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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Belching in my country is a sign of a compliment to the chef." Joey said as he began deepfrying the fries. He then put the takoyaki on a plate and added the spicy sauce on top. He placed it before Jesse with a small plastic stick. Picking up another plate, he placed the fries onto it and added seasoning and salt before placing a cooked egg with garlic oil and green onions onto the fries. He placed that next to the takoyaki before making more takoyaki "Sunrise fries as a side."
"belching to papyrus is inconsiderate and rude." Sans said with a shrug. "IT'S INCONSIDERATE AND IT'S GROSS! PLUS I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW YOU DO IT! WE DON'T HAVE THROATS!" Papyrus yelled from the other room.
"Belching in my country is a sign of a compliment to the chef." Joey said as he began deepfrying the fries. He then put the takoyaki on a plate and added the spicy sauce on top. He placed it before Jesse with a small plastic stick. Picking up another plate, he placed the fries onto it and added seasoning and salt before placing a cooked egg with garlic oil and green onions onto the fries. He placed that next to the takoyaki before making more takoyaki "Sunrise fries as a side."
"Thanks!" Jesse said before eating the Takoyaki.
"not bad." He said. "not bad at all." He held his hand. "nice to meet you too."
Jesse shakes his hand, only to realize too late that his hand had a woopie cushion on it.
"Oolong tea." Joey replied "It's good for the body and mind." He then took out some lamb shanks from the fridge and marinated them before placing them on the grill

(ok this actually annoys me)

(you don't marinate meat in five seconds)

(it takes at least a few hours)
"hey can i get a soda?" He asked.

"what? pranks aren't rude... got any extra takoyaki?" He asked.
"I do." Joey said as he began making more along with the lamb
(yeah and I can't tell you how much stuff we probably get super wrong that he rolls with. Give him a pass)
(Trust me, I get FURIOUS when it comes to getting guns wrong.)
(ok this actually annoys me)

(you don't marinate meat in five seconds)

(it takes at least a few hours)
(My bad) He took marinated meat out of the fridge and began cooking it.
"Oolong tea." Joey replied "It's good for the body and mind." He then took out some lamb shanks from the fridge and marinated them before placing them on the grill
"Something smells good" Allyson said entering the kitchen. She noticed Jesse. "Who's the kid?"
Tyson takes out a book on archery.
"Yeah. It's a decent read."
"I mean the one for the demon." The wizard said standing up. The portal closed behind him. "And I now don't have deal with staff anymore." A poof of smoke and his wizard robes were replaced by normal clothes. He was an obese teen.

"I do." Joey said as he began making more along with the lamb

(Trust me, I get FURIOUS when it comes to getting guns wrong.)

(My bad) He took marinated meat out of the fridge and began cooking it.
Sans sat down.
"I mean the one for the demon." The wizard said standing up. The portal closed behind him. "And I now don't have deal with staff anymore." A poof of smoke and his wizard robes were replaced by normal clothes. He was an obese teen.

Sans sat down.
(How does Jace know about the book, or is he also making an assumption of its existence?)

(you didn't have to change it Dragunov Dragunov )
(Oh hell no it ain't fine. I'm trying to learn how to cook)
"I mean the one for the demon." The wizard said standing up. The portal closed behind him. "And I now don't have deal with staff anymore." A poof of smoke and his wizard robes were replaced by normal clothes. He was an obese teen.

Sans sat down.
Joey put some takoyaki for Sans down before returning to the lamb.
(How does Jace know about the book, or is he also making an assumption of its existence?)
(Jace is well versed in the ancient arts and he any and all magical items of importance are in his radar including those in other realms. He's Basically president of the magic community and super powerful second only to Zadock in raw magic power. He also has been watching cuz this demon thing definitely falls under his requirements for "Crises of magical importance")
(Oh hell no it ain't fine. I'm trying to learn how to cook)

Joey put some takoyaki for Sans down before returning to the lamb.
"domo arigato." Sans said as he began to eat. "I wonder what there would taste like with ketchup. hey Joe can you make a ketchup version of these?"
Abigail had fallen asleep in the training room. She was leaned against the wall, her head tilted slightly.

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