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The Land That Can’t Be Tamed


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The Island of Tamarin is one of the most precious untouched islands in the world of Pangria and for good reason too, as those who venture never come back. Travelers and fortune seekers are attracted by its supposed magestic sights and treasures. But every rose has its thorns. Pangria is infested with savage beasts that can eat a man alive or paralyze him before he even knows it. And if the animals don’t get you, the plants will. Sap from trees can swell your throat or burn your skin. Eat the wrong fruit and it can turn you blind. And even if you survive all of mother nature’s ugliest and dangerous creations, the locals can jump you and before you know it, you’re a sacrifice to the one of these weird deities these people worship. So when you die they’ll a good harvest or something. At least that’s whats all the people back home will make you think.

As interest to the island peaked, many expeditions had traveled to Tamarin to fulfill their desires and discover benefits they could reap from the island. Outposts and settlements came and many of suspicions of the island had been confirmed. Precious metals and resources have been discovered, wild beasts and lethal flora existed but weren’t everywhere. Some natives were hospitable while some were not.

During this Age of Ventures, outposts came and went until the Age of Iron (Industrial Revolution) had taken place in many places around the world. With technology evolving, it was now easier to visit Tamarin and acquire riches. Most natives had grown comfortable with foreigners while other weren’t so keen of these foreign invaders.

More populated expeditions had started to arrive in Tamarin and they were here to stay for varied reasons. With this island now filled with ravaged men with guns and each with their own goals. Will war come to this island? And if so, will someone tame this unconquered land?


Hey so I decided this would be an imperialist-colonization rp. You can play as either colonists or natives and have your own goals to work towards. The technology of this era is around ww2.

To give you an idea of how each group functions. Native in this case is very broad. You can be an indigenous people who have always lived there or you can have descendants of settlers who now have their own sovereign territory. Colonists are even broader and can range from a new wave of settlers trying to make a home, a nation establishing a sanctioned colony, a group of zealots on a crusade, etc.

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