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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters Characters (Reboot)










Belief in Creepypasta:


Real Name: (if character has one)

CP Name:


Race: Proxy, Human, Unknown






If you want to play a already existing Creepypasta, PM me.
Jeez~ I don't even remember this extra character page. I'm pretty sure I made this on accident trying to make the actual character page. But this might be a good excuse to do a reboot, which is going to be new to me.
Dax Dax Um, I guess. But you have to be kind of in the side lines while the team introduces themselves. We don't want people to die too early.
Name: Daxtrien “Dax” Smith

Gender: Female

Age: 21


Dax is really cunning and courageous, willing to put herself on the line if it means saving her friends. Bent on doing the right thing and bringing Creepypastas to justice, she tries to ignore the fact that by killing Creepypastas, they become no better than the monsters they hunt.

Dax was born to a loving family, her father a powerful business man and her mother a budding artist. Two years later, she got a little brother. Life for her was perfect up until she was fifteen, in when her family was murdered by the Rake. She remembered waking up to the monster at the foot of her bed, covered in her parents blood, her brothers head stuck on her bedpost. Why she was left alive, she doesn’t know. From then on, she’s been set on exacting revenge while bouncing between foster care and distant relatives houses.

Belief in Creepypasta: knows they’re real
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Name: Jackson Asher August

Gender: Male

Age: 20


Personality: Jackson used to be very social with people. He had a kind and somewhat non-serious tone. Then something happened and he became a complete shut in. He stayed in his room for a year. But after that year, he came out and was completely serious and determined. But with that determination, he was also nervous and often acts shy with most people he meets.

Backstory: His parents died when he was 17, leaving him to care for and look after his sister. Every went well for two years. But then, they were attacked by Slenderman. His sister went missing after the attack. Jackson then became afraid of everything, and didn't leave his house until he killed a creepypasta, showing that they are killable. Because of this, he made the Creepypasta Hunters, not to avenge his sister, but to save the rest of humanity from these monster. (If you want more detail, read the main thread)

Belief in Creepypasta: He knows for a fact that they are real.
im guessing this is the place to show my oc? ill post him and if you like him good! if you dont just say so.....


Name:Grimace Zangi



Appearance: picture made by a friend on mine ,usually he has wings but if you dont want him to its ok.
Personality: shy,nervous,shaky,quiet,sometimes weird, unknowing on most outside things("whats a girl? is this a car? what is a dog? etc")

Backstory:used to be proxy of slender.has never killed and wont accept it,he gets punished for it.

he lived with his family till he was three,thats when slender got him. he never had proper care or learning but he knew one thing;killing is bad. slender would usually try to teach him how to kill and such,but everytime failed. and every time grim failed he was punished in some way. he wants to get away but its hard,and he needs help.

Belief in Creepypasta:yes,he has seen them all
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Um... One problem I have with it is the Slenderman in your backstory. Slenderman does not except failure. From himself, or other Creepypastas (undetermined or not). If a Creepypasta does not do what he wants them to do, he will try to kill that creepypasta. But I do see what you are trying to do here with a ex-proxy, but I just feel like you are forcing it. Also, grammar is a thing I don't usually mind since I usually fuck up at it sometimes as well, but it can still bug me. So, it's a good start and if you do some more work on it, polish it a bit, I would be very willing to accept it.
Dax Dax It's kinda weird that the police, or really anyone, would not suspect your character being the murderer, but other wise it seems alright. Accepted!
Real Name: Unknown

CP Name: The Overseer

Gender: Female

Race: Unknown, looks human

Age: Unknown


Abilities: Teleportation, emp generation (messes with electronics), headache enducement, shadow manipulation

Personality: The Overseer is enigmatic and mysterious. She doesn’t talk much, but when she does it is usually important. Usually spotted seated somewhere, it’s uncommon to see her do much more than sit and watch. As such, she doesn’t kill and hasn’t made much impact on the internet as other Creepypastas have. Due to similar powers and her creepy habit of watching people, many online speculate she’s somehow tied to the Slenderman, as a proxy or otherwise, but no definitive proof has shown itself.

Backstory: Unknown
Dax Dax This one is interesting. But before I accept this, I want you to know that you will be controling three separate characters. Also, this will be tge last character you make for this. I want everyone to have a chance to make a character.
Dax Dax This one is interesting. But before I accept this, I want you to know that you will be controling three separate characters. Also, this will be tge last character you make for this. I want everyone to have a chance to make a character.

Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Um... One problem I have with it is the Slenderman in your backstory. Slenderman does not except failure. From himself, or other Creepypastas (undetermined or not). If a Creepypasta does not do what he wants them to do, he will try to kill that creepypasta. But I do see what you are trying to do here with a ex-proxy, but I just feel like you are forcing it. Also, grammar is a thing I don't usually mind since I usually fuck up at it sometimes as well, but it can still bug me. So, it's a good start and if you do some more work on it, polish it a bit, I would be very willing to accept it.

ok,i think the creepypasta template will work better this time though...

Real Name: Grimace Zangi

CP Name: used to be "The flying nazi" till he became an ex-proxy.


Race: Ex-Proxy


Appearance:he has light brown hair,somewhat wounded body,skinny,pale skin,brown/gold (mixed) eyes,and finally he has the operator sign on his shoulder,but its cut up and such because he tried to hide/remove it. he usually wears a black hoodie and jeans,sometimes with shoes,sometimes without.....depends on his money.

Abilities:black wings can appear at will,when they are not "on" he looks like a normal human, when they are "on" he looks the same....but with black wings.

Personality:shy,nervous,shaky,quiet,sometimes weird, unknowing on most outside things("whats a girl? is this a car? what is a dog? etc")

Backstory:he was with his family till he was five.his family was in a group that still served hitler even after years of him being dead. one night a creature attacked the camp,they all knew the stories of the russian sleep experiment and how the men became monsters from it,but they never believed it until they saw him. A terrifying man with sickish white skin,claws nearly two feet long. They saw hs empty eyes and bloody mouth as he would pounce man to man,woman to child to kill the last of the nazis. at the time it was evil,but they were Nazi men and women,people trained to hate those unlike them,such as americans or jews.....they deserved to die,right? but what about the children who haven't learned yet? those to young to know?.....their bodys tasted delicious to the monster. Grimace saw the monster and froze, it was like the monster e would see under his bed,the one his father would tell stories on saying "the white men who failed". every kid was taught the story,and now Grimace was looking at one....so he ran. the thing went after the five year old,chasing the kid into the food building. the chef was cooking on the stove top before he was killed,his body left on top to burn. when his body bursted to flames it set the building on fire,grim didn't know this of course at the time,he just wanted to live,he didn't care on what he had to do,but this child was scared. Then,as if he could read minds a faceless man grabbed the five year old. he thought of eating the child but noticed he was...different,non-human if one could say.....
from that day they found out more about the kid,new bloody wings sprang from his back as they experimented on him. he was only a test subject for five years,till he was ten. he hasn't worn normal clothes or learned anything but when food will come to his "cell". after his tenth birthday(which no one celebrated) ,he was called in to become a proxy,and he became one so he would never have to be locked away again. he became a good killer at the time,using his wings to kill those on airplanes or high houses,other times he would just magically have his wings disappear. he gained the name "the winged nazi" from this,he even became the same level as the other proxies in just four years.....until he found a film.
He was on a killing spree one night,ending at a library. they had books. Grimace shrugged,he could not read. then he saw the films,he saw one that looked to be about world war two...he snuck it in his bag and went home.
That night he watched the movie and realized everything,how disgusting killing is..but what would he do? if he was to say anything he would be locked away again,or worse. he decided to sneak away,but that ended with him barely making it away alive. when he did get away he started to become weaker,he could not find food or anything and he never learned how to act in society....but he knew that now,he would rather die then go back...or...maybe he would go back one day when he is stronger...and help mankind by killing those unlike him. he did not know that this is going to make him the same monster they are....or become a nazi,not for jews or for anyone in general...it would make him a nazi hunting for creepypastas.

(im proud of this story *^*)
in his original story,when i first made him,it was ww2 based like this....its the first time i wrote it down though!!))
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu It's definitely improved. The story is better. But, I got to ask, is your shift button broken or something. And the space bar as well. I'm sorry if I'm nitpicking, but I'm trying not to make this into the stereotypical creepypasta with the iconic bad grammar. For insistence, when someone's starting a sentence, they usually capitalize the first letter of the sentence. (Ex: Hello there. How was your day?) But, I guess if you try to watch your grammar a bit better in the main thread (OOC I don't really care as much) it should be alright. Accepted!
Yay!! And yes i'll pay more attention to my shifts. But i dont know much about my space bar,some times it works other times it wont.
Alicia Midnight
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Alicia is cheerful and kind, making it easy for her to make friends, but she doesn't know the dark past in her family, she normally acts oblivious to all things bad, but that's just an act, as she has seen the horrors herself. When the topic comes up she will turn serious and dark, as she has a deep hatred towards the killers for reasons she doesn't like sharing with anyone, she has become ruthless and took lessons in several fighting styles so she can defend herself if needed, she also knows how to use a gun. for long distances.
On the outside she has lived a perfect life, but that's just an act, she used to have a younger sister by a year, who suddenly went missing, she hasn't given up yet with her search for her sister. They moved away from their quiet town to an area with a forest when she was younger, her father had said 'You need to go outside more Ali', which was total bullshit as she spend a lot of time outside, but for some reason she was drawn to the forest. A few days after she turned 14 she followed her father into the forest to warn him about the rumors, but she was too late and a deafening scream along with the sound of someone being fried alive was heard, she ran over to see a figure standing over her father, a girl around her age, with black hair and blood red glowing eyes, she of course let out a scream of fear getting the attention to her, she passed out and the last thing she heard was "Know what's good for you and stay out of here", she woke up in her own bed and decided all the times someone said that there are monsters they weren't lying, she went to her mother and once again asked where her sister was, her mother replied with "Probably dead by now", that made some gears turn and she decided to get rid of whoever killed her father and possibly her sister too. She learned about what her parents used to do when she turned 15, her mother said she wasn't proud of all the 'monsters' they made, but Alicia could see there was more to it. To help ease her mother's mind she told them she would hunt them down and get rid of them, but that just got her a sad look "I wish it hadn't been your sister" are the words that still haunt her to this day.
Belief in Creepypasta: Yes, she has seen them herself

Real Name:
Jade Midnight
CP Name: Nightmare
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Abilities: Entering people's dreams and messing with them after putting them to sleep, inhuman speed/strength, turning into a fox, making her weapon appear and disappear
Nightmare has a sweet side, one she rarely shows to others unless she feels like it, she's always up for playing a game with her prey before killing them, she marks them by giving them nightmares about how she will kill them, so she's mostly not in the forest, she'll be looking for targets. Despite her sadistic side she is protective of her older sister, who doesn't know it's her that killed their father for their own good as her mother had long redeemed herself and made everything right. Her methods of killing vary, sometimes she keeps up the nightmares until her target kills themselves and then she takes the kidneys from said person for her favorite killer, or she makes the nightmares mild and makes them curious why they're so drawn to the forest, where she'll kill them either by stabbing them, beheading them or electrocuting them.

She thinks of killing as a game and she loves it.
Nightmare wasn't always Nightmare, she was Jade Midnight, younger sister of Alicia, her parents used to be mad scientist, but her mother let that behind her when she had her second daughter, her father didn't and when Jade was 5 he took her to the lab for a 'tour', she didn't return home. Turns out they were experimenting on humans with animal DNA and she was the perfect candidate as he called it, she was stuck there for years until her mother came by and found out where she had been all those years she was gone. Instead of lila hair and jade green eyes she now had pitch black hair and blood red glowing eyes, but her mother knew it was her. She got out of the lab with help and then turned to it, waited until everyone left and then hit it with a lightning bolt at the age of 10. She left the town and headed somewhere where she knew she wouldn't be alone, Slenderman being the first one she met, he took her with him and trained her in everything she has to know and he let her pick a weapon., she met the others after she was done training with Slenderman.
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Flame Demon Flame Demon The only problem I have with it is that you said that you were with the Creepypasta Hunters since you were 14. The problem with that is that the Creepypasta Hunters are just starting. Other than that, your story seems pretty solid, Accepted (But I would still change the thing I mentioned though)
Flame Demon Flame Demon The only problem I have with it is that you said that you were with the Creepypasta Hunters since you were 14. The problem with that is that the Creepypasta Hunters are just starting. Other than that, your story seems pretty solid, Accepted (But I would still change the thing I mentioned though)
Removed that part

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