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Fandom Marvel Universe: Earth 17371


Accessing Fury File #1261964: The Bride of Dormammu



Hot Topic

The Daughter of Mephisto, Bride of Dormammu, Queen of Hell, Mistress of the Mindless Ones




Sexual Orientation:


Hellena is materialistic and often schemes to obtain the rarest trinkets that the universe has to offer. She is also very eccentric as reflected by her sense of fashion.

Hell Lords


  • Dormammu (Consort)
  • Mephisto (Father)
  • Blackheart (Brother)
  • Mephista (Sister)
  • Greylight (Brother)
  • Umar (Sister-in-Law)

M.O or Motivations:

She is motivated by her materialistic desires


Power Class: Omega

Intelligence: 6/7

Strength: 7/7

Speed: 7/7

Durability: 7/7

Energy Projection: 7/7

Combat Skill Efficiency: 2/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities:

Hellena inherited her abilities from her father, Mephisto


  • Can manipulate one’s perception of the world
  • Can manipulate reality to an extent
  • Shape-shifting
  • Dimensional entrapment.
  • Penance state immunity
  • Command over the Mindless Ones

Hellena is an experienced and highly skilled liar and strategist. She is also a highly skilled sorceress with near infinite knowledge of arcane and occult subjects.


Holy/Blessed Artifacts
  • Her powers weaken in the Dark Dimension
  • She is unable to force the subjugation of any sentient being's will to her own without that being's deliberate submission.
  • She is also incapable of reading the thoughts of any sentient being.
  • She is Lazy and would rather be in bed and eat candy than actively trying to take over this dimension.


  • Hobbies: Stealing candy from babies
  • Habits: Hellena refuses to speak to mortals who have nothing to offer to her, often she would accept the simple offering of candy.
  • Likes: Candy, Tormented Souls, Hot Topic, Dormammu
  • Dislikes: The Ghost Rider, Mephisto, Blackheart, Mephista, The Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Fears: The Staff of One
  • Hopes/Dreams: to aid her lover Dormammu's plans to takeover this dimension , collect rare trinkets all over the multiverse , to eat the most delicious bar of chocolate ever made
  • Hellena loves Halloween
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Accessing Fury File #2084: Supermarine
Name: R'Gildine
Nicknames: Trouble (by landlady)
Alias: Jill Davenport/Spitfire
Species: Skrull
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearance: Human Disguise (regular):

True/Skrull Form:

(Hair is the same to her human disguise though, which does still hide her pointed Skrull ears)

Personality: R'Gildine, despite being a Skrull is a rather fun-loving and sometimes laid-back young woman. Although some could say this could be part of her disguise's persona, R'Gildine is still this way even behind closed doors. This could be due to her simply adopting the personality traits of the woman she disguised herself as due to R'Gildine spending a lot of time in said disguise.

She values Earth and humanity above the Skrulls but to say that she is ashamed of her race would be inaccurate, however she is not proud of it either and treats it as a closely-guarded secret for she fears what would happen to her if she were discovered. Not just to be locked up and likely experimented on, but it would bring about the destruction of her new life which is something she holds very dear to her.

She does have some personality traits commonly associated with Skrulls such as enjoying combat, with a respect for warriors and the like. She believes that one day, despite their rather violent history that the Skrulls and humanity might be allies. Another trait that ties back to her Skrull roots is her distrust of the Kree.

She's a bit of an idealist but understands that her ultimate goal will take time, however she is quite stubborn and although she fights to keep her true identity secret there is a part of her that's tired of hiding.

Affiliations: The Skrull Empire (formally), SHIELD (currently)
Relationships/Friendships: Naomi Harris, a fellow superhero and friend (see CS)
Mrs Browse: An elderly landlady who owns the apartment block Jill lives in.
Janice Matias: A former beat cop who became a detective two years ago. She works with Spitfire on occasion.

M.O or Motivations: Protecting her identity, create a better world and protecting the innocent. Her long-time goal is to become a big figure in the superhero community and then reveal herself to be a Skrull in order to try and redeem her species' image on Earth.

Power Class: Beta
Intelligence: 3/7
Strength: 4/7
Speed: 4/7
Durability: 3/7
Energy Projection: 6/7
Combat Skill Efficiency: 4/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Skrull Experiments and natural Skrull enhancements

  • Shape-shifting: Skrulls are able to alter their forms into that of anything they can imagine, be it organic or inorganic. It must, however, be solid and R'Gildine has some limitations when compared to the average Skrull due to failed experiments she performed on herself to seem "more human". They can assume the form of someone but not their powers. When they imitate an inorganic object (in R'Gildine's case, this is only with humanoid robots) they take on its appearance, but not its properties. They can also use their abilities to grow extra limbs. Skrulls can also use their shape-shifting capabilities to change their sex: males can become females and vice versa.
  • Mimicry: Skrulls are cunning spies due to their ability to mimic sounds and voices. This is mainly used in conjunction with the shapes they shift into.
  • Weapon Formation: Skrulls are able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons with parts of their bodies. For instance, R'Gildine can shape her arms into blades or clubs. This ability makes her a dangerous hand-to-hand combatant.
  • Energy Projection: Capable of firing electricity, fire and plasma blasts from her hands. She can only fire one of these elements at a time though.
  • Flight: Capable of flying up to the speed of sound.
Skills: Speaks four different languages (English, the Skrullian, Russian and Japanese), skilled in multiple forms of hand-to hand combat and in hacking.

    • Skrulls only take on the appearance of an object or person and none of that object or person’s characteristics. There is a limit to the size of the object or person a Skrull can imitate. The average Skrull cannot distend his or her mass any more than 1.5 times as large a volume as his or her original volume, nor can he or she contract his or her mass any more than 0.75 a volume as his or her original.
      Furthermore, due to failed experiments she performed upon herself to become "more human",R'Gildine's shapeshifting abilities are limited compared to the average Skrull. She can only maintain a new form (including transforming limbs into weapons and extra limbs) outside of her human disguise for so long.
    • The more complex the form, the more concentration required. She does not push her limit with these either as it risks her dropping out of her human disguise and being discovered
    • If someone were to discover her secret they could quite easily blackmail her.

Equipment (If applicable, costumes)

(Minus the hood, however shoulders are still part of it.)

(Has this covering on her right arm, however it has the same colour scheme as her outfit)

She also has a black eye-mask
(Her chest emblem, it is the same dark red as parts of her uniform)

Built into her suit is a long-range communications device, it also acts as light protection from the elements and from ballistics. She also carries with her an Ipod shuffle.


  • Hobbies: Videogames, Dungeons and Dragons, martial arts, plays a violin
  • Habits: Twiddles her thumbs and avoids eye-contact when she's nervous
  • Likes: "Human food", "Human music"
  • Dislikes: Greed, hatred humans have of other humans for "human reasons"
  • Fears: People discover her true race, a Skrull plot to harm humans or a human plot to harm the Skrulls on their own world.
  • Hopes/Dreams: Redeem her race's image on Earth, bring about a mutual human-Skrull alliance one day and find more people she can actually trust her secret with.
  • She arrived on Earth during the Skrull invasion of Earth as a child but remained in hiding, having a normal life but eventually decided to become a superhero when she became a teenager to defend her adopted home.
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Accessing Fury File #:1984 Red Eye
Name: Naomi Harris
Nicknames: Firefly (pet name by her father)
Alias: Inferno
Species: Mutant
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Appearance: Naomi is a 5ft 5 young woman who often dresses well and uses brown coloured contact lenses to cover up her true eye colour, that being red. Her father was white, with her mother being Japanese giving her features of both races. Her dark hair is in a neat bob style, with a few streaks on her right side being dyed a light red. While out in public, she dresses well, sporting a suit:
However first thing a lot of people notice about Naomi is her wheelchair. Due to technological advancements, this is more of a black hover-chair (think Professor X).

Personality: Naomi is a quiet, well-mannered and rather reserved woman but is not afraid to call people out on lies and deceit. She rarely swears and even if she does she often apologises afterwords. This isn't to say that she can't lose her temper. She seeks truth as a journalist, and once she sets her mind to something she intends to see it through to the end, whether that be catching a criminal or finishing a story.

Her personality seems to change when she transfers her soul/consciousness into the Inferno suit as she becomes a bit more cocky as well as a lot louder and brash-sounding.

Affiliations: SWORD. Although not a full-time agent she has worked with them multiple times in the past to the point of being an honorary agent
NYPD. In her down-time, Naomi is an investigative journalist and has helped the NYPD on multiple cases
X-Men. Being a mutant herself, Naomi has had run-ins with the X-Men before but turned down an offer to fully join the team.
Relationships/Friendships: Jill Davenport/Spitfire, a fellow superhero and friend. Naomi suspects that Jill is a Skrull but has not brought that to her superiors nor confronted Jill on it.
Gary Cowan: A SWORD agent Naomi has worked with. Although he started off in human resources he proved himself during a small incursion with a Kree strike force.
Blake Harris: Her father. Although not a mutant himself, he can handle himself in a fight due to his years in the Marines. Since the death of Naomi's mother, he has become a bit more protective as well.

M.O or Motivations: Defend Earth and her citizens, solve crimes and help people in need. There is also a smaller part of her that wants to make her father proud.

Power Class: Beta
Intelligence: 6/7
Strength: 2/7 (normal), 5/7 (Inferno suit)
Speed: 1/7 (normal), 4/7 (Inferno suit)
Durability: 1/7 (normal), 5/7 (Inferno suit)
Energy Projection: 1/7 (normal), 4/7 (Inferno suit)
Combat Skill Efficiency: 4/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Mutant DNA

  • Consciousness Transference: Naomi has the ability to transfer her Consciousness, which she refers to as her "soul" to a single piece of technology while leaving her physical body in a protective "bubble" of psychic energy. She can only choose one piece of tech at a time and she must have an intense understanding of it before the transference.
  • Both a photographic and Eidetic memory
Skills: High tolerance to pain, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, firearms training and engineering (bio-engineering, robotics and weaponry). She has a decent amount of knowledge on the arcane arts as well, having studied them to better understand her "soul".

  • While in her human body she has all the same weaknesses as a human being, and due to not having the use of her legs she would be even more vulnerable in a physical fight if you prevented her from using her arms. Due to the components of her wheelchair it would be stopped by a small-scale EMP blast.
  • The death of her mother is something a villain can exploit in psychological warfare. She was killed by AIM agents looking to get the components for the Inferno suit.
  • Due to transferring her consciousness into the suit she is capable of feeling pain within it when the suit sustains heavy damage. Even though she has a high tolerance to pain this will only go so far.
  • The psychic "bubble" she puts her human body in can only endure so much damage before it is broken. If Naomi's human body were to die while she was inside of the suit, her "soul" would essential go braindead.

Inferno Suit

Legs are of similar bulk and design to the arms. There is a hot rod style paintjob with flames painted on the elbows, back of the legs and back.
The weapons and a jetpack are stored in hidden compartments.
  • Guns built into her right arm and shoulder that are equipped with incendiary rounds or stun rounds depending on the occasion
  • Stun-blast in the left hand.
  • Hands can be converted into melee weapons, re-shaping into hammers
  • Knuckledusters on the right hand she can coat with fire
  • Dual arm-blades that she can coat with fire to deal extra damage.
  • In-built communication system
  • Can deploy tiny drones dubbed "Fireflies" that can act as scouts. These are the size of and similar in design to the insects they are named after.
  • Naomi carries a sidearm for protection. It is stored in a hidden compartment in her chair
  • Laptop, phone (ect)
  • Also stored in a hidden compartment of her chair is a recording device.
Hobbies: Engineering. She assembles everything from computers to mechanical arms in her down-time, honing her skills in engineering. She is a bookworm as well, sporting a big library and enjoys both strategy games and puzzles.
Habits: Tends to bite the heads of pencils when in deep thought and/or annoyed at something.
Likes: Old movies, classical music and has an appetite for dark chocolate
Dislikes: Arrogance, stupidity and people who look down on/patronise her due to her chair or people who discriminate against Mutants.
Fears: A full-scale alien invasion that the heroes can't stop, losing her Inferno suit, feeling helpless and losing her father.
Hopes/Dreams: A better world. Solve her mother's murder.

-She has been unable to use her legs since she was thirteen years old. She was present during a fight between the the heroes and villains, ending up buried under rubble.
-Although the villain that killed her mother is still out there, Naomi is not actively looking for revenge. However, she has stated before that if she does run across the same villain again she will not hesitate to "end" him.
-She has been able to walk via the suit for four years, being active in the superhero community for two of those years. Due to her mutant ability and intellect she was noticed by organisations like SHIELD/SWORD before the incident.
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Accessing Fury File #11914: Sempiternus
Name: Hugh Kraus,
Alias: Captain Robor, formally known as Captain Cerebrum (when he was a superhero)
Species: Pulse Generation/Cyborg
Age: 105 (mentally), 20 (currently/physically)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


(In his younger form, around mid-to-late 20s)

As he gets older, Hugh's hair continues to grey, getting a Reed Richard's (grey on the sides) style when he reaches his mid 30s. It continues like this until Hugh's mid 50s, where his hair starts to fall out, eventually he goes completely bald by his mid 60s. His skin continues to wrinkle, with spots appearing on his head and face has he continues to age.

Personality: Hugh is driven by self-preservation above all else and will go to almost any length to stay alive. In his mind, this is not due to pure selfishness but rather he has what could be best described as some kind of Messiah complex, believing he must remain alive in order to be there when Earth faces a great catastrophe. With the heroes growing old, and viewing the new generation as inexperienced he only believes that he can protect the Earth when the great catastrophe arrives on it's doorstep.

Affiliations: AIM. He uses them to acquire new equipment and subjects for him to feed on. They are purely a means to an end, and he would throw them under the bus without giving it a second thought.
While being a solo hero, he did team up with Captain America, Namor and The Human Torch (the Android, not the Fantastic Four member) during World War II while in later years he fought alongside The Defenders, The Future Foundation and The Great Lakes Avengers on occasion. Now, he is only affiliated with himself and all of those heroes believe him to be dead.

Relationships/Friendships: Rowan Stein, an AIM scientist who Hugh actually has a mutual respect for.

M.O or Motivations: To defend Earth from extra-terrestrial and/or extra-dimensional threats, herself and to live long enough to save her from the great catastrophe.
Power Class: Gamma (progresses to Beta after feeding all the way to Alpha after feeding continuously)
Intelligence: 6/7
Strength: 2/7 (4/7 after feeding)
Speed: 2/7 (4/7 after feeding, 6/7 after feeding continuously )
Durability: 2/7 (5/7 after feeding)
Energy Projection: 2/7 (4/7 after feeding continuously)
Combat Skill Efficiency: 6/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Pulse and Cybernetics

Powers/Abilities: Regular
  • Life/Energy Leech: Ever since the Pulse, Hugh has been able to drain the lifeforce from living beings or energy from some technology (such as robots, pacemakers, power plants), although living energy makes him younger and slows down the ageing process, while energy he drains from technology only fuels his power.
    When it comes to living beings he drains the years from them, for example if he were to drain the lifeforce from a teenager he might leave her as a middle-aged woman or he might reduce a 30 year old to an old man.
After Feeding
  • Enhanced strength: See power grid. His muscle mass greatly increases as well when he feeds.
  • Enhanced Durability: Capable of taking even armour-piercing rounds to the chest without his skin being pierced. Energy blasts will likely still harm him though. He can also breathe in outer space if he's fed enough.
  • Flight: Self-propelled flight that, depending on how much he's fed can bring him up to the speed of sound or up to light-speed if he's fed on quite a lot of energy.
  • Energy Blasts: After feeding continuously, Hugh is able to discharge energy blasts from his hands, chest and mouth. This depends upon the kind of energy he has absorbed (e.g electrical, plasma etc.)

Skills: Having lived through multiple wars (fought with other Superheros during WWII against his own country when he defected to the Allies) and numerous conflicts with rival nations and both heroes and villains over the years, Hugh has picked up on multiple forms of martial arts and weapon training techniques, becoming an expert in most of them including Krav Maga, Karate, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Judo and multiple forms of sword-related combat.

  • Big ego (like I said, Messiah complex). He believes that his feeding habits are a necessary evil so that he will be around when Earth faces it's "great catastrophe", so messing with his head with psychological warfare on this topic could send him into a fit of rage.
  • Vast majority of his abilities (including peak physical performance) require him to feed off of a living being or an energy source first. Otherwise, he is a relatively weak (sometimes old) man with ageing cybernetic parts.
  • Can only sustain himself for so long before he needs to feed again, otherwise he will lose his powers and/or be reduced back to a frail old man. Using his powers constantly will wear him out, causing him to age quicker.
  • While in the form of a frail old man, a well-aimed EMP blast would completely incapacitate him as all of his parts apart from an EMP-hardened backup pacemaker would simply give out
  • He actually has to touch a living being to drain the years from them, giving them time to pull away especially if he is a withered old man.
  • If he goes too long without feeding, his body produces Epinephrine, which makes him a lot more prone to moments of rage.


(Regular Wear)


(Battle Helmet, a modern redesign of the one he wore during his superhero career. It comes with a heads-up display that can scan targets, it also hides his face and can disguise his voice)

(A suit which he has to wear underneath his clothing sometimes, as contained within it's armour plating is some of the medical requirement that keeps him alive. It has a "stealth mode" where it can appear as a regular pacemaker for when Hugh is out in public. It's also equipped with a bronze cape that is stored in the back of the suit, allowing for Hugh to deploy it when he's dressed as Captain Robor)

Hugh also carries a cane which contains a hidden sword. He uses this for style while in his youth, and requires it to walk when he is an old man.


  • Hobbies: Reading, fixing up old technology training himself with both martial arts and (sometimes) his abilities
  • Habits: When in his younger body he tends to keep his hair in good condition (this is due to him being bald when he was an old man)
  • Likes: Scotch, old movies, wine, pickles, dogs, classic cars and motorcycles
  • Dislikes: Mushrooms, Fascism
  • Fears: That he will not be strong enough or prepared enough to defend Earth from the "great catastrophe", that he will lose control of his powers or run out of food.
  • Hopes/Dreams: To defend Earth from the "great catastrophe", does not care what people think of him after he does that, only if the Earth is protected. In his mind, people could view him as a monster for all the people he had to kill or hurt but so long as the Earth is saved, by him he won't care.
  • He was warned of the "great catastrophe" by a dying Kree who fell to Earth around the same time as the Annihilation wave was storming across the cosmos. The Kree did not speak of the wave itself, but something else that was coming to Earth. At this time, Hugh was almost on his deathbed and so enhanced his cybernetics that he used during his career as a hero so that he would live longer.
  • Led the AIM assault that killed Naomi's mother (see CS). He thought that if he could transfer his consciousness into the inferno suit he would no longer have to feed, but upon discovering that this wouldn't work he killed her in a fit of rage.
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Any particular reason?

Many members of the X-men don't have secret identities. Why would they? They act as agents of an integrationist philosophy, mutants and humans co-existing happily. Having secret identities, this civilian form where you're not part of that movement - kind of undercuts the broader goal. Then your secret identity almost seems to reinforce the idea there's something shameful about your mutantdom. Besides, what kind of secret identity can you have if you have blue fur or a tail?

Naomi still holds onto her secret identity, you see and to become a member of a group where a big portion don't follow that...
Accessing Fury File #25071981: Symbiote Cult Leader
Connor O'Sullivan

The Chosen


Symbiote Bonded Human



Sexual Orientation:

Connor is a very charismatic and outspoken individual. He is very passionate for the cause.

The Unity (A Cult of Symbiote worshipers)

All those who have joined the Unity

M.O or Motivations:
To spread the Symbiotes across the world in a bid to cure all known diseases.

Power Class: Beta
Intelligence: 4/7
Strength: 5/7
Speed: 3/7
Durability: 5/7
Energy Projection: 4/7
Combat Skill Efficiency: 2/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities:
Bonded to the Toxin Symbiote after encountering it when he was exploring the Temple of Chthon

  • Superhuman Strength: He possesses vast superhuman strength, and is stronger than Carnage and Venom combined. Depending on how angry or upset he gets, he grows to a much larger size, with large claws and vicious fangs.
  • Superhuman Speed: He can move or run at speeds greater than any normal human being.
  • Superhuman Stamina: He can exert himself for at least 48 hours until fatigue impairs him.
  • Superhuman Agility: His agility is superior to any normal human being.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are superior to any normal human being.
  • Superhuman Durability: He is much more resistant to injury than Venom and Carnage combined but still has the traditional symbiotes weaknesses but to a very minor degree.
  • Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people.
  • Wall Crawling: Much like Spider-Man, Toxin has the ability to cling to virtually any surface. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slick/wet surfaces.
  • Webbing: Toxin can project a powerful, organic web-like substance similar to the webbing Spider-Man has. He typically uses this webbing to swing from building to building or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is incredibly strong.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: He can heal at speeds much faster and much more efficiently than a normal human.

Connor is a great public speaker and persuasive. He also has keen business management and leadership skills.

Sonic and Heat: The Toxin symbiote, like all others of its kind, is extremely vulnerable to heat and sonic based attacks. They can cause the symbiote physical pain and discomfort, where as "more powerful" attacks might be completely ineffective.

Equipment (Applies to costumes/supersuits too)


  • Habits: Refers to self as "we" and "us" as is common with most symbiotes.
  • Likes: The Unity, The Irish Rock Group Boyzone
  • Dislikes: Non-Believers
  • Fears: To be separated from his Symbiote
  • Hopes/Dreams: To see the world cured of all disease
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Accessing Fury File #346219472: The Greek


Name: Macaria D’escrivan

Nicknames: Milo

Alias: Cypress

Species: A demi-god of sorts

Age: She looks 19, but really is about 2,500 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Appearance: F517554B-D9E3-41A9-9E37-3D5BD9BB3603.jpeg

Personality: On the outside, Milo seems like a sweet harmless girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly, which in some cases that is very true.

Affiliations: Once a very long time ago, she became affiliated with Doctor Strange and his actions, but once she turned 19 she decided to go off and try the possibility of being on her own

Relationships/Friendships: Of course while she was affiliated with Doctor Strange, he became a sort of friend and father figure to her. Due to her past, she doesn’t exactly have a sturdy relationship with her father, and has no idea who her mother is. Finally, she also has a confusing relationship with the Greek Alchemist who created the stones that are her and her father’s power and life source(see backstory for details)

M.O or Motivations: Milo wants to prove that she can fight on her own without the aid of anyone else, and someday become strong enough to beat her father.


Power Class: She has the ability to be as dangerous as an Omega, but she is so mellow that she’s more of a Beta

Intelligence: 3/7

Strength: 3/7 (when using powers)

Speed: 2/7


Energy Projection: 6/7

Combat Skill Efficiency: 3/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Her powers were based off of Greek gods Hypnos, and Hades.

Powers/Abilities: Milo originally has the powers of Hypnos, the ability to put people to sleep, but she also has a few of the powers her father inherited, able to move a small amount of aluminum and minerals and speak with the dead (see backstory for explanation)

Skills: Milo can put up to 20 people to sleep at the same time if she has full strength, and can lift up to at least twice her body weight in metal and minerals. She mainly focuses her power energy on emotion, so if she is feeling upset she is more likely to produce more power, just in an unfriendly and almost negative way whereas if she were strongly determined she would be able to control power proportions better.

Weaknesses: Milo has small issues where basically anyone can beat her if she isn’t confident enough. Anyone who has a strong ability when it comes to metals and stuff could probably whoop her, and anything with water…. yeah she’s sort of terrified of any form of water. Finally, if you have a very strong mental capacity, like you know your way around your brain(ex: telepathy, mind powers, strong mind set etc) Milo could still push you to sleep, but probably not as long as she would be able to work someone who doesn’t have mind powers and such. Also anything that could obviously break her rocks and alluminum she’s using is a weakness of sorts.

Equipment (Applies to costumes/supersuits too)


  • Hobbies: Milo tends to like to meditate a little, something she picked up from her time with Doctor Strange. She also has found small enjoyment and making little animal figurines out of stray aluminum she’s found on the streets. Finally, she has made it her life goal to attempt to find the body her mother’s souls is preoccupied in.
  • Habits: Milo has never been able to look someone in the eyes while talking to them, and will usually either look past them or at her feet. Not much of a talker either, but will speak her mind when needed. She also tends to either accidentally send you into a power nap or hit you with an aluminum pop can when she’s stressed out and not paying attention to her stone’s powers.
  • Likes: Sleep, food, and meditation
  • Dislikes: insomnia, death, and anything relating to Greek culture
  • Fears: Water. Water, water water…, her father and death.
  • Hopes/Dreams: Milo first hopes to find her mother someday, and form an actual relationship with whatever person has her soul, and possibly make her father pay for his sins.
  • Super suit: she doesn’t have a super suit
Backstory: Milo was originally born during the Greek period of time with the name Macaria, mainly normal except she was slightly immortal unless someone harmed her. See, her father was also a young human man who was power hungry, who one day met a Greek alchemist who had concocted a stone that gave anyone who had it in their possession and used it as a life force would have the powers of the Greek god Hades. Since he was a power hungry fiend, Milo’s father stole the stone, used its power, and imprisoned the alchemist so he could make no more stones with as much power. Years later, he had renamed himself to Hades, and married the woman who was known as Milo’s mother. Of course since Milo’s mother was a mortal, she eventually would die, only Hades would take her soul and place it in a new body so she would be with him forever.

From a very young age, Milo had a strong feeling that what her father was doing was wrong but she kept quiet and tended to the Greek alchemist whom she quickly befriended. When Milo was looking around the age 16, Milo attempted to stage a rebellion against her father to help the alchemist escape and beat her father. While the freeing of the alchemist was successful, Milo lost her life and was left to die. Luckily, the Greek alchemist remembered her kindness and used an old stone he had been saving that was made with the Greek god Hypnos’ powers with sprinkles of the original Hades stone as her life source and had Doctor Strange watch over her until she could manage on her own.

During her time with Doctor Strange, Milo grew rather close with him, sort of forming a small fatherish bond with him. He was even the one who helped her pick out the name Milo, and forget her past name Macaria. When she was considered 18 in human lifespan, she left Doctor Strange to manage on her own and figure out her powers and find the body her mother’s soul resided in.
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Accessing Fury File #8976: The Dog

Name: Steven Wither

Nicknames: Steve

Alias: Dog Man

Species: Mutant

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Personality: Steven is a calm, collected person. He usually is able to control his emotions. He usually does small talk, and wants to help everyone out. Steven has a generally quiet voice. He likes to play games and just run around as Dog Man. He can get pretty hyper sometimes but not much.

Steven will kill as a last resort. He will try to do anything ither than killing, but if he has no other choice he will do it. He usually treats a villian like many ither heroes do with villians. Steven is usually a bit more serious than some heroes but still can crack a joke or two.

Affiliations: None

Relationships/Friendships: -Steven will protect his mom no matter what. She has helped him many times and have gotten him through hard times. He would die to protect her.
-Dan, otherwise known as Stilt-Man is a friend of Steven's. They met each other while out on patrol a few times before, and have become best friends right away.

M.O or Motivations: To help protect people who can't protect themselves.

Power Class:

Intelligence: 3/7

Strength: 3/7

Speed: 2/7

Durability: 2/7

Energy Projection: 1/7

Combat Skill Efficiency: 3/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Stevens mutation first occurred when he was 13. It came out of the blue and hit him full force. His mutation nearly overwhelmed him with his senses at first.

Powers/Abilities: Smell: Stevens smell was enhanced up to a dogs sense of smell because if his mutation. He is able to track things from far distances and can know where someone is hiding or running too.

Teeth: Stevens teeth got larger shortly after he had gotten his new sense of smell. They are as sharp as a dogs, and can easily bite through skin.

Hearing: Stevens hearing is the same as a dogs. He can hear people from far away and know when someone is coming. He can also hear someone whispering or can hear someone through walls.

Skills: Few Fight Skills: Steven has a few fighting skills that he learned through training classes that he took when he was younger.

Detective: His senses makes Steven a excellent tracker and a good detective. He can find someone even if they are fsr away. Just give him a few minutes with his senses.

Weaknesses: Suit: Steven's suit still allows him to get shot easily. Pistols may be a little hard to penetrate the suit but they could still be able to do it given enough time

Eyes: Steven's eyesight is a negatige mutation. It slowly and slowly is getting more like a dogs, which is making it hard to look at things. He has to rely on his other senses.

No Secret Identity: Stevn does not have any mask to cover his face. He still has a Nick namr and such, but a person can easily be able to track him and surprise him.

Loudness: Stevens hearing is like a dogs. Which means if something is loud enough, it can hurt Steven unlike humans. It can also distract Steven and damage his hearing.

Equipment (Applies to costumes/supersuits too)
Dog Suit: His dog suit is used to make him more friendly, and to make his punches hurt a little bit more extra. It also allows Steven to be able to run on his hands and legs.


  • Hobbies: Playing games, jumping around, biting things, TV
  • Habits: Sugar, sugar, and more sugar
  • Likes: Candy, Helping people, running around New York like a dog, hearing a good joke
  • Dislikes: Losing a fight, losing his friends, his mom getting hurt
  • Fears: His mom getting hurt from him, getting killed, villian finding out where he lives
  • Hopes/Dreams: Becoming famous, his mom being safe, saving lors of people at the same time
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( Booperboy Booperboy )​



I-I am not running away because i want to avoid people. I ... I simply want them to be safe . I nearly destroyed everything j-just by getting very upset. What if i actually intended to do what I did ? I-I can't take that chance , Mister Hulk . I'm sorry... But I'm far too dangerous to be with anyone anymore. Perhaps once I learn how to control my gifts, will I come back and be healthy member of society. Besides... Uhmm... I don't want them to know I did what I did. Please have a nice day , and I hope we see each other in the near future. Good day.
Amelia speaking directly to Bruce Banner before leaving through one of her portals to a higher-dimensional world she knows they cannot ever reach her .

Name: Amelia Whiteheart

Nicknames: Access , Portal Master , Goddess of the Portal Dimension

Alias: Access, Amy ( By her loved ones and friends, which there are only a handful )

Species: Mutant

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Possibly Pansexual


Personality: Amelia can be best described mostly by the disorder that has caused her the opportunity to lose contact with other people : Social Anxiety Disorder . She has an almost extreme fear of meeting new people, and going to new places and things, which is actually quite ironic considering the power she has involves facing her fear directly . She can be considered a well-mannered individual , who is seen as very kind and polite , and even motherly depend on how long you be in her presence , but rather soft-spoken in terms of her speech patterns. She is usually seen as a quiet individual, to the point she can be seen as 'invisible' to others despite being in the same vicinity, because of her being unnoticeable due to her quiet and meek presence She desires above all else to find someone who can truly understand her character, which sometimes . She can be a bit untrusting of others and rather sensitive due to what life has brought her way since the dark day few years prior, and due to her regular nature .However, if you manage to get into her comfort zone: She can be one of the kindest and sweetest enitites you will ever come across. She also is rather secretive, as Mutant hatred has been on a all time high, that and her powers tended

Affiliations: None ( Currently on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D & The other groups due to what happened a few years prior , whom still are attempting to find her . However there is a good chance she may come to at least participate in one of said groups . )

Mary Whiteheart- Her mother ; Deceased
Henry Whiteheart - Her loving father
Chase Thomas - Her only friend .

Motivations: Trying to avoid hurting anyone since 'Amelia's Darkest Day' , by not being direct involved with anything , and helping anyone she can along the way .

M.O : She usually leaves no evidence that she was directly involved with anything to avoid being spotted.

Power Class: Beyond Omega Classification

Intelligence: 5/7
Strength: 2/7
Speed: 2/7
Durability: 1/7
Energy Projection: 7/7
Combat Skill Efficiency:1/7
Courtesy of
Power Grid
Origin of Powers / Abilities : Her abilities actually manifested ridiculously earlier for a Mutant, and were directly shown when she was only twelve years of age. Her powers were formed from a combination of being the daughter of Earth-17371's Nexus Being + being born with Nigh-Unlimited Potential if she became a Mutant .

Amelia's Darkest Day: When her mother died, in a fit of anger and sadness created almost countless numbers portals that appeared everywhere and every-when , from somewhere as simple as Asgard to The Outside and even Beyond that to God's/ The One Above All's Realm . These portals were also mimicking and saving the energies of the worlds / timelines / multiverses they were teleporting to, causing mass chaos and hysteria across all of creation and beyond . Just one of these portals being opened shook all of forementioned places and almost threatened it to collapse them all, and countless numbers appeared throughout Creation . They were revealed much later on to be the influence of her utilizing the fullest potential of the Power Cosmic, and another fact . They managed to track her down , but her father managed to take her elsewhere before anything tragic occurred. Now, without a home , family, or friends to turn back to in fear of harming them or anyone else, the Young teen is now on the run. This will always scar here, as she will always remember it as 'Amelia's Darkest Day' .

Powers and Abilities: Despite her Beyond Omega Class Level Classification status , she actually doesn't have that many of the well-known abilities most of this scale would have . However , one shouldn't underestimate her based on this, as her potential and versatility border on Boundless...
- Portal Creation: Amelia has been shown to be able to create portals out of thin air , and manipulate them . It seems that her portal creation, to where it can go, is completely limitless, as shown in the 'Amelia's Darkest Day' .Her portals cannot be broken + mimick the energies of whatever is within said world, storing it within the Portal World for her to use while she's there. She can also temporarily become a conduit for the Portal World to use their powers for a limited timeframe . She can also BFR herself, by asking her powers to take her to a place that has a certain description. She can also expand the size of said portals, and they can teleport more than a few people at once.

Weaknesses: Quite a few . For starters, her portal creation, if she is stressed,can distort everything in the vicinity around , possibly killing herself in the process . Her portal creation takes a good amount of willpower to make. If she doesn't believe in herself, her portal creation won't work. She also is a normal human apart from being able to make portals. With that in mind, anything that can kill a human will definitely kill her, considering she's slightly weaker physically than a average regular human. Due to " Amelia's Darkest Day " , she likely won't use her powers to try to help others. Has a personal rule / self restriction against using this to access personal secrets, so she won't enter places that she needs permission to go to, unless she has permission. The Portals disappear if she's knocked out. Getting stressed may cause a incident similar to the Amelia's Dark Day incident. She isn't a fighter by any means , and would do horribly against practically any seasoned veteran .​
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Amelia's Darkest Day: When her mother died, in a fit of anger and sadness created almost countless numbers portals that appeared everywhere and every-when , from somewhere as simple as Asgard to The Outside and even Beyond that to God's/ The One Above All's Realm . These portals were also mimicking and saving the energies of the worlds / timelines / multiverses they were teleporting to, causing mass chaos and hysteria across all of creation and beyond . Just one of these portals being opened shook all of forementioned places and almost threatened it to collapse them all,

How the hell is this character able to threaten to destroy THE ONE ABOVE ALL's Realm????
.....Nigh-Unlimited Potential Being a Mutant , Being the Daughter of the Nexus being of the Universe we are RPing in , and the Potential her Portals have . Secondly, he sort of " Let it happen " . He didn't really do anything about it cause he knew it would only last a few seconds. It's still a impressive feat, not something she can duplicate on a dime. A long list of requirements needs to be met before she can do that, or eve access his realm .
.....Nigh-Unlimited Potential Being a Mutant , Being the Daughter of the Nexus being of the Universe we are RPing in , and the Potential her Portals have . Secondly, he sort of " Let it happen " . He didn't really do anything about it cause he knew it would only last a few seconds. It's still a impressive feat, not something she can duplicate on a dime. A long list of requirements needs to be met before she can do that, or eve access his realm .
HE'S THE ONE ABOVE ALL!!! He's the personification of Marvel Comics.
I know this .... And he doesn't embody it rather than transcend it . And... I said he let it happen though. He would've stopped her personally otherwise, but she wasn't a threat to him, just his realm. It's not something to be so incredulous towards.
can she just open a portal inside another person and then into an anti matter dimension and destroy them?
.... If she was bloodlusted, yes. But... Never will she be bloodlusted. It isn't in character and that is honestly the least likely scenario to ever occur involving her .
To be fair: Most Beyond-Omegas are limited by what they limit themselves to do, and their own lack of comprehension of the full utilization of their own abilities. For example, Franklin Richards and Matthew Malloy. She also has a set of self-made rules she'll follow no matter what, plus emotional trauma. It isn't so much as ' she isn't trying ' , so much as she doesn't know the full capabilities her powers can be used for. This, and the fact she is a horrible hand-to-hand combatant and is likely going to be the first person to coward in fear at the aspect of fighting, and doesn't make much of a Hero. The last part may change somewhat, but it still will be a consistent weakness.
hand to hand is a joke to portal masters they punch you open portal hand goes in postal closes no more hand or just portal them out into the heart of a sun the other side of the universe another dimension as they try to hit you. anyone that thinks for a moment on how to use their portals in combat would come up with these which counter acts the lack of combat skill as they don't need to fight.
Problem... She isn't a " Portal Master " by any means . It's just a nickname S.H.I.E.L.D gave her because they figured out she caused "Amelia's Dark Day " . Being able to be God of the Portal Dimension doesn't mean too much . And she definitely isn't geared to think in combat scenarios. She's more defensive in her thinking abilities than thinking about offensive tactics . It's why I have her as low as she is in anything involving physical activity. Like I said, she may become more proficient with her portals for combat as time goes on and she is trained. However, as of now, she won't be able to do that type of stuff automatically . I would like to have some degree of character-building with her .

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