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Fantasy Bonded -- OOC

Should we just start or wait for that last human?

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    Votes: 3 75.0%
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    Votes: 1 25.0%

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MysticNeko MysticNeko LegoLad659 LegoLad659 WykedWytch WykedWytch AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Kloudy Kloudy OceanBunny OceanBunny Sleepy Lanii Sleepy Lanii Fleet Fleet K kurishiri Angelofdarkness Angelofdarkness

Good news! I am in the process of adding actually useful information to the lore page! So it might be worth looking at relatively soon-ish. ^^;
K kurishiri I don't think you are technically bonded to your human yet. There's a ritual and stuff, for now you just know that your human is who you are supposed to be bonded with. Just letting you know as your post suggests otherwise.
Kloudy Kloudy
Hahaha, yes, I know. I did read the Lore. But in my mind, Qinu is just that type of demon who doesn't really take the whole ritual thing very seriously-- as mentioned in his CS, he is a big freeloader (so he will do and think what he wants, how he wants, when he wants). I guess you can say he kind of condensed the meaning of "bonded" to a more simple concept than it actually is-- plus, he isn't fond of the idea of just throwing all this galore of "oh, we ought to do this ritual thing since me and you are bonded" to someone he just met nor is he fond of the idea of just plain hiding the fact that they are meant to be "bonded", though he is still aware of what is needed (the ritual) to be officially bonded.

All in all, it's just Qinu's character. I hope that makes a bit more sense. X'D
Kloudy Kloudy
Hahaha, yes, I know. I did read the Lore. But in my mind, Qinu is just that type of demon who doesn't really take the whole ritual thing very seriously-- as mentioned in his CS, he is a big freeloader (so he will do and think what he wants, how he wants, when he wants). I guess you can say he kind of condensed the meaning of "bonded" to a more simple concept than it actually is-- plus, he isn't fond of the idea of just throwing all this galore of "oh, we ought to do this ritual thing since me and you are bonded" to someone he just met nor is he fond of the idea of just plain hiding the fact that they are meant to be "bonded", though he is still aware of what is needed (the ritual) to be officially bonded.

All in all, it's just his character. I hope that makes a bit more sense. X'D
Fair enough, I suspected as much. Just wanted to let you know just in case, but you seem to have it all locked down. : )
I'll let Ocean123 Ocean123 respond to me first before I have Lixa react. Lisa would probably just mistake it for something else.
I have no idea what she’d mistake it for. This is an intense otherworldly presence that is unmistakably that of a High Demon. I don’t think there’s anything in the human world that does that. :3
I have no idea what she’d mistake it for. This is an intense otherworldly presence that is unmistakably that of a High Demon. I don’t think there’s anything in the human world that does that. :3
She's also depressed and expecting to be on the verge of death any moment now, so... :xFtongue:
Sorry that I'm so late, guys. The power's been off all day and I really can't use any more data until we have some kind of income so I couldn't even check in to warn you about it... -.-;
OceanBunny OceanBunny A quick tip, if you want to change your text back to the default color (Which is different depending on what theme the person reading it is using), click on the eraser icon on the top left of the post box
So, I just thought of something. Since a bond is technically created via ritual, does that mean a Demon could decide to bond with someone other than their destined?
Yeah, where is everyone? I have my post ready, but I was gonna hold off until someone else replied so it's not just me and you going back and forth
Ugh sorry for disappearing on you guys. There was a thing that involved two nights in the hospital and yeah... -.-;

Anyway, I'm back now and have a lot of catching up to do! ^_^

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