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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Emily puts her hand on his shoulder.
(Am at school don't always have a opportunity to respond)

She giggled "You being so nervous is cute."
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! "I... don't spend much time around girls." He said.

“I’ve been missing since March of last school year, meaning I never got mine. Yikes. But the school also said they were trying a digital one as well, which I believe can be accessed via the website I’m guessing? I don’t actually know, you don’t learn this kind of stuff in a shadow hole.”
"Alright." He went over to Allyson's computer and looked at the monitor. "Point out the kids who were in there with you."
In the house Sol sat in a chair humming a small incantation to himself in some state of meditation.
Sol decided to get up and take a walk. Exiting the house he saw what looked to be a blue rectangular box. “I wonder what that is” he said.
The Doctor opened the door covering the frame and hiding the interior. "Hello. Sol right?"
The Doctor opened the door covering the frame and hiding the interior. "Hello. Sol right?"
“Good day, yes that is my name. I’m afraid I don’t know yours. Is this your box” he asked. Tapping his chin.
(Am at school don't always have a opportunity to respond)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! "I... don't spend much time around girls." He said.

"Alright." He went over to Allyson's computer and looked at the monitor. "Point out the kids who were in there with you."
Allyson waited.
"I'm the Doctor." The alien said. "And yes. She is my box."
“Nice to meet you” said Sol. He found the introduction The Doctor a little strange but he wasn’t about to point it out. “How has your day been” he asked?
(also we got heavy snow last night and we're gonna get some more tonight)

(the weather is trying to kill us)

(send help)

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