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Fantasy Remainders (A Werewolf RP) OCC

Holy carp, I’m so sorry for not responding to this. RPN didn’t notify me of your message. ;v;

But we could totally use some Gammas, Omegas, and Sigmas
Oh your just fine! Ive been working anyways haha but id be more than happy to make a character for one of those roles!
oh my bad quadraxis201 quadraxis201 the part where i was mentioning Quill being in an apartment was a sort of flashback / backstory for how quill knew what a movie was and it wasn't in real time
my bad i should've made it more clear
So I love werewolf rps so imma join this, imma read some more then I’ll add a old character of mine here(;
does anyone wanna give me a quick recap on anything important going on? Or just let me know if you have a character open to interaction? :) Thanks!
I sadly am not, im a bit on the slow side of technology xD
okay so whats going on is a sparring match finished up because ALpha corvus wanted to increase defenses after a dream our prophet zeta had , and then a small group is going out to retrieve blood from a human city and will unknowingly meet up with an outcast of another pack,
and right now in the kitchen, a new stranger just walked in and Mama, the lead omega, just instructed all her other omegas what to do with the guests

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