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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Anacites, more formally known as Diamond due to his crystalline armour and his sheer resilience, was just casually resting in his realm keeping a watch on his mistress when he feels the familiar tug of magic, almost pulling him out of his realm. His realm...well, it is nearly impossible to say what his realm is. Some theorize it to be a white void where nothing but silence inhabits, while some imagine it to be a plane of existence beyond human comprehension. Whatever it is, it clearly isn't physically inside the fist sized diamond that his mistress, Elysande, holds as she releases him from it. A flash of brilliant, yet strangely not blinding, white light appears in both the diamond and a spot on the floor next to Elysande. After a few seconds, however, this fades to reveal a giant of a man, 7 foot or nearabouts, clad in a shining metal armour encrusted with many diamonds. His sword, almost as tall as he is, glitters with all the colours of the rainbow as several powerful magic gemstones gleam with energy. A second later, however, the hulking being collapses to one knee, his head bowed, as his low and rough voice speaks out. "What is your bidding, Lady Elysande?"

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Kansuke did notice the way that she was looking at his Ocarina. She was looking at it the same way that he had looked at her yesterday. He definitely noticed the recognition in her eyes. Did that mean she recognized the instrument? Sure it was a little strange of an instrument to have, but he's always had it and never really thought anything of it. But what he wondered was if what she was staring at was the instrument itself, or the royal crest on it. If she was staring at the crest like she knew what it was, then that would mean she had some kind of connection to his homeland. That theory seemed impossible. Meeting someone at this school of all places that was connected to his homeland? What were the chances of something like that happening? Low. Hearing her little "oh?" brought him out of his thoughts, back to the present where Mizuki was now saying that she didn't think his story about knowing the song would be stupid. Instead, she would think it'd be interesting. Well, if that was the case... "Alright, if you insist." Kansuke laughed, bringing his gaze down to his ocarina as he tried to phrase it the best he could. "Well, if I'm being honest I'm not totally sure. I've had this ocarina with me my whole life, and as I grew up, I just kind of...starting knowing things. Remembering things I had never done or learned before. With, kind of hazy memories attached to those things. One day I was playing around on it, when it started to rain, and then all of a sudden it was like my fingers were playing on their own, and I just sort of knew that song. I didn't know how I knew it, I just did. I got this feeling that I've always known it, I just had to remember it again. When I tried thinking about where I knew it from, the hazy memories popped up. There was something about a small town at the base of a mountain that I thought I recognized, then specifically there was this guy with a windmill and an...accordion, I think? I don't know, that probably made no sense." Kansuke gave an embarrassed laugh, realizing he was rambling on about stuff that didn't even make any sense to him.
Mizuki stared at him as he told the story of how he simply just...knew the song. Without realising, she found herself looking down at her own instrument that she held on her lap. That really didn't sound stupid to her at all, she knew that feeling all too well. Knowing a thing without knowing how or feeling she had knowledge beyond her years sometimes was something she had dealt with herself and even more so as of late, she had looked back at Kansuke afterward "Honestly? It didn't really make sense" she answered, laughing softly along with him before stopping, gently placing her hand to her face for a moment like she was contemplating on saying something else "But. I do know the feeling. Funnily enough... I've had similar experiences with my own instrument, among other things." She admitted, she felt she could tell him that with ease since he seemed to know the feeling too and talking with him felt so natural that she didn't feel silly saying it anyways. Lowering her hand and tilting her head a little before she spoke again, smiling at him "So in short. That wasn't a stupid story at all"
(( Here you go, sorry it's not the a good start x-x ))
Closing up the last of her notebooks and placing them into her bag Ilaani slung her bag onto her bag, she had a free period before her next class so after she had stepped out of her class she had headed outside. The weather was pretty nice out so she decided she'd maybe spend it outdoors, the school had a pretty impressive campus so there was plenty of quiet places to take a moment of rest. Walking along until she came near a part of a wall that gave a good enough view of the surrounding area as well as some sunlight to sit in, she hopped up on to the wall and pulled a candy bar that she had been keeping as a snack out of the front pocket of her bag. Unwrapping it and taking a bite, she glanced around as she gently swung her legs forward and back.

Panacea Panacea
Serenity walked along the sidewalk, whistling merrily to herself and enjoying the view of the flora and fauna around her. The birds, the flowers, and the people all made lovely additions to the shining sun and mild weather. All in all, it was a nice day. Serenity enjoyed nice days. She also enjoyed pairing nice days with a refreshing walk. Most of the people around her were walking in pairs or looking over textbooks. In other words, they were busy. Serenity hated to intrude but she loves interactions with the humans and the not so humans definitely more than she liked to be around fellow gods and goddesses. At one point, Serenity spotted one person sitting alone that didn't seem to be studying or conversing. It was her chance to strike up a conversation...hopefully. Serenity had met some pretty mean people. She shook her head and walked over to the wall upon which the girl was sitting. "Hello!" She smiled. Serenity radiated pure order and class and carried herself the same way. Confidence could be seen in her smile and in her pristine white dress that matched her perfectly brushed white hair.
Anacites, more formally known as Diamond due to his crystalline armour and his sheer resilience, was just casually resting in his realm keeping a watch on his mistress when he feels the familiar tug of magic, almost pulling him out of his realm. His realm...well, it is nearly impossible to say what his realm is. Some theorize it to be a white void where nothing but silence inhabits, while some imagine it to be a plane of existence beyond human comprehension. Whatever it is, it clearly isn't physically inside the fist sized diamond that his mistress, Elysande, holds as she releases him from it. A flash of brilliant, yet strangely not blinding, white light appears in both the diamond and a spot on the floor next to Elysande. After a few seconds, however, this fades to reveal a giant of a man, 7 foot or nearabouts, clad in a shining metal armour encrusted with many diamonds. His sword, almost as tall as he is, glitters with all the colours of the rainbow as several powerful magic gemstones gleam with energy. A second later, however, the hulking being collapses to one knee, his head bowed, as his low and rough voice speaks out. "What is your bidding, Lady Elysande?"

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Elysande watched the light. It wasn't a rare sight as it happened every time but Ely still enjoyed gazing at it. Upon her guardian's question, Elysande just shook her head and motioned towards the evil sheet of paper. "History is hard, Diamond." She groaned as then gave yet another sigh. The paper in focus was covered in words that were scratched out and eraser marks. The handwriting down the paper became increasingly more sloppy as it reflected Elysande's level of fatigue. "I hate to ask you of this but are you any good at history?"
Diamond hesitates, before picking up the forementioned piece of paper and 'looking' at it - at least, for something that wears a helmet with no apparent eyeholes in it. As Diamond studies the paper, it is clear that he has a surprising amount of knowledge; most people assume him to be a stupid, slow-witted bear. Not long after he turns to Elysande, his armour scraping and clanging as he does so, and nods. "In my years in your family's service, I haven't had much interaction with the world. Some of these questions, however, are familiar...I shall write what I know." As he says this, he grabs a spare piece of scrap paper and starts writing what he knows - a good chunk of the work, at least.

Panacea Panacea
Serenity walked along the sidewalk, whistling merrily to herself and enjoying the view of the flora and fauna around her. The birds, the flowers, and the people all made lovely additions to the shining sun and mild weather. All in all, it was a nice day. Serenity enjoyed nice days. She also enjoyed pairing nice days with a refreshing walk. Most of the people around her were walking in pairs or looking over textbooks. In other words, they were busy. Serenity hated to intrude but she loves interactions with the humans and the not so humans definitely more than she liked to be around fellow gods and goddesses. At one point, Serenity spotted one person sitting alone that didn't seem to be studying or conversing. It was her chance to strike up a conversation...hopefully. Serenity had met some pretty mean people. She shook her head and walked over to the wall upon which the girl was sitting. "Hello!" She smiled. Serenity radiated pure order and class and carried herself the same way. Confidence could be seen in her smile and in her pristine white dress that matched her perfectly brushed white hair.
Ilaani stared at the white haired girl as she called hello. She first mentally questioned if the girl was talking to her or not. She looked around, seeing she was the only one in this particular area so it must have been her she was greeting. She didn't answer right away, blinking a few times as she looked at the girl again mostly because her mouth was still full of candy bar. She certainly did not carry the same class as the girl in the white seemed to at this moment. She offered a small wave to the girl, giving herself time to swallow her food. "Hey!" she then answered placing her hand into the pocket of her dark blue hoodie. "I'm guessing you're off for this class to?"
Isuzu kept her pace the same, enjoying her time. Yeah sure she might be skipping school at the moment, but who really cared about that anyways? Yeah, she guessed she wanted to go to college to get a job one day, but that was a thought for a different time. Right now, her primary concern was food, and Fenris. She heard the shifting of bags followed by his voice, which prompted her to turn around. It was then that she saw his arm that was extended to her. Stopping her pace so that he could catch up, taking his arm so that they were walking side by side instead of leader-follow. His words did make her laugh. "Oh really, is that what you think? Seemed you couldn't take your eyes off me the moment I walked in, so I had to...up the ante a bit. I just so happened to get drunk in the process." At that moment, Isuzu used her powers, amplifying Fenris' sense of touch as she had done back at the bar. Tweaking it a bit, she made sure that his sense of pleasure was heightened from the touch amplification as well, just to get her point across.
Fenris grinned as she took his arm. He really did like this girl, but sometimes it felt like he might need to reign her in a little. "Oh I see is that how it is? So you're saying you could walk away from me right now and wouldn't have any second thoughts about it then?" Fenris then felt her doing her "thing" to him, but purposefully controlled himself not allowing anything he was feeling to show in his facial expression or body posture. Smirking as he walked along while semi-starring at her face he figured they must be nearing Isuzu's house by now.
Mizuki stared at him as he told the story of how he simply just...knew the song. Without realising, she found herself looking down at her own instrument that she held on her lap. That really didn't sound stupid to her at all, she knew that feeling all too well. Knowing a thing without knowing how or feeling she had knowledge beyond her years sometimes was something she had dealt with herself and even more so as of late, she had looked back at Kansuke afterward "Honestly? It didn't really make sense" she answered, laughing softly along with him before stopping, gently placing her hand to her face for a moment like she was contemplating on saying something else "But. I do know the feeling. Funnily enough... I've had similar experiences with my own instrument, among other things." She admitted, she felt she could tell him that with ease since he seemed to know the feeling too and talking with him felt so natural that she didn't feel silly saying it anyways. Lowering her hand and tilting her head a little before she spoke again, smiling at him "So in short. That wasn't a stupid story at all"
Kansuke sat there, expecting Mizuki to make fun of him for his story. What kind of idiot just rambles on about nonsense like that? Thinking back on exactly what he had said, Kansuke wanted to hit himself. It really didn't make any sense at all, but he couldn't help it. Just like how Mizuki, he too felt at ease just talking to him. Maybe it had something to do with that weird feeling he got from her? Maybe. He looked at Mizuki with a sheepish smile as she confirmed that what he said didn't make sense, laughing along with her. So he had been right after all. It was like there was a part of him that hoped she wouldn't agree. "Right, of course." He was about to put away his ocarina, almost in embarrassment, when Mizuki continued. Kansuke looked at her as she explained how she knew the feeling, about herself and her instrument... ah yes, that's right. She was in music class because she played an instrument. His gaze moved to her harp, the quality and the intricacy. Within the details, Kansuke's eyes were drawn to a specific detail. The same crest that adorned his own ocarina was on her harp as well. How was that possible? Was it possible that the royal crest of his homeland was here as well? That couldn't be possible, right? If she was someone from his homeland, he would have recognized her. Right? It was probably some weird coincidental design. This land was strange and different, after all. "Well, if you say so." Kansuke finally responded, not wanting to seem strange by staring at her harp for too long. "What kinds of experiences have you had in this regard, if you don't mind me asking?"
Fenris grinned as she took his arm. He really did like this girl, but sometimes it felt like he might need to reign her in a little. "Oh I see is that how it is? So you're saying you could walk away from me right now and wouldn't have any second thoughts about it then?" Fenris then felt her doing her "thing" to him, but purposefully controlled himself not allowing anything he was feeling to show in his facial expression or body posture. Smirking as he walked along while semi-starring at her face he figured they must be nearing Isuzu's house by now.

Isuzu couldn't help but laugh at his question? Is that how he was taking her words? How amusing! Fenris definitely interested her, and probably would for a while, if he wanted her to stick around. She hadn't been this happy in a while. Looking up at him, she took her free hand, pinching his cheek. "Oh don't be that way. I never said anything like that~" She wouldn't show it, but she was actually quite impressed with his composure even with her ability acting on it. For funsies, because she guessed it wouldn't do much of anything, she increased the amplitude of her ability by 3. It didn't last for long as Isuzu soon detached herself from his arm, running up toward a nearby apartment complex. Stopping in front of the gate, she gaze him a smile before speaking and heading up the stairs to go unlock her door. "Here we are!"
Celaena finally stood up after catching her breath. Yeah, that was a bit too much for her liking. Too much...not nature. Sheepishly, she looked at her tour guide, embarrassed at her little outburst. "I am sorry about that," she apologized, giving him a bow. "I did not mean to cause a scene or to cause you any trouble." She straightened her back again, her hands clasped in front of her. "I have appreciated your help and lending your time. I do not wish to take up any more of it." Celaena gave a small smile, genuinely grateful that she found someone nice enough to show her around. She was about to turn and leave when she remembered that she didn't know where she was. Looking at Ansom, she spoke again. "I do not wish to inconvenience you further, but could you take me back to the park where we first met? I do not exactly know the way from here..."

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Ansom tilted his head slightly to the side before straightening his posture. "Oh, yeah. Sure." He gave a small smile and motioned over to his Lexus before he began to walk over to it. He made a following motion, turning around to face Celaena and then turned back around to his car. When he reached the vehicle, he pulled out his keys and clicked the button to unlock it. He was a bit bummed out that they would he parting ways as it was rare that someone would hang out with the Anti-God, but he shrugged mentally to himself before opening his door. He got in and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, awaiting the fae.
Diamond hesitates, before picking up the forementioned piece of paper and 'looking' at it - at least, for something that wears a helmet with no apparent eyeholes in it. As Diamond studies the paper, it is clear that he has a surprising amount of knowledge; most people assume him to be a stupid, slow-witted bear. Not long after he turns to Elysande, his armour scraping and clanging as he does so, and nods. "In my years in your family's service, I haven't had much interaction with the world. Some of these questions, however, are familiar...I shall write what I know." As he says this, he grabs a spare piece of scrap paper and starts writing what he knows - a good chunk of the work, at least.

Panacea Panacea
Elysande looked at the paper after Diamond was finished with it and she squealed in delight. "Oh thank you! This is perfect. You're the best!" She stood up from her chair and hugged the larger creature, a common sign of gratitude from Elysande. She then pulled away and looked back at the paper. Her guardian had done most of the work and only left a few problems. Those would be simple enough to finish up. She sighed in relief and sank into the chair before giving a toothy grin. "Oh, it is like a boulder was lifted off my shoulders. You know that feeling?" She spoke quizzically to Diamond.
Ilaani stared at the white haired girl as she called hello. She first mentally questioned if the girl was talking to her or not. She looked around, seeing she was the only one in this particular area so it must have been her she was greeting. She didn't answer right away, blinking a few times as she looked at the girl again mostly because her mouth was still full of candy bar. She certainly did not carry the same class as the girl in the white seemed to at this moment. She offered a small wave to the girl, giving herself time to swallow her food. "Hey!" she then answered placing her hand into the pocket of her dark blue hoodie. "I'm guessing you're off for this class to?"
Serenity smiled when the girl responded. She did not seem like a mean girl or a snobby one, so Serenity instantly liked her. "Yeah, actually, I am." Serenity replied. She had been taking classes at the school mainly to have something to do and partially to take a bunch of cooking courses due to her brother always griping about her meals. "My name is Serenity." The goddess spoke with a bright smile and then gave a small curtsy bow. Serenity was always quick to introduce herself.
Diamond smiles, not that Elysande would be able to see, as she hugs him. He appreciated her gratitude, especially since other members of her ancestry treated him as a slave, as it reminded him how nice people are and gave his job as a guardian meaning. However, it often is quite awkward since he was a good foot or two taller than her - it was like being hugged by a child.

As she looks up to him with her grin, asking him a question, he looks back as he answers. "I have. It is a nice feeling, to be relieved of mental stress."

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He lightly drummed his pencil on the desk. She dominated his thoughts. That Little Lamb would not stop pestering him. Aphrodite be damned. Why was love so damned hard. Killing, war, fighting, all was easy. Death was lighter than a feather, but love and duty was heavier than a mountain. He wanted nothing more than to lie with her under an olive tree, talking about useless things, while sharing a bottle of wine and some fruit. But nooo, this age where everything was flipped upside down had absolutely became the most confusing thing ever. He hoped she would be okay, as she figured things out in the time they were apart. But that was not even a small comfort for his aching heart.

Lumina Lumina
Yumi had gone into school early without Kanon, figuring it would be best to let her sleep a bit. It would give her some time to catch up on her homework, as she had completely ignored it the day prior. For good reason, in her opinion, but it didn't change the fact that she hadn't done her homework. Which was strange, as she always was on top of it. Sitting in the library, Yumi cranked out all she needed to do, which wasn't much as it was the first day. With that done, she stuffed it in her bag and headed to her first class. The first thing she noticed was that Achilles was in the class with her. Seeing him, she sat down next to him. "Hey there." She spoke with a smile, hoping to try and cheer him up.
Yumi had gone into school early without Kanon, figuring it would be best to let her sleep a bit. It would give her some time to catch up on her homework, as she had completely ignored it the day prior. For good reason, in her opinion, but it didn't change the fact that she hadn't done her homework. Which was strange, as she always was on top of it. Sitting in the library, Yumi cranked out all she needed to do, which wasn't much as it was the first day. With that done, she stuffed it in her bag and headed to her first class. The first thing she noticed was that Achilles was in the class with her. Seeing him, she sat down next to him. "Hey there." She spoke with a smile, hoping to try and cheer him up.


He looked up at the voice speaking to him. "Hello, Yumi. How are you?" he asked, trying to divert his mind from Kanon. "Is she coming today?" he finished, while trying to smile, but he winced. He was not exactly fully healed, and his face was slightly red from the Ouzo his mother left for him. How she had gotten into the dorms was a mystery. (he knew his mom can travel where ever water was and can travel.) But the biggest mystery of all was the heart of this girl's sister whom sat next to him. It felt like he should be doing something, but he was stuck as to what it was he needed to do.

Lumina Lumina
Ansom tilted his head slightly to the side before straightening his posture. "Oh, yeah. Sure." He gave a small smile and motioned over to his Lexus before he began to walk over to it. He made a following motion, turning around to face Celaena and then turned back around to his car. When he reached the vehicle, he pulled out his keys and clicked the button to unlock it. He was a bit bummed out that they would he parting ways as it was rare that someone would hang out with the Anti-God, but he shrugged mentally to himself before opening his door. He got in and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, awaiting the fae.
Celaena did feel bad about already wanting to cut their time together short. But after embarrassing herself in front of him, and her outburst probably embarrassing him, she didn't feel like she had the right to be around him for much longer. If she wanted to make friends, she had to be comfortable in this strange world first. Only then would it be fair for someone like him. It might take a while, and it might be difficult, but Celaena knew it was something she had to do. With a nod, the fae got in the car, fumbling a bit trying to put the seatbelt on. She got it after a few tries, and sat back against the seat. She sighed, placing her hands in her lap, trying not to show how jumbled her thoughts were.

He looked up at the voice speaking to him. "Hello, Yumi. How are you?" he asked, trying to divert his mind from Kanon. "Is she coming today?" he finished, while trying to smile, but he winced. He was not exactly fully healed, and his face was slightly red from the Ouzo his mother left for him. How she had gotten into the dorms was a mystery. (he knew his mom can travel where ever water was and can travel.) But the biggest mystery of all was the heart of this girl's sister whom sat next to him. It felt like he should be doing something, but he was stuck as to what it was he needed to do.

Lumina Lumina
"Glad to see you back in class, that's for sure." Yumi spoke, getting out her materials for class. A notebook and textbook, as well as the required writing utensils, placed neatly on the desk in front of her. Yumi noticed the wincing, guessing he wasn't completely healed yet. It made sense, both her siblings did a number on him both in class and after. "I can help ease your pain if you want." She offered, before he asked if Kanon would be showing up. Yumi pulled out her phone to check the time. "Well based on the time, she should be showing up soon..." She started, before her voice suddenly faded. Her gaze fell on the date posted underneath the time. Her smile faded as well, but only for a moment. She fored a smile back up at him, before responding. "Actually, I don't think she'll be coming to class today." Yumi stuffed her phone back in her bag, a little mad at herself for forgetting what day it was. Though, it made a little sense why it wouldn't matter as much for her as it did for Kanon. After all, Yumi didn't really get a chance to know who their mom was. Kanon, on the other hand had, and this time of year was always really hard on her. It made her sad too, but especially with everything that had been happening to Kanon lately, the younger girl thought it best to be strong for her sister for now.
"Glad to see you back in class, that's for sure." Yumi spoke, getting out her materials for class. A notebook and textbook, as well as the required writing utensils, placed neatly on the desk in front of her. Yumi noticed the wincing, guessing he wasn't completely healed yet. It made sense, both her siblings did a number on him both in class and after. "I can help ease your pain if you want." She offered, before he asked if Kanon would be showing up. Yumi pulled out her phone to check the time. "Well based on the time, she should be showing up soon..." She started, before her voice suddenly faded. Her gaze fell on the date posted underneath the time. Her smile faded as well, but only for a moment. She fored a smile back up at him, before responding. "Actually, I don't think she'll be coming to class today." Yumi stuffed her phone back in her bag, a little mad at herself for forgetting what day it was. Though, it made a little sense why it wouldn't matter as much for her as it did for Kanon. After all, Yumi didn't really get a chance to know who their mom was. Kanon, on the other hand had, and this time of year was always really hard on her. It made her sad too, but especially with everything that had been happening to Kanon lately, the younger girl thought it best to be strong for her sister for now.


"As they say where I am from, Pain and Time are the best teachers." he gently said to her as he looked at her as she checked her phone, then corrected herself. "Well I guess she will show up when ever she decides to." he finished with a touch of sadness. He really hoped she was at least okay. He could not understand much about these feelings of his, and Yumi was not exactly being forthcoming either. He could not blame her, it was her sister and probably a personal matter between them.

Lumina Lumina
Han continued to walk, his eyes glued straight as he watched where he was going carefully to make sure they weren't going to end up going somewhere else. When Kaz told him he was a spoil sport, he shrugged. "I was never too good with jokes. I'm really terrible at that kind of thing... I mean, some one-liners, I can do... but actual jokes, no. As for where we're going, its just a small diner nearby. They have some pretty good food, and you don't have to worry about eggs. You don;t have to get them."
Kaz shivered at the mention of eggs as he continued to follow Han towards whatever diner Han was leading him too. "I'm no cannibal no way in hell am I ever getting eggs. Hey aren't you Angels pretty much bird people anyway? Say did you hatch from an egg Han?"

Isuzu couldn't help but laugh at his question? Is that how he was taking her words? How amusing! Fenris definitely interested her, and probably would for a while, if he wanted her to stick around. She hadn't been this happy in a while. Looking up at him, she took her free hand, pinching his cheek. "Oh don't be that way. I never said anything like that~" She wouldn't show it, but she was actually quite impressed with his composure even with her ability acting on it. For funsies, because she guessed it wouldn't do much of anything, she increased the amplitude of her ability by 3. It didn't last for long as Isuzu soon detached herself from his arm, running up toward a nearby apartment complex. Stopping in front of the gate, she gaze him a smile before speaking and heading up the stairs to go unlock her door. "Here we are!"
Fenris blinked and stared at her as she picked his cheek. What was she? His grandmother? Serriously who even did that. Well not that he had a grandmother to begin with but still... Either way, it didn't seem like she would leave, but he still didn't quite have her under his thumb like he was used to with other girls, but he supposed that was what kept things interesting. Then he felt a rush of pleasure as he felt her do her thing, and nearly faltered in his stone face expression but managed to maintain a flat disposition. But then he rather disappointingly at that moment thought of all kinds she could use her ability. He really shouldn't be thinking like this. After all, this girl was his lover he shouldn't be thinking of how to use her as a tool for "interrogations" or seduction or anything like that, but his mind still wondered if even she had realized the possible extent of her power's applications. Shaking his head to dispell any such thoughts, Fenris followed Isuzu up the stairs and watched as she pushed open the door peering inside. "Not.... quite what I expected...."

(Want to have her room have any quirks or, you just want it to be a regular single woman's apartment? I can make that last line work in either situation.)
Kansuke sat there, expecting Mizuki to make fun of him for his story. What kind of idiot just rambles on about nonsense like that? Thinking back on exactly what he had said, Kansuke wanted to hit himself. It really didn't make any sense at all, but he couldn't help it. Just like how Mizuki, he too felt at ease just talking to him. Maybe it had something to do with that weird feeling he got from her? Maybe. He looked at Mizuki with a sheepish smile as she confirmed that what he said didn't make sense, laughing along with her. So he had been right after all. It was like there was a part of him that hoped she wouldn't agree. "Right, of course." He was about to put away his ocarina, almost in embarrassment, when Mizuki continued. Kansuke looked at her as she explained how she knew the feeling, about herself and her instrument... ah yes, that's right. She was in music class because she played an instrument. His gaze moved to her harp, the quality and the intricacy. Within the details, Kansuke's eyes were drawn to a specific detail. The same crest that adorned his own ocarina was on her harp as well. How was that possible? Was it possible that the royal crest of his homeland was here as well? That couldn't be possible, right? If she was someone from his homeland, he would have recognized her. Right? It was probably some weird coincidental design. This land was strange and different, after all. "Well, if you say so." Kansuke finally responded, not wanting to seem strange by staring at her harp for too long. "What kinds of experiences have you had in this regard, if you don't mind me asking?"
Mizuki smiled softly when he asked about her own experiences shaking her head softly "I don't mind at all, you told me yours, it's only fair I do the same, right?" She pointed out. She lifted her harp up a little as she spoke about it "Well, I received my harp from my parents back home when I was younger. It's very old, a family heirloom I suppose you could call it. Though I was still a young child and I had never played any form of instrument before, when I held it in my hands I was almost immediately able to play a tune on it. I felt as though I knew it so well. Like I had known the song for years and years despite my age. My parents thought I just had a flair for music but I felt it wasn't that at all somehow. That's why I believe your story fully." she said with a nod, she had since left the harp to one side again. "As for other instances..." She paused for a minute, awkwardly pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear with her free hand and exhaling gently "Some times I just... Know things" she spoke again trying to word it right "like something that happened. I'll not be told of it at all. Yet, I suddenly have knowledge about it I didn't know or shouldn't know" she paused once again looking off to the side and laughing a little bit also feeling a bit silly "Mines made even less sense. Sorry" she added afterwards looking back at him, waiting for how he would react. Her obvious other instance and part of the "things she knew" was the fact that she felt she already knew the boy infront of her somehow but of course she didn't share that detail incase she creeped him out completely, she'd let the rest of the information sink in first.
Serenity smiled when the girl responded. She did not seem like a mean girl or a snobby one, so Serenity instantly liked her. "Yeah, actually, I am." Serenity replied. She had been taking classes at the school mainly to have something to do and partially to take a bunch of cooking courses due to her brother always griping about her meals. "My name is Serenity." The goddess spoke with a bright smile and then gave a small curtsy bow. Serenity was always quick to introduce herself.
Ilaani couldn't help but crack a smile when the girl bowed while introducing herself. She didn't know why she found it amusing really, she guessed she found it odd that someone was being that polite to her, it was a pretty rare occurrence. "That's a pretty nice name." She commented before hopping off of the wall, landing on the ground with very little noise, she was pretty light on her feet. Her maroon eyes studied the girl for another brief moment before she extended her hand for a handshake, it definitely wasn't as cute as a little curtsy but no way on this planet could she see herself doing that so it was the closet polite gesture she could think of in return "I'm Ilaani. Nice to meet you." She continued with a casual smile. This girl seemed pretty nice so it was only fair she'd be nice back to her. "Is this your first year here?" She asked, half out of small talk and half out of being genuinely curious, she hadn't seen the girl around before and thought that someone dressed in that much white would definitely be noticeable in a crowd, even if said crowd was full of peculiar humanoids.
Gail was happy to see Ren. If it was anyone else interrupting her, she would've probably just politely waved them off and kept working, but she would never do that to Ren - he had helped her for no reason whatsoever, even though she could've hurt him, simply of out his own kindness. Instead of running away or telling Ren to leave her to her work, Gail chuckles as she shakes her head in defiance. "Why would I leave the school? I have little better to do, and I like it here. People aren't so afraid of me." However, as Ren asks his line of questioning, Gail stops to think as she contemplates her answer. She wasn't actually sure what she was wanting to do with her time off. "Well", she says after a few seconds of thought, "It's my off period as well. I was going to use it to do a bit more work since I joined the school a little late...but I don't mind! It's nice running into you." She says with an equally cheeky smirk, as she looks around the garden and at the different colours of the flowers. "I honestly don't know what to do now. Is there anything you want to do?"
Ren had looked around a bit, having planned to come here and nap, he didn't have any ideas for anything else to do. He sighed lightly, removing one hand from his pocket and placing it on his arm, rubbing it a little as he looked at Gail, his smirk still remaining, "We're on the same boat here then. I was just gonna nap until my class came along. How about we chat for a moment though? That's always nice, and since we're here... Before we do anything else... Are you going to be free this weekend? If not we can hangout then." He suggested, chuckling nervously, mostly because he felt pretty awkward, as if he just asked her on a date or something. Ren was hoping Gail would say yes, that way he'd feel less odd, even if she was his friend, he could be weird about this sort of thing couldn't he? He was only a teenage boy after all.
Kaz shivered at the mention of eggs as he continued to follow Han towards whatever diner Han was leading him too. "I'm no cannibal no way in hell am I ever getting eggs. Hey aren't you Angels pretty much bird people anyway? Say did you hatch from an egg Han?"
Han blinked, tilting his head a little as he turned to look at Kaz. Bird people? "You've got it all wrong. We only have one birdlike trait, and that's their wings. As for how I was born, I was birthed naturally, same with my sisters." Han explained. "I've never heard any cases of an angel being born from an egg. Just doesn't seem right to me. What the hell are you though if you're born from an egg? I have to admit, I'm quite interested in finding out this information about you now..."
Ren had looked around a bit, having planned to come here and nap, he didn't have any ideas for anything else to do. He sighed lightly, removing one hand from his pocket and placing it on his arm, rubbing it a little as he looked at Gail, his smirk still remaining, "We're on the same boat here then. I was just gonna nap until my class came along. How about we chat for a moment though? That's always nice, and since we're here... Before we do anything else... Are you going to be free this weekend? If not we can hangout then." He suggested, chuckling nervously, mostly because he felt pretty awkward, as if he just asked her on a date or something. Ren was hoping Gail would say yes, that way he'd feel less odd, even if she was his friend, he could be weird about this sort of thing couldn't he? He was only a teenage boy after all.

Gail watches him fidget slightly, and smiles back at him as she subconsciously twiddles with her hair almost in response to his own fidgeting. She nods in response as he tells her of what his plans were before seeing her, understanding completely - well, as best as someone who doesn't sleep can, anyway. As Ren continues on, she was about to think of what to talk about when her train of thought gets completely derailed by his final question. It was clear she wasn't expecting anything of the sort since she spends a second or two to think up something. "Er...", she stammers unsurely, "S-sure! Anything you had in mind? I can't think of anything, although it has been a while since I've done anything like that...apart from the other day with you, of course."

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