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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Jackson just looks around the place, and familiarizes himself with it. It's not as weapon heavy as my house. Although I don't know if that a good thing or not. But this will do nicely. A room, a kitchen, a lab. It's definitely better than that warehouse. He goes back to the group and says "Okay, so what's the plan now?" He then looks at Nightmare and sees that sees tired, mostly because of the experiment. He then looks at his phone and sees it 11:20. We should probably end this soon. Some creepypastas are more active during midnight. Flame Demon Flame Demon Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"Whoever wants to stay here for the night can stay" Nightmare says "Alicia and her mother just left as well", she stretches and sees Jackson look at her "I'll be fine tomorrow, possibly a bit short tempered as well" she says hiding a yawn, it's been a while since she was exhausted like this "I'll also show more things about the gym tomorrow" she adds before teleporting back upstairs and she looks at the beds "How to do this" she mumbles, boys on one side and the girls on the other side would work, or she's have the back for the girls and the bed near the kitchen for the guys, since it is a gym it has changing rooms and tiolets and showers as well, they could also train with the equipment "I'll decide tomorrow" she mumbles "Jackson you staying here? And what about the other guy?" she asks referring to Jason with the 'other guy' comment.
Magadude Magadude Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"I'm probably going to be staying here. This place is safer than my house." He says thinking about it. And I also don't have to worry about having a panic attack if I open a wrong door. So that's a plus. "Considering I don't think Slender would not really care that much about this place, let alone think hunters are here, don't think I will need to remove the mirrors." Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Jackson I not an idiot, there aren't any mirrors" Nightmare says "I enjoy my privacy from time to time, which if why I need to do something about who sleeps where" she adds "Maybe a curtain straight through the middle of the two rows", she really needed to figure it out quickly "Pair people up maybe" she suggest, she could move the beds too, in the morning. She nods and says "Since the beds are between king sized and normal wized I need to do some redecorating tomorrow"
Magadude Magadude
Masky met Grim in the ally after a bit, he was wearing one of Grims hoodies and jeans,hiding his unmasked face."There, got your doll but....The room may take a bit longer" he said as he handed Grim a Pink poodle doll, old doll. "Thamks......Fine, can you clean it before going to slender?" Grim sighed, hugging the doll tightly as Masky halped him up. "...No, may be a good idea to sleep somewhere else..... I have to bleach everything tonight" Maky said. "Ok......bye then, see you tomorrow?" Grim asked. Masky nodded.

Grim walked back to the gym. "Hello? Anyone still here?" he asked as he limped in, then sat on the bleachers, doll on his lap as he waited.
"Yep! Come up" Nightmare calls letting herself fall on one of bed "He must've forgotten this gym is my place too, well it's that or Slender's place, I like the gym more" she thinks and sighs looking at the ceiling, she'd make a changing areas, one for boys and one for girls, so she didn't have to decide what to do with the beds "This bed is mine!" she says, she had the bed in the corner near the window.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Magadude Magadude
Jackson goes over to one of the beds by the kitchen and sits on a king sized bed. "I found where I'm sleeping." He then lays down. "Oh, although I don't think you would considering you're also tired, please don't look through my nightmares." He says resting his head on the pillow and staring at the ceiling. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Flame Demon Flame Demon
After about a day recovering from his expierence with nightmare in the woods Pat decided to head to the local gym, one that was open of course. He found that his strength and speed had been increased, as did his endurance. He stopped by the grocery store and picked up a good amount of food, of course hearing that nagging hipster in the back of his head saying that your body is a temple and blah blah blah. After he finished work for a day, working for on a computer. A real trifecta he thought Can build virtual machines, good looking, and has the abilities of two mythical demons, what more could a woman ask for? he laughed a quick huff, he knew it was bad when he laughed at his own jokes. He finished his work quickly and got his phone, he went to Jackson's number and texted him. Where are you? Think it's time I apologize to Alicia.
Magadude Magadude
The overseer seems to vanish from the kitchen of the small apartment, "Huh.. These cryptids and their teleportation..." She calls the office and informs the chief she wasn't feeling well, though they probably assume that means she was hung over and just didn't show up for work again.

After a shower and a change of clothes, Juliette plops down onto her couch and turns on the telly, watching some old X-Files episodes for several hours until she drifts off again.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Um...Something happened in the hotel room and....May I stay here?" Grim asked, getting up onto his crutch. "I'll try not to be a bother.....It's only for a night or two till the room is....cleaned" he said.
Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
Jason would take the time to get a better idea on the lay of the area. He examines the area around him, while listening in on the conversations.

He finally finds a spot, and rubs his chin in thought.

"Hmm... could probably make that spot there into a Manufacturing Spot... Heaven forbid they run outta Ammo, and it almost looks like I might be the only one of us who knows how to even MAKE ammunition..."

"Hey, y'all go on ahead and get comfortable... I'll be over here, tidying this spot up... can help make some Ammo an' Supplies for y'all, if you'd like, as an added bonus." he comments, motioning towards an unoccupied corner.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"I'd really like it of you did that in the basement lab downstairs" Nightmare comments and she says "It's the door hidden by the curtain, don't need people looking inside and seeing someone make bullets", she really just wanted to sleep "I will see what has to be done tomorrow, just don't do anything stupid" she says "And it is up to Alicia too, since she has the key to this place" she adds. "Grim you can stay, there are beds up upstairs, just try not to attract unwanted attention to this place", she looks at the ceiling and remembers she has to clean the lab too.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
While Jackson is laying down he gets a message from Pat. He text back 'Right now isn't the right time to apologise. You can do it next meeting which is tomorrow'. He then closes his phone and goes back to starring at the ceiling. Hopefully I don't have that nightmare tonight. Midrick Midrick
Grim plopped onto a bed, "Thanks I-" he noticed he forgot something, did Masky place it in his bag?
Grim looked into the bag, freaking out a little as he was looking for something. "Where is it?!?" He mumbled to himself as his eyes widened. "He forgot it....shit" he mumbled as he sat back,doll on his lap. His face blank.
Juliette dozes off and has a bizarre, scattered dream. She wakes up the next day and decides to run a search on the abandoned gym when she gets into work. During her search, she attempts to see who currently owns the property.
Magadude Magadude
Nightmare hadn't slept much and she is down in the lab cleaning the mess up from the next day, she sighs and looks at the papers in one of the corners and she walks over "In the safe with these" she says opening the safe and she puts the papers in the right file on the stack, all the research notes about all the experiments and the files on the test subjects, most died anyway. She yawns and she rubs her eyes closing the safe, locking it with the code "Now for redecorating" she says leaving the lab, locking the door and putting the curtain in place, she needed to change the living floor as she called it, she was sure she had found a comfy couch in the small storage space and a radio somewhere too.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu

A fellow detective looks at Juliette "That old place? The school gave the key to some Angelique Midnight, a retired scientist" he says "You know after it became haunted, why are you looking at information for it?", many had tried to figure out what was haunting the place, but no one figured it out so far.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
She looks up from her computer, "I have reason to believe it's being used for gang activity. Possibly cooking drugs in it. Just doing some investigation before the DEA gets involved."

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Jackson eventually goes to sleep. While he's asleep, he starts to have a nightmare. Suddenly, he's in this room filled with light. His parents are in front of him, who was 17 again, and his sister. They then slowly turn and walk away. Jackson tries to stop them, but his feet are frozen. Then shadows cover both of them and the side that they were going. Then Jackson was 19, his sister grabbing on to his arm, shaking. Then a figure appears, and shadows erupts from the figure. Jackson recognizes the figure and tries to hold on to his sister, but the shadows are too strong. They pulled his sister away from him, and he fell to his knees, the room filling with this darkness. Suddenly figures from his past appear around him. Even the Creepypasta that he killed is there. And the figures start circling around him and say in unison "You could of saved her, but you just hid like a coward. You could of fought it off. You spent a year hiding from him. Who are you to start the Creepypasta Hunters? You're nothing but a coward." Jackson just stays on the ground, unable to say anything but "Stop it". While having this dream, he tosses back and forth on the bed saying "Stop it" over and over again. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Flame Demon Flame Demon
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Grim tried to sleep, after a bit he did.
He saw through the eyes of a WW2 soldier, a curse slender laid on him other then the sickness.

The soldier was at a station, saying farewell to his loved ones. His wife, two children. The man left in his uniform, layers of clothing and a heavy backpack...Gun in hand. The squad he was in entered a large metal boat with other soldiers. They got to a beach after a few hours, immediately hearing yelling with bombs, along with gunshots...."
Grim twitched, shaking in fear. The doll fell to the floor as the dream continued with the event.
Why had Slender given him these dreams? Because he was found in a nazi camp with his family. Slender punished him for what Grim was before he took the child, when grim was to small to decide.

After a bit Grim woke up on cold sweat, panting. He knows nothing on this new outside world, he knows only war, blood and gunshots in his gut. He knows the fear Jews suffered....
Slender had his dreams be through the eyes of people who died in WW2, soldiers and victims, old and young. The pills let him sleep without the dreams, Masky forgot to put them in Grims bag.

Grim sat there, awake and sobbing, gasping for air through his tears. The man in his dream has been shot, and the weight he carried sunk him, drowned him in salty water and blood.
Alicia is there with her mother and she heads upstairs "Nightmare" she says and said girl appears who takes one glances at Jackson before disappearing again, appearing in the nightmare and she readies her scythe, no longer in civilian attire, but rather her own unique outfit(the one in her picture) and she glances at the figures "Jackson wake up" she says, she never had to ward of a nightmare this bad with someone "Even Ali had less bad nightmares then this" she thinks glancing back at Jackson. Alicia heads downstairs and gets a bucket, which she fills halfway with water before climbing back up and she throws the water over Jackson, hoping it'd wake him up.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu

The detective starts laughing "Sure Juliette, no one would have the key, maybe the kid of the woman who owns the building, Alicia Midnight. But she's a high school student for gods sake, if anything that myth Nightmare is haunting the place, no gang would be there" he says and thinks for a while "But if someone's there the door should be open now, so we should investigate, see if there's a red eyed demon right now, if anything the kid's practicing some extra gymnastics", he holds up his car keys and says "But I'm driving".
EllyGloom EllyGloom
Grim got up, stumbling to grab the crutch. He went outside with his phone, planning to call Masky.
He decided to text him instead. He is awake anyway.... It's night time.

Soon he sat down, tears still leaving his eyes from the dream. He shook his head, he knew people had worse dreams. He finished texting and sat back. "Why.... Why must their be only blood shed? Why did I think nothing of this till that movie? Why Why WHY!!" He yelled as he gripped his hair and yanked at it. Immediately he felt someone's hands, Masky. "How did you-" Grim started before Masky took his phone and smashed it. "Forgot.....tracking on your phone, I'm the only one so don't worry.... Don't yank your hair, your scalp will bleed" Masky said as he patted Grims head, "here" he gave Grim a bottle of pills before helping him up. "Can I come in? I'm border then BEN when he has no one playing Zelda...".
Grim shook his head, "....They want Tim...And want you gone".
Sudden, after getting water dump over him, he wakes up with a sudden jump breathing heavily. He pulls out one of his guns with a scream and points it in front of him, and then realises where he is and puts the gun away. He tries to slow down his breathing. Damn. How many times am I going to have that dream? He then realises his clothes are wet. "Ah, damn. Is there any clothes around that can fit me?" Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Uh sure I think" Nightmare says appearing again "And geez, your nightmare is the worst I've seen, without of course making one myself of course, those are normally 5 times worse" she adds before opening the storage panel and she takes a box of clothes "See if there's something that fits" she says and she adds "And you'll have to change in the changing room for now, I'm going to redecorate this floor" she says mentioning to the beds. "And I need to go grocery shopping I see" she mumbles, if Jason and Grim were going to stay there then she couldn't be without food, she barely ate anything herself.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Alicia heads back downstairs and she sighs looking at the equipment and then at her bag "Well there's no school today" she mumbles, there was at first, but one of their teachers got killed, so they canceled it for today "Hope the police figures out who it is" she says putting her bag down next to the bench "Hey Grim, remember what Nightmare said about no visitors" she calls towards the proxy outside"
"I didn't invite him" Grim said as Masky helped him up. "Morning already.....Damn" Grim said, taking a step and grunting from his leg.
"When's the last time you-" Masky was cut off by Grim, "Yesterday morning and please leave before they kick me out, you ruined the hotel already...." Grim looked down with a sigh.
"......Don't..." Masky sighed and whispered into Grimaces ear, "...Don't show them your wings.....I don't trust em yet" he said before leaving.
"Really? Like I was planning to" Grim grunted sarcastically before going to his bed and taking an outfit out. He popped an aspirin in his mouth and looked down at his leg, which was wrapped with bloody qouz.
Grim shrugged, "I'll clean it out tomorrow" he mumbled before asking Alicia where the bathroom was.
Flame Demon Flame Demon
Pat decided to go find out where they were staying and try to get there before anything else tried to kill him. He found Jackson's footprints rather easily and tracked the to an abandoned gym. He didn't go in immediately, knowing he would probably get shot if he went in unannounced. He drifted around the town before he found a tattoo parlor. He went in and paid for a rather simple tattoo on the underside of his left forearm. The problem was, he barely felt the needle. After three hours it was done and he walked back out. He decided to head back to the place where Jackson's foot prints stopped, he went to the door and banged on it. "Anyone home?" He said rather loud. The place looked pretty big.
Flame Demon Flame Demon Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu

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