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Hello! I'd love to do the personal knight x prince plot, or many of the fandoms you listed, maybe even a crossover between the knight x prince and one of your fandoms. Either way, feel free to message me! Or I can message you if you want :)
Hello! I'd love to do the personal knight x prince plot, or many of the fandoms you listed, maybe even a crossover between the knight x prince and one of your fandoms. Either way, feel free to message me! Or I can message you if you want :)
A crossover sounds super cool! Messaging you soon!

I'd be interested in RP'ing with you!

I'd send you a PM, but I can't yet, so if you could send me one?

Would be wonderful.

I'd actually be really interested in the poly idea. I've never tried doing a poly RP before, but I think having three characters play off of each other could be really fun. Since we'd need a third person anyway, I figured I'd post this here instead of PMing you. Maybe someone else will see this?

Plot-wise I'm pretty flexible, though I really like stories with supernatural elements to them. Maybe we could go with your Demon x Human pairing and expand it into a Demon x Human x Demon Hunter thing? That could be fun.

I'd actually be really interested in the poly idea. I've never tried doing a poly RP before, but I think having three characters play off of each other could be really fun. Since we'd need a third person anyway, I figured I'd post this here instead of PMing you. Maybe someone else will see this?

Plot-wise I'm pretty flexible, though I really like stories with supernatural elements to them. Maybe we could go with your Demon x Human pairing and expand it into a Demon x Human x Demon Hunter thing? That could be fun.
That sounds super cute! What kind of genders? MxMxM/FxFxF/etc?

Hopefully someone will see this...~~
That sounds super cute! What kind of genders? MxMxM/FxFxF/etc?

Hopefully someone will see this...~~

(insert the Both. Both is good. gif here)
MxMxM sounds really nice rn actually, but I also really like playing female characters, so...anything, really? If someone wants to play a non-binary character that'd also be super cool with me.

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