Millennium City: Nova - Taking the 'Scenic' Route (Wave Two Intro)

Nodding understandingly, Dax couldn't help but giggle at the small smile he gave her, blushing slightly in the process. She'd tease him, but if only... "Nice to meet you, Felix. I'm Daxtrien, but you can just call me Dax." He had the same name. Avoiding deepening this crush of hers was going to be harder than expected... after all, love has bloomed in much harsher realities than this. Would she call it a crush? Or was it more of a transfer? Tilting her head to the side, she stepped into the hall and followed him towards the stairs. "So, Felix, where was the last place you saw your axe?"

Nightwisher Nightwisher

~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix hesitated for less then a second before giving a nod. "Dax...I like it." He murmured. The man turned away from his new ally to look down the hallway at the other rooms to see if anyone was going to come out... or was everyone else really gone? Interesting. "Huh? Oh, um. Well I saw it back home, it was in my hand... I never really let it out of my sight..." He looked down at his hands, a flicker of pain running across his features. He'd lost her... probably when he needed her the most, she was gone and it was his fault. It had happened again... Felix looked back up at Dax. "I really don't know where it went." He cleared his throat and looked away once more. It was pretty clear, to anyone who knew and could read Felix that he was trying to hide any kind of hint of emotion that could show on his face. "Normally... I can hear her, so I don't... I don't really know where she is or what's stopping the normal connect we have."
Dax frowned. He looked like he was trying to keep a straight face, like he didn't want to show how sad he was. She didn't comment on it, but her concern showed on her expression. "Well, I suppose step one would be to get to ground floor. If no one else is going to leave or question anything, then we might as well go by ourselves." Taking Felix's hand, she all but tugged him down the hall to an elevator, pressing the button for the first level. "I'm sure we'll find her in no time. Don't worry."

Emile-A239 Location= Hell - The Mall
Condition= Annoyed/Ready for Combat
Shields= Full

Interaction "Shut up already you bastard! I get it, you're just as clueless as I am and we're all fuckin' lost in this shit-hole that seems a whole lot like what hell would look like! Have you died, huh?! Do you remember dying?! Cause I sure as hell don't! "Fuck!"

As she vented out her rage at a trash can, Emile stayed silent and just thought to himself, Actually, I DO remember dying. Though I never thought hell would be this...bloody. Thought there might be more fire and skeletons actually... This woman was a bit emotionally unstable, but she did not appear to be directly hostile. She emptied multiple rounds into a trash can. It was an indication that she was well versed in weapons, so she might prove to be a valuable ally...IF she didn't decide to stab him in the back later on. Emile grunted in anger as the woman wasted valuable ammunition and potentially revealed their location to whatever entity caused all the carnage that laid around them. After several moments, the woman lowered her guns and spoke again.

"My name is Revy... I woke up here with no idea about how I even got here, don't piss me off with that kind of attitude again or we're going to have problems... Damn, I need a cig."

"Tsk, Fine. Let's focus on getting out of here rather than shooting trash cans. It's more than likely that whatever thing killed all these people is in that store. Unless, of course, you were the one that did it. At that point, I think you would know what will follow." Emile was just as lost as the girl, but he was dealing with it in a much more controlled manner. Careful analysis and planning is the course of action one should take when in unknown situations, not anger and venting. In this way, the Spartan did not like the girl in any way. That was not to mention her "tough" attitude that failed to have any effect on him. However, she was the only other human (as far as he knew) here, and as long as she didn't shoot him in the back or interfere with him in combat, he will put up with her and attempt to keep her safe. Just like a good little soldier should. Hah.

"Come on, we got a store to investigate. Don't you feel obligated to help me or anything," the Spartan sarcastically remarked as he moved towards the store front with his rifle raised an finger on the trigger.

Notes Interacting With: Centurion_ Centurion_ (Revy) DapperDogman DapperDogman

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Mjolnir Mark V Armor
-Continental Room 344 Key
-M308 Rifle (10 Rounds)

-Spare Magazine and 20 Bullets
-Beretta M9 (15 Rounds)
-Dull Combat Knife

Powers NA

"Tsk, Fine. Let's focus on getting out of here rather than shooting trash cans. It's more than likely that whatever thing killed all these people is in that store. Unless, of course, you were the one that did it. At that point, I think you would know what will follow."
'Funny how he calls me an idiot but still believes that I could've killed all of these people.' She thinks to herself, almost chuckling about how he would hint about killing her.

"Come on, we got a store to investigate. Don't you feel obligated to help me or anything,"
Revy sighs in response, still looking pissed off at how snarky his attitude was.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming, whatever." She moans, reloading her 92fs; walking towards the storefront alongside Emile.


DapperDogman DapperDogman QizPizza QizPizza
The lock snapped with ease, making the lock easy to pry off and open the case. Just as the case was nearly opened he could make out what seemed to be a gun, as he reached for it he inspected it closer, it was makeshift, very crude but it seemed to work. It also seemed like a rifle, something that could deal damage at medium-short range, but he doubted he could get any good accurate shots at further range, but he had faith in the machine spirit and slung it over his left shoulder opposite to his shotgun, also reaching for ammo for the gun if there was any and stuffing it in his left pouch.

He still wanted those shears that could make meat zombies, so he started to search through the brightly yellow cases, hoping to find either something he could keep or trade with the boy. "What do you have in mind that you would like in place of those shears, like a Wishlist?"

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The yellow crates opened without any issues, revealing a large cache of explosives. An M112 charge, Dynamite, even a crude pipebomb. It seemed to have been gathered from many different sources, mostly demolition related, but it certainly seemed like whoever had gathered it knew it's potential damage output.

Opening the second crate, a cache of proper offensive explosives could be seen within, old Mk 2 grenades, and a single incendiary grenade.
The third of the crates is filled with fireworks, bundled together crudely with adhesive tape, with a single flare set down next to them. It appeared whoever lived in this treehouse was ready to use anything they could get their hands on to survive. An admirable mindset to have in a situation like this.

"I don't mind. It just has to be fun. I used to have a hammer, that was a lot of fun!" the boy replies as he peeks into the boxes "Oooh, fireworks!"

Zerulu Zerulu
"What.. was that?"

That laugh was definitely not a good sign, considering whatever made it probably put that cleaver in William. Even worse, was the tunnel's lights blowing out. "I need to act fast." Thankfully she found batteries for her flashlight, so she had to act fast. Moving quickly, she opened her flashlight, took out the old batteries and popped in new ones. There is no telling how much those were spent, so it's best to be safe. Just in case, she takes two replacement batteries as well. Looking at the other shelves, it was easy to spot food and water. She takes a few water bottles, as well as food for the road. There is no telling how long this tunnel goes for.

The Empress takes another look at the storage room and it's shelves to see if anything else could be of use. With whatever is out there, maybe something here could help turn the tides. Though, with the now-less-painful-though-tragic fate of William in her mind, whatever is here may not be enough.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The sound of bare feet scampering against the slightly sandy floor of the corridor could be heard for a moment as the laughter echoed up and down the tunnel outside of the doorway "It's been far too long since I had a guest~"

Taking the key and possibly the shotgun and cleaver, Emily would have gathered all there was to collect in the room, and have little choice but to push out into the tunnel again, and to break past whatever was now stalking her. She'd starve to death in this room waiting for something, or someone to save her otherwise.

jigglesworth jigglesworth

  • Well, checking the outside was most certainly a start. But Sophitia didn't think that leaving outside wasn't exactly the best idea. If she fell out and ended up on the exterior with no way in, then her progress would be all for nothing. But she would have to explore the outside eventually- at least, so she suspected- so it couldn't hurt to do it now rather than later.

    "Maybe there's someone out here that could help me..." She mused to herself, her emerald green eyes quickly scanning the outer exterior for any potential paths that would lead her back inside the power plant and into a different area. Of course, if the roof was more or less barren she'd probably just head back the way she came from and try the other doorway that had been presented to her on the catwalk- no point in sticking around if there wasn't anything to do within the area. Throughout her entire search along the roof, she kept her Omega Sword and Elk Shield tight to her, albeit she hoped she didn't need to use them especially not against the monster that lay below her feet.
On the edge of the roof, Sophitia could see the edge of a ladder leading down to the ground below. In the middle of the roof before her was a hatch that would no doubt lead downwards. The roof was loosely decorated with a few signs of previous inhabitation. A few camps had been struck here, away from the ground and the perils that may lurk below.

It seems that whoever had camped here quickly had to leave, as the tents that had been pitched here were decayed and falling apart from water damage. A few supplies remained behind, a rusty machete, a waterlogged cardboard box, and a few intact supplies remaining under the lip of a maintainence shed.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
View attachment 457776
The Unknown | Security Office - Armory

So the Hyperion worker got luck while hacking into the key-card lock, looks like its tech was kinda comparable to like the ones back at Atlas and the company he works for "Well, at least that was something" The business man thought to himself as he walked through the heavily reinforced door.. or shall I say 'Lightly reinforced'? Anyway, behind that door was a few sets of weaponry, now that one thing was solved, another problem arises; Detection, the office was empty..... except for that thing with the unkempt hair and cables tied around its legs or something

View attachment 457770
Well, it was indeed a jackpot for Rhysie, now he decided to go for a grab whatever he could while also trying to be silent as possible, thus meaning that once he grabbed a weapon or 2, face behind, if someone was coming, he needed to hide somewhere and then, get one of the guns either on his shoulders, carry them around in his hands, one on the back and front and off he goes, may sound like a simple plan he has executed with his accountant friend and a few other people just to get a brief case with a good amount of money there (that sadly got destroyed) now it was the time for grab and go "Well, it's time and these guns better be worth it"

DapperDogman DapperDogman
Looking through the guns, Rhys could find a wide array of guns and ammunition, pistols, rifles, SMGs, shotguns, and even a grenade launcher.
A single suppressed weapon sat on one of the shelves. A pistol, chambered in 10mm ammunition. It looked well used, but still in good condition. More broken in than worn out.

The shambling creature continued to scutter around the office, bumping into a desk and knocking over a monitor, causing it to growl and let out a loud yelp as it gets onto it's knees and smashes at the source of the sound, shattering the LCD display and causing more wires to tangle around its hands as they quickly began to bleed from the rough impacts against the hard plastic.

It stands after a few long seconds and snarls, giving the screen a firm kick and turning to shamble off towards one of the corridors out of the room, its sounds fading before quickly spiking back up as several more of the creatures came towards the source of the sound. These, like the one seen before appeared to be blind, and swung their arms blindly at each other, clearly not knowing how to distinguish what was making the sounds.

Rhysie Rhysie

"Tsk, Fine. Let's focus on getting out of here rather than shooting trash cans. It's more than likely that whatever thing killed all these people is in that store. Unless, of course, you were the one that did it. At that point, I think you would know what will follow."
'Funny how he calls me an idiot but still believes that I could've killed all of these people.' She thinks to herself, almost chuckling about how he would hint about killing her.

"Come on, we got a store to investigate. Don't you feel obligated to help me or anything,"
Revy sighs in response, still looking pissed off at how snarky his attitude was.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming, whatever." She moans, reloading her 92fs; walking towards the storefront alongside Emile.

"A-ATTENtion CIT-CITizENS" came a distorted mess of a simulated voice as a mangled mess of metal and wires came shambling from the store, its body decorated in gore and bones, crudely attached with sinew and muscle. Someone had made this machine a cruel parody of a human, placing broken parts of a skull over its face and binding it in place with cordage and veins "THIS LOcatIOn Has BEEN placED UNdER QUARENTINE" one of its arms slowly rises as the barrel of a flamethrower came to face the pair "PLEAse leAVE So THaT CLEanING proCEDURes MAy CONtinUE"

Centurion_ Centurion_ QizPizza QizPizza
Dax frowned. He looked like he was trying to keep a straight face, like he didn't want to show how sad he was. She didn't comment on it, but her concern showed on her expression. "Well, I suppose step one would be to get to ground floor. If no one else is going to leave or question anything, then we might as well go by ourselves." Taking Felix's hand, she all but tugged him down the hall to an elevator, pressing the button for the first level. "I'm sure we'll find her in no time. Don't worry."
"Lookie here, Noir!" came a cheery sounding voice as the pair arrived in the lobby "More friends!" a happy looking girl skipped around the lobby, looking all too cheerful for the lack of anyone else around.

"What do you think? We throw them in the game too, or we get nice and intimate here instead?" a large man asks, idly rolling his hand atop a large cane. "It would be a little unfair to have so many contestants at the same time."

"Why not let them pick?" the final man asks, shrugging slightly "I've got enough people to have fun already...Sending them in would be a little boring, but I've been thinking about opening up some of the old areas again anyway!"

Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher
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The marine was full of glee as he opened te crates and was greeted with a wad of explosives, this would help immensely against the beast, and gave light to a new plan. As the boy was explaining what he used to have he finished with what seemed like interest into the fireworks, "You want these?" He waved the fireworks in front of him, "If I give them to you, you have to promise to not set them off until I say, got it? If you do this monster will be coming right for us."

He set the fireworks down next to him, expecting him to place down the shears as he went to open up the lesser looking crates that were unmarked. As well as stashing the explosives into his right satchel neatly and in a position that is easy to grab.

DapperDogman DapperDogman

Emile-A239 Location= Hell - The Mall
Condition= In Combat
Shields= Full

Interaction Out of the storefront came a writhing mechanical mass decorated with a skulls, blood, and human flesh. All the metal and flesh reminded Emile of a Mgalekgolo, a Hunter. That is, if a Hunter was more mechanical than flesh and much more sadistic. The viscera and bones that decorated its metallic frame pointed towards this machine as the cause of murders. Its glitched speech only confirmed Emile's hypothesis.


"Well...guess we found the monster." Of course, it was only confirmed that the machine performed the act of mutilating all the soldiers. Whoever was behind the machine's behavior might still be present, and the girl with him might be that person responsible. She could be putting up the dumb act and just stab him in the back as soon as the battle began. Emile did his best to push the idea out of his mind. This girl, Revy, could be an ally, and he should give her a chance, like Jorge did.

As the creature brought up a weapon, Emile recognized it as a flamethrower. His Mjolnir armor could easily take the damage, but as for the unarmored woman with him, she would be killed at the first burst. The Spartan might have been able to take an attack, but it would be preferable not to get hit, in case there was some kind of gimmick to the weapon. Emile immediately ran off the machine's flank and aimed three shots at the flamethrower. If he could disable the weapon, the fight would be considerably easier, and the potential explosion might damage their foe. "Revy, keep your distance and focus on breaking the flamethrower!"

Notes Interacting With: DapperDogman DapperDogman Centurion_ Centurion_ (Revy)

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Mjolnir Mark V Armor
-Continental Room 344 Key
-M308 Rifle (7/10 Rounds)
-Spare Magazine and 20 Bullets​
-Beretta M9 (15/15 Rounds)
-Dull Combat Knife

Powers NA
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Lachlan, Scarlet ( DapperDogman DapperDogman ) and Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix followed Dax down into the lobby, but he could feel strange, unfamiliar souls the moment he stepped from the elevator. His eyes narrowed as he continued out into the lobby to find three strangers, one female and two male. Apparently one of them was named Noir. The female seemed annoyingly chipper, and the two men seemed rather nonchalant. Felix didn't like the look of their souls, no did he enjoy the feeling of their presence, but there didn't really seem to be much of away to combat them... unless... he looked down at Dax but hesitated to say anything. Now wasn't the time. He turned his attention back to the three in front of them. "Hey, I'm Felix Auclair, though I doubt names mean much. Could you tell us what's going on? I assume you're the ones who have caused this disappearance of the others?" Felix wasn't really expecting answers, but if he got them, it was worth a shot. "What exactly do you mean by 'the game' and 'old areas'?" He held himself dominantly, but the way he spoke show that he knew he wasn't the one in power in this situation.
The Unknown | Security Office - Armory

The shambling creature continued to scatter around the office, bumping into a desk and knocking over a monitor, causing it to growl and let out a loud yelp as it gets onto it's knees and smashes at the source of the sound, shattering the LCD display and causing more wires to tangle around its hands as they quickly began to bleed from the rough impacts against the hard plastic. Rhys had heard all of what was happening yet he didn't give a single fuck "Ugh... Why can't I have a moment of peace and quiet while I choose what to grab and take with me" the company man said to himself quietly as he grabbed 2 pistols, placed one in his other pocket (since he already had one in the front right pocket of his pants) and the other (the one chambered in 10 mm ammo) in the pocket inside his vest, like as well for the ammo, 1 in each pocket "Well, there goes 2 more pistols and its ammo onto my fleet, I'm not yet sure if I can disassemble, fix, clean, and put them back how they are right now, I now need a few long weapons and off I go"


With that thought or note to self, he proceeded to grab a few more weapons. In this instance; he proceeded to grab a Rifle, some ammo for it, load it up, and have it on his back with a strap for the given circumstances. An SMG and the grenade launcher were also another one of his options, but rather careful with his choices, he decided to inspect them 1 by one; It may look like a normal sub-machine gun (Nope, it's name ain't "Bitch"........ I hope) it also had to come with its ammo already loaded just like "These ones looks interesting, specially the weird looking weapon here; same thing for the other 2 pistols, and the other gun I put on my pockets and back..... that's if I can find the appropriate tool for doing this, but one on them can come back to where I'm currently staying" the company man had thought to himself and decided to take the grenade launcher and leave the SMG back in its place. With that done, Rhys may stay there admiring what other weapons he can get since that room was full with whatever could satisfy him, in before he scanned them of course just to see a bit of background on them, yet the shrieking noises coming from outside the room he was in were already bothering him, therefore he reached near the door, took a small sneak (While trying to remain undetected of course) just to see the one creepy piece of crap with the unkempt hair with more cables tied around him breaking a monitor and doing a bunch o' stupid fuckery like if that thing was drunk or high on some drugs, a few other little monsters swinging their arms at each other without knowing what's coming to them "For Jack's sake what have I signed up for? the Midget Psycho circus? we have that back in Helios, but seeing it live is kinda cool also.... if you don't get killed" Now the only thing he had to do and choose is either to stay there until they all drop dead... or sneak out of the armory and out of the office. the choice is obvious;


The salary man chose to make an attempt of sneaking out of the armory and the office itself without getting killed, it'll be unknown if the one who had Handsome Jack in his head for a while comes out of there alive

DapperDogman DapperDogman
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The sound of bare feet scampering against the slightly sandy floor of the corridor could be heard for a moment as the laughter echoed up and down the tunnel outside of the doorway "It's been far too long since I had a guest~"

Taking the key and possibly the shotgun and cleaver, Emily would have gathered all there was to collect in the room, and have little choice but to push out into the tunnel again, and to break past whatever was now stalking her. She'd starve to death in this room waiting for something, or someone to save her otherwise.

With nothing else left to do but venture into the dark unknown, Emily holds William's head still as she grabs the cleaver out of it. Melee weapons were always her strong suit, and even if this isn't her sword, it is something. If it gets too close, it'll definitely come in handy. She pockets the cleaver quickly, making a mental note to clean her coat of blood later. Speaking of getting close, Emily takes the weapon from William's grasp as well. With the shotgun in one hand, the flashlight in the other, the young Empress finally steps out into the hallway. She quickly looks both ways, checking for anything that wants to kill her, before darting to the right, where she was headed in the first place. She only hopes the thing hunting her went the other way, or else there is going to be a fight.

DapperDogman DapperDogman

  • It seems that Sophitia wouldn't have to double back inside just yet, then. Her green eyes scanned the roof, observing what lay in front of her, and paused to think for a few moments. If the ex-inhabitants had to leave quickly, that meant there was still a potential threat around here- was it the monster that was bellowing beneath her? She didn't think so, since someone must've had to trap it downstairs in the first place. At least, she hoped that was the case.

    The Athenian walked over to the maintenance shed, frowning as she examined each and every one of the supplies- especially the cardboard box, partially fascinated by it (she hadn't gotten familiar to cardboard just yet) but mostly interested in trying to find something inside it. If there wasn't anything in the cardboard box, though, she'd just move on to take the machete, slinging it over her back just like the ax- and search the supplies, trying to see if there was anything good or useful.
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The marine was full of glee as he opened te crates and was greeted with a wad of explosives, this would help immensely against the beast, and gave light to a new plan. As the boy was explaining what he used to have he finished with what seemed like interest into the fireworks, "You want these?" He waved the fireworks in front of him, "If I give them to you, you have to promise to not set them off until I say, got it? If you do this monster will be coming right for us."

He set the fireworks down next to him, expecting him to place down the shears as he went to open up the lesser looking crates that were unmarked. As well as stashing the explosives into his right satchel neatly and in a position that is easy to grab.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The darkness around the pair suddenly vanished as the soft telltale glow of sunrise grew over the horizon. Opening the first crate Vonyish would find miscellaneous survival supplies, fire strikers, whetstones, rations, and a compass. He'd immediately notice the problem with the situation that presented itself.

The sun was rising in the north

"Ooooh...I love fireworks!" the child says happily, nodding and placing down his sheers, though his attention was immediately drawn to the light growing in the distance "What's that mister?"

Zerulu Zerulu

Emile-A239 Location= Hell - The Mall
Condition= In Combat
Shields= Full

Interaction Out of the storefront came a writhing mechanical mass decorated with a skulls, blood, and human flesh. All the metal and flesh reminded Emile of a Mgalekgolo, a Hunter. That is, if a Hunter was more mechanical than flesh and much more sadistic. The viscera and bones that decorated its metallic frame pointed towards this machine as the cause of murders. Its glitched speech only confirmed Emile's hypothesis.


"Well...guess we found the monster." Of course, it was only confirmed that the machine performed the act of mutilating all the soldiers. Whoever was behind the machine's behavior might still be present, and the girl with him might be that person responsible. She could be putting up the dumb act and just stab him in the back as soon as the battle began. Emile did his best to push the idea out of his mind. This girl, Revy, could be an ally, and he should give her a chance, like Jorge did.

As the creature brought up a weapon, Emile recognized it as a flamethrower. His Mjolnir armor could easily take the damage, but as for the unarmored woman with him, she would be killed at the first burst. The Spartan might have been able to take an attack, but it would be preferable not to get hit, in case there was some kind of gimmick to the weapon. Emile immediately ran off the machine's flank and aimed three shots at the flamethrower. If he could disable the weapon, the fight would be considerably easier, and the potential explosion might damage their foe. "Revy, keep your distance and focus on breaking the flamethrower!"

Notes Interacting With: DapperDogman DapperDogman Centurion_ Centurion_ (Revy)

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Mjolnir Mark V Armor
-Continental Room 344 Key
-M308 Rifle (7/10 Rounds)

-Spare Magazine and 20 Bullets
-Beretta M9 (15/15 Rounds)
-Dull Combat Knife

Powers NA
As the marine swept around the machine's side, it's head tracked him with perfect timing, though its arm did not budge, letting out a torrent of flaming, sticky napalm. It glued itself to the floor and walls as it sprayed in a messy arc. Thankfully it was over after only a few seconds as a soft hiss came from the weapon. Things seemed to get worse, however, as its arm switched on an axel, revealing a twin-barreled firearm of some variety, large calibre by the look of things.

"C-CLEanIng comPLEte" it garbles as a small arm whirs from its back towards the Spartan, barely missing him. More noises can be heard from the back of the store as objects are knocked about and the telltale sound of heavy metal footsteps can be heard.

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Lachlan, Scarlet ( DapperDogman DapperDogman ) and Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix followed Dax down into the lobby, but he could feel strange, unfamiliar souls the moment he stepped from the elevator. His eyes narrowed as he continued out into the lobby to find three strangers, one female and two male. Apparently one of them was named Noir. The female seemed annoyingly chipper, and the two men seemed rather nonchalant. Felix didn't like the look of their souls, no did he enjoy the feeling of their presence, but there didn't really seem to be much of away to combat them... unless... he looked down at Dax but hesitated to say anything. Now wasn't the time. He turned his attention back to the three in front of them. "Hey, I'm Felix Auclair, though I doubt names mean much. Could you tell us what's going on? I assume you're the ones who have caused this disappearance of the others?" Felix wasn't really expecting answers, but if he got them, it was worth a shot. "What exactly do you mean by 'the game' and 'old areas'?" He held himself dominantly, but the way he spoke show that he knew he wasn't the one in power in this situation.
"You mother never teach you any manners?" the one called Noir says as he looks straight into Felix's eyes. That accursed left eye of his, swirling milky white as an inner cruelty manifested itself in the way he spoke "The next time you look at my soul without asking first, I'll put yours in a tree and decorate it with the pretty lady's insides"

The lady with them simple giggled at the thought and twirled her scythe around, wattching the pair ponderingly before opening her mouth and speaking "The girlie seems a lot like that one who was with us during our trial!" she taps her chin in an exagerated manner for a second and snaps her fingers "Flutta! She seems so out of place, just like Flutta!"

The hulking man grunts and glances at Felix for a moment, sighing and resting on his cane "I think this kid's like us, Noir...Though he doesn't have fun with his work like us. I can't help but feel his job's the same as ours"

Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher
View attachment 458169
The Unknown | Security Office - Armory

The shambling creature continued to scatter around the office, bumping into a desk and knocking over a monitor, causing it to growl and let out a loud yelp as it gets onto it's knees and smashes at the source of the sound, shattering the LCD display and causing more wires to tangle around its hands as they quickly began to bleed from the rough impacts against the hard plastic. Rhys had heard all of what was happening yet he didn't give a single fuck "Ugh... Why can't I have a moment of peace and quiet while I choose what to grab and take with me" the company man said to himself quietly as he grabbed 2 pistols, placed one in his other pocket (since he already had one in the front right pocket of his pants) and the other (the one chambered in 10 mm ammo) in the pocket inside his vest, like as well for the ammo, 1 in each pocket "Well, there goes 2 more pistols and its ammo onto my fleet, I'm not yet sure if I can disassemble, fix, clean, and put them back how they are right now, I now need a few long weapons and off I go"

View attachment 458171

With that thought or note to self, he proceeded to grab a few more weapons. In this instance; he proceeded to grab a Rifle, some ammo for it, load it up, and have it on his back with a strap for the given circumstances. An SMG and the grenade launcher were also another one of his options, but rather careful with his choices, he decided to inspect them 1 by one; It may look like a normal sub-machine gun (Nope, it's name ain't "Bitch"........ I hope) it also had to come with its ammo already loaded just like "These ones looks interesting, specially the weird looking weapon here; same thing for the other 2 pistols, and the other gun I put on my pockets and back..... that's if I can find the appropriate tool for doing this, but one on them can come back to where I'm currently staying" the company man had thought to himself and decided to take the grenade launcher and leave the SMG back in its place. With that done, Rhys may stay there admiring what other weapons he can get since that room was full with whatever could satisfy him, in before he scanned them of course just to see a bit of background on them, yet the shrieking noises coming from outside the room he was in were already bothering him, therefore he reached near the door, took a small sneak (While trying to remain undetected of course) just to see the one creepy piece of crap with the unkempt hair with more cables tied around him breaking a monitor and doing a bunch o' stupid fuckery like if that thing was drunk or high on some drugs, a few other little monsters swinging their arms at each other without knowing what's coming to them "For Jack's sake what have I signed up for? the Midget Psycho circus? we have that back in Helios, but seeing it live is kinda cool also.... if you don't get killed" Now the only thing he had to do and choose is either to stay there until they all drop dead... or sneak out of the armory and out of the office. the choice is obvious;

View attachment 458178

The salary man chose to make an attempt of sneaking out of the armory and the office itself without getting killed, it'll be unknown if the one who had Handsome Jack in his head for a while comes out of there alive

DapperDogman DapperDogman
Rhys couldn't see any easy way out of the place he found himself in, but he did notice a light starting to peer in through a window he hadn't noticed before. It didn't seem like the kind that could be opened, so perhaps he was on a second or third floor of this office building? No way to know without checking.

The other sign he could now see, thanks to the power being turned back on, was the soft green glow of an exit sign, sat right above a fire escape door. Knowing these sorts of places, it could be linked to the fire alarm. No way of knowing without trying, though. Laden with his new spoils, there were many quick ways to make an escape, but most of them would be loud enough to disturb the whole building and every single one of these creatures within it.

Rhysie Rhysie
With nothing else left to do but venture into the dark unknown, Emily holds William's head still as she grabs the cleaver out of it. Melee weapons were always her strong suit, and even if this isn't her sword, it is something. If it gets too close, it'll definitely come in handy. She pockets the cleaver quickly, making a mental note to clean her coat of blood later. Speaking of getting close, Emily takes the weapon from William's grasp as well. With the shotgun in one hand, the flashlight in the other, the young Empress finally steps out into the hallway. She quickly looks both ways, checking for anything that wants to kill her, before darting to the right, where she was headed in the first place. She only hopes the thing hunting her went the other way, or else there is going to be a fight.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
Moving into the corridor, Emily would note that whatever was stalking her was almost certainly not making any moves on her. Perhaps it relished in simply taunting it's victims? Maybe it fed on fear and did not intend to do any harm except for scaring her? Maybe it was savouring the opportunity at it's first meal in maybe many years.

Whatever the case was, for now, she could move unhindered by the monster in the tunnels, though she still had to decide if the she would continue the way she had been going, or if she'd double back on herself.

jigglesworth jigglesworth

  • It seems that Sophitia wouldn't have to double back inside just yet, then. Her green eyes scanned the roof, observing what lay in front of her, and paused to think for a few moments. If the ex-inhabitants had to leave quickly, that meant there was still a potential threat around here- was it the monster that was bellowing beneath her? She didn't think so, since someone must've had to trap it downstairs in the first place. At least, she hoped that was the case.

    The Athenian walked over to the maintenance shed, frowning as she examined each and every one of the supplies- especially the cardboard box, partially fascinated by it (she hadn't gotten familiar to cardboard just yet) but mostly interested in trying to find something inside it. If there wasn't anything in the cardboard box, though, she'd just move on to take the machete, slinging it over her back just like the ax- and search the supplies, trying to see if there was anything good or useful.
The cardboard box bore a strange image on its side. A red square with two white triangles, almost in the formation of an hourglass, though they didn't quite meet in the middle. Inside were empty white containers, about the size of an apple in width and the length of a hand. Although they were all empty, they carried a faint scent like smoke and sweetness.

Under the roof, kept away from the rain, were a few more boxes of these canisters, all empty bar one. It bore a cap unlike the rest and a small ring on the bottom. What a strange object. It seemed to 'open' the can, you'd have to pull the ring on the bottom.

Next to the boxes sat a small leather-bound book, tied around with some rough cord. Anything else of note was too damaged by the rain to be useful anymore.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
The darkness around the pair suddenly vanished as the soft telltale glow of sunrise grew over the horizon. Opening the first crate Vonyish would find miscellaneous survival supplies, fire strikers, whetstones, rations, and a compass. He'd immediately notice the problem with the situation that presented itself.

The sun was rising in the north

"Ooooh...I love fireworks!" the child says happily, nodding and placing down his sheers, though his attention was immediately drawn to the light growing in the distance "What's that mister?"

Zerulu Zerulu

As the marine swept around the machine's side, it's head tracked him with perfect timing, though its arm did not budge, letting out a torrent of flaming, sticky napalm. It glued itself to the floor and walls as it sprayed in a messy arc. Thankfully it was over after only a few seconds as a soft hiss came from the weapon. Things seemed to get worse, however, as its arm switched on an axel, revealing a twin-barreled firearm of some variety, large calibre by the look of things.

"C-CLEanIng comPLEte" it garbles as a small arm whirs from its back towards the Spartan, barely missing him. More noises can be heard from the back of the store as objects are knocked about and the telltale sound of heavy metal footsteps can be heard.

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"You mother never teach you any manners?" the one called Noir says as he looks straight into Felix's eyes. That accursed left eye of his, swirling milky white as an inner cruelty manifested itself in the way he spoke "The next time you look at my soul without asking first, I'll put yours in a tree and decorate it with the pretty lady's insides"

The lady with them simple giggled at the thought and twirled her scythe around, wattching the pair ponderingly before opening her mouth and speaking "The girlie seems a lot like that one who was with us during our trial!" she taps her chin in an exagerated manner for a second and snaps her fingers "Flutta! She seems so out of place, just like Flutta!"

The hulking man grunts and glances at Felix for a moment, sighing and resting on his cane "I think this kid's like us, Noir...Though he doesn't have fun with his work like us. I can't help but feel his job's the same as ours"

Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher

Rhys couldn't see any easy way out of the place he found himself in, but he did notice a light starting to peer in through a window he hadn't noticed before. It didn't seem like the kind that could be opened, so perhaps he was on a second or third floor of this office building? No way to know without checking.

The other sign he could now see, thanks to the power being turned back on, was the soft green glow of an exit sign, sat right above a fire escape door. Knowing these sorts of places, it could be linked to the fire alarm. No way of knowing without trying, though. Laden with his new spoils, there were many quick ways to make an escape, but most of them would be loud enough to disturb the whole building and every single one of these creatures within it.

Rhysie Rhysie

Moving into the corridor, Emily would note that whatever was stalking her was almost certainly not making any moves on her. Perhaps it relished in simply taunting it's victims? Maybe it fed on fear and did not intend to do any harm except for scaring her? Maybe it was savouring the opportunity at it's first meal in maybe many years.

Whatever the case was, for now, she could move unhindered by the monster in the tunnels, though she still had to decide if the she would continue the way she had been going, or if she'd double back on herself.

jigglesworth jigglesworth

The cardboard box bore a strange image on its side. A red square with two white triangles, almost in the formation of an hourglass, though they didn't quite meet in the middle. Inside were empty white containers, about the size of an apple in width and the length of a hand. Although they were all empty, they carried a faint scent like smoke and sweetness.

Under the roof, kept away from the rain, were a few more boxes of these canisters, all empty bar one. It bore a cap unlike the rest and a small ring on the bottom. What a strange object. It seemed to 'open' the can, you'd have to pull the ring on the bottom.

Next to the boxes sat a small leather-bound book, tied around with some rough cord. Anything else of note was too damaged by the rain to be useful anymore.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

“Jesus... this fuckin’ robot’s gettin’ on my last damn nerve.” Revy muttered as she watched the machine reveal a weapon of some sort. Groaning slightly, Revy took aim at the enemy with both handguns and began to rapid fire with each gun while jumping and running in attempt to evade whatever fire came her way.

DapperDogman DapperDogman QizPizza QizPizza

The Unknown | Security Office

Rhys couldn't see any easy way out of the place he found himself in, but he did notice a light starting to peer in through a window he hadn't noticed before. It didn't seem like the kind that could be opened, so perhaps he was on a second or third floor of this office building? No way to know without checking.

The other sign he could now see, thanks to the power being turned back on, was the soft green glow of an exit sign, sat right above a fire escape door. Knowing these sorts of places, it could be linked to the fire alarm. No way of knowing without trying, though. Laden with his new spoils, there were many quick ways to make an escape, but most of them would be loud enough to disturb the whole building and every single one of these creatures within it.

"Well... there seems no other way out than from where I initially came in from, only one thing; Which floor am I in?" The business man thought to himself as there was no way out until another light peered through another window that he hadn't taken a look at nor that it could be opened, yet it was a soft glow of green with the words "EXIT" above a door that is obviously known to be linked within the fire alarm systems but it was unknown unless it was tried "Well, that's a door.... or a fire door.... yet I have a few things to make some holes here but there a few annoying shits here and I don't want to disturb them..... FUCK" therefore if he wanted to remain undetected he'd have to use the door without checking first if it was a standard or regular door, therefore he pushed on the door and waiting for some good mess to happen "One way or another, I'm screwed" in before putting up with a fake smile and getting rid of it

DapperDogman DapperDogman
He quickly snatched the supplies and stuffed them in his back two pouches quickly just as the problem arose. The sun was rising, which meant the beast of would wake, he grabbed the shears and hooked them into a leash on his waist and got up.

"No one wakes up straight away at day, we still have time!" The marine was full of hope as started to run towards where the kid pointed out was the den before, "Hurry up boy! Time is wasting!" He shouted back, encorighing the kid to follow as he got his double barrel shotgun ready and the two extra bullets in his hand ready to reload once he fires.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Scarlet, Lachlan ( DapperDogman DapperDogman )
Mentions: Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix looked at Noir a bit stunned at the man's ability to notice his power, most didn't. "No." Felix answered simply. His mother hadn't been around long enough to teach him anything. Though, his uncle had taught him quite a bit, and he did believe manners were a part of that. Though, looking at souls wasn't exactly something the Messorem could turn off. He didn't look at people's faces or bodies or anything like that, he looked at their souls. He wondered what these three would see in him... would they see that his soul was gone? At the threat on his life, Felix's mouth twitched up into a gentle smirk, but at the threat of Dax, he frowned. The blonde stepped in front of his companion in a protective manner. "Doesn't sound like your mother taught you manners either." He said, looking between the three... it didn't feel right, this situation.

At the mention of his own job being similar to the other three, Felix found an opportunity to try and find common ground. "You collect souls then?" He asked. "But what do you mean by fun?" There was obviously multiple ways, and different Messorem used them. Some worked more as a succubus where they'd sleep with their targets, others played with their targets minds and bodies until they died of exhaustion or used their own energy to unknowingly give their soul up. Felix preferred his weapon, in fact he was the only Messorem who did. No, he didn't enjoy his work, but he understood the need for it. "I'll ask again." He said, already making the connections between the soul collectors in his world, and the three in front of him. "What is 'the game'?"

“Jesus... this fuckin’ robot’s gettin’ on my last damn nerve.” Revy muttered as she watched the machine reveal a weapon of some sort. Groaning slightly, Revy took aim at the enemy with both handguns and began to rapid fire with each gun while jumping and running in attempt to evade whatever fire came her way.

DapperDogman DapperDogman QizPizza QizPizza
The twin barrels of the machine's weapon tore to life upon Revy opening fire on it, shredding through the environment, shattering tiles and glass railings, and chewing up dead potted plants and hanging corpses alike, kicking up a mix of dust, plant matter and viscera. Her bullets met their mark, cracking away portions of bone and sparking off metal plates as the machine turns with her, its bullets always just slightly behind her as it is distracted in its attempts to stave off an attack from the rear by Emile.

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The Unknown | Security Office

"Well... there seems no other way out than from where I initially came in from, only one thing; Which floor am I in?" The business man thought to himself as there was no way out until another light peered through another window that he hadn't taken a look at nor that it could be opened, yet it was a soft glow of green with the words "EXIT" above a door that is obviously known to be linked within the fire alarm systems but it was unknown unless it was tried "Well, that's a door.... or a fire door.... yet I have a few things to make some holes here but there a few annoying shits here and I don't want to disturb them..... FUCK" therefore if he wanted to remain undetected he'd have to use the door without checking first if it was a standard or regular door, therefore he pushed on the door and waiting for some good mess to happen "One way or another, I'm screwed" in before putting up with a fake smile and getting rid of it

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The door clicks open slowly, a soft electric hum permeating the air for a second before a loud, distorted alarm rings out through the building, causing the creatures to scream out in something that sounded like a mix between anger and pain. Was their hearing perhaps so finely tuned due to the silence that hearing anything was maddening to them?

Whatever the case was, the ones he could see were becoming more feral, ceasing their ineffective shambling swings, beginning to hunch their backs and tear at each other with clawed fingers, shrieking as they lashed out at anything within their reach, be it the walls and furniture of the office, or another of their own.

With the door open, Rhys could now see a staircase leading both up and down. At least this meant he wasn't too close to the top of the building.

Rhysie Rhysie
He quickly snatched the supplies and stuffed them in his back two pouches quickly just as the problem arose. The sun was rising, which meant the beast of would wake, he grabbed the shears and hooked them into a leash on his waist and got up.

"No one wakes up straight away at day, we still have time!" The marine was full of hope as started to run towards where the kid pointed out was the den before, "Hurry up boy! Time is wasting!" He shouted back, encorighing the kid to follow as he got his double barrel shotgun ready and the two extra bullets in his hand ready to reload once he fires.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The boy nods, grabbing up the fireworks and following after the marine as he charges towards where the beast made its home "What are we doing mister? We going to put on a show for the monster?" he seemed a little hesitant, but followed regardless of whatever peril the beast may pose. He was a ghost after all, who knew if this monster could hurt him the same way Scarlet could?

Zerulu Zerulu
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Scarlet, Lachlan ( DapperDogman DapperDogman )
Mentions: Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix looked at Noir a bit stunned at the man's ability to notice his power, most didn't. "No." Felix answered simply. His mother hadn't been around long enough to teach him anything. Though, his uncle had taught him quite a bit, and he did believe manners were a part of that. Though, looking at souls wasn't exactly something the Messorem could turn off. He didn't look at people's faces or bodies or anything like that, he looked at their souls. He wondered what these three would see in him... would they see that his soul was gone? At the threat on his life, Felix's mouth twitched up into a gentle smirk, but at the threat of Dax, he frowned. The blonde stepped in front of his companion in a protective manner. "Doesn't sound like your mother taught you manners either." He said, looking between the three... it didn't feel right, this situation.

At the mention of his own job being similar to the other three, Felix found an opportunity to try and find common ground. "You collect souls then?" He asked. "But what do you mean by fun?" There was obviously multiple ways, and different Messorem used them. Some worked more as a succubus where they'd sleep with their targets, others played with their targets minds and bodies until they died of exhaustion or used their own energy to unknowingly give their soul up. Felix preferred his weapon, in fact he was the only Messorem who did. No, he didn't enjoy his work, but he understood the need for it. "I'll ask again." He said, already making the connections between the soul collectors in his world, and the three in front of him. "What is 'the game'?"
"We most certainly do collect souls, my friend. But not like you might expect...See, we're more like judges than executioners~" he scratches his head slowly and chuckles to himself "I rarely do any of the killing myself these days, and no-one's assured to die, as long as they can prove they deserve to keep living, they're free to go" he slowly turns the cleaver in his hands over as he quirks a brow "So kid...Where's your weapon?"

Scarlet slowly strokes a hand over her scythe as he asks this question, giggling to herself and drawing her finger along its blade "I think he lost it, what an irresponsible person! I'd never lose Daisy!" she teases, poking her tongue out, showing that even that was covered in small nicks and scars, like the rest of her body. Most likely self-inflicted, based on the behaviour she'd shown so far.

The beast of a man in the suit, however, remained stoic, though his soul was undoubtedly as far gone as the others, he seemed far too casual to lose himself to whatever insanity plagued him "I sure hope he wasn't attached to it, if he's anything like us in how he got here, he probably won't be able to just go home and pick it up. We only got our gear here because of our powers, after all"

Noir finally gets to explaining the big question "I put your friends into the realm of nightmares, of course! They're having their resolve and will to live tested~ If they make it out alive, they'll be better off for it. But if they don't..." he shrugs and grins slightly "I get to keep em~"

Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher

The unknown | Security Office - Emergency Staircase

The door clicks open slowly, a soft electric hum permeating the air for a second before a loud, distorted alarm rings out through the building, causing the creatures to scream out in something that sounded like a mix between anger and pain. Was their hearing perhaps so finely tuned due to the silence that hearing anything was maddening to them?
Whatever the case was, the ones he could see were becoming more feral, ceasing their ineffective shambling swings, beginning to hunch their backs and tear at each other with clawed fingers, shrieking as they lashed out at anything within their reach, be it the walls and furniture of the office, or another of their own.

With the door open, Rhys could now see a staircase leading both up and down. At least this meant he wasn't too close to the top of the building.

"Ah shit" Well, that was an impression for starting a fire alarm linked on a door while he looks back at the monsters before looking back to his path "They can kill each other, Why would I give a shit? Time to run. Fuck it, screw this, there's no time" The business man thought to himself as he decided to make a sprinter down the staircase while trying to avoid getting chased by the monsters........ Oh wait those things are killing themselves


"Whoo boy, I never had this kind of fun back at Helios.... except when I flipped Jack off" (If you get the bad pun) "Now I gotta find an actual exit out of this bitch" the man said to himself as he was reaching to the main floor via the staircase while looking back and forward just in case something unexpected were to happen. Rhys got what he needed, now the only thing left to find was an actual exit...... if there was one

DapperDogman DapperDogman
"No boy, we are going to kill it." The marine seemed very confident, pressing forward until they saw the beast's hideout. Once it was inside he would wait out the front of the entrance before waiting for the boy to catch up, whole was noticbly failing to keep up with the marine. The marine knew if he needed to, he had extra explosives he was willing to use but was hoping it didn't come to that.

DapperDogman DapperDogman

  • A strange image..? Sophitia got the feeling that she would need to remember that- like it would be more prominent later on. Maybe it wouldn't, but it couldn't hurt to keep that image tucked away in the back of her head. And the scent was a little disorienting- both smoke and sweetness didn't normally mix together, in her own personal experiences.

    Eventually she stumbled upon an apparently unopened canister, and she gently picked the contraption up and observed the ring for a few moments. It's probably best that I keep this unopened until someone else can help me deduce what exactly is in this thing... She quietly thought to herself, taking the canister and keeping it for herself. If only she could find some kind of bag to keep her items, though- the Athenian couldn't quite keep everything slung over her back forever.

    Finally, the leather book caught her eye. Maybe it would give her more insight on where she was and what was around her- at least, that's what the blonde hoped. Sophie hefted the leather book for a moment, hesitating upon seeing the cord binding the book, before finally deciding to take the cord off so she could open the book and skim over it. She didn't have all day to read it, though- that's why she only let her green eyes scan each page rapidly before moving onto the next, looking for key details or anything of interest.

Moving into the corridor, Emily would note that whatever was stalking her was almost certainly not making any moves on her. Perhaps it relished in simply taunting it's victims? Maybe it fed on fear and did not intend to do any harm except for scaring her? Maybe it was savouring the opportunity at it's first meal in maybe many years.

Whatever the case was, for now, she could move unhindered by the monster in the tunnels, though she still had to decide if the she would continue the way she had been going, or if she'd double back on herself.

Why wasn't the thing pouncing at her from the dark? It has it's moment, many of them in fact. It was not scared when William had the gun, so it can't be scared now. Perhaps it's using scare tactics to demoralize her, or until she lets her guard down. If that was the case, it's sure to be disappointed. Emily has faced likely worse than whatever this thing is, and will win just as she did before. She hopes.

Part of her is wishing the way she went is the opposite of her assailant, though if that was the case, she also might be going the wrong way. She's gone too far to turn back now, it'll only take up her likely limited time. The Empress runs on the way she was going, keeping her senses peeled for movement of the creature or exits to get her out of here.

DapperDogman DapperDogman
The twin barrels of the machine's weapon tore to life upon Revy opening fire on it, shredding through the environment, shattering tiles and glass railings, and chewing up dead potted plants and hanging corpses alike, kicking up a mix of dust, plant matter and viscera. Her bullets met their mark, cracking away portions of bone and sparking off metal plates as the machine turns with her, its bullets always just slightly behind her as it is distracted in its attempts to stave off an attack from the rear by Emile.

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The door clicks open slowly, a soft electric hum permeating the air for a second before a loud, distorted alarm rings out through the building, causing the creatures to scream out in something that sounded like a mix between anger and pain. Was their hearing perhaps so finely tuned due to the silence that hearing anything was maddening to them?

Whatever the case was, the ones he could see were becoming more feral, ceasing their ineffective shambling swings, beginning to hunch their backs and tear at each other with clawed fingers, shrieking as they lashed out at anything within their reach, be it the walls and furniture of the office, or another of their own.

With the door open, Rhys could now see a staircase leading both up and down. At least this meant he wasn't too close to the top of the building.

Rhysie Rhysie

The boy nods, grabbing up the fireworks and following after the marine as he charges towards where the beast made its home "What are we doing mister? We going to put on a show for the monster?" he seemed a little hesitant, but followed regardless of whatever peril the beast may pose. He was a ghost after all, who knew if this monster could hurt him the same way Scarlet could?

Zerulu Zerulu

"We most certainly do collect souls, my friend. But not like you might expect...See, we're more like judges than executioners~" he scratches his head slowly and chuckles to himself "I rarely do any of the killing myself these days, and no-one's assured to die, as long as they can prove they deserve to keep living, they're free to go" he slowly turns the cleaver in his hands over as he quirks a brow "So kid...Where's your weapon?"

Scarlet slowly strokes a hand over her scythe as he asks this question, giggling to herself and drawing her finger along its blade "I think he lost it, what an irresponsible person! I'd never lose Daisy!" she teases, poking her tongue out, showing that even that was covered in small nicks and scars, like the rest of her body. Most likely self-inflicted, based on the behaviour she'd shown so far.

The beast of a man in the suit, however, remained stoic, though his soul was undoubtedly as far gone as the others, he seemed far too casual to lose himself to whatever insanity plagued him "I sure hope he wasn't attached to it, if he's anything like us in how he got here, he probably won't be able to just go home and pick it up. We only got our gear here because of our powers, after all"

Noir finally gets to explaining the big question "I put your friends into the realm of nightmares, of course! They're having their resolve and will to live tested~ If they make it out alive, they'll be better off for it. But if they don't..." he shrugs and grins slightly "I get to keep em~"

Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher

“Yo! Keep distractin’ this thing while I try and blow its fuckin’ head off!” Revy exclaimed as she kept running around the room to evade the gunfire, simultaneously shooting at the robot with both handguns in the meantime.

DapperDogman DapperDogman QizPizza QizPizza
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Scarlet, Lachlan ( DapperDogman DapperDogman )
Mentions: Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix had heard a lot about the Messorem who played games with their targets, but never had it been a matter of proving the targets worth or ability... This was definitely interesting. At the question about his weapon, Felix narrowed his eyes. "That's what I've been trying to find out." He glared at Scarlet as she spoke. He wasn't irresponsible... he never let the ax away from his person. It wasn't like he set it down and forgot where it was. He'd been unconscious on the metal snake thing when it was probably taken... But how had he even gotten onto that thing... He didn't know, and at the moment, it wasn't important. Felix didn't like these new people. Well, he didn't mind Noir, but Scarlet was annoying and Lachlan seemed fucking crazy, or at least his soul did.

As Noir started his explanation, the Messorem gave him his full attention, ignoring the woman and the crazy man. Felix quirked an eyebrow when the people in this house were referred to as his 'friends'. He shrugged when the man finished. "Okay, keep them. No sweat off my back, hell, it'll probably be easier on all of us if the weak ones are killed off quickly. So, I assume you want to throw me and Dax in this nightmare realm?" He smirked. "Anyway you could hold off until we see who comes out?" It was a long shot, but damn, did he want to know who had the lowest will to live. If this had happened on his world, with ax in hand, Felix would most likely have happily died in the nightmare realm. But this wasn't his world, he didn't have his ax, and something else was keeping him alive now. So, no matter what, whether his time in the realm go delayed per his request, or he was thrown in there in the next ten seconds, Felix was coming back alive.

Emile-A239 Location= Hell - The Mall
Condition= In Combat
Shields= Full

Interaction As the machine's twin barreled machine gun began to fire, Emile was well out of its cone of fire. The Spartan almost let down his guard before an arm shot out at him from the back of the machine. He managed dodge and fire two shots into the back of the visceral machine's 'head'. Emile did not stop running around the thing to evade its arms and the machine gun.

“Yo! Keep distractin’ this thing while I try and blow its fuckin’ head off!”

"I doubt that it has a head! But yeah...wilco!" Emile rolled behind a trash can for temporary cover before running towards the next piece of cover as Revy opened fire emptied her pistols into the machine. Emile himself squeezed the trigger on the M308 until the magazine was completely empty. The Spartan pulled out the empty mag, slipped the spare mag into the gun, and pulled the charging handle back with a satisfying click. It's a good thing that this thing wasn't mobile, otherwise, they would have some serious issues.

Notes Interacting With: DapperDogman DapperDogman thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Revy)

Italicized Unbolded Colored=Internal Dialogue
Bolded Colored=External Dialogue

Inventory -Mjolnir Mark V Armor
-Continental Room 344 Key
-M308 Rifle (8/10 Rounds)

-Spare Magazine (0/10 Rounds)
-20 Bullets
-Beretta M9 (15/15 Rounds)
-Dull Combat Knife

Powers NA
~Felix Auclair~
Interactions: Noir, Scarlet, Lachlan ( DapperDogman DapperDogman )
Mentions: Dax ( Noivian Noivian )

Location: The Continental
Felix had heard a lot about the Messorem who played games with their targets, but never had it been a matter of proving the targets worth or ability... This was definitely interesting. At the question about his weapon, Felix narrowed his eyes. "That's what I've been trying to find out." He glared at Scarlet as she spoke. He wasn't irresponsible... he never let the ax away from his person. It wasn't like he set it down and forgot where it was. He'd been unconscious on the metal snake thing when it was probably taken... But how had he even gotten onto that thing... He didn't know, and at the moment, it wasn't important. Felix didn't like these new people. Well, he didn't mind Noir, but Scarlet was annoying and Lachlan seemed fucking crazy, or at least his soul did.

As Noir started his explanation, the Messorem gave him his full attention, ignoring the woman and the crazy man. Felix quirked an eyebrow when the people in this house were referred to as his 'friends'. He shrugged when the man finished. "Okay, keep them. No sweat off my back, hell, it'll probably be easier on all of us if the weak ones are killed off quickly. So, I assume you want to throw me and Dax in this nightmare realm?" He smirked. "Anyway you could hold off until we see who comes out?" It was a long shot, but damn, did he want to know who had the lowest will to live. If this had happened on his world, with ax in hand, Felix would most likely have happily died in the nightmare realm. But this wasn't his world, he didn't have his ax, and something else was keeping him alive now. So, no matter what, whether his time in the realm go delayed per his request, or he was thrown in there in the next ten seconds, Felix was coming back alive.
Quirking a brow slightly the ringleader gently takes hold of the cleaver on the desk, twirling it idly "I have a better idea. I'm pretty bored of these games all the time...How about something new, something...Fun~?" he snaps his fingers and everyone would find themselves back in the lobby still carrying everything they had from the nightmare world, except for Emily.

On her person was a small satchel, containing the eyepatch, glass eye and cleaver, with a note. She also no longer had the key, and instead had a small, delicately wrapped box.

The man smirks as he looks to Felix "You don't like these people, but you're like us, you have a job to do. You judge them. Pick one and reap their soul, I'll let the others live"

Lachlan sighs and crosses his arms as Scarlet huffs gently, pouting. It seemed they were more fond of direct approaches to this sort of thing, while Noir revelled in the mental anguish. His eyes scanned everyone slowly as he smirks. "And no funny business. If you didn't catch on, this lobby's on the border between your world and mine. You can't kill me, and I don't have to do anything to kill you."

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Rhysie Rhysie Zerulu Zerulu Noivian Noivian Nightwisher Nightwisher
The marine was walking and giving small talk with a ghost of a boy as he was just, 'snapped' back to the hotel, a bit disoriented and confused as he was caught half way through his sentence he looked around, noticing all the others had returned as well, assuming they'd left in the first place that is.

Just than Noir, the ring leader of the Ko the broke the silence. Explaining that Felix, a character he was not to fond of personally got to choose one of them to basically kill. This seemed problematic for Vonyish.

DapperDogman DapperDogman

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