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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

The two of them went to a tavarn. Peter wistfully thought about the time he could have had a good burger. He setteld on a pork roast.
Sage got the same thing, she thought about what would happen next. Where they would go and what people they would meet.
Sage got the same thing, she thought about what would happen next. Where they would go and what people they would meet.
"In a few days we should head back out. Natsu and Lucy say they've heard rumors of a guild of wizards two days east of here" Peter said.
"Okay...hey can you tell me what your world was like?" She asked
He looked up. "I can try." He said. "I live in a place called Queens. It's in a country called America." Peter gave her a quick run down of America history or at least the best version he could. He wasn't great at history.
He looked up. "I can try." He said. "I live in a place called Queens. It's in a country called America." Peter gave her a quick run down of America history or at least the best version he could. He wasn't great at history.
Sage nods. "Okay so this president is a figurehead and not a king."
Sage nods. "Okay so this president is a figurehead and not a king."
"Exactly. Although Currently you might want to gloss over him and look deeper at the people." Peter said. He began to explain techonology and other sciences. These ones he could go into more detail about.
"Exactly. Although Currently you might want to gloss over him and look deeper at the people." Peter said. He began to explain techonology and other sciences. These ones he could go into more detail about.
After awhile hearing all the stuff about science confused her.

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