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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Greg Didn't say Anything And Just Lay There As he Slowly came back To his senses.
The robot continued flying until it reached a tall building. Dropping the man. It looked out for where it should renter the crazy. The life of a feline super genius was a weird one.
(Probs shouldn't put him there. Lol)
"thanks" He Sighed Fully Regaining His Senses And Sitting Up He Healed Real Fast But The Explosion Caused Serious Damage Breaking His Ribs And Good Arm. (Right) Burned Most Of His Hair And Charing Lots Of Skin.
"thanks" He Sighed Fully Regaining His Senses And Sitting Up He Healed Real Fast But The Explosion Caused Serious Damage Breaking His Ribs And Good Arm. (Right) Burned Most Of His Hair And Charing Lots Of Skin.
The Slipstream's head turned around a bit, then went back to looking outwards. It nodded, before looking back out. It started its wings just a bit. Ready to take off. "Just dont make me regret saving your ass".
She nods. " I can tell"
"It's a bit silly that she refuses to call herself a hero just because she's a kleptomaniac." The clone says before looking at Kala. "Any ideas on your next move after getting out of that telekinetic prison?"
Heatblast shrugged.
Keremy nodded.
"RUN!" He yelled. "I can't lose anyone else. I won't." He said.
"NO!" She retaliated. "I've already lost you once and I don't want to risk that happening again. You don't have to worry about losing me. The safest place I can be right now is right here, fighting beside you and fighting with those driven to take down Legion."
"It's a bit silly that she refuses to call herself a hero just because she's a kleptomaniac." The clone says before looking at Kala. "Any ideas on your next move after getting out of that telekinetic prison?"

"NO!" She retaliated. "I've already lost you once and I don't want to risk that happening again. You don't have to worry about losing me. The safest place I can be right now is right here, fighting beside you and fighting with those driven to take down Legion."
Peter was silent. He punched her in the gut hard enough to knock her out. He gave her to Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed and sped her back to the house where she would soon wake up.

Peter to face legion. He got into a Spider-Like stance.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
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"It's a bit silly that she refuses to call herself a hero just because she's a kleptomaniac." The clone says before looking at Kala. "Any ideas on your next move after getting out of that telekinetic prison?"

"NO!" She retaliated. "I've already lost you once and I don't want to risk that happening again. You don't have to worry about losing me. The safest place I can be right now is right here, fighting beside you and fighting with those driven to take down Legion."
" I was hoping my spell would cloud her mind completely."Kala said. "I don't want to risk hurting her."
"Samuel's still at the house and I think the watch guy went back." Jackson said.
Peter was silent. He punched her in the gut hard enough to knock her out. He gave her to Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed and sped her back to the house where she would soon wake up.

Peter to face legion. He got into a Spider-Like stance.
"peter we could have used her help." Diana said watching Jeremy run off.
Peter was silent. He punched her in the gut hard enough to knock her out. He gave her to Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed and sped her back to the house where she would soon wake up.

Peter to face legion. He got into a Spider-Like stance.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
" I was hoping my spell would cloud her mind completely."Kala said. "I don't want to risk hurting her."
Due to Eris still being in Snow giant form, she was able to withstand the punch to the gut. However, since she wasn't expecting it, it ruined her concentration. That, combined with the fatigue from battle, causes her to lose control of her snow form.

"Fair enough. I'm sure there's a part of her still in there that isn't poss-What the!?" The snow clone shouted as she saw Peter strike Eris. She looks down and notices the trail vanishing. "That isn't good."

Upon returning to regular size, a pain shot through Eris as her broken finger was no longer numbed by the icy metamorphosis. As she holds her hand, she feels herself being carried off by Jeremy.

"Put me down!" She shouted.

Meanwhile the clone watched in a confused panic, reaching out to try and stop him.

"Wait!" The guardian snow angel yells. "Don't take her too far from the-" Before she could finish her sentence, Eris had been moved far enough away to prevent her from being able to keep the plane in tact. As a result, the dome vanishes, causing the snow clones to crumble before evaporating away.
Due to Eris still being in Snow giant form, she was able to withstand the punch to the gut. However, since she wasn't expecting it, it ruined her concentration. That, combined with the fatigue from battle, causes her to lose control of her snow form.

"Fair enough. I'm sure there's a part of her still in there that isn't poss-What the!?" The snow clone shouted as she saw Peter strike Eris. She looks down and notices the trail vanishing. "That isn't good."

Upon returning to regular size, a pain shot through Eris as her broken finger was no longer numbed by the icy metamorphosis. As she holds her hand, she feels herself being carried off by Jeremy.

"Put me down!" She shouted.

Meanwhile the clone watched in a confused panic, reaching out to try and stop him.

"Wait!" The guardian snow angel yells. "Don't take her too far from the-" Before she could finish her sentence, Eris had been moved far enough away to prevent her from being able to keep the plane in tact. As a result, the dome vanishes, causing the snow clones to crumble before evaporating away.
Jeremy looked at her sadly. "Trust me. This is something he needs to do." He said.

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