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Fandom Superheros and Villains

A Ratatta walked alongside him looking at him and Maddy curiously.
"See ya" Allyson said to Jeremy. She picked up Peter. "Medic come by later to check on Peter and Maddy. No idea if Kala or Zadock are there so we could use someone who knows medicine. "

Maddy was mumbling a bunch of names joey hadn't heard before.
Joey took mental notes of the names mentioned. He passed the Ratata as he entered Maddy's room and put her on the bed. He then sat by the door watching her, waiting for her to wake up.

Diana sighed "I... I never saw him... so angry like that before..."
Joey took mental notes of the names mentioned. He passed the Ratata as he entered Maddy's room and put her on the bed. He then sat by the door watching her, waiting for her to wake up.

Diana sighed "I... I never saw him... so angry like that before..."
It looked curious. He walked off.

"Maddy is his Fiance... Something bad must have happened to her." He said.

" I'll make sure he doesn't plus you need your medigun fixed." She went through the portal.
"Okay... Don't forget Peter." He said pointing to Peter.
Joey took mental notes of the names mentioned. He passed the Ratata as he entered Maddy's room and put her on the bed. He then sat by the door watching her, waiting for her to wake up.

Diana sighed "I... I never saw him... so angry like that before..."
she mostly tossed and turned. She was burning up.
Joey had no medical knowledge. He opened the door and went to the kitchen "Anyone with medical knowledge on how to treat fevers?" He said. Diana looked at Josh "I mean... you can treat pokemon... right?"
"It's a little different but I'll see what I can do." He said. "I need cold water and cloth." He said
Joey had no medical knowledge. He opened the door and went to the kitchen "Anyone with medical knowledge on how to treat fevers?" He said. Diana looked at Josh "I mean... you can treat pokemon... right?"
" kala and Zadock probably. Or maybe Dana." Fate said eating her food. "Moms usually know how to help when kids are sick."

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