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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Zadock smiled and stepped into the barrier taking off his jacket and pulling out a sword. "by the rights of Dru son of Gaia and master of time I demand fair stakes for this challenge." The immortal then appeared as time stopped around them. The immortal looked at Zadock with disinterest and open disgust at the Daemon. "fine Houdini make it happen." Suddenly Houdini waved a wand and made them equal to humans with no powers and no supernatural skills just their training.
"Choose, with, or without weapons?" Aeshma said.
(Just a quick post. Got an hour and 15 minutes before my lunch break)
(I figured.) "No I'm not..I would never..I didn't want to.". She went over to Dan and tried to grab her hand. " come on use your future vision and we can get out of here."
When she touches Dana, Dana screams in pain as her body turns into shadows and disintegrates.
Jeremy noticed and ran after them.

Ben drove them to Sam's restaurant. He got out of the car and opened the door for her.
Tyson pit maneuvers a car off the road.
(ok does anyone want to do anything with megalomaniac? if not i might bring out the team-up i was hoping to save for later)
(ok then. but keep in mind megalomaniac is really injured and isn't at full power)

(sorry Trauma Queen, you're gonna have to wait some more)
A black blob of...something scuttles aross your path. It glances at you for only an instant before hiding among the trashcans.

(yep. a baby-dollesque crime lady from the city Volt/Pulse usually crime fights in which i don't have a name for. known for taking violent measures to keep at her side the metas she finds "Useful". take a guess what her powers are)
(Oh boy...) "Is that a symbiote?" Hayden walked towards it
A black blob of...something scuttles aross your path. It glances at you for only an instant before hiding among the trashcans.

(yep. a baby-dollesque crime lady from the city Volt/Pulse usually crime fights in which i don't have a name for. known for taking violent measures to keep at her side the metas she finds "Useful". take a guess what her powers are)
(for reference her appearance has absolutely nothing to do with her powers. i imagine her with long pastel pink and powder white ringlets, a massive silver crown at an angle on her head, and always with some sort of deadly handheld like a fan of knives or a sword parasol.)

"Symbiote? Hah! They're apparently much more clever than I, to not have gotten tricked by a DAMN WATCH!"
(this might be the most rated R character on here)
(for reference her appearance has absolutely nothing to do with her powers. i imagine her with long pastel pink and powder white ringlets, a massive silver crown at an angle on her head, and always with some sort of deadly handheld like a fan of knives or a sword parasol.)

"Symbiote? Hah! They're apparently much more clever than I, to not have gotten tricked by a DAMN WATCH!"
"What watch? The Omnitrix? And what are you...."

"Oh, is that what the damn thing's called? Whatever! I don't care! All I care about is how the thing SPAT ME AT THE ASPHALT WITH THE FORCE OF A BULLDOZER!"
(also The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth thanks to you i was humming snowdin during study hall and mentally laughing when the name 'ben' popped up on a worksheet problem)

(why have you done this to me)
"Hmmph. If I was at full strength I'd ask to strike a deal with you, but two things are wrong with the conditions of this scenario. One, you appear to be tech based, AKA not compatible with my power, and two, I AM VERY INJURED THANKS TO A WRIST ACCESSORY!"
"What you mean not the fun ones?" Hayden said in anger, "Oh and by the way, The Omnitrix is considered the most powerful object in the planet," Hayden said snarky
"Hmmph. If I was at full strength I'd ask to strike a deal with you, but two things are wrong with the conditions of this scenario. One, you appear to be tech based, AKA not compatible with my power, and two, I AM VERY INJURED THANKS TO A WRIST ACCESSORY!"

"The techs are easier to possess if they're regular joes, but they're usually smarter and catch me in the act before I can even approach them. Also, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IN THE MINUTE I WANTED TO POSSESS THE DAMN WATCH!?"
"Welp, I'll give you this," Hayden grabbed the slime, "You kinda look cute...but let's be honest, my race is the second smartest in the universe, only behind galvans...so I would like to say you couldn't infect me if you tried..."

"The techs are easier to possess if they're regular joes, but they're usually smarter and catch me in the act before I can even approach them. Also, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IN THE MINUTE I WANTED TO POSSESS THE DAMN WATCH!?"

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