hangover.” She asked, opening her eyes again, tilting her gaze so she was looking up at Bright. She didn’t want to move. Her floor bed had actually turned out to be reasonably comfortable. Moving and getting out of the blanket meant she’d probably be cold, and while she was used to that, she wasn’t ready to do so just yet. She stayed there, silently deciding that she would get up when either Bright got up, or Albright checked on them.
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“Yes. I did that.” Chelsea nodded, though it only looked like she was shifting her head. “What about you? Other than the obvious hangover.” She asked, opening her eyes again, tilting her gaze so she was looking up at Bright. She didn’t want to move. Her floor bed had actually turned out to be reasonably comfortable. Moving and getting out of the blanket meant she’d probably be cold, and while she was used to that, she wasn’t ready to do so just yet. She stayed there, silently deciding that she would get up when either Bright got up, or Albright checked on them.
"I think I slept well... Ugh... I'm gonna need some water..." She said as she slid out of bed and slowly standing herself up. She then sort of wobbled towards the door as she was trying to head for the kitchen. That was pretty much her go to whenever she had a hangover, other than throwing up. She'd still feel like shit even if she threw up. When she got to the kitchen, she checked out who was there first. Perhaps Albright woke up really early and was getting himself some water too, or a cup of coffee. She sort of leaned against the walls as she walked, since her headache was just that bad and not doing her any favors.
"I think I slept well... Ugh... I'm gonna need some water..." She said as she slid out of bed and slowly standing herself up. She then sort of wobbled towards the door as she was trying to head for the kitchen. That was pretty much her go to whenever she had a hangover, other than throwing up. She'd still feel like shit even if she threw up. When she got to the kitchen, she checked out who was there first. Perhaps Albright woke up really early and was getting himself some water too, or a cup of coffee. She sort of leaned against the walls as she walked, since her headache was just that bad and not doing her any favors.
Chelsea nodded, forcing herself to roll out of her makeshift bed. She took longer to come out, closing the door once Bright was out, starting to change into a simple black skirt and blue hoodie. She could put her nurse uniform/outfit later. She was just focusing on making herself look better then she did.
Albright was in the kitchen, taking a blue pill with coffee. It didn’t seem healthy at first glance, but it was just another one of their slightly unusual pills. He noticed Bright and turned to look at her, leaning against the counter. “Good morning.” He took another sip of the coffee. “I presume you’re hungover?” he held up the bottle of pills. “One of these can get rid of it, if you want.” he was still waking up, making him a little less reluctant to offer anything. The pill was actually helping his hangover, so he was starting to pull himself together, but it wasn’t happening too too quickly.
Chelsea nodded, forcing herself to roll out of her makeshift bed. She took longer to come out, closing the door once Bright was out, starting to change into a simple black skirt and blue hoodie. She could put her nurse uniform/outfit later. She was just focusing on making herself look better then she did.
Albright was in the kitchen, taking a blue pill with coffee. It didn’t seem healthy at first glance, but it was just another one of their slightly unusual pills. He noticed Bright and turned to look at her, leaning against the counter. “Good morning.” He took another sip of the coffee. “I presume you’re hungover?” he held up the bottle of pills. “One of these can get rid of it, if you want.” he was still waking up, making him a little less reluctant to offer anything. The pill was actually helping his hangover, so he was starting to pull himself together, but it wasn’t happening too too quickly.
Even though Bright doesn't know what the pill actually does, she just openly trusted Albright that the pill would help with the hangover. She decided to just take one for the sake of science. "Sure. I'll use one.." She said as she was getting a glass of water and then walking towards Bright, while leaning against any stable surface to help her walk. "So... Are there any side effects to the pill? Like... What does it do, exactly?" She asked, since this was the very first time she ever consumed any special pill made by Albright. She wasn't sure if there were side effects to it, or it's just too good and it's true.
Even though Bright doesn't know what the pill actually does, she just openly trusted Albright that the pill would help with the hangover. She decided to just take one for the sake of science. "Sure. I'll use one.." She said as she was getting a glass of water and then walking towards Bright, while leaning against any stable surface to help her walk. "So... Are there any side effects to the pill? Like... What does it do, exactly?" She asked, since this was the very first time she ever consumed any special pill made by Albright. She wasn't sure if there were side effects to it, or it's just too good and it's true.
Albright nodded as she took the pill, setting down the coffee next to him. “It mainly takes care of any headache, fatigue, dizziness, etcetera, etcetera. Typical hangover stuff. There may be side effects, but me and Chelse haven’t uncovered any of them yet. It’s a relatively new drug.” he put it away, turning to face Bright again. “There’s also a possibility that it can recover memories from when the person was drunk, but we don’t get drunk enough to really study that.” he added. It was in both his and Chelsea’s nature to regulate to a certain degree, last night had been pushing it, but they were still playing it safe. He looked at Bright, waiting for any obvious changes.
Albright nodded as she took the pill, setting down the coffee next to him. “It mainly takes care of any headache, fatigue, dizziness, etcetera, etcetera. Typical hangover stuff. There may be side effects, but me and Chelse haven’t uncovered any of them yet. It’s a relatively new drug.” he put it away, turning to face Bright again. “There’s also a possibility that it can recover memories from when the person was drunk, but we don’t get drunk enough to really study that.” he added. It was in both his and Chelsea’s nature to regulate to a certain degree, last night had been pushing it, but they were still playing it safe. He looked at Bright, waiting for any obvious changes.
Bright nodded before she took the pill and drank some water to help the pill down. She didn't feel any changes immediately but she was sure it'll happen as time went on. She then sat on the couch, trying to keep her head up. "Sorry I had to crash here for the night. I should've never agreed to the drinking game..."
Bright nodded before she took the pill and drank some water to help the pill down. She didn't feel any changes immediately but she was sure it'll happen as time went on. She then sat on the couch, trying to keep her head up. "Sorry I had to crash here for the night. I should've never agreed to the drinking game..."
Albright felt a little proud that he had actually gotten Bright to take the pill. He didn't show it, looking in the fridge for any breakfast foods. "It's no big deal." he shook his head, moving a half-empty gallon of milk to the side. "You didn't throw up or anything, you just got very intoxicated." Chelsea emerged from her bedroom at that point, her hair tied back in a ponytail, though it was obviously sloppily made. She had to constantly tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear. She saw Bright sitting down on the couch, but she sat down on the floor, a weird habit of hers. She was still trying to wake up, while the pill had already kicked in for Albright. He was moving quicker then he had been, quietly deciding to make pancakes, not asking if either girl wanted any.
Albright felt a little proud that he had actually gotten Bright to take the pill. He didn't show it, looking in the fridge for any breakfast foods. "It's no big deal." he shook his head, moving a half-empty gallon of milk to the side. "You didn't throw up or anything, you just got very intoxicated." Chelsea emerged from her bedroom at that point, her hair tied back in a ponytail, though it was obviously sloppily made. She had to constantly tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear. She saw Bright sitting down on the couch, but she sat down on the floor, a weird habit of hers. She was still trying to wake up, while the pill had already kicked in for Albright. He was moving quicker then he had been, quietly deciding to make pancakes, not asking if either girl wanted any.
Bright began to feel the effects of the pill, and the hangover began to wear off. She also began having some memories being recovered from her drunken state. One of them being Lunaria, which her expression changed. It was as if she had found her long lost child and they were finally reunited. She began to tear up but immediately began wiping them, trying to not make a sound as tears of joy and sadness were forming. Lunaria was still asleep but she could still feel Bright's mental state acting up a little.
Bright began to feel the effects of the pill, and the hangover began to wear off. She also began having some memories being recovered from her drunken state. One of them being Lunaria, which her expression changed. It was as if she had found her long lost child and they were finally reunited. She began to tear up but immediately began wiping them, trying to not make a sound as tears of joy and sadness were forming. Lunaria was still asleep but she could still feel Bright's mental state acting up a little.
Albright was only half paying attention, mostly to make sure he didn’t mess up the recipe. He didn’t feel that he needed to hang onto every word that Bright said, since Chelsea was there to spectate anyways. If he missed something important to note down, he could always just ask her. Chelsea didn’t say anything when Bright’s eyes started to glisten with tears. She grabbed a tissue box and placed it in front of her for her to use if she did or if she didn’t. It was somehow a better response then when Bright was drunk. Even without having the knowledge relayed to her, Chelsea knew what pill Bright had taken, and she pulled out her notebook again. “How do you feel?” She was concerned, but seeing as there was no alcohol in her system now, she only watched with a blank expression.
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Albright was only half paying attention, mostly to make sure he didn’t mess up the recipe. He didn’t feel that he needed to hang onto every word that Bright said, since Chelsea was there to spectate anyways. If he missed something important to note down, he could always just ask her. Chelsea didn’t say anything when Bright’s eyes started to glisten with tears. She grabbed a tissue box and placed it in front of her for her to use if she did or if she didn’t. It was somehow a better response then when Bright was drunk. Even without having the knowledge relayed to her, Chelsea knew what pill Bright had taken, and she pulled out her notebook again. “How do you feel?” She was concerned, but seeing as there was no alcohol in her system now, she only watched with a blank expression.
Bright noticed the tissue box and started to use the tissues to wipe her tears. "I-I'm fine.." Bright said as she took a tissue. It took her awhile to calm down, eventually she finally stopped tearing up, but was still sad inside. She sort of just hugged her legs in, blankly staring in front of her. She wondered if that was the same for the other life times she had. Were the real owners just there, watching her the entire time? What were they doing? How would they feel? These types of questions started to make Bright feel guilty and she didn't know how to deal with it. She then decided to forget it since it was all in the past, and there was nothing she could do about it now. She looked to where Albright was and wondered what he was doing currently.

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