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Realistic or Modern Kingpin - OOC



can i get a fucken uhhhhhhhhh


All credits for this RP go to Semblance Semblance ! She wrote everything and came up with the idea.
This is a reboot of her original Kingpin RP.

/coded by allure/


The feeling of summer ending and the dreaded first day of school is hated by many high school students. At Avon High, this is no different. However, there is one thing to look forward to as the summer draws to a close. The Kingpin's Party.

The King family is arguably one of the richest families in town, owning a lavish mansion and living the life of, ironically, a king. The family's son, nicknamed the Kingpin, is the most popular student at Avon High, so he holds a huge party on the last night of summer every year at the coveted family mansion. It is often named the best party of the year and a perfect way to end the summer.

This year is no different. As you and your friends party the night away with dancing, drinking, smoking, laughing, and celebrating, certain events unfold at this year's party that will change the rest of your high school career.

hiii i'm alex but you can call me pulp or any variation of my username really. my co-gm is deer deer please read everything from every link provided throughly before posting a cs!


This role play will start from the first day of school, the party having taken place two nights before. Read the character roles in the CS link thoroughly to find out what happened to each of them at the party and how their reputations have changed, whether for better or for worse.

I expect 2+ paragraphs per post. Upon my acceptance of your character, I expect you to be able to post IC within two weeks or I'll have to boot you out. I expect regular posting IC, meaning once a day, but I'll of course consider excuses (I'm not a monster!). This is most definitely not first come first serve. Please be original and diverse!

QUEEN BEE [Best friends with the Cheerleader - Dating the Kingpin] TAKEN BY Semblance Semblance
She is filthy rich, as her family's wealth is comparable to that of the Kings'. Residing in a fancy mansion as well, she and the Kingpin have been dating for around a year now. They are the power couple of the school, ruling the social hierarchy together. She was one of the popular girls who invited the Slut as a joke, but she didn't realize what would happen to her. Because she and the Kingpin got into an argument right before the party, she decided to get wasted and ended up accidentally hooking up with the Player.

THE SLUT [Best friends with the Stoner] TAKEN BY deer deer
Before the party, she was known as the Wallflower, but then she was invited to the party as a joke by the popular girls. Deciding it was time for her debut in the social scene, she attended the party. Things took a turn for the worse when someone spiked her drink, and the next thing she remembered, she woke up in one of the bedrooms the next morning in her bra and underwear with no recollection of what happened the night before. The next day at school, everyone began whispering about what a slut she is and the popular boys began to try to get in her pants.

THE HIPSTER [Best friends with the Nerd]
She is completely out of the popular social scene, but she was walking by the mansion that night when the party was happening, and a group of drunk boys invited her in. Deciding that she had nothing else to do and realizing that this could be entertaining, she agreed to stay for a bit. Because she is from a rather poor family, having to work two jobs and care for her younger sibling as a result of her absentee parents, she has always despised the Kingpin's and the Queen Bee's lavish lifestyles. However, she bumped into the Kingpin just as he was walking downstairs from his father's office. Because he was drunk and emotional, he spilled to her that he was adopted. They ended up talking throughout the entire night and she realized that there was another side to him. Although they did not hook up, some feelings between them may have been sparked that night.

THE CHEERLEADER [Best "friends" with the Queen Bee]
Captain of the cheerleading team, she is one of the most popular girls in school after the Queen Bee. Although she is best friends with the Queen Bee, she is jealous of her friend's social status and would do anything to become the most popular girl in the school, even if that means hooking up with the Kingpin. She was also one of the girls who invited the Slut to the party as a joke. At the party, however, she got extremely wasted and hooked up with the Nerd. The next morning, she was so embarrassed that she pretended it never happened and ignores him ever since.

THE PREP [Twins with the Player - Dating the Quarterback]
She has been dating the Quarterback for a long time now, and she is completely head-over-heels for him. She knows that he acts like an asshole at school, but she has seen the soft, sensitive side of him that no one else has. She is completely oblivious to the fact that he's gay. However, after watching him take pictures of the Slut in her bra/underwear at the party, she has begun to reconsider her perspective on him.

THE KINGPIN [Dating the Queen Bee - Best friends with the Player]
The most popular guy in school, his family's wealth is only comparable to the Queen Bee's family. He hosted this prestigious end-of-the-summer party at his mansion, but got into a huge argument with the Queen Bee right before it started. As a result, they did not talk the entire night. When he went upstairs to his father's office to take a break from the party, in his drunken state of mind, he decided to look through his father's files. To his utter shock, he found his own adoption papers in one of the folders.

THE NERD [Best friends with the Hipster] TAKEN BY pulpfiction pulpfiction
He was only invited to the party because he agreed to do the Kingpin's homework for the rest of the year in exchange for an invite. At the party, he had his first conversation with the Cheerleader, and realized that she was more than the shallow bitch that she pretends to be. After hooking up with her, he has developed feelings for her and is devastated to find that she doesn't even acknowledge him.

THE STONER [Best friends with the Slut]
He is best friends with the Slut and has had a crush on her for the longest time, so he was worried when she told him that she decided to go to this party. Although he wasn't invited, when he showed up to the mansion with some party favors, no one complained. Because he was the only one who wasn't drunk (albeit he was high), he was able to see and remember everything that happened. When he walked into the bedroom that the Slut had passed out in, he saw a group of jocks taking pictures of her on the bed in her bra and underwear. Fueled with anger, the Stoner rushed into the room and punched the Quarterback in the face. As a result, the Quarterback's friends retaliated and beat the Stoner up.

THE QUARTERBACK [Dating the Prep]
The biggest asshole in the school. Being the captain of the football team, his ego has inflated so much and he is always on his high horse. He and the Prep have been dating for a long time now, but he is carrying a secret that he has never told anyone. He's gay, and he's only dating her as a cover up. This causes him to overcompensate and act like the heterosexual jackass that everyone thinks he is. At the party, he and his friends decided to take pictures of the Slut passed out in her bra/underwear as a joke when the Stoner rushed in. He has had a crush on the Stoner for a while now, so he felt completely helpless as he watched his friends beat him up.

THE PLAYER [Best friends with the Kingpin, Twins with the Prep]
He was the first in his grade to lose his virginity, and he is always seen flirting with girls and trying to hook up with them. At the King's Party, that was no different. In fact, he had his first threesome that night, the Slut being one girl and a random cheerleader being the other, but he found himself waking up next to the Queen Bee the next morning.

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also i just realized u were in the original rp w/ me and now ur gonna realize i'm reusing oliver n yes i totally made this entire reboot for closure just to reach his full potential
i was!!!!

i think i played the quarterback but my character was poooooop

i wanted to go for the hipster or the slut but i hate competion because im a small child
i was!!!!

i think i played the quarterback but my character was poooooop

i wanted to go for the hipster or the slut but i hate competion because im a small child
SON i honestly highly doubt ur character was poop ssshhhh
but honestly same me too it gives me so much anxiety. go for absolutely anything u want the sluts taken tho!!
SON i honestly highly doubt ur character was poop ssshhhh
but honestly same me too it gives me so much anxiety. go for absolutely anything u want the sluts taken tho!!
i just went back to the old thread and found the character

i think i was in this twice once as the quarterback and then again as the prep, imma just go for the prep bc my charrie was acc pretty good!!!
i just went back to the old thread and found the character

i think i was in this twice once as the quarterback and then again as the prep, imma just go for the prep bc my charrie was acc pretty good!!!
AAAAAAAAAAA yes i remember her i loved her to bits omg yay
I really wanna join this it sounds like so much fun ;-; but damn the hipster is already taken
the prep is here
YESS so happy to see some old folks coming back :) I remembered how much I loved your prep character

Think I'm gonna go for Queen Bee this time around hehe

Can't wait to start plotting/discuss character relations after we all have our characters done
I really wanna join this it sounds like so much fun ;-; but damn the hipster is already taken
It isn't first come first serve! pulpfiction pulpfiction will choose which character she thinks best fits each role after everyone has posted their character sheets
The only ones reserved are Nerd (for pulp) and Queen Bee (for me) :)
It isn't first come first serve! pulpfiction pulpfiction will choose which character she thinks best fits each role after everyone has posted their character sheets
The only ones reserved are Nerd (for pulp) and Queen Bee (for me) :)
Competition really isn't for me but ill give it a try.
hello everyone !!
i'm so excited to be here and honored to be asked to be co-gm agdaldhajda;
everyone's charas are looking good so far and i can't wait to see 'em!
Semblance Semblance : hi darling , eeeep thank you<3
_KoKo_ _KoKo_ Hey, I'm not sure if you've noticed but there is no "Rich Girl" role in this RP. If you want a female role, you can apply for the Hipster, the Cheerleader or the Prep. The roles are all stated above.
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Moonraker Moonraker : wow, i hope you dont mind my really late response adgaldgad
but ouii! the quarterback would seem fun
*coughcough* not for my child but *cough*cough*
Haha! Well, your child might not be quarterback material but she is b e a u t i f u l. Like, your sheet is just wowwowwow
o m g .
thank you so much. but your sheet is beautiful too?!! likeee
i was in awe when i was scrolling through and i was like HOLD THE PHONE.
and i scrolled back and i was like pretty.
adgadla and it took me forever to figure out if i wanted to use her or not aagdlad
and she really is gorgeous !
o m g .
thank you so much. but your sheet is beautiful too?!! likeee
i was in awe when i was scrolling through and i was like HOLD THE PHONE.
and i scrolled back and i was like pretty.
adgadla and it took me forever to figure out if i wanted to use her or not aagdlad
and she really is gorgeous !
Aaaah, you're too sweet! Tbh it took a while to get it the way I wanted it, so I'm happy to hear that you like it. : ) And I think you made a very good choice!
Aaaah, you're too sweet! Tbh it took a while to get it the way I wanted it, so I'm happy to hear that you like it. : ) And I think you made a very good choice!
eeep ! thank you so much !
and sameeee ! i always take forever to get codes to how i like it ! and i can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to making sure it looks good on all screen nowadays or else it’ll drive me insane agahhsskkssl.
pulpfiction pulpfiction : psst check your discord (only bc i didn’t want to spam you here either hehehe)

hello everyone who’s hereeee!
Semblance Semblance d a n g e r d a n g e r byeol byeol logastellus logastellus _KoKo_ _KoKo_ spectro spectro Moonraker Moonraker v i n e v i n e ShadyAce ShadyAce vixe vixe
Hey guys! You can check the locations tab now for what the mansion looks like. I'll be adding more locations (the school, some places around town) later on.

I'm just reminding everyone that there are plenty of roles to choose from! The Player, the Kingpin, and Quarterback are still free (as it seems the Stoner is very popular right now). Same goes for the girl roles, don't be scared to apply for the Prep and the Cheerleader! The Hipster isn't the only interesting role out there. :)
I finished my character, if you would like to get it a lookie.
vixe vixe : hello ! and ill check out your chara soon!

@everyoneelse : hello guysss !
emmeline the 'slut' has most of her information up [aside from her backstory which i shall add later]
feel free to check her out<3

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