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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


She thanked the girl profusely. "Well it is time to get to class." she spoke to the girl who helped her. She changed into her gym clothes and left the restroom. Of course it was not strange to wear gym clothes outside of gym class. Most girls who passed her gave her sympathetic looks, but no one openly insulted her, except the expected jeers of her male classmates, which comes with the territory of being a girl, she figured.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
Lumina still couldn't place where she knew this guy from. It was a little bothersome, this feeling tugging at her very being. Like..something locked far away inside herself and her memory that wanted to be freed, but didn't quite know how. He passed out the plates and it was then that Lumina realized she was staring, and averted her gaze back to her book. She guessed he had probably seen her staring, but she figured it was rude to stare as she was. She kept her gaze down until the slamming of hands brought her attention back up, her blue eyes meeting this boy's amber-yellow ones. He seemed...angry? Lumina looked at him as he spoke, wondering what he could possibly be talking about. Having nerve to show her face? Genuinely confused, Lumina responded. "I-I'm sorry... um, who are you?"


Current Location: Classroom
Status: Talking to...an old friend?( Lumina Lumina )

"Hehehe, I gotcha didn't I? Yeah, I know it's been awhile Lumi, but I'm surprised t- wait, what?"

Kalin looked at her with a confused expression as he stood up, not sure he'd heard clearly. Tapping his chin, he leaned in once again and examined her fully. Tugging at her wings, pinching and poking her cheeks and nose, before returning to holding his chin in thought. Well, this would be soo awkward, if he was wrong. But he couldn't be wrong.

"I definitely see you in there, so what's the deal, acting like a stranger? You'd think ya would cry at least a little. I mean, I haven't seen you in all these years, and I just randomly run into you here at school, and you act like you don't know me. That's crazy. Like, really crazy. Are you trying to prank me back, Luminaire? It's totally not funny if you are. Are you embarrassed to be seen near me? I promise I've grown up plenty since the last time we saw each other... "

Current Location: Classroom
Status: Talking to...an old friend?( Lumina Lumina )

"Hehehe, I gotcha didn't I? Yeah, I know it's been awhile Lumi, but I'm surprised t- wait, what?"

Kalin looked at her with a confused expression as he stood up, not sure he'd heard clearly. Tapping his chin, he leaned in once again and examined her fully. Tugging at her wings, pinching and poking her cheeks and nose, before returning to holding his chin in thought. Well, this would be soo awkward, if he was wrong. But he couldn't be wrong.

"I definitely see you in there, so what's the deal, acting like a stranger? You'd think ya would cry at least a little. I mean, I haven't seen you in all these years, and I just randomly run into you here at school, and you act like you don't know me. That's crazy. Like, really crazy. Are you trying to prank me back, Luminaire? It's totally not funny if you are. Are you embarrassed to be seen near me? I promise I've grown up plenty since the last time we saw each other... "
Lumina just stared in confusion at this guy as he spoke. She had never seen this guy in her life before, why was he acting like she knew him? Her thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly invaded her personal space, tugging on her wings, pinching her cheek... the Phoenix squeaked in surprise and general uncomfortability, totally unsure as to what was going on. Her face flushed red in embarrassment and confusion, feeling a little lost and violated. He continued speaking, talking as if he knew her. That was weird because she definitely didn't know him...right? That weird feeling was tugging at her being, but the confusion she was feeling distracted her from it. "I-I'm sorry, I don't-" Lumina tried getting a word in, but it seemed this boy was insistent that they knew each other and was trying to figure out why she wouldn't recognize him, or something like that. Though, there was something he said that caught her off guard. Luminaire. He had just called her that. Hearing that, a surge of...well, something went through her mind. Like a blast of fragmented pictures scrolling through her mind all at once. But it only lasted a second, and it left her both feeling lightheaded and headachey all at the same time, and she attempted to stumble through some kind of cohesive response. "I-I'm sorry, I-I'm not...I don't know who, um, Luminaire is, a-and I don't know you..."
Gail watches him fidget slightly, and smiles back at him as she subconsciously twiddles with her hair almost in response to his own fidgeting. She nods in response as he tells her of what his plans were before seeing her, understanding completely - well, as best as someone who doesn't sleep can, anyway. As Ren continues on, she was about to think of what to talk about when her train of thought gets completely derailed by his final question. It was clear she wasn't expecting anything of the sort since she spends a second or two to think up something. "Er...", she stammers unsurely, "S-sure! Anything you had in mind? I can't think of anything, although it has been a while since I've done anything like that...apart from the other day with you, of course."
"Really? Great!" Ren exclaimed happily, glad that she had said accepted his offer to hangout this weekend. He felt a lot less awkward about this situation now,m and well honestly, he sorta forgot why he felt that way the entire time. When Gail asked him if he had anything in mind for them to do this weekend, he rubbed his chin in thought, his eyes lighting up when the idea finally hit him, "How about a movie? To be exact, a movie of your choice. I'm willing to see anything." He said, smiling as he nodded his head, awaiting a response from Gail on the idea. If she had any input on anything, he was willing to hear it, he wouldn't mind if she wanted to do something entirely different anyways. He'd just enjoy the time spent with her.
Diamond smiles, not that Elysande would be able to see, as she hugs him. He appreciated her gratitude, especially since other members of her ancestry treated him as a slave, as it reminded him how nice people are and gave his job as a guardian meaning. However, it often is quite awkward since he was a good foot or two taller than her - it was like being hugged by a child.

As she looks up to him with her grin, asking him a question, he looks back as he answers. "I have. It is a nice feeling, to be relieved of mental stress."

Panacea Panacea
Elysande gave a nod in return and opened her history book, quickly flipping through the pages and then scribbling down answers on the few remaining questions. After about ten minutes, Ely was done and she smiled and immediately stood up before jumping onto the couch and hopping up and down. It was a common quirk of hers that she did not whilst excited. Something that was never dropped from her childhood. After a few moments of jumping, she hopped down off the couch and looked up at Diamond. "I want to do stuff. Can you give me some ideas?"
Celaena did feel bad about already wanting to cut their time together short. But after embarrassing herself in front of him, and her outburst probably embarrassing him, she didn't feel like she had the right to be around him for much longer. If she wanted to make friends, she had to be comfortable in this strange world first. Only then would it be fair for someone like him. It might take a while, and it might be difficult, but Celaena knew it was something she had to do. With a nod, the fae got in the car, fumbling a bit trying to put the seatbelt on. She got it after a few tries, and sat back against the seat. She sighed, placing her hands in her lap, trying not to show how jumbled her thoughts were.
Ansom just nodded and watched as the fae did her seatbelt and gave a small smile when she finally clicked it into the slot. "Nice job, C." He chuckled and then with a sigh, turned the key in the ignition, listening to the engine roar to life. It was a beautiful sound to Ansom, equivalent to that of the sound of a newborn baby. He turned his body slightly to look out the back window as he backed out of the spot. He then turned back forward, put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot for the mall. Ansom was practically silent for the entire ride, only breaking that silence by mumbling song lyrics or loudly cussing out other drivers. After some time of driving, Ansom pulled up to the park and stopped the car.
"Really? Great!" Ren exclaimed happily, glad that she had said accepted his offer to hangout this weekend. He felt a lot less awkward about this situation now,m and well honestly, he sorta forgot why he felt that way the entire time. When Gail asked him if he had anything in mind for them to do this weekend, he rubbed his chin in thought, his eyes lighting up when the idea finally hit him, "How about a movie? To be exact, a movie of your choice. I'm willing to see anything." He said, smiling as he nodded his head, awaiting a response from Gail on the idea. If she had any input on anything, he was willing to hear it, he wouldn't mind if she wanted to do something entirely different anyways. He'd just enjoy the time spent with her.

Gail smiles cheerfully as Ren exclaims excitedly, clearly happy to be hanging out with her - something that she still wasn't used to. She was more happy that she was being more social, though, and didn't want something akin to paranoia to ruin it. Besides, it made Ren happy and Gail didn't want to take that away from him. As Ren spouts his idea to her, though, her face curls into a smirk as she thinks up of an idea. "Hmm...how about a horror?" She says to him, with complete sincerity. "I like seeing different ideas of fear from different producers, and I especially like the ones based off real legends - it's odd to see how they are portrayed in films." After a second of careful consideration, however, she quickly speaks up before Ren could answer. "Oh! Unless you want to do something else, of course. I'd hate to drag you to something you wouldn't like."
Elysande gave a nod in return and opened her history book, quickly flipping through the pages and then scribbling down answers on the few remaining questions. After about ten minutes, Ely was done and she smiled and immediately stood up before jumping onto the couch and hopping up and down. It was a common quirk of hers that she did not whilst excited. Something that was never dropped from her childhood. After a few moments of jumping, she hopped down off the couch and looked up at Diamond. "I want to do stuff. Can you give me some ideas?"

As Elysande writes down the last remnants of her history work, Diamond stands completely still, like the sentinel he is, as he watches over Elysande with his eyeless gaze. He stands tall and proud, with his palms resting on the the pommel of his massive blade, as he does so almost daring danger to come for Elysande. After she was finished her work, Diamond watches as she bounces on the sofa - a quirk she had. To be honest, he didn't really care about her quirks - everyone had their own, after all. He looks to her as she asks her question, somewhat unsure of how to answer. "Well, are there any friends you've made you could do something with? If you haven't, why not try to make some?"
Gail smiles cheerfully as Ren exclaims excitedly, clearly happy to be hanging out with her - something that she still wasn't used to. She was more happy that she was being more social, though, and didn't want something akin to paranoia to ruin it. Besides, it made Ren happy and Gail didn't want to take that away from him. As Ren spouts his idea to her, though, her face curls into a smirk as she thinks up of an idea. "Hmm...how about a horror?" She says to him, with complete sincerity. "I like seeing different ideas of fear from different producers, and I especially like the ones based off real legends - it's odd to see how they are portrayed in films." After a second of careful consideration, however, she quickly speaks up before Ren could answer. "Oh! Unless you want to do something else, of course. I'd hate to drag you to something you wouldn't like."
Ren could enjoy a good horror movie, mainly because he was never scared of them, and well it's what Gail wanted to see. He could only listen to her talk about them with a smile on his face. She seemed passionate about that genre in his opinion. When she had told him they could do something else, he shook his head no. "No, that's perfect. If we end up doing anything else, then so be it. The element of surprise is always nice anyways." Ren chuckled and fixed his glasses, his smile remaining as he did so. "Anyways, for the time being, would you just like to sit and talk? I mean, we probably don't have much time to do anything anyways." Ren suggested, motioning to the tree that Gail had sat before. "It's a nice day out to relax with a friend too, right?"
Ren could enjoy a good horror movie, mainly because he was never scared of them, and well it's what Gail wanted to see. He could only listen to her talk about them with a smile on his face. She seemed passionate about that genre in his opinion. When she had told him they could do something else, he shook his head no. "No, that's perfect. If we end up doing anything else, then so be it. The element of surprise is always nice anyways." Ren chuckled and fixed his glasses, his smile remaining as he did so. "Anyways, for the time being, would you just like to sit and talk? I mean, we probably don't have much time to do anything anyways." Ren suggested, motioning to the tree that Gail had sat before. "It's a nice day out to relax with a friend too, right?"

As Gail listens to him talk, she couldn't help agree to what he was saying. Life as an immortal wandering spirit could be fairly boring, so Gail learned quickly that random events were typically a good thing. "Yeah...life, or rather death, can be dull, so it's nice for surprises to happen." She says, in response, before Ren continues on with the conversation. She looks towards the tree as Ren points it out to her, being reminded of the first time they'd met, and nods as he mentions relaxing. She floats towards the tree, where she had left her bag and floats into a sitting position. As she beckons him to join her, she smiles as she starts talking. "Do you have many friends? Here at the school, I mean."
As Gail listens to him talk, she couldn't help agree to what he was saying. Life as an immortal wandering spirit could be fairly boring, so Gail learned quickly that random events were typically a good thing. "Yeah...life, or rather death, can be dull, so it's nice for surprises to happen." She says, in response, before Ren continues on with the conversation. She looks towards the tree as Ren points it out to her, being reminded of the first time they'd met, and nods as he mentions relaxing. She floats towards the tree, where she had left her bag and floats into a sitting position. As she beckons him to join her, she smiles as she starts talking. "Do you have many friends? Here at the school, I mean."
Ren nodded in agreement. He was apart of the living side, and seeing how Gail was apart of the dead, he knew if she said it was boring at times, he could believe her about it. "Same for us on the living side, my dear friend. There's only so much one with life can do, and the same goes for those who are dead I'm assuming." He said in response, chuckling a little bit. Ren wastched as Gail floated over to the tree, and he followed her there, putting his back against the tree and looking up through the branches and up at the blue sky. The flowers that had bloomed on the tree were as beautiful as ever and only made looking at the sky even better than it already was. When he was asked if he had many friends, he shrugged, "Not that I enjoy talking to as much as I enjoy talking to you anyways. We may have met only just a day ago, but in that amount of time, I've gotten to know a lot about you, and I must say, you're one interesting girl." He then smiled and looked over at Gail. "I'm hoping I get to learn even more about you in the time to come, so hopefully we can be friends for a really long time."
Ren nodded in agreement. He was apart of the living side, and seeing how Gail was apart of the dead, he knew if she said it was boring at times, he could believe her about it. "Same for us on the living side, my dear friend. There's only so much one with life can do, and the same goes for those who are dead I'm assuming." He said in response, chuckling a little bit. Ren wastched as Gail floated over to the tree, and he followed her there, putting his back against the tree and looking up through the branches and up at the blue sky. The flowers that had bloomed on the tree were as beautiful as ever and only made looking at the sky even better than it already was. When he was asked if he had many friends, he shrugged, "Not that I enjoy talking to as much as I enjoy talking to you anyways. We may have met only just a day ago, but in that amount of time, I've gotten to know a lot about you, and I must say, you're one interesting girl." He then smiled and looked over at Gail. "I'm hoping I get to learn even more about you in the time to come, so hopefully we can be friends for a really long time."

Gail sighs, as she listens to him speak. He was right, of course, but ther was more to it than that. Simply put, people were usually afraid of her - or, rather, what she is. According to most, she is a unnatural monstrosity that science couldn't even begin to comprehend; people are afraid of the unknown, after all, so she couldn't blame them for their fears. In a way, they are justified. "Yeah...", she says simply in an agreeing tone not really wanting to dump everything onto him.

However, as Ren continues with his talk, Gail starts to forget all the troubles she accidentally reminded herself with. As she grins in embarrassment, flushing as best as a ghost possibly could, she picks up a small daisy and starts plucking away at the white petals. "Really?", she says in a slight flurried tone as her cheeks flare nearly to a red, "You think so? I would say I'm much more dull than everyone else that attends here." She looks back at him with a cute, truly sincere - almost thankful - smile.

After Ren finishes speaking Gail drops the flower as she replies. "Oh, you want to know more about me? Like what?"
((Sorry for the delay! Was trying to work out what reply with, just made her react rather than ignore in the end up :P))
Rini had eventually reached the infirmary, not really caring where her "master" was at the moment. She didn't want to know. She couldn't even begin to understand why she was asked to do this, what would the girl even gain from Rini doing such a thing? Maybe a getting a laugh from it? She didn't understand the humour in it at all, but whatever. Knowing why didn't make it any more right. Reaching the doorway of the room Misafune was staying, she took a breath before walking into the room. She looked uncomfortable and rightfully so, who wouldn't be? She was just about to speak before her eyes had immediately moved to view the other boy that was now in the room with them both, blinking a few times her eyes narrowed, like she was trying to remember who he was but had quickly stopped when she realised she didn't recognise him at all. Great, now there was someone else here while she had to ask an already embarrassing thing, this was too embarrassing. Her cheeks were threatening to flare up now. Maybe she could hold up this...task she was given until this person left or atleast she hoped. "I'm Rini...nice to meet you Thomas" she said eventually, her tone a bit unsure.


Ariel had tilted her head a little when he congratulated her back. "I'm not sure if I need to be congratulated for that, but thanks?" She giggled a little before turning her head to place a small kiss on his lips. After pulling away again she spoke "So after that, do you think you'll be joining the music class officially?" She asked curiously "Since we always seem to be timetabled to different classes, It could be nice to at least be in the same class once in a while" she said smiling up at him.


((That would have been funny but she doesn't just drop xD she gradually gets fatigued over the space of about 5-10 minutes then drops off. Also he was in a hug for all the posts except one so I had no opener to do that either sorry xD))
Elaena now looked even more confused by their behaviour, or Everest's atleast. She smiled lazily at them, a gentle giggle escaping her lips before hand "You two are strange." she said simply. That may have sounded like an insult to some but it was infact a compliment, strange was good as far as Elaena was concerned, she found it fun or amusing. As for the meaning for what happened, she wasn't completely sheltered to the more perverted aspects to the world ((after all, she travels through dreams, chances were, she'd seen some freaky stuff in her time)) she just didn't quite register their odd speak right away she' probably connect it together later when her less than awake brain thought it over...and possibly announce that she figured it out too inside thoughts were not her strong point.
Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux
(Kinda wished Elaena had just like fallen. Asleep and slumped on Everest or something and really caused some drama there XD )
Everest glared at her as he stopped flapping his arms about like a madman. She was totally thinking the other thing earlier. giving her a look of "you back stabbing traitor, we'll discuss this later." He began scratching his chin and acting entirely innocent now that he had been cleared from the suspicion of cheating.... Well not technically cheating, but sleeping around. "I don't know what you're on about. I wasn't referring to anything earlier. Only ever talking about the bullet. Yep the bullet...."

Nona Nona
(He would of been screwed if that happened xDD)
Hakuru looked off to the side once she saw him glaring at her, he obviously knew she had lied, and wasn't happy about it. She nearly facepalmed listening to him act like he didn't just mention her thinking of anything other then the bullet. For one he scratched his chin, which was an obvious sign of lying, and he rambled a bit too much about only talking about the bullet, which could easily be counted as suspicious, he was a really bad actor it seemed. Her attention shot over to Elaena when she giggled, followed by calling them strange. It must of been Everest's little freakout that made them seem that way, great.
Gail sighs, as she listens to him speak. He was right, of course, but ther was more to it than that. Simply put, people were usually afraid of her - or, rather, what she is. According to most, she is a unnatural monstrosity that science couldn't even begin to comprehend; people are afraid of the unknown, after all, so she couldn't blame them for their fears. In a way, they are justified. "Yeah...", she says simply in an agreeing tone not really wanting to dump everything onto him.

However, as Ren continues with his talk, Gail starts to forget all the troubles she accidentally reminded herself with. As she grins in embarrassment, flushing as best as a ghost possibly could, she picks up a small daisy and starts plucking away at the white petals. "Really?", she says in a slight flurried tone as her cheeks flare nearly to a red, "You think so? I would say I'm much more dull than everyone else that attends here." She looks back at him with a cute, truly sincere - almost thankful - smile.

After Ren finishes speaking Gail drops the flower as she replies. "Oh, you want to know more about me? Like what?"
Ren nodded, his answer being yes to Gail's question. "Yes really. One hundred times over, yes. You're one of the more interesting people around this school to me, no one has really been as much of a friend as you have neither, besides my roommate but that's a hard friendship." He said with a laugh, catching a glimpse of Gail's face, which caused him to blush a bit himself. "You're not dull. If you ask me, we're only dull to ourselves because we experience our lives in our perspective, though when you tell someone what you witnessed and done, it may seem interesting to them as they haven't experienced it the way you have or probably not at all... You get what I'm saying right?" Ren chuckled a bit more. When Gail asked what was it that he'd want to know about her, he looked at her again, "If possible, I'd like to learn as much as I can about you, but I don't want to learn it all now. It wouldn't be as fun as finding it out later when the time calls for it... Same goes for you finding out more about me." Ren said with a grin.
"Yeah, but to think he'd mess up his driving that bad. That turn was simple. I don't even drive, but I knew that. Maybe he was drunk or something... If so, he shouldn't have been behind the wheel. He could have hurt some of those bystanders." Talia said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Humans were scared of us, but they should just as scared of themselves as they are us."
Ren nodded, his answer being yes to Gail's question. "Yes really. One hundred times over, yes. You're one of the more interesting people around this school to me, no one has really been as much of a friend as you have neither, besides my roommate but that's a hard friendship." He said with a laugh, catching a glimpse of Gail's face, which caused him to blush a bit himself. "You're not dull. If you ask me, we're only dull to ourselves because we experience our lives in our perspective, though when you tell someone what you witnessed and done, it may seem interesting to them as they haven't experienced it the way you have or probably not at all... You get what I'm saying right?" Ren chuckled a bit more. When Gail asked what was it that he'd want to know about her, he looked at her again, "If possible, I'd like to learn as much as I can about you, but I don't want to learn it all now. It wouldn't be as fun as finding it out later when the time calls for it... Same goes for you finding out more about me." Ren said with a grin.

Gail laughs with him, now in more of her usual elegant way rather than her childish giggle, as her cheeks return to their natural, or rather unnatural, tone. As Ren carries on, however, her laugh dies down in a slight curve of a smile as she notices that, despite her modest nature, she had to agree with the luck god. "Yeah...", she says somewhat hesistantly, "I suppose you're right. I guess over the hundreds of years being me, I've forgotten how exciting or interesting someone like me could be to other people. I understand what you're saying." While she says this, she starts fidgeting with another flower although not to the destructive degree as before, just simply twiddling it in her fingers. She looks down at the ground, as she contemplates the last thing Ren says to her when she hears the faint shrill of a bell coming from the school. "Oh!", she exclaims as she begins to prepare to move, "We've been talking for that long? I'd better get going!" She says, not wanting to be rude but at the same time not wanting to be late for class, as she floats in the direction of class. She looks back towards Ren, with a wave, as she disappears into the crowds.
"Yeah, but to think he'd mess up his driving that bad. That turn was simple. I don't even drive, but I knew that. Maybe he was drunk or something... If so, he shouldn't have been behind the wheel. He could have hurt some of those bystanders." Talia said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Humans were scared of us, but they should just as scared of themselves as they are us."
Zenya nods in agreement. Thinking back to the Civil War and her Escape-Rampage. "Yeah... Even they're probably scared of their own experiments. Their, creations." She shook her head and smiled at Talia. "Let's forget that, okay? I feel like a war veteran going through PTSD. We came to enjoy the sight right? So, let's." She said before taking Talia's hand and looked ahead before walking.
Ilaani couldn't help but crack a smile when the girl bowed while introducing herself. She didn't know why she found it amusing really, she guessed she found it odd that someone was being that polite to her, it was a pretty rare occurrence. "That's a pretty nice name." She commented before hopping off of the wall, landing on the ground with very little noise, she was pretty light on her feet. Her maroon eyes studied the girl for another brief moment before she extended her hand for a handshake, it definitely wasn't as cute as a little curtsy but no way on this planet could she see herself doing that so it was the closet polite gesture she could think of in return "I'm Ilaani. Nice to meet you." She continued with a casual smile. This girl seemed pretty nice so it was only fair she'd be nice back to her. "Is this your first year here?" She asked, half out of small talk and half out of being genuinely curious, she hadn't seen the girl around before and thought that someone dressed in that much white would definitely be noticeable in a crowd, even if said crowd was full of peculiar humanoids.
Serenity gave a smile at the compilemtb upon her name. "That is very kind of you. Ilaani...that's a new name. I've never heard of one like that. It's beautiful." She flashed another smile before clearing her threat a bit. "First year enrolled here? No. First year attending classes regularly? Yes." She chuckled slightly. "My brother told me to come to this place a couple years back and I obliged because I love spending time with him. Instead of attending classes, I modified my dorm and started my own resort emporium business down by the city. My brother has been away for a bit so I decided to actually attend classes this year."
Serenity gave a smile at the compilemtb upon her name. "That is very kind of you. Ilaani...that's a new name. I've never heard of one like that. It's beautiful." She flashed another smile before clearing her threat a bit. "First year enrolled here? No. First year attending classes regularly? Yes." She chuckled slightly. "My brother told me to come to this place a couple years back and I obliged because I love spending time with him. Instead of attending classes, I modified my dorm and started my own resort emporium business down by the city. My brother has been away for a bit so I decided to actually attend classes this year."
Ilaani nodded a thank you on Serenity's comment on her name along with smiling lightly. She had now placed both of her hands within her hoodie pockets as she stood, listening to Serenity's answer. She raised her eyebrows in response "resort emporium business?" She repeated "Wow. You're only in highschool and you have serious life plans in order already, congrats to you" she said in a sincere tone, obviously not aware that serenity wasn't the actual age of a teenager or that she was a goddess. "I wish I was so lucky" she joked, laughing softly. "So... you'll be leaving school again if your brother returns?" She asked curiously wondering why someone would leave school just to see a sibling. She had no siblings herself so she thought maybe she just couldn't relate or something. But she also wondered why couldn't the girl just see him after school? Isn't that what everyone else does to see family here?

Misafune held up a paper doll. "Rini..come...here." he spoke raspy and painfully. "Before Serra....comes.....Exchange...with...doll. You.....me.....on....bed, Thomas....hide you....next to me...magic." he sputtered out. he was recovering, but it was slow and painful. All she had to do was..was..snuggle next to him! his pale face grew bright red at the thought, and some energy shot out of his puncture wounds. Those needed treatment asap. He tried to hide his face in his hat, but it was not working.

Nona Nona
Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

--Serra and Beatrice--

Beatrice was livid. But she knew better that to draw out any confrontation in the middle of the school. "Its almost time for class to start." She tried to sound authoritarian, but it was thinly veiled anger. She needed to return to class to await the bell, but this little bitch wanted to play games. So she decided to just walk away before this thing provoked her even further.

Serra just brushed off the old ladies suggestion as she waited for her new pet to return. How hard was it to comply with one command. But she figured that there must be something off about the situation so she wanted to test her hypothesis. she slowly step for step walked towards the Infirmary. Maybe it was a matter of range? If she got closer, maybe she would get faster service? it was obvious that it would have some effect.
((Sorry for the delay! Was trying to work out what reply with, just made her react rather than ignore in the end up :P))
Rini had eventually reached the infirmary, not really caring where her "master" was at the moment. She didn't want to know. She couldn't even begin to understand why she was asked to do this, what would the girl even gain from Rini doing such a thing? Maybe a getting a laugh from it? She didn't understand the humour in it at all, but whatever. Knowing why didn't make it any more right. Reaching the doorway of the room Misafune was staying, she took a breath before walking into the room. She looked uncomfortable and rightfully so, who wouldn't be? She was just about to speak before her eyes had immediately moved to view the other boy that was now in the room with them both, blinking a few times her eyes narrowed, like she was trying to remember who he was but had quickly stopped when she realised she didn't recognise him at all. Great, now there was someone else here while she had to ask an already embarrassing thing, this was too embarrassing. Her cheeks were threatening to flare up now. Maybe she could hold up this...task she was given until this person left or atleast she hoped. "I'm Rini...nice to meet you Thomas" she said eventually, her tone a bit unsure.


Thomas Greyrat
~ Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ~

Mood -

Currently Doing -
Assiting Misafune

Location -

Interacting with -
Misafune, Rini​

Ah, that was it wasn't it? Thomas had seen the vision and must've mistaken reality for it. If his maker were around, he'd catch hell for that mistake for sure. So in all actuality, Thomas had walked in and just started talking out his ass. Great. Now then, what had the special interest Misafune said? poison? There wasn't really time for him to be doing guess work healing jobs. The guy seemed rather low on mana, or whatever he cared to call it the way he used it. "Listen, you're in eh pinch anne just called for mein help, don't expect me to hide, or do all das verk." Thomas said while patting Misafune's chest "However, if you have tact as eh mage, then you should make guud use oef extra energy, right?" Thomas asked as he poured enough mana into Misafune's body to maintain a barrier under constant demi-god level attacks for about three minutes.

After that, Thomas stood up from sitting on the bed. If it was someone whom Misafune needed to hide from, no, hide Rini from, then it may be worth Thomas' intervention. Talking of which "Allo Rini. Izt it okay for me to call you Rey, or Rin? Oh, I recommend staying near Misafune, less dangerous anne all." Thomas said as he placed himself middway between the bed and the door into the door to the infirmary.
Ilaani nodded a thank you on Serenity's comment on her name along with smiling lightly. She had now placed both of her hands within her hoodie pockets as she stood, listening to Serenity's answer. She raised her eyebrows in response "resort emporium business?" She repeated "Wow. You're only in highschool and you have serious life plans in order already, congrats to you" she said in a sincere tone, obviously not aware that serenity wasn't the actual age of a teenager or that she was a goddess. "I wish I was so lucky" she joked, laughing softly. "So... you'll be leaving school again if your brother returns?" She asked curiously wondering why someone would leave school just to see a sibling. She had no siblings herself so she thought maybe she just couldn't relate or something. But she also wondered why couldn't the girl just see him after school? Isn't that what everyone else does to see family here?
Serenity gave a giggle at Ilaani's comment about her life status verses her age. "It sure seems so." She chuckled, remembering her brother's words that warned her about telling everyone of her power status due to them taking advantage of her kindness or something like that. Upon the girl's next question, Serenity tilted her head as it was something that she hadn't thought of. "Well, I don't think so. Only if he actually leaves to go far away. Lately, he's been staying to handle drama with his children. Apparently, having three daughters in the local area causes stress."


Thomas Greyrat
~ Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ~

Mood -

Currently Doing -
Assiting Misafune

Location -

Interacting with -
Misafune, Rini​

Ah, that was it wasn't it? Thomas had seen the vision and must've mistaken reality for it. If his maker were around, he'd catch hell for that mistake for sure. So in all actuality, Thomas had walked in and just started talking out his ass. Great. Now then, what had the special interest Misafune said? poison? There wasn't really time for him to be doing guess work healing jobs. The guy seemed rather low on mana, or whatever he cared to call it the way he used it. "Listen, you're in eh pinch anne just called for mein help, don't expect me to hide, or do all das verk." Thomas said while patting Misafune's chest "However, if you have tact as eh mage, then you should make guud use oef extra energy, right?" Thomas asked as he poured enough mana into Misafune's body to maintain a barrier under constant demi-god level attacks for about three minutes.

After that, Thomas stood up from sitting on the bed. If it was someone whom Misafune needed to hide from, no, hide Rini from, then it may be worth Thomas' intervention. Talking of which "Allo Rini. Izt it okay for me to call you Rey, or Rin? Oh, I recommend staying near Misafune, less dangerous anne all." Thomas said as he placed himself middway between the bed and the door into the door to the infirmary.


Misafune could only painfully nod as the energy flowed into him. The spatial equations for the spell had formed in his mind and he released some sparkly butterflies. Each one flew into the paper doll he held as he focused as he completed the first part of the plan. The paper doll vibrated with energy, threatening to burst into flames. However, he found the strength to speak. "Rini, my love, come here. I am going to do something that will probably piss off anyone monitoring space and time. But I will use this doll to replace you in the collar, while it takes your form. And once that is done, well, you kind of....need to....sort of...lie down next to me as this nice mage makes it look like its just me in the bed. However I am too weak to resist her, but please do not react even if she hurts me or the illusion could be broken. I will try to fight back as hard as I can for you, but I will be fine no matter what happens as long as you are safe." he forced out his plan. He did want to fight back, and he would with the energy imparted upon him, but there was only so much he could do, and he only knew minor offensive spells. He prepared some non lethal tricks he learned that would not violate his do no harm oath.

Nona Nona
Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

Misafune could only painfully nod as the energy flowed into him. The spatial equations for the spell had formed in his mind and he released some sparkly butterflies. Each one flew into the paper doll he held as he focused as he completed the first part of the plan. The paper doll vibrated with energy, threatening to burst into flames. However, he found the strength to speak. "Rini, my love, come here. I am going to do something that will probably piss off anyone monitoring space and time. But I will use this doll to replace you in the collar, while it takes your form. And once that is done, well, you kind of....need to....sort of...lie down next to me as this nice mage makes it look like its just me in the bed. However I am too weak to resist her, but please do not react even if she hurts me or the illusion could be broken. I will try to fight back as hard as I can for you, but I will be fine no matter what happens as long as you are safe." he forced out his plan. He did want to fight back, and he would with the energy imparted upon him, but there was only so much he could do, and he only knew minor offensive spells. He prepared some non lethal tricks he learned that would not violate his do no harm oath.

Nona Nona
Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne


Thomas Greyrat
~ Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ~

Mood -

Currently Doing -
Assiting Misafune

Location -

Interacting with -
Misafune, Rini​

Ah, that was it wasn't it? Thomas had seen the vision and must've mistaken reality for it. If his maker were around, he'd catch hell for that mistake for sure. So in all actuality, Thomas had walked in and just started talking out his ass. Great. Now then, what had the special interest Misafune said? poison? There wasn't really time for him to be doing guess work healing jobs. The guy seemed rather low on mana, or whatever he cared to call it the way he used it. "Listen, you're in eh pinch anne just called for mein help, don't expect me to hide, or do all das verk." Thomas said while patting Misafune's chest "However, if you have tact as eh mage, then you should make guud use oef extra energy, right?" Thomas asked as he poured enough mana into Misafune's body to maintain a barrier under constant demi-god level attacks for about three minutes.

After that, Thomas stood up from sitting on the bed. If it was someone whom Misafune needed to hide from, no, hide Rini from, then it may be worth Thomas' intervention. Talking of which "Allo Rini. Izt it okay for me to call you Rey, or Rin? Oh, I recommend staying near Misafune, less dangerous anne all." Thomas said as he placed himself middway between the bed and the door into the door to the infirmary.
Rini looked a bit distracted as Thomas spoke, she could feel the collar getting stronger again, meaning the girl must have been on her way down to the infirmary. She had been peeking out the door when Thomas had then addressed her. Immediately turning away from the door and looking at the boy she blinked a few times "O-Oh, Uhm. Sure, whichever is easiest is fine" she answered before doing as he said and stepping away from the door and bit closer to Misafune, being that tiny bit further away seemed to relieve the effects of the collar ever so slightly but she knew that would still be temporary as the girl was on her way. She listened carefully to Misafune's words nodding when he had finished speaking, trying to give a reassuring smile as she moved over next to him like he had asked. She honestly didn't know who she was trying to reassure with it, Misafune or herself. "Well...If you say you'll be fine, then I'll do what you've asked..." She would find staying still and not reacting very hard to do if that horrible girl did anything to him. She would try her best to follow his wishes without intervening as best she could. He seemed to know what he was doing, he insisted he would be fine and she so desperately wanted the collar off of her neck. She also didn't have time to think up an alternative with the girl on her way and with the collar still on her the girl could easily just use Rini against him and she didn't want that either. She watched him create the doll and would climb in next to him whenever he would finish.
Serenity gave a giggle at Ilaani's comment about her life status verses her age. "It sure seems so." She chuckled, remembering her brother's words that warned her about telling everyone of her power status due to them taking advantage of her kindness or something like that. Upon the girl's next question, Serenity tilted her head as it was something that she hadn't thought of. "Well, I don't think so. Only if he actually leaves to go far away. Lately, he's been staying to handle drama with his children. Apparently, having three daughters in the local area causes stress."
Ilaani seemed content with Serenity's response, not feeling the need to pry further, it did seem odd that a girl around her own age would own a pretty large business but he had honestly heard weirder so she took the girls words at face value. She slowly nodded at her explaination about her brother. "Ah. Right, that does sound like a lot to deal with." She said with a small laugh, she assumed by how Serenity had told it that these girls all had different mother's. 'Busy guy' she thought, then again what right did she have to judge so she shrugged that thought off almost right away.

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