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Fantasy Lamed: You All Meet in a Tavern (Always Open and Accepting)

Kai (John Kenway)

Kai darted his eyes at the masked elf as the both of them seemed to be planning something. ‘If i alert the knights, they might not listen to me’ thought Kai ‘I’ve got my ears and tail are well hidden, so it should be okay.’ He carried on waxing as he carried the bucket away from the fugitive and towards other tables where he’d finish his waxing job. John dipped his mop in the wax before sweeping the soaking wet mop around tables and beneath vacant chairs. He wasn’t paid much for doing this, but it a hell of a lot better than previous jobs where he was treated like a slave.
Alexis said nothing to the janitor 'why does he have a stick up his ass?' before returning to the thief

"Sorry, that's a little on the short side. How about three parts to three? Or better yet i can take all the gold and i'll leave you with the rest? That sound nice?"

Alexis studied him carefully looking for any concealed weapons

"I wonder if I would get more money by handing you into the guards"

She smiled a wide evil grin 'ok he's readying for something so if I throw my knife at his knee I could stun him with a kick when he bends over' She unclasps her bag and puts one arm in keeping one eye on the bartender and another eye on the masked guy.With her hand in her bag she picks up a smoke bomb and carefully slides it up her other sleeve
The Sandman stared at her. " All right, how about you don't turn me over to the guards and i give you half. Sound good? Cause right now i'm trying to do something i don't often do... And that's make contacts, cause most of the time, they try to kill me." He said, studying her grin. you're making a mistake. He thought, and that mistake, in his mind was to trust someone. So he was started to get ready for a fight, so he stood there. Getting ready to summon the blinding gust of sand, and also to try and talk his way out of this situation, cause he didn't want to make enemies, and didn't want to fight. Not in a tavern like this, It's too good of a place to die. He thought, still concentrated on this woman.
"what was your bounty again? I forget these things at the most crucial of times but the last time I checked it was in the thousands, maybe that's why your 'contacts' try to kill you"

Leifs' snarl caught her eye 'shit that is not gonna end well'

"Maybe we should take a step back. First introductions. I am Alexis I'm an adventurer that wants to explore the world"

'That owner is going to obliterate me if I try anything funny' She extends a hand towards the seated masked elf

"Half half sounds ok to me"

'no one will find your corpse if you try anything' She smiles before ordering another drink and ignoring the fact that she was considering reaching for her bow and showing the male elf the definition of a 'pain in the ass'
The Sandman stood still. "The Sandman, I think you've heard of me considering you know of my bounty." Is all he said, he did not dare say his real name, as it was the most dishonorable thing ever. those caravans are really gonna get it.I thought my bounty was in the hundreds? He thought.

He took the hand then shook it. "We should find more missions and more people."

He found peace in the fact that they didn't have to fight.

"I heard there was a monster hunter around here, should be able to help us find some gold."
He suggested, still eyeing the seemingly resting person on the chair. He continued thinking up his plan to steal.
"I thought it would be a simple in and out job. Do we seriously need a monster hunter? I mean archery is good enough by itself. As long as I have a spotter and enough arrows I can pretty much do anything"

She ignored the adventurer resting in the chair 'shes probably after gold like me. Maybe she could be of use'

"Actually nevermind. I think we should get as many people as possible" 'they will all be my meatshields'

For now, she would have to see all of the masked guy's powers before considering taking him on.

"oh I forgot to ask but what race are you exactly?"

for now, she could only gather information
"an elf." He responded.
"But i'm more of a nomad now. I'm forced into this job and it's starting to grow on me."

He tried not to talk too much and show his skills when they rob the caravans.
"There's a trade route not far off from here. Lots of wealthy merchants there. But they have their guards, so we have to gather intel.
From what i know, they usually keep their merchandise at the back of the caravan. But with the threat of raiders, they should have knights or some sort of protection with them."

He then wondered how to persuade the others into helping them.

He also spotted a couple knights in the room. crap he thought. "Now let's find our crew."
Tharagan "Thar" Ironwood
Thar stretched. He had heard work. He needed work. He was a little short on coins now because, well, he had spent them all on bedding and alcohol.

"Did I hear someone say work?" He asked, scratching his back
Rayen Kai

"Yeah, if you call that work. Sounds more like a crime." Rayen piped in. "Just so you know, I do more that hunt monsters, but if you're talking about petty looting and killing count me out." She straightened her posture and sat upright in the stool. Turning towards the blatantly violent pair, she made her stance clear. "The world has enough people plundering the roads, so why follow that? Why take the easy route when you can do more... delicate jobs. I know of a few items that in the wrong person's hands, could cause quite a bit of chaos. But getting it into the right person's hands could cause quite a reward."
The Sandman turned his back to see the dwarf.

"Were gonna do a job."

He said, not wanting it to be known that they were gonna rob some caravans. better not spill the beans right here right now he thought.

He was a young man, about 26.

I've been doing this job since 20 now, I dont want it to go to waste because i'm trying to be some mastermind here...

He then studied the dwarf.

As soon as another unknown voice popped in, talking about big money and mysterious artifacts he quickly turned to her.

"Big money?" He asked, ripping up his drawing of the caravan layout he was working on.
Karry Asher
aahhhh, home.
Karry piped into the conversation. she had scuttled over there. She needed a job. But more importantly, she needed out of this city.

"Would... would this job involve getting out of the city?"
"You are trying my patience", Kieran growled, grey eyes clouding over with annoyance, "Tell me where he is or I walk", she threatened.
The man stared at Kieran with growing amusement, clearly enjoying this little game he was playing, "Trust me girl, you need me more than I need you, you won't walk until you get what you want", he ended with a sly wink, a devilish grin adorning his wicked features.
Kieran laid back in her chair, resuming her calm demeanor once more, "Fine", she said, defeated, "What will it take to make you talk? Clearly the gems weren't enough".
The man gave a chuckle, shaking his head slightly, "Gems are never enough, not in this business, though they do help", he leaned in closer, his green eyes glazing over with mischief, "I need you to do something for me", he began, voice much lower than before so as to not attract attention, "Something very important".
"I'm listening...", Kieran replied, raising a curious eyebrow.
"I have a... friend of mine", the man said, "Who needs a bit of... hm... how should I put it... house cleaning", his eyes landed on Kierans, willing her to understand.

She did, perfectly.
"Ah, so one of those", Kieran replied, placing a hand to rest on one of her sword hilts, "Just tell me what to do, and I'm all your's".
The man gave a low laugh, "I knew you would be", he then drew forth a piece of paper out of his jacket, a name and an address scribbled on the front, "This should lead you right to him; the exact item I want... taken back is a particular long-sword, trust me, you will know it when you see it".
Kieran took the paper from the mans hand, quickly glancing over the information, before retreating it into one of her own pockets, "Any more information I need to know?"
"Yes", the man said, leaning back, his tone growing a tad more serious, "Do not get caught, I couldn't care less how you perform the mission, but get caught and our deal is broken; I will not get caught up in this, or have my name spoiled because you were careless, though I suppose that won't be a problem? Given someone of your... expertise".
"Don't worry", Kieran said, a small smile tugging at her lips, "I don't get caught".
The Sandman stared at Karry. "Quite frankly I don't know, all I know is that were gonna do a job, and thats do some bad deeds, or do something with artifacts that this monster hunter knows about.

"Also... Why do you want to leave?" He asked, he was still suspicious of any hidden assassins around him, but he felt fine and let his guard down.
Karry Asher
he doesn't know?
He didn't know? About hiw Kitsune are treated? About how horrible it is? She just wanted to go home. It was really hard talking to people. She did it anyway.

"I-I just want to go home" She stuttered. "I was K-kidnapped and then held in a p-p-petshop. Nobody thinks of Kitsune as people. Just animals. Animals to be beaten and tortured and used for slave labor."

It all came rushing out. She didn't know why she was saying this. She was on the verge of tears. These were strangers. But as long as she was in the tavern she was safe. Nobody fought in this tavern. The staff were highly trained adventurers. They stopped all fughts in their tracks.
Rayen looked at the others. "Forget about our plans, I see an urgent quest right in front of us." She dismounted the barstool and gently crouched down to see the downcast kitsune's face. "What's your name? Why can't you get out on your own?" she asked in a soft tone. She almost teared up herself watching this poor girl nearly sob in front of her.
Karry Asher
Th-thank you.
Karry was astounded. These people had seemed so callous but they were willing to help her. She almost teared up. But in happiness or sadness she didn't know. But she didn't tear up. She had to answer questions.

"My names K-karry." She said, a little louder this time. "I c-can't leave the city because if the g-guards find me they'll capture me and s-send me back to the p-petshop."

She still had the stutter but her voice was stronger this time. Knowing that someone wanted to help her made her a little braver.
Rayen stood upright again. "Karry... I can't speak for the others, but I will do whatever I can to get you out of here." She turned to the ragtag bunch of individuals awaiting a response. Maybe there were souls in these money starved friends after all.
The Sandman stared at her. "I'll help you out. But we need to be careful, people are out to get you, they put up facades to maybe entice you. Karry, if you ever give in, i'll help you as well. Being an outcast is hard. Take it from me." He reassured her. Putting his hand on her back "You'll be fine, kid." He said.
Tharagan "Thar" Ironwood
I feel great sadness for her.
Tharagan stood up. With his great girth he always made a noise when he did. He scratched his chin and spoke with a deep baritone.

"I... will help." He said, his common clearly bad as he had to take time to think of the right words. He recognised a kindred soul in the young Kitsune. She, too, had had everything taken from her. For him, it had been trolls. For her, it had been elves.
The Sandman looked up at Rayen. " We escort her out of this city, that's the plan, right?" The Sandman asked, looking out the window to see a poster. In big bold text

Kai (John Kenway)
John waited in one spot as the bax dried, but plans of a robbery cought his covered ears. He had heard everything as all the room’s trouble coalssed into one table. He mimed sweeping motions with his mop as not to arouse suspicion as Karry first joined in the convrsation. Pet shops, guards and monster huntersflowed round the table That’s why I wear my hat’ he thought while scoffing as ce continued eaved dropping. Once the knight was in on the plan of the apparant bandits, he became interested in what they were talking about.

On one hand, it would be nice to walk around town with exposed ears or to smile a fanged smile at the townsfolk. But on the other, he had eight succsessful years as a lawful migrant and wasn’t too keen on ever becomming a pet shop boy. No one, not even the tavern owner knew that he was a kitsune and hasn’t shifted into fox form in years “I-I might be interested” he said sheepishly “But, I have a job at this tavern and I don’t want to jeopardize my freedom”
"Freedom?" He asked. "What freedom? Being locked here sweeping floors getting jeered at by some drunk human?" He said, trying to instill the fact that being oblivious and vulnerable isn't a better idea then being free and doing whatever you please.

This job grew on him already, he has a nice crew and a bunch of people he can call friends. Life is


"Good." a voice called out, the room was dark, only a single candle to illuminate it. "How many did you kill?"

"Enough." A female voice said, she sounded playful, as if she enjoyed killing others. "Burnt their houses down too."

"And the soldiers?" The voice asked.

"Our soldiers? They did fine, but i could've done it alone. As for theirs..." She began to chuckle. "They're all six feet under"

"Good..." The voice said, loud and clear.

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Kai (John Kenway)

“It’s free because I can make my lot in life” said Kai “I’m beig paid for this and I even have dwelling and money for food. Why the hell do I want to jeopardize all that when this is the most steady job i’ve ever had & I’m generally a migrant worker!”
"Well... You are right and wrong at the same time. " He said, beckoning to Karry. The Sandman has never felt any sense of urgency like this since he started robbing. "See her? We need to get her out of this hell, why stay oblivious and turn a blind eye to people like her? We need your help as much as she needs ours."
"Well... You are right and wrong at the same time. " He said, beckoning to Karry. The Sandman has never felt any sense of urgency like this since he started robbing. "See her? We need to get her out of this hell, why stay oblivious and turn a blind eye to people like her? We need your help as much as she needs ours."
The offer seemed inticing, he could leave his job to pursue something greater or to keep at the only lifestyle he’s known outside of the Tribal lifestyle in the woods. “What’s in it for me exactly?” he asked not wanting to miss the next opportunity.

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