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Fantasy Academy For The Inhuman

(( Coffeepot Giraffe Coffeepot Giraffe I don't know. I would recommend posting in the OOC and "@"-ing the creator of this rp, or perhaps PMing him. :) ))
(( Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Apologies for it being so short. I couldn't think of what to do.))
Lira just about jumped out of her skin, dropping the keys that she had used to open the door to her dorm. She sighed, looking at the older boy with surprised eyes, "Your friends could do with being a bit more polite then." She glanced at her room and shook her head, "You startled the heck out of me. I'd ask what you're doing here, but I suppose it's a bit more surprising having a girl in the male dormitory." She was trying to be polite, despite being exceedingly annoyed at this boy. "So, what's your name? And by what you said, I think it's safe to assume you aren't a first year student? I might be inclined to ask you what you think of the school if you aren't busy," she questioned, smiling a little, albeit awkwardly.
Alucard relaxed a bit taking a more serious tone “Alucard Tepish, It is a pleasure to meet you miss, but could I ask you a question?” Grinning he leaned down to her ear “what race are you? depending on what you are you may want to watch your back, that incident he mentioned in his opening speech about the previous group was far from a pretty sight” a smile coming across his face, an almost twisted smile “I’ll make sure you get to your dorm room at night safely, some of the students here would even make me look a saint, and my great great grandfather enjoyed impaling entire armies” standing up straight he fixed his glasses “now in general terms it is an excellent school, all the teachers have extensive knowledge of their courses or personal experience with the subject or time period and the food is to die for” winking at her he chuckled.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
(( Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf ))
Lira shivered, frowning a bit at his comments and general creepy closeness, "If you're referring to my smell, then it's because I'm a Magi. We have magically potent blood. I am curious about this incident you mentioned, however." She furrowed her brow and picked up her keys that were still on the floor, "I appreciate your offer, I suppose. It seems like my roommate isn't currently here, but this is my room, as is evident by me opening the door before you grabbed me." He made her nervous. If he had realized she had interesting blood, that meant he was a vampire, and that was all the more reason for her to be nervous. "Luckily, I'm not very hungry at the moment, and nor am I overly tired. Do you know what we need to prepare for? I worry the Headmaster may test us first year students to see where we fit, or something of the sort."

Thyme chirped up a little "Good to meet you bro" He followed Thomas' gaze lazily as he was seemingly being inspected, hardly like this guy was likely to lynch him so he paid it little mind. After a small pause as Thyme shifted his bag slightly off his shoulder so he could slip it off with ease, he paced towards the unocuppied looking bed, dropping his bag onto the white sheets and using the heel of his shoe to slide the divider along to shield him from sight as he went to take off his jacket. "As for getting dressed, just go with whatever you usually wear, better to establish who you are now than to put on a mask at the very start right?"

TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop
“Good thing I’m not hungry either otherwise you’d make a great snack!” Alucard laughing at the idea thought of her blood “but I can’t really tell you about it, you’d have to ask the head master. Now what would he do to test you? It could be a physical or written exam or maybe he won’t do anything” Grinning as he waved his hand, the door shutting and locking behind them. “Some of the other students get a little restless at night, like myself but with no self control, may I perhaps taste your blood?” He asked trying to be considerate with his request.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
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(( Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf ))

Her ferret, which was still on her shoulders like a catsnake scarf, growled a little at the vampire. "You're acting like a predator, and I don't really appreciate it," Lira said, matter of fact in her words and tone, "I appreciate you telling me what you can, and I suppose I'll just have to wait it out to see what happens." She opened her door again and stepped inside, beginning to shut the door, "It was nice to meet you, though I do hope that most of the men in this dormitory have the wherewithal to avoid randomly grabbing women they do not yet know... and I also hope they attempt to be a better example for their species. Stereotypes are to be broken, not perpetuated." She shut the door and locked it with that last comment, letting a relieved sigh leave her lips.

She chose the bed on the right, tossing her cellphone and wallet onto it. Great, she thought as Artemis hopped down onto the bed as well and started trying to make a cave out of the pillows, I need to remember that other species are more... animalistic. They have different desires and urges than I'm used to. That was silly of me... and could have gone a lot worse. "I need to be more careful," she muttered aloud as she sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room with a lot less enthusiasm than she had previously enjoyed.
Keaton finally came to a halt near where Alex had decided to lie down, plopping unceremoniously down next to her. He hadn't been aware the seemingly-magical accessories had a particular meaning. Now he was curious. "Sure. If you're okay with sharing it, I'd be interested to know."

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

18:00 (6 PM)
The sky had dimmed a little to a dulcet grey as the afternoon went on, for an hour or so now there had been a hustle and bustle throughout the school field, dozens of pot-bellied green creatures were scurrying about, clumsily placing tables and fiddling haplessly with electronics. Every so often, someone would pass by and help them out, a mixture of students and teachers were serving as supervisors of the stumpy work force.

Eventually it came time. By 5:30, the creatures (that looked awfully like traditional goblins in Tolkien fantasy) had scurried away. Leaving in their wake a number of large tables, loaded to the brim with an assortment of food and drink. No alcohol though. There were a number of glass bottles dotted about the place, rather dully labelled 'blood' for the vampires as well.

Taking up the centre of the field was a towering bonfire, perhaps a dozen feet high and neatly stacked with a pale purple wood, in front of it lay the stage, black curtains drawn, though a racket could be heard from behind.

By 5:45, a few students had shown up and begun to mingle, and at the stroke of 6, the night-black curtains began to rise as a number of borderline offensively bright lights snapped on behind it, five murky silhouettes veiled by the now drawing curtains.

DevonWrites DevonWrites Deathkitten Deathkitten TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop Pacificus Pacificus
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

>I'm moving on to keep an actual pace going, feel free to decide what time your characters showed up, but the present time will be the very stroke of 6. If you were in the middle of posting, finish up a conversation.

Coffeepot Giraffe Coffeepot Giraffe ListlessEvie ListlessEvie
Now is a good time to make your first post, I'll sort out your character's rooms etc in a bit

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
On a different note, could you potentially town down the flirtatious aspect of your character's? Currently they're basically just saying the equivalent of 'want sum fuk?' to people they've known for about 0-4 hours. If that's how you would like to run your characters that is fine, but I just figured I'd mention it now.
Keaton finally came to a halt near where Alex had decided to lie down, plopping unceremoniously down next to her. He hadn't been aware the seemingly-magical accessories had a particular meaning. Now he was curious. "Sure. If you're okay with sharing it, I'd be interested to know."

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Alex sat up quickly as her phones alarm went off “crap the party! We need to hurry back and get changed!” Skipping on telling him what they meant for they time being she got up and offered him a hand “cmon Keaton, I guess I’ll have to wear that dress now....ugh I got so caught up on the blood and our run I almost forgot!” Freaking out a bit as she silenced her alarm.
DevonWrites DevonWrites

Alucard had put on a suit and grabbed a tray with a couple of glasses as well as a bottle labeled blood. He had decided to help out with the party and make an appearance as well as try to be a good example for the rest of his third year student body. Walking around pouring a couple drinks for some of the first years while keeping his composure when one of his friends tried to make him laugh and drop the tray.

@ all
Keaton nodded and started off towards the dorm, trusting that Alex could keep pace. He still had no idea what he was going to wear, but he'd worry about it when they got there. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the fading exhilaration from the run. He expected to be horribly bored for the next few hours, so he had to take what enjoyment he could get beforehand.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ace wandered on to the field, not sure about what to do. He sat down by himself after pranking some people with woopie cushions. Ace grabbed some blood, not realizing it wasn't ketchup.
Alucard gently grabbed Ace’s arm with a warm smile on his face. “I don’t think you would enjoy that as much as I would, it’s a little too rich for your tastes” Chuckling as he gently took the bottle from ace and sat it down “how about some juice or soda” not realizing what exactly Ace was looking for.
Coffeepot Giraffe Coffeepot Giraffe

Alex kept up with him, laughing a bit as the two returned to the dorm “let me grab a quick shower and be ready after that, I know exactly what I’m going to wear okay?” Unlocking their door Alex ran straight into the bathroom, grabbing her bag on the way. Quickly showering and changing so she could help Keaton pick something out. She had done her hair and gotten dressed already so helping him wouldn’t be too difficult, she hoped.
(How she did her hair and clothes)
DevonWrites DevonWrites
Tyia smiled as she went to her dorm snd she yawned " so first day st the new school" she joked goinging inside she put everything up and she went out with her pet . They walked down the halls looking around for anyone to talk to"

18:01 (6:01 PM)
Those black curtains finished their ascent as a thick grey fog billowed from the stage and down into the crowd, icy mist crashing up to their knees like a wave. The fog slowly began to break into wisps again as it spread across the campus, carrying with it what seemed like gentle, cursed moans. The silhouettes came in to proper view now, a group that didn't look dissimilar to the students, in age. In attire, they were very different, a pale-looking boy stood at the front, midnight cape billowing behind him as he spun to face the crowd, a popped collar that rose to his cheeks and what was clearly fake blood smeared on his chin, he gave the allusion of a classic vampire like Nosferatu that you'd see in old movies. He raised a microphone to his red-stained lips before calling out in a rasp but charismatic and peppy manner "Hellooooooooooo first years, as fellow students we'll be tonight's entertainment. If you've got any requests, just slip a note ontooooo this here box!" He pointed both his hands and finger-gunned a silver submission box to one side of the stage. "We. Are. Daemonium!"

As his yell died down, the lights kicked up again, moving from him and rolling across the four people behind him as if to highlight them.

First up was a slender-looking girl, she held a guitar in front of her, shaped like a broom. Atop her head, a crooked, pointy black hat.

The lights moved again, hovering over... the queen of England? No, a cursory glance would reveal that it was a man, long, snake-like tail lolling behind him and green-scaly face paint. He was dressed as the queen however, wig, crown and two golden sceptres, which he was using to slowly drum a melancholy beat.

Again the spotlight shifted, another woman, short with a pretty face, she donned a flowing white dress, split at the back to let cloud-white wings splay out behind her, a tacky-looking tinsel halo was held above her head by a thin wire. She sat beside a glossy, white piano.

At last they came to the most well-dressed of the menagerie of stereotypes, a black suit was accented with red stitching a and a scarlet tie. He gave off the air of a business man or lawyer; a wide smirk on his face. The only thing that ruined his dress sense were the plastic devil horns atop his slicked back hair. He was sat on a metal stool. Gently strumming what looked like a bass guitar, if it had been sent through a slaughterhouse and adorned with spikes.

The spotlights spread out to show each member now as they built a rhythm and kicked off with a melancholic song about lost love and missed opportunities, each now solely focusing on their instruments and one another.

DevonWrites DevonWrites Deathkitten Deathkitten TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop Pacificus Pacificus
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Coffeepot Giraffe Coffeepot Giraffe ListlessEvie ListlessEvie Tsutarji Tsutarji Kersey Kersey
Thomas arrived down at the field once more, easily finding his way there. He had dressed down, according to him. He had never owned anything too casual, so while the clothes he wore were casual for him, they were still quite fancy in comparison to most. He stood in the middle of the crowd, mostly watching the band as they played but also looking around at the people. Never before had he been at a gathering of this nature. The ones he had been to had always been formal events meant for royalty. It was nice to see this, he enjoyed it thoroughly. As he swayed gently to the music, he noticeably looked around for Lira.

Deathkitten Deathkitten

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