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Dice Curse of the Sunstone: A 5e Adventure. OOC and Sheet placement.


The Duke of Milan
[Mood Music]

It has been six months now since the colony of High Hopes has been established and against all odds, it has flourished. The local tribes it has made firm friends with and after a number of harrowing situations and troubles, it seems apt to say that everyone here feels more or less happy. Certainly, its a far cry from where some of you may have come from or what you have been fleeing, but life has given you a second chance of sorts and it seems churlish to disregard it. It doesn't hurt either that the place High Hope is situated is beautiful in ways that awe and stagger the majority of the colonists still.

The sunsets and sunrises are glorious and the air is pristine and clear- a far cry from the smog-enshrouded city you've left behind. The local fruits and animals are delicious and unique and the sunlight feels like a blessing, bright and hot as you go about your duty. And yet, there is an underlying air of disquiet.

The various tribes who have been your friends for months have been silent, with not even a runner having shown up at your gates in ages. The farmers, keeping to the agreements made with the locals are starting to grumble, wishing to expand their crops but currently shackled by treaties that give them only so much land and no further. And for those who hunt and patrol to keep away dangerous beasts, reports come in of the sounds of drums echoing long into the night and abating only by mornings light, only to occur as the sun goes down.

But it wasn't until a messenger was found-half delirious with hunger and exhaustion, collapsed at the gates that it was clear that something was abundantly wrong.

Welcome to High Hope.

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake , Vaneheart Vaneheart , Tardy Grade Tardy Grade , Deathchart98 Deathchart98 , Theo713 Theo713 , Xeal209 Xeal209 Steel Accord Steel Accord

Character Creation Rules: Point buy 27. All stats start at 8, use this to calculate as a quick aid. You are allowed the Players Handbook and 1, singular other official book of your choice as per Adventure League rules. We start at level 1 and will be going via milestones.

Health is full at level one, followed by the average class(of your choice you level it up in) plus constitution as usual. Your equipment will depend on your class of choice and whatever money your backgrounds will give will be all that is given.

What to expect: This is a jungle-centric game. Characters focused on exploration, archaeology and the like are well suited. Favored enemies rangers would want to get include Beasts, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Undead and Aberrations. Languages that would come in handy include Polyglot(local tribal language and included as homebrew), Celestial, Goblin and Aklo. You are all also characters connected to the colony of High Hope and should have a reason to want to live there or defend it. Characters that specialize in traps and healing are likewise a boon.

For character sheets, Mythweaver. I find it most useful for this sort of thing.

Aside from that? A description of your character and an image with your posts detailing what they're like would be helpful for me to include. Any questions or particularly private aspects to your character may be PM'd to me.

I run and update on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but as this is post by play, I'm not expecting a wild rush of replies. I may even occasionally post as well on certain days not listed.

Aside from it all? I have a life of my own and sometimes life can and will take me away for a bit. Please keep that in mind when I might vanish for a bit, I'll try to announce beforehand here if that happens.

That said, I look forward to seeing you all in-game.

Also, in response to the worry about useless useless , he alone has an open seat due to his thread being the one to bring everyone in. I had thought this obvious and it seems when I checked that it was not. My mistake there for not being in any way clear on that.


Theo173: Tiefling Druid
Sherewood: Cleric
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Can I get a quick role call of classes so I can figure out what to fill as?
I'm in with a cleric. It will take me a little bit to put it together and format my sheet to my liking, but I will have the Health Domain to get the extra heals for you guys.
Question about the elf ability score increase. A typical Elf has a Dex of +2, and a Wood Elf gets a Wisdom boost of +1. If I take the Wood Elf, do I get the +2 Dex and the +1 Wis? I don't want to get a stat increase that I don't deserve.
I have my Cleric done. I PMd the sheet to our Illustrious Storyteller to see what he thinks.
I love it, too. You should see the number of Champions characters I've made up that I'll probably never get the chance to play.
I'm just looking forward to making a new set of gaming buds, since I've never gamed with any of you guys before.
What alignment is everyone going with? I have gone with lawful good.

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