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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 1: Lost & Found)

Sasha grabbed Susan and turned her to face her "I got it, look!" She pointed to the roborg fleets, some stopped working all together while others flew away from them leaving only a few of them "I was able to hack the mainframe of them and for the ones that aren't moving?" A loud explosion came from the roborg ship as it was blown to bits "That's what happens"
Susan smiles at Sasha in appreciation. "Good job, Sasha. Perhaps you could be useful for our plans in bringing down the Roborg." Susan responds. "... Well, if your brother allows it, that is."
Braxton was staring down Susan, if looks could kill she'd be 6 feet under a metal floor. Sasha got back to hacking "They're going to experience extreme breakdowns and unless you want to explode we need to get outta here and NOW literally everyone else but US is in a safe distance" she told Susan as she hacked
Bowe kept an eye on the planet as long as she could. Just to stare at it a bit more. But before the explosion(s), she looked away immediately.
"time for a light show!" the moment they got far enough away, the roborg ships blew up! Bits and pieces flying everywhere as they left
Kokoro seemed impressed. "Wow... That's pretty..." She seemed amazed, smiling.
"As pretty as it is, you don't want to be in the middle of that" Braxton said as He tried to keep Sasha from crying
"I'm aware. I've been in the middle of one before." Kokoro said, sighing. Turns out she's no stranger to explosive deaths.
"Sorry" Braxton apologized, while Sasha lost all color in her eyes as if she died...just...so dull. She just sat on the floor, pushing her brother away
"Come on," Susan said to her crew. "Let's go bring the Lunarims to safety." Then the crew left their shuttle and see the Human soldiers bring the Lunarims out of the other shuttles and bring them to safety.
Bowe went to help them, but eventually ceased, unsure if she was actually allowed to join the team. She didn't really have a choice if she wanted to live, so...
Braxton put a hand on Susan's Shoulder "Sasha might know a place for them...but I doubt she'll talk right now" he said motioning to a very emotionless woman walking slowly behind them
Susan looks at Sasha, very concerned, but she decided to ignore her. After all, whatever she's suffering from probably isn't her business. She decides to turn her attention to Bowe. "Hello, Bowe. I'm sorry about your planet."
"Bowe will be OK... Bowe was getting lonely..." Bowe said, saddened. "Bowe misses home already, and is scared to see what Roborg do to it..."
Susan looks at Bowe, trying to suppress her sadness. Then, an idea came to her. "Hey, Bowe?" Susan said. "How would you like it... If we can make this flagship your new home?"
"Flagship... New home?" Bowe looked up curiously. "Mmm... I mean... I don't really have any other option, if I'm honest... Yay! New home! Flagship!" That is a 'yes'.
Bowe's eyes lit up and she licked her lips. That is ALSO a yes. Definitely a yes.
Braxton shook his head at Bowe's reaction, he knew who she was and he also knew that the moment Susan said 'Buffet' She messed up...Big time

//I swear my horrible internet is gonna be the death of me
//Jesus. That's a lot to catch up on//
Lux has remained silent the entire time, rushing around with everyone and trying to be useful in any way that he can.

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